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通过不同灌溉方式对比试验,研究寒地水稻群体素质变化。结果表明,采用间歇灌溉方式,水稻根系发育良好,可促进水稻分蘖及各生育期的叶片干重、地上部干重、千粒重等指标均在增长,提高稻谷产量6.4%。  相似文献   

通过不同灌溉方式对比试验,研究寒地水稻群体素质变化。结果表明,采用间歇灌溉方式,水稻根系发育良好,可促进水稻分蘖及各生育期的叶片干重、地上部干重、千粒重等指标均在增长,提高稻谷产量6.4%。  相似文献   

不同灌溉方式对水稻生长及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
傅志强  黄璜  朱华武  陈灿 《作物研究》2011,25(4):299-303
为建立湘南双季稻区节水灌溉栽培模式提供依据,设置了不同灌溉方式对水稻生长发育的影响试验。试验结果表明:不同灌溉方式在水稻生长、干物质积累、生理特性以及产量上都存在显著差异。4种灌溉方式下水稻生长与产量表现以浅水灌溉最优,受旱灌溉最差,与受旱灌溉比,浅水灌溉株高、分蘖数、光合速率均有提高,结实率提高了41.5%,千粒重增加了1.6 g,产量增加了15.8 g/盆;浅水灌溉下水稻产量、灌溉用水利用率分别比深水灌溉高出7.6 g/盆和0.69 kg/m3。间歇灌溉产量与深水灌溉差异很小,但间歇灌溉水分利用率高出深水灌溉0.44 kg/m3。因此,在湘南双季稻区,针对季节性干旱的特点,采用浅水灌溉方式有利于晚稻高产稳产,间歇灌溉有利于晚稻种植。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验观测不同水分管理方式对水稻生长的影响.结果表明:深水灌溉产量分别比湿润灌溉、间歇灌溉、受旱灌溉超出22.6%、37.9%、55.8%,湿润灌溉水分利用率分别比间歇灌溉、受旱灌溉高0.29、0.33 kg/m3.湿润灌溉、间歇灌溉有利于水稻生长发育、干物质积累、产量形成,并提高了水分利用率,显著减少了灌水量.受旱灌溉虽节省了灌水量,但显著减产,灌溉水利用率较低.因此,采用湿润灌溉方式既能确保水稻稳产,又能显著减少用水量.  相似文献   

为探索适宜湘南双季稻的灌溉方式,以早稻中嘉早17和晚稻盛泰优018为材料,比较研究了淹水灌溉、间歇灌溉、湿润灌溉3种灌溉方式对湘南双季稻产量的影响,并从根系形态、叶面积指数、叶绿素含量(SPAD值)、干物质积累与转运等方面探讨了其影响机制。结果表明,间歇灌溉处理2季总产最高,达15.55 t/hm2,分别较淹水灌溉和湿润灌溉处理增产8.59%和10.44%;灌溉方式显著影响水稻产量构成因素,间歇灌溉处理成穗率、有效穗数和结实率显著高于另2个处理;灌溉方式影响水稻源特性,叶面积指数、叶片SPAD值、干物质积累量均以间歇灌溉处理最大,且水稻生育中后期叶面积指数、叶片SPAD值、单穴根鲜重、单穴根干重和单穴根体积降幅均以间歇灌溉处理最小;灌溉方式影响水稻物质转运,茎鞘与叶片物质输出率均以间歇灌溉处理最大。可见,间歇灌溉通过扩库、增源、提高茎鞘与叶片物质输出率实现双季稻增产,可在湘南双季稻区推广应用。  相似文献   

以F优498为材料,设置淹灌和控制性间歇灌溉方式以及5种施氮水平共10个处理,研究其对水稻产量及水、氮利用效率的影响。结果表明,合理的水氮管理模式能够提高水稻产量及水、氮利用效率。控制性间歇灌溉模式较淹灌模式产量平均提高3.22%,其增产原因是每穗总粒数、结实率、千粒重均有一定程度的提高;淹灌模式能够获得较多的有效穗数,从而保证产量不显著降低。与淹灌模式相比,控制性间歇灌溉模式能增加水稻生育后期的氮素积累,促进茎鞘氮素转运,提高氮素利用效率,提高水分生产效率和灌溉水生产力。综合产量与水、氮利用效率,淹灌模式下施氮量180 kg/hm~2表现较好,控制性间歇灌溉模式下施氮量135 kg/hm~2节水节肥效果较明显。  相似文献   

