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为解决沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)主根长、毛细根少,育苗生根困难、移栽成活率低的林业技术难题,该研究对不同发育程度沙冬青幼苗进行不同强度断根与不同浓度激素处理(IBA)添加,促根培养后测定并分析不同组合处理对沙冬青幼苗根系形态、根系质量及幼苗生长的影响,以探究沙冬青促根成活关键措施,为沙...  相似文献   

以玉米为材料,采用砂培试验方法,研究了根施甜菜碱对盐胁迫下玉米幼苗根系生长与光合特性的影响。结果表明,根施10mmol·L-1甜菜碱能缓解盐胁迫对玉米幼苗的伤害,促进其生长,使根系伸长并改善其水分状况与细胞质膜透性,增强叶片的光合作用。  相似文献   

The breakdown of the herbicide benzoylprop ethyl [SUFFIX, ethyl N-benzoyl-N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-aminopropionate] has been examined in wheat, oat, and barley seedlings after application of 14C-labeled herbicide to the foliage.Within 15 days of the application the route and rate of the breakdown were similar in the plants of all three species. Some of the herbicide was present in the plants in a complexed form which could be extracted from the plant with organic solvents and converted back into the herbicide on treatment with hot acid. Evidence was obtained for hydrolysis of the herbicide in the plant to give its des-ethyl analog which conjugated with plant sugars. There was some evidence for a small degree of degradation of benzoylprop ethyl by debenzoylation to give products which also conjugated or complexed.There was no evidence for the formation of 3,4-dichloroaniline in the plants.  相似文献   

Intact and viable protoplasts were enzymatically isolated from corn (Zea mays L.) seedling roots and collected for herbicide absorption studies by differential centrifugation and flotation through a Ficoll density gradient. A method was developed for terminating herbicide absorption by rapid centrifugation of protoplasts out of solutions without washing the protoplasts. Within 10 sec, atrazine [2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine] accumulated in protoplasts to a concentration 36% greater than the external concentration; no further absorption occurred through 30 min. However, 2,4-D [2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid] accumulated to twice and 16 times the external concentration at pH 6.5 and 4.5, respectively. Calculations of theoretical 2,4-D concentrations in protoplasts also predicted greater accumulation at pH 4.5 than at pH 6.5. Both atrazine and 2,4-D absorption were consistent with previous measurements of absorption by plant tissues. Thus, corn root protoplasts are feasible experimental material for studying absorption of herbicides at the cellular level.  相似文献   

A stable mixed bacterial culture which degrades the herbicide linuron was isolated from soil by enrichment with linuron in a liquid mineral medium. Radio-respirometry studies showed that the culture mineralised linuron completely. No intermediate degradation products were detected in the medium. The culture was able to utilise linuron as a source of both nitrogen and carbon and was also able to degrade the related herbicides monolinuron and chlorbromuron and the possible intermediate degradation products of linuron: 3,4-dichlorophenyl-l-methylurea, 3,4-dichlorophenylurea and 3,4-dichloroaniline. The culture was unable to degrade the 1,1-dimethyl substituted ureas monuron, diuron or metoxuron. The culture contained Gram-negative aerobic rods, and Gram-positive aerobic non-spore-forming rods and cocco-bacilli. Of 124 isolates from the mixed culture, none degraded linuron in pure culture, indicating that a consortium of organisms is involved. Further investigation suggested that Pseudomonas spp. were important components of the population responsible for degradation.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted to elucidate the mechanism of selectivity of the auxin herbicide, quinmerac, in cleavers (Galium aparine) and the tolerant crops sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris), oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). After root treatment with the herbicide, the selectivity has been quantified as approximately 400-fold between oilseed rape and Galium and 1000-fold between sugarbeet or wheat and the weed species. When 1 and 10 μM [14C]quinmerac were applied for 4 h, no significant differences between root absorption and translocation of 14C by Galium and the crop species were found. After 16 h, metabolism of [14C]quinmerac to the biologically inactive hydroxymethyl and dicarboxylic acid derivatives was more rapid in wheat and sugarbeet than in Galium. In oilseed rape, a lower rate of herbicide metabolism was observed. In Galium, accumulations of abscisic acid (ABA), triggered by quinmerac-stimulated ethylene biosynthesis, were found to cause the herbicidal growth inhibition which develops during 24 h of application. Within 1 h of treatment, quinmerac stimulated 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase activity and ACC concentration specifically in Galium shoot tissue. During the next 4 h, ACC synthase activity was increased up to 50-fold, relative to the control. Within 3 h of exposure to quinmerac, increased ethylene formation followed by higher ABA levels was detected. In sugarbeet, oilseed rape and wheat, quinmerac did not stimulate ACC synthase activity and ACC and ABA levels. It is suggested that (i) the selectivity of quinmerac is primarily based upon the lower sensitivity to the herbicide of the tissue/target in the crop species, (ii) the induction process of the ACC synthase activity in the shoot tissue is the primary target of herbicidal interference. In wheat and sugarbeet, tolerance to quinmerac is additionally increased by a more rapid metabolism. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

