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In 1994 two planting systems of maize—rotary hoe-sowing (RS) and plough (2 diskings) sowing (PDS)—were compared in the field with respect to their influence on the root growth of maize and on selected physical properties. Roots were sampled at the five-leaf stage (S:5) and the milk stage of the maize seeds (S:MS).
Generally, in the PDS planting system the roots were richer compared to the RS. At the S:5 stage the correlation coefficient between the physical properties and the toot system was considerably higher, while at the S:MS stage the corresponding correlation coefficient was much lower.
In the RS planting system, at 15 cm and 30 cm distances from the sowing rows, far fewer roots were observed than in the PDS one.  相似文献   

Improved short‐ or long‐term fallows are considered suitable low external input technologies for maintaining productivity and sustainability of tropical smallholder upland cropping units, although comparisons on the benefits of this technology are not widely reported. A field study evaluated the impact of improved short (6 months) and long‐term fallow (18 months) using Crotalaria juncea and Tithonia diversifolia, in relation to a natural fallow of the same durations, on the productivity of maize (Zea mays), the most important upland cereal in tropical Asia, over a minor season. The use of improved fallows, especially Tithonia, increased maize yields over the Crotalaria or natural fallow. While the overall yields of maize after a long fallow were greater, the beneficial impact of the green manures was significantly higher in the short fallows. The causal factors for this trend, including biomass production of the improved fallows and possible impact on soils, along with the greater benefits of short‐term fallows for increasing maize yields in the tropics due to lower requirements of unproductive time are presented.  相似文献   

The development of an extensive root system enables plants to overcome water stress. However, there is little information on the response of food legumes to soil moisture, especially during early growth, which determines crop establishment. Thus, an experiment was conducted under controlled conditions to identify the effect of soil moisture and fertilizer potassium on root and shoot growth of french beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings. The seedlings were grown in a sand medium under a high and low soil moisture regime and with 0.1, 0.8 or 3.0 mM potassium.
Root lengths, dry weights and numbers of root hairs were greater under low soil moisture conditions. Potassium increased root growth irrespective of soil moisture regimes. The impact of potassium on root length was more pronounced under a high soil moisture regime. In contrast, potassium increased root dry weights and root hairs to a greater extent when plants were grown under dry conditions. The lack of adequate soil moisture increased specific leaf weights, and this phenomenon was reduced by the application of potassium. Shoot:root ratios also showed a similar phenomenon. The development of an extensive root system by french bean seedlings under dry conditions to extract a greater quantity of available soil moisture fur establishment and plant growth and the ability of potassium to promote this phenomenon is presented in this study.  相似文献   

The effect of the seeding rate of Crotalaria spectabilis grown as green manure on the growth and nitrogen uptake of the succeeding wheat crop was examined in a pot experiment. No significant differences in the dry weight (g m?2) or nitrogen content (mg m?2) of C. spectabilis among three seeding rates [low density (LD), 1 g m?2; medium density (MD), 5 g m?2 and high density (HD), 10 g m?2] were found at 110 days after seeding. There was no significant difference in the total carbon and nitrogen contents of the incorporated material between LD plants and MD plants, values for which were both slightly higher than those for the HD plants. The C/N ratio was 20–21 in all groups of plants. Material was incorporated at a rate of 100 g fresh weight per pot filled with virgin soil. This incorporation significantly increased wheat dry weight and nitrogen uptake. However, values for HD plant incorporation were significantly lower than those for LD and MD plant incorporation at 80 and 120 days after seeding. A reduction of the dry weight and total root length of wheat grown with aqueous extracts of HD plants was found in a growth pouch experiment.  相似文献   

苗期水分胁迫对玉米根系生长杂种优势的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以玉米杂交种高油115及其亲本(母本220、父本1145) 为材料, 研究了玉米苗期根系生长的杂种优势及水分胁迫的影响。试验设水分充足、轻度干旱和严重干旱3个处理, 田间持水量分别为75%、55%和35%。结果表明, 在水分充足条件下, 根长(RL)、根表面积(SA)和根干重(RDW)均表现出不同程度的中亲优势和超亲优势, 轻度干旱显著降低了各指标的杂种优势, 而严重干旱则完全抑制了根系生长的杂种优势。根系各性状中, RL的杂种优势最强。在水分充足条件下, 与中等根(根直径0.25~0.45 mm)和粗根(根直径>0.45 mm)相比, 细根(根直径0.05~0.20 mm)的RL、SA及其占总根系比例的杂种优势最高。轻度干旱胁迫虽然降低了根系的杂种优势, 但RL、SA仍表现出显著的超亲优势和中亲优势(粗根的超亲优势除外)。此外, 只有细根RL和SA占总根系的比例在轻度干旱胁迫下具有显著的中亲优势, 说明杂交种可以通过生成较亲本更高比例的细根来抵抗轻度干旱胁迫。  相似文献   