以‘陵两优211’和‘威优46’为材料,通过大田试验比较研究了全生育期5 cm淹水灌溉与间歇灌溉对土壤有效镉含量与水稻产量形成及镉累积分配的影响。结果表明:(1)灌溉方式显著影响水稻产量,早、晚稻均以淹水灌溉处理产量较高,其原因主要是淹水灌溉处理具有较高的有效穗数、株高、叶面积和干物质积累量;(2)灌溉方式对早、晚稻土壤有效镉含量影响一致,分蘖盛期处理间有效镉含量无显著差异,孕穗阶段以间歇灌溉处理显著较高,而灌浆阶段以淹水灌溉处理显著较高;(3)镉在水稻各器官中分布不均匀,各器官镉含量呈现根系茎鞘叶片稻穗的趋势;(4)除成熟期根系外,间歇灌溉条件下早、晚稻生育中后期各器官镉含量均显著高于淹水灌溉处理;间歇灌溉使水稻籽粒镉含量明显增大,且晚稻增加更明显;(5)早、晚稻成熟期茎秆镉积累量与地上部镉积累总量均以间歇灌溉处理较高。可见,灌溉方式能影响土壤有效镉含量与早晚稻产量及籽粒镉含量,实行全生育期5 cm淹水灌溉能获得较高产量,且籽粒镉含量显著降低。  相似文献   

试验设井间控、井间歇、渠间控、渠间歇四个不同灌溉方式,进行处理间不同时期灌水量、土壤温度的日变化、气温与土壤温度的关系、井水灌溉不同时间内水温的变化、产量性状的调查,研究不同灌溉方式对水稻生育及产量的影响、公顷效益的分析,结果表明:①从整个生育期用水量分析,井间控与渠间控比井间歇与渠间歇节水,分蘖期、长穗期节水量最大。井间控比渠间歇节水21.2%,比井间歇节水18.2%。②井间控利用了快、少灌水原则,利用大面积田面进行晒水,与井间歇相比,增温速度快,增温幅度大,增温效果好。③井间控有较明显的节水和增产效应,是较理想的节水灌溉方式。  相似文献   

水稻节水栽培试验研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究水稻不同灌水方法即浅—湿—浅间歇灌溉、湿润灌溉、常规灌溉对水稻产量及耗水量、成本的影响。结果表明,湿润灌溉较常规灌溉节水5247t,节水率33%,节约成本220元/hm2,是一项保护生态,节约资源的好技术,应大力推广。  相似文献   

通过研究水稻不同灌水方法即浅—湿—浅间歇灌溉,湿润灌溉,常规灌溉对水稻产量及耗水量,成本的影响。结果表明,湿润灌溉较常规灌溉节水5247t,节水率33%,节约成本220元/hm^2,是一项保护生态,节约资源的好技术,应大力推广。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of intermittent versus continuous irrigation, together with different degrees of organic fertilization, on the growth and yield of hybrid rice, looking also at the functioning of the rhizosphere as this is a key element affecting crop performance. The crop management practices employed generally followed the recommendations of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The aim of the research was to learn how water management and organic fertilization together would affect crop outcomes. Under intermittent water application as recommended with SRI management (aerobic irrigation, AI), grain yield increased by 10.5–11.3%, compared to standard irrigation practice (continuous flooding, CF). The factor that contributed most to higher yield was increased number of grains per panicle. It was seen that under the range of organic fertilization treatments evaluated, intermittent irrigation compared with CF promoted greater dry matter production and higher leaf area index (LAI) during the main growth stages. Also, the combination of intermittent irrigation and organic material applications significantly increased soil redox potential (Eh), compared with CF, and also the numbers of actinomycetes in the rhizosphere soil. Actinomycetes were evaluated in this study as an indicator of aerobic soil biota. It was seen that with intermittent irrigation, the application of organic material improved the functioning of the rhizosphere and increased yield. However, these results based on 2 years of study reflect relatively short-term effects. The effects of longer-term water management and soil fertilization regimes should be also examined, to know whether these effects continue and, if they do, whether they become greater or less.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):337-346

The effects of nitrogen (N) application (32, 72 and 112 kg N ha-1 in 2000, and 32, 92 and 152 kg N ha-1 in 2001) and water-saving irrigation and their interaction on grain yield and yield components of the rice cultivar Champa-Kamphiroozi, which is a local cultivar in a semi-arid area in the south of Islamic Republic (I.R.) of Iran, were investigated. The plants were cultivated under sprinkler irrigation (1.0 ETp and 1.5 ETp), intermittent flooding (1-day and 2-day intervals) and continuous flooding (control). The experiments were conducted on a clay loam-clay soil under a semi-arid environment using four replications in a split plot design with irrigation method as main plots and N levels as subplots. The results indicated that intermittent flooding irrigation at 2-day intervals was as effective as continuous flooding for grain yield, showing high water-use efficiency (WUE). The soil moisture tension in the root zone before each irrigation under this condition was –300 to –400 cm. Sprinkler irrigation and intermittent flooding increased WUE by 20 to 60%, compared with continuous flooding, and the increase in N application rate to 112-152 kg ha-1 increased grain yield under any irrigation condition. Under sprinkler irrigation, grain yield was low and percentage of unfilled grain was high, although WUE was high. However, by adopting sprinkler irrigation, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application necessary for cultivation was reduced. Furthermore, when nitrogen application must be limited due to groundwater pollution, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer necessary for cultivation can be reduced.  相似文献   