The herbicide methabenzthiazuron, and inhibitor of the Hill reaction, was applied to Hordeum seeds at the time of sowing, and the greening process under continuous Fluora light was investigated to the age of 13 days. Chlorophyll and xanthophyll contents were increased by methabenzthiazuron relative to the controls, with degrading ratios of chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b and rising xanthophyll/carotene values. The enhanced ratios of chlorophyll a to lipoquinones, like the absolute values, indicate an inhibition of the lipoquinones. These metabolic alterations are similar to those found in shade-adapted leaves. It is suggested, therefore, that inhibition of the photosynthetic electron transport, like deficiency in light of shade leaves, is compensated by metabolic reactions leading to a greater amount of photosystem II with an enhanced accumulation of the light-trapping chlorophylls and carotenoids.  相似文献   

为探明黄瓜嫁接栽培与木霉菌使用提高黄瓜幼苗抗根腐病的能力及生理调节的差异,利用哈茨木霉菌DQ002和根腐病病原菌孢子悬浮液对黄瓜直根苗根部接种与根腐病病原菌孢子悬浮液对黄瓜嫁接苗进行根部接种处理,测定黄瓜直根苗和黄瓜嫁接苗病害发生率及根系生理变化。结果表明:哈茨木霉菌DQ002通过激发黄瓜直根苗根系中POD、PPO、SOD活性而抑制了H2O2积累和O-2的产生速率,并促进了黄瓜直根苗根系PAL、几丁质酶、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性以及类黄酮含量升高,提高了抗病性;接种根腐病菌,黄瓜嫁接(T2)提高了根系中POD活性、培养前期PPO活性及培养后期SOD的活性,降低了H2O2的积累和O-2产生速率,促进了PAL、几丁质酶及培养后期的β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性,但H2O2的积累和O-2产生速率显著高于哈茨木霉菌DQ002处理的黄瓜直根苗,而PAL、几丁质酶、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性以及类黄酮含量明显低于木霉菌处理的直根苗;T3(先接种病原菌后接种木霉菌)和T4(先接种木霉菌后接种病原菌)处理的黄瓜直根苗根腐病的发病率分别为22.39%和17.87%,病情指数分别为23.03%和14.33%,明显低于CK1(清水处理直根苗)和T1(单独病原菌处理直根苗)处理的发病率(35.82%和57.39%)和病情指数(37.10%和46.97%),以及黄瓜嫁接苗(T2)的发病率(42.90%)和病情指数(40.47%),但哈茨木霉菌使用时间不同则效果有异。黄瓜嫁接和哈茨木霉菌DQ002处理直根苗能提高黄瓜苗对根腐病的抗性,但是二者对黄瓜苗根系生理的调节作用存在差异,可能是导致根腐病发生存在差异的生理原因之一。  相似文献   

Plant defence traits, such as herbicide resistance mutations, may incur a fitness cost to plants that become evident when the trait is not needed. However, individuals with multiple herbicide resistance traits may decrease fitness beyond that of plants with a single herbicide resistance mutation. Multiple herbicide‐resistant (MHR) Amaranthus tuberculatus populations are becoming more prevalent in Midwest United States agroecosystems. The objective was to determine whether selected MHR A. tuberculatus populations express differential development when grown in a herbicide‐free environment. The hypothesis was that MHR A. tuberculatus populations become increasingly less fit when additional herbicide resistances evolve. Multiple herbicide‐resistant and herbicide‐susceptible A. tuberculatus populations were grown in a herbicide‐free field for 20 weeks for two seasons. Differences (< 0.001) in apical growth were detected 5 and 7 weeks after transplanting for all populations in 2016 and 2017 respectively. Gender and population influenced (< 0.001) flowering date, with males flowering up to 1.5 weeks earlier than females, but did not cause pollination asynchrony. Shoot biomass was not different (= 0.84) across A. tuberculatus populations, but there were differences (< 0.001) for gender and year. Seed production was different amongst A. tuberculatus populations (= 0.001), but was not influenced by the number of MHR traits. Conversely, a negative quadratic relationship between seed mass and the number of MHR traits was observed (r2 = 0.32; < 0.001). The experiment results demonstrate that MHR in A. tuberculatus populations is not incurring a fitness penalty that will remove the populations in the immediate future.  相似文献   

