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As part of the diversity screen of the HEALTHGRAIN project, the total folate contents of bread wheat (130 winter and 20 spring wheat genotypes), durum wheat (10 genotypes), earlier cultivated diploid einkorn and tetraploid emmer wheat (5 genotypes of each), and spelt (5 genotypes), grown in the same location in a controlled manner, were determined by a microbiological assay. The total folate contents ranged from 364 to 774 ng/g of dm in winter wheat and from 323 to 741 ng/g of dm in spring wheat, thus showing a marked variation. The highest mean for total folate content was measured in the durum wheat genotypes, whereas the earlier cultivated diploid and tetraploid wheat genotypes and spelt were shown to possess comparable or even higher folate contents than bread wheat. HPLC analysis of selected genotypes showed that 5-formyltetrahydrofolate was the major vitamer. The data provide a basis for breeding wheat genotypes with improved folate content.  相似文献   

Tocopherol and tocotrienol compositions were studied in 175 genotypes of different wheat types grown under similar conditions to screen for natural diversity. The main focus was on bread wheats, including 130 and 20 winter and spring types, respectively. The average total content of tocopherols and tocotrienols was 49.4 microg/g of dm, with a range of 27.6-79.7 microg/g of dm, indicating a 2.9-fold variation among genotypes. Beta-tocotrienol and alpha-tocopherol were the major vitamers, and in general there were more tocotrienols than tocopherols. In the early cultivated forms of wheat the proportion of tocotrienols was especially high, at >or=62.5%. In conclusion, there was a large variation in total tocopherol and tocotrienol contents in bread wheats and this, along with the high proportions of tocotrienols in other types of wheat, demonstrates the great genetic potential of genotypes to be exploited by plant breeders.  相似文献   

The contents of alkylresorcinols (AR) were analyzed in 131 winter wheats, 20 spring wheats, 10 durum wheats, 5 spelt wheats, and 10 early cultivated forms of wheat (5 diploid einkorn and 5 tetraploid emmer), which are part of the HEALTHGRAIN diversity screen. AR were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC), which provides both total contents and relative homologue compositions, as well as with a Fast Blue colorimetric method that provides only total contents but which is fast and easily screens a large number of samples. There was considerable variation in the total AR content analyzed with GC: winter wheat (220-652 microg/g of dm), spring wheat (254-537 microg/g of dm), durum wheat (194-531 microg/g of dm), spelt (490-741 microg/g of dm), einkorn (545-654 microg/g of dm), and emmer wheat (531-714 microg/g of dm). The relative AR homologue composition was different for different types of wheat, with a C17:0 to C21:0 ratio of 0.1 for winter, spring, and spelt wheats, 0.04 for einkorn and emmer wheat, and 0.01 for durum wheat. The total AR content analyzed with the Fast Blue method was lower than that analyzed with GC but there was a good correlation between the two methods (R(2) = 0.76).  相似文献   

The amounts and compositions of free, conjugated, bound, and total phenolic acids were determined in 175 samples of wheat flour grown on a single site in 2005. The highest contents of total phenolic acids were found in flours of winter wheat (1171 microg/g) with average levels of 658 microg/g total phenolics across all of the wheat genotypes. Winter wheats showed a range of >3.5-fold across the concentration range for total phenolic acids. Spelt genotypes displayed the narrowest (1.9-fold) range of total phenolic acid concentration. The concentrations of phenolic acids in the different phenolic acid fractions were in the order bound > conjugated > free, with bound phenolic acids making up around 77% of the total phenolic acid concentration and free phenolic acids constituting between 0.5 and 1%. The results indicate that there is genetic diversity in phenolic acid content and that it should be possible to selectively breed for lines with high contents of phenolic components.  相似文献   

The HEALTHGRAIN program is focused on developing new healthy food products based on wholegrains of wheat and other cereals, by combining enhanced nutritional quality with good agronomic performance and processing quality. A sample set comprising 130 winter and 20 spring wheat varieties was therefore selected to identify the range of variation in a number of phytochemical and dietary fiber components. These lines were also analyzed for their technological properties (protein and gluten contents, Zeleny sedimentation, bran yield, kernel hardness, etc.), using samples grown on adjacent sites for two successive seasons (2004-2005, 2005-2006). On the basis of the frequency distribution and principal component analysis it was concluded that significant variation for technological quality traits is present in the 150 wheat lines and that it is possible to combine enhanced nutritional quality with good agronomic performance and processing properties.  相似文献   

The levels and compositions of a range of phytochemicals (sterols, tocols, avenanthramides, folates, phenolic acids) and dietary fiber components were determined in five oat cultivars (four husked and one naked) grown on a single site in 2005. The total levels of tocols, phenolic acids, and avenanthramides varied by over 2-fold between cultivars, but less variation occurred in total sterols and total folates. Limited variation was also observed in the dietary fiber content and composition of the four husked lines. These results indicate that it may be possible to selectively breed for lines with high contents of dietary fiber and specific groups of phytochemicals.  相似文献   

