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Over the past several decades, the management of forest ecosystem functions through policies such as “command and control” has not been successful, largely because existing policies and legislation for natural resource management are inadequate and often formulated without consulting local communities such as farmers. However, farmers’ decisions to participate in natural resource conservation or watershed conservation more particularly are generally influenced by their knowledge of the problems and perceived benefits of conservation. This study focuses on farmers’ perceptions and attitudes toward forest watershed conservation in the North West Selangor Peat Swamp forest of Malaysia. A survey questionnaire was administered to 380 paddy farmers at the North West Selangor irrigation scheme. Dates were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the theory of value and social psychology constructs. The study concludes that farmers have generally positive attitudes toward forest watershed conservation. Therefore, we recommend farmers’ involvement in the conservation and management of the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (NSPSF).  相似文献   

IntroductionEcoledcalrelahonshipsanddePendenceofwildlifesPe-ciesonsouthwesternPOnderosapine(Pineponderosa)fOrestsarecloselyrelat6dtohabitatuse.Foraginghabits,seasOndfoodPreferences,anduseoftreesforfeedingarelawtydePendentuponthestrUctureandspahalar-rangme…  相似文献   

Analysis of consumer demand for packaging suggests that: plastic packaging is a luxury good, while paper packaging is a normal good, paper packaging demand increases with the price of plastic packaging, and that demand for paper packaging is most sensitive to its own price, and to the income of consumers. In a complementary analysis of input demand in the converting paper industry it was found that the demand for each paper grade is price inelastic, capital and other materials are substitutes for paper, while labor is a complement, technical change rapidly decreases the use of unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting, and increases the use of other grades. The demand for each paper grade, derived from the consumer demand and the factor demand functions, showed that, from 1983 to 1991, the demand for paper in packaging was influenced mainly by consumer income, and by the price of paper packaging, and less so by the price of paper itself, or by the price of plastic packaging.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTheUnitedStates(US)isthethirdlargestcountryintheworldinsize.Thenationalterritoryis9629091km2andconsistsofthreeseparateterritories:the48continentalstates,AlaskaandHawaii.InJuly2002,theestimatedtotalpopulationintheUSwas280562489(theWorldFactbook2002).Withinthe48continentalstates,thetotalareais8080704km2,andthenationaltreecoveris32.8%(Dwyeretal.2000).Urbanandcommunityforestsarecomprisedofstreettrees,openspace,patchesofforestedareas,treesininstitutionalproperties,municipalparks,…  相似文献   

With regard to the implementation of the Collective Forestry Tenure Reform in China, the proportion of forestry income in farmers’ total family income has gradually increased with rapid increases observed in some provinces. Due to these regional disparities, it is important to analyze the spatial distribution and evolutionary trends of farmers’ forestry income to uncover the underlying factors for the existing distribution and note gradual changes from the perspective of economic geography. When spatial distribution and evolutionary trends of farmers’ forestry income data from 31 provinces from 2000 to 2012 were analyzed, we found that farmers’ forestry income during the 13-yr period grew quickly, but the disparities between the highest and lowest income rates gradually widened as large increases in income within a few provinces constituted the bulk of the overall increase across China. We attribute the observed spatial distribution and evolutionary trends to an imbalanced distribution of forestry resources, varying forest species, complicated forestry ownership, multiple forestry policies, differences of labor, and forestry investment.  相似文献   

Smallholder timber plantations may offer opportunities for farmers to increase their income. Nonetheless, such opportunities are often lost largely due to unfavorable regulations imposed on harvesting and marketing of timber. Adverse impacts are worsened because the regulations are not effectively communicated to smallholder farmers. We assessed the level of smallholder knowledge of existing regulations and found it very low. In part, this correlated to their socio-demographic characteristics. Poor literacy skills and a low level of education make it difficult for older farmers’ to increase their knowledge. This is compounded by the limited information channels that can reach the farmers. Improving smallholders’ knowledge by providing information concerning markets and regulations in a timely and clear manner could help smallholders exercise coping strategies and priorities when selling their timber that would in turn reduce the negative impacts of regulations. The roles of village authorities could be crucial. They are close to the smallholders and could channel the information. The government could provide training and incentives for them to be more active in communicating the regulations to the smallholders.  相似文献   

