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浅谈森林分类经营与林业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,在实现造林绿化后,部分林场不能很快转到高效林业方向上来,从而造成林场效益下降,经营风险承受能力降低,经济上面临越来越大的困难,随着社会生产的发展,人类对环境的影响也日趋剧烈,森林的生态环境调节功能也越来越受到重视。因此,如何搞好林场的森林的分类经营,提高商品林经济效益,对生态公益林实施有效的经营和保护成为林场当前生产经营活动中面临的重要问题。  相似文献   


In planning of sustainable forest management, economic, environmental and social demands often conflict. Forest management in Southeast Asian tropical dipterocarp forests has been particularly biased towards maximizing immediate economic return from extensive logging. Overexploitation and other forms of uncontrolled land use within these forests have led to the situation where the remaining natural forests, most of them in Indonesia, will be liquidated within the next 10-15 years at the current rate of deforestation. In this paper we present an approach for sustainable forest management planning in which economic, environmental and social sustainability are considered simultaneously in order to define an optimal management strategy from a set of available alternatives.

We carried out a case study within a rain forest logging concession in Indonesian Borneo by using a participatory planning approach involving interviews of the local people, environmental assessment and economic analyses. We used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for resource allocation and priority setting in order to identify an optimal strategy which yields a sustained economic output from timber production, while at the same time being environmentally and socioculturally sustainable. Despite their relatively high costs, strategies involving selective harvesting combined to complete restoration of original dipterocarp stock in logged-over areas were superior in terms of economic, environmental and social sustainability. Priorities set by local communities for the strategies to meet their socioeconomic and cultural needs coincide well with those ensuring the restoration and biodiversity.  相似文献   

论分类经营是实现森林可持续经营的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过介绍森林分类经营的任务、指导思想和原则以及分类经营的意义,来阐述分类经营是实现森林可持续经营的重要途径。  相似文献   

浅析森林可持续经营   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在阐述森林可持续经营必要性的基础上,针对可持续经营目的及内涵,对天然林培育和人工林培育提出了相应的理论。  相似文献   

试论国有林场森林可持续经营对策   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
应用森林可持续经营理论 ,采用生态与经济相结合的方法 ,分析福建省国有林场森林经营管理现状及影响可持续发展的因素 ,提出国有林场森林可持续经营对策与措施  相似文献   

Community forest management (CFM) has received increasing worldwide attention from governments, researchers and educational institutions over the past two decades. Many governments, especially in developing countries, have prioritized CFM over traditional forest management systems. In Thailand, CFM is not recognized by the legal system; however, there are de facto CFM practices under common property resource regimes. CFM has in essence been practiced here for hundreds of years by local people, and represents an important aspect of Thai culture. This study aims at evaluating CFM in Thailand in the context of sustainable development. To meet the objective, the study gathered information through focus group discussions with various stakeholders: academics, Forest Department staff, and members of the Chang Tok Tay community forests. From the study, it emerged that forest resources are critical for the livelihoods and survival of rural people, and so they have protected forests to ensure sustainable livelihoods. This study identified that prospects for sustainable CFM in Thailand are bright because: (i) community members are highly motivated and are sufficiently interested to protect trees because they are well aware that their livelihoods are under threat from depleting forests; (ii) tradition and culture of rural people support their relation with nature; (iii) non-timber forest products (NTFPs) play a crucial role in local livelihoods for subsistence and necessitate protection of the forest watershed, which is vital to support their occupations; (iv) spiritual rituals such as those where Buddhist monks bind yellow cloth on trees play a vital role in protecting trees, something rare in other countries. The study further identified various hindrances to achieve sustainable CFM: (i) legal support for CFM is absent; (ii) the Royal Forest Department (RFD) cannot transfer appropriate technology to community people due to lack of legal support; (iii) scope for developing effective strategies for sustainable CFM by combining traditional knowledge with existing scientific knowledge is limited; (iv) a formal institutional arrangement for CFM does not exist; and (v) community members’ access to the hard technology of CFM is limited. Therefore, in addition to legalizing CFM, a formal institutional framework for elaboration, implementation and control of CFM is essential to achieve sustainable CFM in Thailand.  相似文献   