Ten different barley varieties grown in one location were studied for their content of tocols, folate, plant sterols, alkylresorcinols, and phenolic acids, as well as dietary fiber components (arabinoxylan and beta-glucan). The samples included hulled and hull-less barley types and types with normal, high-amylose, and waxy starch. The aim was to study the composition of raw materials, and therefore the hulls were not removed from the hulled barleys. A large variation was observed in the contents of all phytochemicals and dietary fibers. Two varieties from the INRA Clermont Ferrand barley program in France (CFL93-149 and CFL98-398) had high content of tocopherols and alkylresorcinols, whereas the variety Dicktoo was highest in dietary fiber content and phenolics. Positive correlations were found between 1000 kernel weight, alkylresorcinols, and tocols, as well as between dietary fiber content and phenolic compounds. The results demonstrate that the levels of phytochemicals in barley can likely be affected by breeding and that the contents of single phytochemicals may easily be adjusted by a right selection of a genotype.  相似文献   

Ten rye varieties grown in one location were analyzed for their contents of dietary fiber (arabinoxylan and beta-glucan) and phytochemicals (folate, tocols, phenolic acids, alkylresorcinols, and sterols). The varieties included old and modern varieties from five European countries. Significant differences were observed in the contents of all phytochemicals in whole grains and in the fiber contents in the flour and bran. The old French varieties Haute Loire and Queyras had high contents of most phytochemicals, whereas the Polish varieties Dankowskie-Zlote and Warko were relatively poor in phytochemicals. The varieties with a high content of folate tended to have low alkylresorcinol contents and vice versa. Furthermore, high contents of arabinoxylans were associated with high contents in tocols and sterols. The 10 selected rye samples comprising old populations and old and modern varieties from different ecological regions of Europe demonstrate high natural variation in their composition and show that landraces and old populations are useful genetic resources for plant breeding. The contents of single phytochemicals can likely be affected by breeding, and they may be adjusted by the right selection of genotype.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty bread wheat lines and 50 other lines of small-grain cereals (spelt, durum wheat, Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccum, oats, rye, and barley) were selected for diversity in their geographical origin, age, and characteristics. They were grown on a single site in Hungary in 2004-2005, harvested, milled, and analyzed for a range of phytochemicals (tocols, sterols, phenolic acids, folates, alkylresorcinols) and fiber components that are considered to have health benefits. Detailed analyses of these components in the different species are reported in a series of accompanying papers. The present paper discusses the comparative levels of the bioactive components in the different species, showing differences in both ranges and mean amounts. Furthermore, detailed comparisons of the bread wheat lines show that it is possible to identify lines in which high levels of phytochemicals and dietary fiber components are combined with good yield and processing quality. This means that commercially competitive lines with high levels of bioactive components are a realistic goal for plant breeders.  相似文献   

Within the HEALTHGRAIN diversity screening program, the variation in the content of dietary fiber and components thereof in different types of wheat was studied. The wheat types were winter (131 varieties) and spring (20 varieties) wheats (both Triticum aestivum L., also referred to as common wheats), durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf., 10 varieties), spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L., 5 varieties), einkorn wheat (T. monococcum L., 5 varieties), and emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum Schubler, 5 varieties). Common wheats contained, on average, the highest level of dietary fiber [11.5-18.3% of dry matter (dm)], whereas einkorn and emmer wheats contained the lowest level (7.2-12.8% of dm). Intermediate levels were measured in durum and spelt wheats (10.7-15.5% of dm). Also, on the basis of the arabinoxylan levels in bran, the different wheat types could be divided this way, with ranges of 12.7-22.1% of dm for common wheats, 6.1-14.4% of dm for einkorn and emmer wheats, and 10.9-13.9% of dm for durum and spelt wheats. On average, bran arabinoxylan made up ca. 29% of the total dietary fiber content of wheat. In contrast to what was the case for bran, the arabinoxylan levels in flour were comparable between the different types of wheat. For wheat, in general, they varied between 1.35 and 2.75% of dm. Einkorn, emmer, and durum wheats contained about half the level of mixed-linkage beta-glucan (0.25-0.45% of dm) present in winter, spring, and spelt wheats (0.50-0.95% of dm). All wheat types had Klason lignin, the levels of which varied from 1.40 to 3.25% of dm. The arabinoxylan contents in bran and the dietary fiber contents in wholemeal were inversely and positively related with bran yield, respectively. Aqueous wholemeal extract viscosity, a measure for the level of soluble dietary fiber, was determined to large extent by the level of water-extractable arabinoxylan. In conclusion, the present study revealed substantial variation in the contents of dietary fiber and constituents thereof between different wheat types and varieties.  相似文献   