In order to understand the competitive situation of wood, it is essential to consider the end consumer of building materials. The knowledge of factors affecting the end consumers choice of building material for specific purposes, i.e., the mechanisms of substitute competition, is limited. Field studies of the British and Dutch floorcovering markets revealed that context, usage context as well as the general life situation, is of crucial importance in substitute competition. This contextual character severely limits the usefulness and adequacy of interviews with fixed-reply alternatives, as well as classical statistical methods of analysis. In this article, a qualitative approach to data gathering is combined with multivariate analysis. The results indicate that by using this methodology it is possible to determine which are the decisive predictors of material preferences, make cross-cultural comparisons, and apprehend the underlying motives or perspectives. The results further show that, unlike the other floorcovering materials studied, the determinant reasons for choosing wood appear to be exclusively nonfunctional in nature.  相似文献   

The miombo woodland is one of the most extensive woodlands in Africa, supporting livelihoods based on biomass fuel for millions of rural people. However, there are growing concerns about the sustainability of harvesting for biomass fuel(mainly charcoal). Thus, the aim of this study was to examine whether regeneration by coppice is a viable option for sustainably managing miombo woodlands for biomass fuel production. We tested the hypotheses that(1) species, stump diameter, stump height and time since cutting significantly affect the number of sprouts per cut stump(coppice density) and mean sprout height(shoot vigour) and(2) higher coppice density reduces shoot vigour due to competition among coppice shoots in a given stump. In an inventory in areas that were harvested for charcoal production by the local people, 369 stumps of 11 species were recorded with mean coppice stumps ranged from 6 to 84. The mean coppice density ranged from 5 to 8 shoots per stump while the mean height of coppice shoots ranged from 46 to 118 cm with marked interspecific variations. Stump size was significantly and positively correlated with coppice density for some of the species, but not with shoot vigour for the majority of the species. However, shoot vigour was significantly positively correlated to time since cutting of trees for nearly half of the species. Coppice density had a significant negative correlation with shoot vigour for two species, and a positive correlation for one species. In conclusion, the results provide evidence about the importance of coppice management as a win–win strategy for sustaining charcoal-based rural livelihoods and recovering the miombo woodland ecosystem.  相似文献   

The effects of global change on ecosystem productivity and water resources in the southern United States (SUS), a traditionally ‘water-rich’ region and the ‘timber basket’ of the country, are not well quantified. We carried out several simulation experiments to quantify ecosystem net primary productivity (NPP), evapotranspiration (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE) (i.e., NPP/ET) in the SUS by employing an integrated process-based ecosystem model (Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model, DLEM). The results indicated that the average ET in the SUS was 710 mm during 1895–2007. As a whole, the annual ET increased and decreased slightly during the first and second half of the study period, respectively. The mean regional total NPP was 1.18 Pg C/yr (525.2 g C/m2/yr) during 1895–2007. NPP increased consistently from 1895 to 2007 with a rate of 2.5 Tg C/yr or 1.10 g C/m2/yr, representing a 27% increase. The average WUE was about 0.71 g C/kg H2O and increased about 25% from 1895 to 2007. The rather stable ET might explain the resulting increase in WUE. The average WUE of different biomes followed an order of: forest (0.93 g C/kg H2O) > wetland (0.75 g C/kg H2O) > grassland (0.58 g C/kg H2O) > cropland (0.54 g C/kg H2O) > shrubland (0.45 g C/kg H2O). WUE of cropland increased the fastest (by 30%), followed by shrubland (17%) and grassland (9%), while WUE of forest and wetland changed little from the period of 1895–1950 to the period of 1951–2007. NPP, ET and WUE showed substantial inter-annual and spatial variability, which was induced by the non-uniform distribution patterns and change rates of environmental factors across the SUS. We concluded that an accurate projection of the regional impact of climate change on carbon and water resources must consider the spatial variability of ecosystem water use efficiency across biomes as well as the interactions among all stresses, especially land-use and land-cover change and climate.  相似文献   