2010, Earthscan, Dunstan House, 14a St Cross Street, London EC1N 8XA, UK

263 pages, softcover or hardcover

ISBN 978–1–84407–918–6 (softcover), 978–1–84407–917–9 (hardcover). Price £24.99 (softcover), £85.00 (hardcover)  相似文献   

Forests provide multiple ecological,economic and social benefits.A truly sustainable forest management should lead to a balanced realization of these forest values.This paper categorizes the forest resources as appreciating resources and depreciating resources in accordance with the specific form of forest values,and defines them conceptually in regard to the contrasting and competitive nature of these values.Necessary theoretic discussions were then made for the feasibility and operability in terms of t...  相似文献   

国内森林经营单位FSC森林认证结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内黑龙江友好林业局、吉林省白河林业局等7家开展FSC森林认证的森林经营单位的认证审核报告等相关资料进行分析,总结了不同认证机构在审核方法及评估方式上的共同点是:标准化;独立审核;多学科团队;审核过程公正、透明化;3种审核方式相结合.不同认证机构在审核方面的差异是:审核指标不同;审核方式与结论不同.从FSC原则与标准2方面分析了这些单位的差距,认为目前国内森林经营单位与FSC认证要求的差距主要体现在环境和社会影响评估、森林监测和经营方案3个方面.据此提出了相应的改进建议.  相似文献   

通过实例比较分析了AHP法、熵权法、熵AHP法3种森林可持续经营指标权重计算方法,及线性加权和法、指数加权法2种森林可持续经营综合评价模型。研究表明:在评价指标的权重计算方面,熵AHP方法集专家决策与数据信息决策于一体,客观科学;在森林可持续经营综合评价方面,指数加权法模型考虑了森林经营的多目标和协调发展要求,较接近森林经营现实。因此,基于熵AHP方法的指数加权法模型是一种可行的森林可持续经营综合评价方法。  相似文献   

松江河林区森林资源变化分析及可持续经营对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对松江河林业局辖区森林资源二期调查数据进行了对比,从林地面积、森林覆盖率、林木蓄积、龄组结构及林分消长动态等方面深入分析了各调查因子的变化原因,总结林区森林资源变化特点,并从实现森林可持续经营的角度提出了松江河林区森林经营建议。  相似文献   

木麻黄是我国东南沿海主要防护树种,由于经营不善造成更新困难、生长衰退、病虫害加剧,严重地影响了防护林的可持续发展。文章从分析影响木麻黄防护林持续经营因素出发,探讨了木麻黄防护林持续经营的途径。  相似文献   

在概括森林认证发展现状的基础上, 从森林认证的发生、发展、主要推动力及其产生的影响等方面分析了森林认证的基本特征, 进而分析了在我国通过开展森林认证促进森林可持续经营的途径。  相似文献   

文章试从如何加强和完善本溪县森林采伐管理制度,保护和发展好本溪满族自治县的森林资源,使林业满足社会对木材的需求入手,浅谈完善本溪县森林采伐管理制度,实现森林资源持续经营。  相似文献   


Forest management is directed to attain one, or a combination, of the following three goals: stability of the physical environment, productivity of the physical environment and equity of the social environment. For the management to be sustainable, four aspects have to be addressed: the ecological, technical, the socio-economic and the institutional. All of these four aspects are equally important, and inadequacy of practices in any of the aspects could mar the sustainability of a forest. In India, where the rural population overwhelmingly depends on firewood for domestic energy, where the fodder for millions of cattle comes from forests, and where customs and traditions are as important in forest management as the considerations of ecological laws, a minimum of socio-economic data is a must for sustainable forest management. For India, this data must comprise:
  • per capita annual requirement of firewood at a reasonably efficient level of utilization;

  • carrying capacity of a forest unit in terms of its use as grazing land;

  • per capita annual requirement of small timber for agricultural implements and for housing;

  • per capita annual requirement of non-timber forest products (NTFPs);

  • customs and traditions prevalent in a community in terms of the use of forests;

  • rate of growth of population, both human and cattle.


