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In the light of experience gained with avian influenza (AI) outbreaks in Europe and elsewhere in the world, the European Union (EU) legislation has recently been updated. The strategy to control the introduction and spread of AI relies on rapid disease detection, killing of infected birds, movement restrictions for live birds and their products, cleaning and disinfection and vaccination. Measures are not only to be implemented in case of outbreaks of highly pathogenic AI (HPAI), but are now also directed against occurrence of low pathogenic AI of H5 and H7 (LPAI) subtypes in poultry, albeit in a modified manner proportionate to the risk posed by these pathotypes. Enhanced surveillance in poultry holdings and wild birds, as well as preventive vaccination, has also been introduced. EU Measures are flexible and largely based on risk assessment of the local epidemiological situation. The occurrence of HPAI H5N1 of the Asian lineage in the EU and its unprecedented spread by wild migratory birds necessitated the adoption of additional control measures. Although HPAI H5N1 has affected wild birds and poultry holdings in several EU Member States, EU legislation and its implementation in Member States has so far successfully limited the impact of the disease on animal and human health.  相似文献   

一 临床诊断新特点 1 冬春季节易流行,夏秋季节照样发病,切不可误认为天热时就不得禽流感了。  相似文献   

为控制和扑灭禽流感而努力   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
<正> 禽流感(avian influenza, AI)最早(1878年)报道于意大利,1955年证实其病原为A型流感病毒,以后曾多次引起世界性大流行。在流行停息期间,水禽成为该病毒的携带者。现已在多种禽类中分离到近千株禽流感病毒(AIV),其亚型包括H1—H15和N1—N9,其中以家鸭和野鸭带毒率最高,但  相似文献   

Avian influenza presents both challenges and opportunities to leaders around the world engaged in pandemic influenza preparedness planning. Most resource-poor countries will be unable to stockpile antivirals or have access to eventual human vaccines for pandemic flu. Preparedness plans, directed at controlling avian influenza at the source, enable countries simultaneously to promote national and global health, animal welfare and international development. Improving the veterinary infrastructure and capacity of resource-poor countries is one way to prevent potential pandemic flu deaths in resource-rich countries. In this article, Amanda Martinot, James Thomas, Alejandro Thiermann and Nabarun Dasgupta argue that national health leaders need to consider more comprehensive strategies that incorporate veterinary surveillance and improvements in veterinary infrastructure for the control of avian influenza epizootics as part of national pandemic preparedness planning. This, they argue, will require a shift in attitude, from thinking in terms of preparation for an inevitable pandemic to pre-emption of the potential pandemic through prevention measures in the animal population.  相似文献   

禽流感的流行特点和综合防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禽流感(AI)是由A型流感病毒引起的一种传染性疾病。本病传播迅速且形式多样,病毒亚型多,易变异,致死率高,一旦发生,很难控制。几乎所有家禽在任何年龄段均对流感病毒易感。本病迄今在世界上已流行100多年,每次爆发该病,均对养禽业造成毁灭性打击。近年来,禽流感在世界各国的爆发呈上升趋势,特别是1997年香港爆发的禽流感已经对人类的健康构成了威胁。至此,引起了世界各地的广泛关注。国际兽医局动物流行病组织(OIE)和我国《家畜家禽防疫条例》都将此病列为一类传染病。1禽流感的病毒特性和流行病学特征1.1病毒…  相似文献   

Vaccination against avian influenza (AI) infections caused by viruses of the H5 and H7 subtypes has been used in several occasions in recent years with the general objective of controlling and in some cases eradicating the disease. To contain AI infections effectively, vaccination should only be used as part of a comprehensive control strategy that also includes biosecurity, quarantine, surveillance, education, and elimination of infected and at-risk poultry. Although properly used, potent AI vaccines can prevent disease and death, increase resistance to infection, reduce virus replication and shedding, and reduce viral transmission, they cannot completely prevent AI virus replication. A wide variety of vaccines against AI has been developed and tested in experimental conditions, but only inactivated whole AI virus vaccines and recombinant H5-AI vaccines have been licensed and widely used in various countries. AI vaccination programmes should be adapted to local conditions to guarantee efficacy and sustainability. In particular, vaccination programmes should be modulated in diverse situations according to the virus strain involved, the characteristics of the poultry producing sector, the capacity of the veterinary infrastructure, and the availability of adequate resources. Based on the eco-epidemiological situation in the affected region/area/compartment and the assessment of the risk of AI introduction, different vaccination strategies could be implemented to control AI: (i) routine vaccination performed in endemic areas; (ii) emergency vaccination in the face of an epidemic; and (iii) preventative vaccination carried out whenever a high risk of virus incursion is identified.  相似文献   

日本、韩国、越南和泰国等国家相继发生了高致病性禽流感,不仅给这些国家的养禽业带来巨大经济损失,而且还出现了人感染禽流感死亡的情况,严重地威胁了人类的健康。我国广西、上海、广东等十几个  相似文献   

应重视水禽的禽流感的防制   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
今年初在东南亚一些国家发生高致病性禽流感的流行,在一些国家还发现该病毒感染于人,导致人的死亡,引起了世界卫生组织和各国政府的高度重视。在我国一些省也发现有高致病性禽流感的流行,由于我国政府采取了强有力的扑灭措施,现已宣布该病在这些省已扑灭并得到有效控制,疫情没有扩散,同时我国也没有发现感染于人的病例。这说明对该病只要采取果断有效的防制,完全能在短时间内控制和扑灭,但是我们思想不能麻痹和松懈,要防止该病的反复,为什么?因为多种野禽和水禽都可感染和携带禽流感病毒。它们本身可能不出现临床症状,但可排毒并散播病毒,成为鸡引发禽流感的主要传染源。本着重介绍水禽的禽流感带毒和传播该病的情况以及提出一些防治办法。  相似文献   

李春  邢坤  吴宣  郭莉 《四川畜牧兽医》2010,37(11):29-30,33
禽流感免疫抗体监测结果的准确性、有效性、可靠性和代表性对禽流感防控工作起着十分重要的作用,本文从样品处理、试剂配制、器材选用、温度和时间控制以及结果判定等方面对禽流感免疫抗体监测试验过程中的质量控制作-简要概述。  相似文献   

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