The evolution of resistance to herbicides in weeds has become a great challenge for global agricultural production. Weeds have evolved resistance to herbicides through many different physiological mechanisms. Some weed species are known to secrete herbicide molecules from roots into the rhizosphere upon being treated. However, root exudation of herbicides as a mechanism of resistance has only recently been identified in two weed species. Root exudation pathways have been investigated in Arabidopsis, and this work suggested that ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) and multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) transporters play a role in the secretion of primary and secondary plant products from roots. We hypothesize that the mechanisms involved in root exudation of herbicides that result in resistance are mediated by overactive or overexpressed transporters, probably similar to those found for the exudation of primary and secondary compounds from roots. Elucidating the molecular and physiological basis of root exudation in herbicide‐resistant weeds would improve our understanding of the pathways involved in herbicide root secretion mediated by transporters in plants. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

育苗洋葱移栽前用乙烯利120mg/kg或赤霉素10mg/kg、保多收10mg/kg、NEB1000mg/kg、0.4%复合磷酸二氢钾溶液浸根30min,可提高幼苗的抗逆性,提高成活率,增产11.26%~22.66%,增产效果显著。  相似文献   

Chemical and biological agents were evaluated for their ability to suppress root rot, caused by Phytophthora cactorum , in field-grown radiata pine seedlings in New Zealand. Trials were conducted over two seasons in an area of a forest nursery with a natural infestation of P. cactorum , and a history of root rot. In each season, symptoms of root rot developed during April, one month after root pruning, when seedlings were approximately six months old. In trial one, root rot incidence by mid July 2007 was 9·1% in untreated plots and 8·4% in plots that had been treated with metalaxyl-M/mancozeb (14 kg ha−1) at seedling emergence. Disease incidence was lowest (2·1%) in plots that received seven monthly applications of phosphorous acid (6·5 L ha−1). Other treatments, including seed coating with thiram or Trichoderma spp., and foliar applications of methyl jasmonate, did not control disease. In trial two, effects of treatment timing relative to root pruning were investigated. By late June 2008, three months after root pruning, root rot incidence was 22·2% in the untreated plots. Phosphorous acid was the most effective treatment and almost completely suppressed disease (0·1% incidence) when applied fortnightly from February until May (seven applications). Metalaxyl-M/mancozeb (15 kg ha−1) was not effective (21·4% incidence) when applied five months before root pruning. However, disease incidence was reduced when the chemical was applied one week after root pruning (14·9% incidence) and greater control was achieved (8·2% incidence) when the application rate was increased to 50 kg ha−1.  相似文献   

Plots of lettuce were grown in the field in soil treated with the herbicides propyzamide and chlorpropham, either separately, or as a mixture, or with one of the fungicides iprodione, vinclozolin or benomyl. Four harvests were made and at each, the mean fresh weight per lettuce treated with the mixture propyzamide plus chlorpropham, or with iprodione, was greater than that of the control. Propyzamide, chlorpropham or benomyl reduced lettuce fresh weight compared with the untreated controls, but vinclozolin had no effect. The concentration of total carotene in the lettuce was increased by treatment with propyzamide, chlorpropham, propyzamide plus chlorpropham, or iprodione. Treatment with vinclozolin or benomyl had no effect.  相似文献   

Size, germination and viability of seeds as well as growth of seedlings derived from three weed species were studied in a pot trial. Fallopin convolvulus (L.) A. Loeve, Galium. spurium L. and Thlaspi arvense L. were treated with MCPA or tribenuron-methyl at four doses and at five growth stages, from seedling stage to flowering, In G. spurium subnormal doses of tribenuron-methyl, applied at intermediate growth stages, greatly reduced seed weight, gennination, viability, seedling shoot biomass and root biomass. Germination and viability, as well as the shoot biomass and root biomass of seedlings, were highly correlated with seed weight. In addition, but to a smaller extent, seed weight was reduced in F. convolvidus and T. arvense by tribenuron-methyl and in G. spurium by MCPA. Germination was reduced in F. convolvulus by MCPA and in T. arvense by tribenuron-methyl. However, the effects varied greatly depending on the growth stage at application.  相似文献   

Effects of the herbicide EL-107 (N-[3-(1-ethyl-1-methylpropyl)-5-isoxazolyl]-2,6-dimethoxy-benzamide) on the growth of dicotyledonous plants are described. The herbicide did not inhibit germination but reduced the growth of rape (Brassica napus L.) by half at 0.0057 mg l?1. The most characteristic symptom induced was a swelling of the apical regions, and histological observations of root tips of Polygonum persicaria and rape revealed a progressve disappearance of the meristematic zone, which was replaced by enlarged cells almost devoid of cytoplasm. Growth of cells of Acer pseudoplatanus L. and soybean (Glycine max L.) cultured in suspension was also inhibited by EL-107, which induced a characteristic change in the cell morphology to an enlarged, rounded shape. EL-107 apparently did not block cell division; at a high concentration it produced some inhibition of protein synthesis, but in Acer cells only. In both types of cell cultures it inhibited, to some extent, the incorporation of glucose into cell wall material.  相似文献   