干湿交替灌溉方式下水稻节水增产机理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用盆栽试验,以常规淹水灌溉处理为对照(CK),研究了水稻在适度水分亏缺(TR1)和较严重水分亏缺(TR2)2个间歇灌溉处理中灌浆前期复水前、后及灌浆后期的部分生理指标变化,以探讨干湿交替灌溉的节水增产机理。结果表明,TR1处理产量显著高于CK及TR2处理;与CK比较,TR1处理在灌浆前期复水前硝酸还原酶(NR)活性较低,IAA氧化酶活性和脯氨酸含量较高;复水后NR活性及颖花蒸腾强度均明显提高并高于CK,而IAA氧化酶活性迅速下降并低于CK,说明水稻在适度水分亏缺后复水可增强灌浆前期的生理活性,有利于籽粒灌浆和获得高产。  相似文献   

为明确栽培技术对不同稻作区稻谷硒含量的综合影响,基于国内外相关文献,定量分析了施肥、灌溉、石灰施用等栽培措施对稻谷硒含量和产量的影响,并比较了不同水稻品种间硒含量的差异。结果表明,与不施肥相比,施用氮磷钾肥能促进稻谷硒的积累;紫云英还田可明显增加稻谷硒含量,其增幅与紫云英的投入量显著正相关;其他有机肥对稻谷硒含量的影响在不同研究中存在差异。间歇灌溉和湿润灌溉等节水管理和施用石灰可有效提高稻谷硒含量。不同水稻品种积累硒的能力差异显著,且这种差异不受土壤硒含量影响。选用富硒水稻品种、紫云英还田、节水灌溉和适量施用石灰等栽培措施可以实现水稻天然富硒与高产的协同。  相似文献   

灌水方式对杂交水稻衰老及生育后期一些生理活性的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
 对长灌水、间歇灌和早断水等灌水方式对杂交水稻衰老和生育后期一些生理活性的影响进行了研究,以期有助于杂交水稻衰老的谢节及最佳灌水方案的建立。结果表明,灌水方式明显影响杂交水稻的衰老,早断水使植株开花后不同时期遭受水分胁迫,不同程度上加速植株生理机能的衰退,使籽粒干物质积累受阻,结实率下降而减产。断水的时间越早,减产越严重而间隙灌溉由于延缓根系衰老,增强叶片光合能力,延长灌浆时间,提高了结实率,从而提高增产效率,其最终产量比长灌水和早断水分别增7.4% 和13.7~28.3% 不同供水状况可能通过对根系中某些氨基酸合成的促进和另一些氨基酸合成的抑制而对上部的衰老进行调节。  相似文献   

To clarify the optimal water management in large-scale fields under high temperatures at the ripening period, effective water managements during this period for improvement of yield, appearance quality and palatability were investigated. Compared with intermittent irrigation and flooded irrigation, the soil temperature with saturated irrigation remained low throughout the day, and the decrease rate of the bleeding rate of hills was the lowest. These results suggested that the saturated irrigation maintained root activity. For the three irrigation types, the number of spikelets per m2 and 1000-grain weight were similar, however, saturated irrigation resulted in significantly higher rice yield due to improvement in the percentage of ripened grains. The saturated irrigation produced a high percentage of perfect rice grains and thicker brown rice grain, furthermore, the palatability of cooked rice was excellent because protein content and hardness/adhesion ratio were both low. Thus, under high-temperature ripening conditions, soil temperature was lowered and root activity was maintained when applying saturated irrigation after heading time. The results indicated that saturated irrigation is an effective countermeasure against high-temperature ripening damage.  相似文献   

SRI practices can usually increase the yield of paddy without using special varieties of rice or chemicals. High yield of paddy can be simply achieved through the combination of transplanting single seedlings about 8–10 days old with just two leaves on 40 cm × 40 cm spacing, providing organic fertilizer, and intermittent irrigation. No pesticides are applied. Historically, integrated management of water and crop (particularly rice) in the Philippines, had its beginning with the Spaniards, but more formal events were recorded in the 1950s by Margate (1954) in “Rice: 100 Cavans (50 kg/cavan) per Hectare.” This was followed by the Water Management Manual released in the 1970s by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and National Irrigation Administration (NIA). Recently, the Southern Philippines Irrigation Sector Project (SPISP), a joint ADB–NIA effort, has commenced trials with the system of rice intensification (SRI) practice. One of the most specific features of SRI is the intermittent irrigation system which requires assured water supply at necessary timing. It is easier to attain assured water supply on timely manner through irrigation management transfer (IMT) which encourages the empowerment of fair water distribution. This article analyzes the merit of IMT for SRI.  相似文献   

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