Leaf extracts and mulch from 14 multipurpose trees were used to test their effects on maize germination, growth and yield. Maize germination was significantly reduced by leaf extracts of all species with increasing extract concentration. The most drastic reductions were caused by Gliricidia sepium , Tetrapleura tetraptera , Lonchocarpus sireceus , Senna siamea and Leucaena leucocephala . Terminalia superba , Tetrapleura tetraptera , Pithecelobium dulce , Gliricidia sepium and Senna siamea significantly reduced maize root growth at the lowest extract concentration, while shoot length was most significantly reduced by Gliricidia sepium , Leucaena leucocephala , Alchornea coordifolia , Pithecelobium dulce , Terminalia superba , and Tetrapleura tetraptera at all concentrations. Growth of maize in pots and yield in the field were controlled by nitrogen supply and uptake. Fast-decomposing leaf material rich in nitrogen promoted growth and yield of maize. Thus Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium , both nitrogen-fixing legumes with high nitrogen contents and fast-decomposing leaf materials, significantly increased maize growth and yield. This suggests that the negative effects of leaf extracts observed in the laboratory are ecologically irrelevant in the field.  相似文献   

A factorial experiment with 3 nitrogen (N) levels and 4 application rates of the triazole type plant growth regulator (PGR), BAS 111 W = l-phenoxy-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-4-hydroxy-5,5-dimethylhexane, was conducted in hydroponics to study the influence on N uptake and morphological changes of oilseed rape. The following results were obtained:
–Increased N level of the nutrient solution increased plant height and root and shoot weight. Enhanced N uptake caused a higher N concentration of root and shoot.
–Increasing PGR application rates reduced plant height and shoot biomass production; this reaction was stronger at higher doses of N.
–Root weight, root length, root diameter and root surface area were increased by N application. None of these parameters was significantly altered by the PGR. This resulted in increased root-shoot-ratios at higher PGR rates.
–As a consequence of reduced shoot production PGR application resulted in increased concentrations of N. The root reacted similarly but to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) seeds were examined to determine the influence of exposure to ascending and descending imbibition temperature regimes on plumule and radicle axes behaviour of seed after treatment. Treatments included soaking in distilled water, 4.5 % NaCl or 4.5 % KCl for 3 days at three ascending or descending temperatures ranging from 11 to 21 °C. Root growth was enhanced by descending temperatures (21, 16 and 11 °C) over the 3‐day period, whereas ascending temperatures (11, 16 and 21 °C) increased growth differences between shoots and roots. Shoot–root growth was affected by imbibition temperature to a greater extent than germination. However, seed soaking treatments in NaCl or KCl did not improve root or shoot growth, but did improve germination rates.  相似文献   