The EU FP6 HEALTHGRAIN has generated an extensive database on the contents of phytochemicals (alkylresorcinols, tocols, sterols, phenolic acids, folates) and dietary fiber components in the grain of wheat, including analyses of 150 lines grown on a single site in Hungary in 2005 and a smaller set of lines grown under five (three lines) or six (23 lines) different environments (in Hungary in 2005, 2006, and 2007 and in France, Poland, and the United Kingdom in 2007). The lines analyzed included land races and varieties bred between the mid-19th and early 21st centuries. These results have been analyzed to determine whether the contents of these groups of bioactive components in the grain have decreased with the development of intensive plant breeding in the second part of the 20th century. No decreases in the contents of any groups of bioactive components were observed in relation to release date, showing that selection for increased yield and protein quality has been effectively neutral for other grain components.  相似文献   

The root morphology (root length, diameter) of the three wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Excalibur and Gatcher, and T. turgidum conv. durum (Desf.) McKay cv Durati) grown in zinc (Zn)‐deficient, sandy soil under controlled conditions has been measured by a root scanner coupled to a computer. Wheat plants were supplied with 0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, or 0.4 mg Zn/kg soil. Excalibur has previously been identified as the Zn‐efficient genotype which can take up more Zn and has higher yield in soils with low plant‐available Zn. Durati is Zn‐inefficient and Gatcher an intermediate genotype with respect to Zn efficiency. Root and shoot dry matter significantly increased at 0.1 mg Zn/kg soil compared to the 0 Zn level. Zinc content in shoots was lower in Durati than in Excalibur and Gatcher at sufficient supply of Zn. Zinc applications had no significant effect on root morphology at two weeks after sowing. At that time, however, the Zn‐efficient genotype Excalibur developed a longer and thinner roots (greater proportion of fine roots with diameter <0.2 mm) than the less efficient Gatcher and Zn‐inefficient Durati. Hence, growing longer and thinner roots and having a greater proportion of thinner roots in the total root biomass early in the growth period may be the two characters associated with the Zn‐efficient genotypes.  相似文献   

Fifty bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were selected from the HEALTHGRAIN germplasm collection based on variation in their contents of total and water-extractable arabinoxylan. FT-IR spectroscopic mapping of thin transverse sections of grain showed variation in cell wall arabinoxylan composition between the cultivars, from consisting almost entirely of low-substituted arabinoxylan (e.g., T.aestivum 'Claire') to almost entirely of highly substituted arabinoxylan (e.g., T.aestivum 'Manital') and a mixture of the two forms (e.g., T.aestivum 'Hereward'). Complementary data were obtained using endoxylanase digestion of flour followed by HP-AEC analysis of the arabinoxylan oligosaccharides. This allowed the selection of six cultivars for more detailed analysis using FT-IR and (1)H NMR spectroscopy to determine the proportions of mono-, di-, and unsubstituted xylose residues. The results of the two analyses were consistent, showing that variation in the composition and structure of the endosperm cell wall arabinoxylan is present between bread wheat cultivars. The heterogeneity and spatial distribution of the arabinoxylan in endosperm cell walls may be exploited in wheat processing as it may allow the production of mill streams enriched in various arabinoxylan fractions which have beneficial effects on health.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi display efficient association with the land plants and is known to protect plants against various abiotic stresses including heavy metal stress. This work reports the synergistic effects of natural genotypic variation and AM association in cadmium (Cd) stress alleviation. Two genotypes of wheat viz. RAJ 4161 (resistant) and PBW 343 (sensitive) were subjected to different concentrations of Cd (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg Cd kg?1 soil) for 30 days. Cd application resulted in increased lipid peroxidation and decreased plant growth. However, AM inoculated RAJ 4161 displayed significantly higher ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and calcium (Ca), iron (Fe)and zinc (Zn) concentration in plants. The coordination of increased antioxidant activity and high nutrient content in RAJ 4161 indicated better protective mechanism as compared to PBW 343.  相似文献   

A great number of wheat genetic resources are distributed in China, and more than 40,000 accessions have been conserved in the National Crop Gene Bank. The diversity of these wheat genetic resources was evaluated for the following fields: distribution areas and growth environments; collection status; genetic diversity in agronomic characters, grain quality, resistance to diseases, pests and environmental stresses, and crossability. According to the results of diversity evaluation, some collections with desirable characters have been obtained.  相似文献   