Corn, cotton, and sorghum plants were injured by high rates of 5328 (cis-2,5-dimeihyl-1-pyrrolidinecarboxanilide) when it was applied to the soil surface al planting time. The injury was severe al 35·84 kg/ha (eight times recommended dosage) and in corn resulted in complete inhibition of adventitious root development and reduced shoot and primary and secondary root growth. Treatment of the seeds with 0·5% Protect (1,8-naphthalic anhydride) prior to planting dramatically decreased the injurious effect of 5328 on corn, sorghum, and cotton. Using 14C-5328 in corn, it was shown that Protect did not alter herbicide uptake. However, the rate of conversion of the herbicide molecule in corn tissue lo water soluble, nonherbicidal metabolites was markedly enhanced in plants grown from Protect-treated seeds.  相似文献   

Atrazine, simazine, diuron, and linuron applied to soil increased the percentage moisture of oat (Avena sativa L.) shoots in bioassays at the lowest dose tested of 0·25 ppm. Further increases occurred up to 2 ppm but at higher concentrations the percentage moisture decreased. At all doses of each herbicide, shoot dry weight was decreased. In oats grown on soil collected from a peach orchard which had received repeated annual applications of these herbicides, the percentage moisture of the oat shoots was higher than the control value whenever the oat dry weight was decreased and provided a method of residue detection as sensitive as dry weight measurements. Treatment of oats by soil application of the above herbicides in bioassays also caused increases in the electrical conductivity of an aqueous extract of the oat shoots per mg of dry weight and this characteristic was slightly more sensitive than dry weight in detecting herbicides in orchard soil. The conductivity of the extract per mg of water in the shoots, however, only increased as percentage moisture decreased. The weight of neutral water-soluble material in oat shoots decreased much more rapidly than dry weight in bioassays with standard herbicide concentrations. Determination of the weight of neutral water-soluble material in oat plants grown on orchard soil samples indicated the presence of herbicide residues in 50% of the cases in which residues were not detectable by dry weight. The weight of neutral material as a percentage of dry weight was almost as sensitive. Chemical analysis of soil in which oat plants had a decreased level of neutral water-soluble compounds indicated that this characteristic had a lower limit of detection for herbicide residues of approximately 0.10 ppm.  相似文献   

Rates of linuron breakdown were measured in soil held at the water-holding capacity (WHC), ½ WHC and WHC and at two temperatures, 4°C or 22°C. Breakdown rates were greater at the higher temperature and increased with water content. The energy of activation for the degradation was calculated. Comparison with published figures leads to the speculation that the initial step in degradation by microorganisms is different from that in chemical processes. Effet de la température et de la teneur en eau sur le taux de decomposition du linuron dans le sol Les taux de dégradation du linuron ont été mesurés dans un sol maintenu à sa capacité de rétention, à la moitié et au quart de cette capacité, ainsi quà deux températures 4°C ou 22°C. Les taux de dégradation furent plus grands à la tem-pérature la plus haute et augmentérent avec la teneur en eau. L'energie d'activation pour la dégradation a été calculée. La comparaison avec des chiffres publiés conduit à penser que la première étape de la dégradation par des microorganismes est differente de celle qui intervient dans le processus chimique. Abbau von Linuron im Boden in Abhangigkeit von Temperatur mid Wassergehalt Der Abbau von Linuron im Boden wurde bei 100%, 50% und 25% Wasserkapazitat und bei zwei Termperaturstufen (4°C und 22°C) untersucht. Die Abbauraten nahmen mit steigender Temperatur und steigendem Wassergehalt des Bodens zu. Die fur den Abbau erforderliche Aktivierungs-energie wurde errechnet. Ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit Literaturangaben fuhrt zu der Vermutung, daβ der erste durch Mikrooganismen verursachte Abbauschritt verschieden ist von dem bei rein chemischem Vorgang.  相似文献   

不同干旱方式和干旱程度对玉米苗期根系生长的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
以玉米杂交种高油115为材料,研究了直接干旱和渐进干旱两种方式(各设水分充足、轻度干旱和严重干旱3种处理)对管栽玉米苗期根系发育的影响.结果表明,采用渐进干旱方式,根系在轻度干旱时生长最好,严重干旱时最差;而采用直接干旱方武,根系在水分充足时生长最好,轻度干旱次之,严重干旱时最差.在水分充足条件下,细根(直径0.05~0.25 mm)的根长和根表面积及其占总根系的比例高于中等根(直径0.25~0.45 mm)和粗根(直径>0.45 mm),直接干旱表现出降低细根比例、增加中等根和租根比例的趋势,说明细根受干旱的影响较中等根和粗根更大.这可能是玉米幼苗根系生长对干旱的一种适应性反映.  相似文献   

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