干旱对夏玉米根冠生长的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用大型活动式防雨旱棚,人工严格控制不同的土壤含水量,全生育期系统研究了夏玉米根冠生长对水分的响应,结果表明:干旱并不影响夏玉米根系、冠层干物质累积、株高增加、茎(基)粗增大等过程的总趋势。但随胁迫的增强,根、冠干物质累积速率、干物质累积总量降低,根条数变少、株高降低、茎(基)粗变细,但它们并不呈线性相关关系;水分供应量的减少延长了夏玉米的生育周期,随胁迫的增强,根系生物量最大值、最大根条数、冠层最大株高出现的时间延后;根冠比(R/S)随土壤水分的改变而改变;不同水分处理的夏玉米,R/S值影响最小的时期是开花—灌浆盛期,最大的时期是在拔节—抽雄,此阶段充分供水处理H的R/S是严重水分胁迫处理L的125.77%。充分供水的处理则有最大的根冠比 ( R/S=0.173)。在干旱条件下,协调夏玉米根冠平衡,最大程度发挥根系和地上部叶片的功能,才有利于提高产量。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of root hypoxia (1–2 % oxygen) on physiology and on some fructification parameters of tomato plants ( Solanum lycopersicum cv. H63-5), a range of physiological and agronomic measurements were performed on plants submitted to gradual root hypoxia at the second leaf stage. Stomatal conductance (gs), total chlorophyll content, leaf area (LA) and leaf mass per area (LMA) were quantified at 14 days of treatment in the first leaf appeared before (L1) and after (L3) root hypoxia application. The results obtained showed that 7 days of treatment has slight effects on plant weight growth. However, 14 days of treatment caused decreased root dry weight (DW) with a concomitant increase in shoot DW. Root hypoxia significantly decreased gs and chlorophyll content of L3, but no effects were noted for L1. LA was significantly reduced for L1 and L3, contrary to LMA which was significantly increased. At the reproductive stage, root hypoxia resulted in a decrease in flower and fruit production, accelerated the entrance in the fruit expansion phase, but did not affect the rate of fruit growth, nor the final fruit size.  相似文献   

玉瑞英  董树亭 《种子》1997,(4):20-22
应用适宜浓度的PP_(333)和CGR_(811)浸种后,对平展型玉米品种丹玉13号和紧凑型品种掖单4号的影响有所不同:两种延缓剂均显著抑制丹玉13号的发芽出苗,对幼苗地上部和根系的生长发育先抑后促;而两者均促进掖单4号的发芽,地上部的前期发育与播后12天之后的生长,以及次生根的发生。并且,平展型品种丹玉13号比紧凑型品种掖单4号反应敏感性高。  相似文献   

Extensive branching patterns of roots and the maintenance of adequate water within shoots enables plants to overcome water stress. However, information on the relationship between fertilizer potassium, root branching patterns and shoot water potentials of food legumes grown under different soil moisture regimes is scarce. Thus, an experiment was conducted in a phytotron to ascertain the effect of fertilizer potassium on root branching patterns and shoot water potentials of a popular tropical food legumes (Frenchbeans Phaseolus vulgaris L). The plants were grown in a sand medium with 0.1, 0.8 or 3.0 mM of potassium under a suboptimal and optima) soil moisture regime.
Root lengths and dry weights were enhanced by potassium, especially under a suboptimal soil moisture regime. The branching patterns changed due to potassium, where the numbers of second and third order roots increased under both soil moisture regimes, although the impact was greater in plants grown with low soil moisture. Plant water contents measured in terms of shoot water potential, relative water contents, rurgid weight: dry weight ratio and water uptake capacity were also increased by potassium. A positive relationship was observed between root branching patterns and water potentials with increasing potassium levels especially in plants grown under suboptimal soil moisture conditions. Shoot growth and nodulation was also promoted by potassium. The ability of plants to develop a more extensive branching pattern of roots by inducing a greater number of second and third order roots and changing the root branching habit from a herringbone to a dichotomous type to maintain a greater shoot water potential especially under low soil moisture regimes is presented.  相似文献   

Functional Crop and Cob Growth Models of Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Various mathematical models were fitted to describe total dry matter production (DMP) and cob weight in two maize cultivars viz., Deccan hybrid and Deccan 101 . The data on periodical crop growth from an agronomic trial conducted at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, were used to predict crop and cob growth empirically. In cv. Deccan hybrid , Gompertz followed by Richards models predicted DMP by 99 % nearer to the actual values. Whereas in cv. Deccan 101 , Richards-cum-logistic for vegetative-cum-reproductive stage simulated DMP with R2 of 92 to 99 %. Further, cob growth was estimated realistically with high R2 of 97 to 98 % using empirical models of logistic followed by Richards in cv. Deccan 101 and Richards followed by Gompertz in cv. Deccan hybrid . Comparing the empirical models in describing DMP and cob growth, the models showing higher predictions in DMP also estimated cob growth meaningfully in both the cultivars, indicating similarity in growth functions.  相似文献   