以磷高效型小麦小偃54和磷低效型小麦京411为研究对象设计三室根箱试验,通过测定生物量、吸磷量、pH和酸性磷酸酶,对比两种小麦在不同磷水平(P0 mg/kg土、100 mg/kg土)及两种不同土壤上(石灰性黑垆土、酸性红壤)根际特征的差异。试验结果表明,黑垆土上,增施磷肥使小偃54的总生物量增加了14.99%,京411增加了26.53%,总吸磷量二者分别增加了99.29%和83.70%;红壤的速效磷含量高,施肥仅提高了磷低效型小麦京411的生物量。黑垆土上磷胁迫并未造成小偃54与京411各部分生物量和吸磷量的显著性差异,但小偃54的根际pH降低值和酸性磷酸酶的活性却已显著高于京411;P0处理时,红壤上小偃54的地上部和总生物量显著高于京411,虽然红壤的速效磷含量高于黑垆土,但在P0处理时两种小麦在两种土壤上的生物量和吸磷量并无显著性差异。就根际分泌物而言,石灰性黑垆土上,小偃54的根系在低磷胁迫下通过降低pH和分泌酸性磷酸酶来活化土壤中难溶态的磷,而在红壤上小偃54的pH和酸性磷酸酶的活性保持稳定。酸性红壤中两种小麦酸性磷酸酶活性显著高于石灰性黑垆土。由此可见,两种磷效率小麦在两种不同性质土壤上活化机理存在差异。  相似文献   

Waterlogging + sodicity proved more harmful than sodic or waterlogging stress individually. Wheat genotypes were evaluated for waterlogging tolerance in neutral (pH 7.8) and sodic (pH 9.3) soils. There was 50% greater reduction in overall grain yield when genotypes were waterlogged for 15 days in sodic soil than in neutral soil. This was associated with proportional reductions in biomass and productive tillers. Severe effects of waterlogging were observed on grain yield in sodic soil and the extent of damage depends heavily on the stage of development, duration, and temperature. Waterlogging reduced the concentration of macro elements (K, Ca, and Mg), whereas effects on microelements concentration were mixed, with some elements increasing (Fe, Al, Mn, and Na) and others decreasing (Cu and Zn). Significant genotypic variation was observed for grain yield and biomass under the stress treatments and KRL 3–4, KRL 99, KRL 210, and Kharchia 65 were the top performers.  相似文献   

钾高效小麦基因型的筛选指标和筛选环境研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
不同植物或同一植物的不同基因型吸收和利用钾素的能力差异十分显著[1]。利用和选育耐低钾的植物基因型,挖掘作物自身基因潜力,是提高作物钾素营养效率和缓解我国钾素资源短缺,促进“生态环保型”农业可持续发展的一条有效途径。“钾高效”植物基因型的选育过程中,首先遇到的问题就是“钾高效”种质资源的筛选。针对不同作物和养分确立合适的筛选环境和筛选指标是做好这项工作的前提。近年来有关钾高效种质资源筛选的报道很多[2-5],这些研究采用的筛选环境有大田、土培、砂培、液培等,筛选指标有钾利用效率、钾利用指数、生物量、钾吸收动力…  相似文献   

试验研究不同基因型小麦各时期水分变动对产量的影响结果表明,拔节期水分变动对小麦产量的影响较大,干旱减产效应下普通小麦拔节期干旱处理比充分供水处理减产29.45%,而灌浆期水分亏缺处理仅减产12.70%;与水分胁迫处理相比,普通小麦拔节期复水处理增产42.83%,灌浆期复水增产22.29%,而不同基因型间小麦栽培一粒(A1)拔节期复水仅增产8.76%,栽培二粒(A2)拔节期复水产量下降4.38%。  相似文献   

Plants’ tolerance to salt stress is different among species, nevertheless, mineral nutrition might also affect it. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of Zinc (Zn) on salinity tolerance using a sigmoid response model in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes ‘Falat’ and ‘Bam’ with different salinity tolerances. The treatments consisted of three Zn rates (0, 5 and 10 mg Zn kg?1) and five levels of soil salinity (1.1, 6.5, 12.3, 18.7 and 25.1 dS m?1). The results showed that dry weight of straw and grain decreased, as salinity increased in both genotypes although this decrease in ‘Falat’ genotype was higher than that of ‘Bam’ genotype. Application of 10 mg kg?1 Zn increased the dry weight by 25% (straw) and 32% (grain) in ‘Falat’ but 67% (straw) and 60% (grain) in ‘Bam’ as compared with the absence of added Zn. According to the fitted function, in the absence of Zn, grain production began to decline at ECe-values of 4.7 dS m?1 in ‘Falat’ genotype, and 7.5 dS m?1 in ‘Bam’ genotype. Application of Zn led to a decrease of salinity tolerance in ‘Falat’ genotype, but an increase in ‘Bam’ genotype. The study found that Zn application under saline conditions, depending on genetic differences of wheat genotypes, would have different effects on their tolerance to salinity.  相似文献   

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