森林可持续经营背景下的森林经营管理原则   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据我国森林经营管理原则的历史和现状,明确了可持续发展背景下森林可持续经营是森林经营管理的总目标,指出森林经营管理原则应当既明确具体,有一定的可操作性,又不是具体的标准和指标而不失原则性,是为实现总体目标而进行规划和决策必须遵循的基本约束条件.阐述了实现森林可持续经营的基本要求和现实森林可持续性下降的表现.在此基础上,应用可持续发展理论和森林等级结构原理,提出了森林经营管理应遵循的6项基本原则:系统整体性原则、生态可持续性原则、公益性和社会参与原则、可持续利用原则、经济合理性原则和谨慎性原则.  相似文献   

社区参与式森林经营是近10年来尝试采用的一种新的森林经营发展模式.本文在对杨柳流域社区森林经营调查的基础上,分析了社区参与式森林经营的现状及存在的问题,提出了加强参与式森林经营的建议和措施.  相似文献   


Today, sustainability is a political priority at the regional, national, and international levels. It is thought to be attained by political instruments and adequate management. The Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) is the European forum and reference for sustainable forest management (SFM). The MCPFE has developed criteria and indicators for implementing SFM in Europe. However, there is a gap between policy makers, stakeholders, and researchers with regard to the implementation of the criteria and indicators. A research strategy is proposed by the COST Action E25-European Network for Long-Term Ecosystem and Landscape Research, whereby these gaps are identified, and means for bridging these gaps are suggested. For example, economic and social-cultural criteria and indicators are poorly developed or missing-there is a need for disciplinary and multidisciplinary research. Furthermore, the knowledge base of forests and forestry is well developed in Europe, but could be better communicated to parties involved. Decision-support systems and “landscape laboratories” are suggested as tools for bridging this gap. Furthermore, resources are scarce, so new approaches should be developed that take advantage of existing resources and experiences. Information systems for maintaining and developing long-term information, and increased European collaboration are needed to harmonize existing and future initiatives.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a simple method to gather information from old demonstration trials. It was undertaken in the context of a 32-year-old thinning trial in a naturally regenerating stand of Shorea robusta Gaertn. f. in a community forest in the Sindhupalchok district of Nepal. The trial was established by the Nepal–Australia Forestry Project in 1983 and the only documentation of the trial is a report of measurements undertaken in 2005. The site has been relatively untouched, apart from the collection of non-timber forestry products (NTFPs) by the Community Forest User Group (CFUG) that manages the site. The 1983 project had 6 treatments including: pruning, selective thinning, and mechanical harvesting. The impacts of the six treatments were measured by pairing the treatment plots with comparison plots at the same position on the slope in the surrounding forest. Measurements taken were: height, diameter at breast height, canopy cover, and species distribution and count to compare with the area of forest outside the treatment plots using the slope position as strata. Evidence of a remaining treatment effect from 1983 was found for only two of the original thinning treatments. These treatments were the most intensely thinned, and had either positive or negative impacts on S. robusta growth, depending on their position on the slope, indicating the overriding influence of slope position. Using information from measurements taken in 2005 and 2015, it is recommended: that a 4 m × 4 m target spacing should be used as the basis for silvicultural treatments for regenerating S. robusta forests; this density be maintained with planned removal of regenerating saplings; this target be modified with sensitivity to the position on slope; and it should be a staged harvest done in coordination with the community’s annual needs.  相似文献   

Ever-wet forests of SW Sri Lanka are biodiversity hot spots with a wealth of potentially useful and currently used species. Traditional peoples surrounding these forests depend on them for a variety of focds, medicinals and the like as well as for timber. Some of these forests are being preserved as storehouses of diversity that include rare endemics and wild relatives of useful plants. Other natural forests and plantations must be managed for multiple uses including timber and non-timber products used by the forest dependent villagers. Understanding the ecological, social and economic interdependence of forests and rural communities is vital for the future forestry sector development in Sri Lanka. As many of the plants used locally are characteristic of early stages of gap regeneration, timber and non-timber products are compatible uses, given sufficiently judicious management. Anthropological and biological research is now in progress to plan for multiple use management of Sri Lankan ever-wet forests.  相似文献   

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