以三叶期玉米幼苗为材料,根据NAC转录因子特有的保守结构设计特异引物,利用RT-PCR技术获得一个玉米NAC转录因子的基因片段,并对该片段进行了测序和生物信息学分析。测序分析结果表明,克隆得到的NAC转录因子基因片段为230 bp,聚类分析结果表明其属于NAC家族的NAM亚类。该片段的获得为克隆玉米NAC转录因子基因全长,进而为玉米抗逆育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Inter-row cultivation of a weed-free maize crop may affect yield. This study was done to establish whether inter-row cultivation damages crop roots in maize ( Zea mays L.) and to assess the effect of root pruning on growth and yield. In 1986 and 1987 inter-row cultivation and root cutting treatments were applied to field-grown maize crops in three experiments. Growth analysis revealed that the crop responded differently to the treatments in each trial. Measuring xylem exudate shortly after application of the treatments as an estimator of root damage proved useful in explaining crop responses. In one experiment no root damage occurred and crop growth was not affected. When root damage did occur (in the other two experiments), dry matter yield 3 weeks after treatments was found to be related to xylem exudate yield shortly after the treatments. A reduction of xylem exudate of 1 g/h per plant was associated with a reduction of 360 to 700 kg/ha in whole plant dry matter. In one of these experiments the effect of root damage in whole plant dry matter yield remained until final harvest; in the other experiment all treatments had similar yields at final harvest.  相似文献   

The important enzyme in nitrogen (N) assimilation, nitrate reductase (NR), is an inducible enzyme influenced by many external (light, temperature, etc.) and internal (genotype) factors. The efficiency of the N assimilation system may vary with genotype and season. In the present study, the effects of season on NR activity in relation to N accumulation in maize plants were investigated. Six different cultivars of maize, namely Ganga-11, Deccan-103, Hi-starch (hybrids), Arun, Manjari and Vijay (composites), were sown during the monsoon (88-day crop duration) and in winter (150-day crop duration). In vivo NR activity in the last fully expanded leaf (LFEL), and the N contents of the whole plant and the LFEL were estimated at seven phenological growth stages. Three different states of N metabolism in maize, namely (i) low NR activity per unit leaf area per unit time coinciding with high accumulation of N, (ii) high NR activity coinciding with low N accumulation, and (iii) low NR activity coinciding with low N accumulation, were noted. These results clearly demonstrate that the relationships between N uptake and accumulation parameters change with the season and crop growth stage and are subject to a genotypic influence. Thus it is necessary to evaluate genotypes under similar environments to select a genotype with high N use efficiency. As these relationships are growth dependent, care must be taken to evaluate them at a particular phenological stage rather than on the basis of days after sowing.  相似文献   

The nature and extent of hybrid vigour and inbreeding depression were estimated from a diallel set of rice varieties. The seven parents and their 21 F1s and 21 F2s were grown in pots with four replications. Data were collected on four root and two shoot characters.
Maximum heterosis was recorded for root weight followed by roots/plant and root length. The inbreeding depression did not significantly affect the dry root weight in majority of the crosses. Heterosis for shoot weight was found to be associated with the heterosis for roots/plant and root weight.  相似文献   

机械收获条件下行距配置对玉米生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
秦国成 《中国农学通报》2011,27(18):200-203
为了确定适应于北京地区机械化生产的行距配置,于2007年和2008年在北京平谷进行了2年田间试验,在机械化收获条件下比较了不同行距配置对玉米个体、群体发育以及产量性状的影响。研究结果表明,在60~70 cm行距范围内,无论采用等行距播种还是宽窄行播种,对作物的株高、穗位高、叶面积指数等生长指标均无显著性影响,各个行距配置下玉米产量基本接近。因此,在机械化生产条件下,可以根据农机具设计和生产需要在一定程度上统一收获机械的规格,从而降低生产成本、并促进跨区域作业。  相似文献   

缺苗断垄对机播夏玉米产量及产量构成因素的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨缺苗断垄对机械化播种夏玉米的影响,在大田状态下设置2个品种不同缺苗断垄程度进行试验,并对缺苗级别、断垄级别、籽粒产量及其产量构成因素进行统计分析。结果表明,缺苗断垄引起产量降低的主要原因是株数和穗数减少,随着缺苗断垄级别的增加,株数穗数逐渐减少,产量逐渐降低。产量降低幅度小于缺苗断垄级别的增加幅度,在缺苗断垄率为10.00%~40.00%的情况下,产量降低幅度为3.60%~28.51%;在缺苗断垄率相同的情况下,鲁单981比郑单958的减产幅度大些。  相似文献   

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