This study investigated farmers’ willingness to pay (WTP) by trading food crop as payment for the provision of ecosystem services (ES) to enhance agricultural production and factors influencing their WTP through integrating timber trees on their farmlands in Sene East district, Ghana. A total of 177 farmers were selected from six communities using stratified and simple random sampling. One-on-one interviews were conducted using structured questionnaires. The contingent valuation method was used to gather the data on farmers’ WTP for the provision of ES. A multiple linear regression was run to test factors influencing farmers’ WTP. The results showed that 59% of farmers were willing to pay for the provision of ES. Gender, age, educational status, farmers’ perception to climate change and access to land significantly (p < .001) and positively influence farmers’ WTP. This study identified difficulties in acquiring land, insecure tree tenure and indiscriminate logging as governance challenges that should be addressed to support farmers’ WTP for the provision of ES to enhance agricultural production.  相似文献   

Fuelwood is the main source of energy for various household uses in many developing countries; and management of tree resources where it is obtained can be best undertaken when household choice patterns are understood. In this paper, households’ decision to obtain fuelwood for domestic consumption as influenced by household and fuelwood source characteristics is analyzed using a multinomial probit regression model. Data is obtained from 254 randomly selected household drawn from Mbarali district, south-western Tanzania. Results indicate that households are heavily dependent on natural forests for household energy provision and that the choice to obtain fuelwood from the forest, farm or market depends, among other factors on the availability of preferred fuelwood tree species at these sources. Acacia tortilis, Brachystegia spp. and Faidherbia albida are the significantly preferred tree species and hence affect the decision of where to obtain fuelwood. This revelation highlights the pressure applied to surrounding forests as well as to the aforementioned tree species which require immediate management interventions. The gender of the household head and whether the household lives in peri-urban or rural areas also influence choice of fuelwood source. Promotion of tree planting and on-farm management of tree species similar to preferred species found in natural forests is recommended. To the extent that consumer preferences are likely to change over time, further research using panel datasets is necessary to unravel inter-temporal preferences for fuelwood sources.  相似文献   

In the Republic of Panama, reforestation with native species is of great interest, but many landholders often do not participate in tree planting projects and little information exists about landholder interest in, or experiences with, native trees. This study evaluates the experiences of farmers participating in a native species reforestation initiative in rural Panama to identify lessons learned that can guide on-going or future tree planting efforts. Based on the results of a questionnaire administered to program participants and non-participants (n = 68), we found that trees are important to farmers for multiple reasons, primary a variety of environmental and economic benefits. No relationship between the size of landholdings or land tenure status and the desire to plant trees was found. All participants in the program considered their experience to be positive, few had problems with their plantations, and most were interested in planting more native trees. The program’s frequent and ongoing technical support was an important factor for farmers. These results indicate widespread interest in, and success with, planting native species and underscore the need to systematically examine farmers’ interests and perceptions when planning, implementing, and evaluating reforestation initiatives.  相似文献   

The importance of different fractions of coarse wood debris (cwd) for species diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi was investigated in near-natural Danish beech stands. Species number per tree increased significantly with increasing tree size, pointing out large trees to be most valuable for fungal diversity if single samples are compared. Rarefaction curves, evaluating the importance of different cwd fractions in a cumulative space, revealed a different and more complex picture. Rarefaction curves based on wood volume showed small trees and branches to host more species per volume unit than larger trees and logs, respectively, while snags were the most species-poor fraction. Surface-based curves showed species density to be rather similar among cwd types, though species density still decreased slightly with tree size. These results are interpreted to reflect a combination of two factors: firstly, small diameter cwd represent a larger surface area per volume and hence more space for fungal sporocarps, than large diameter cwd. This ‘surface area factor’ explains the high degree of similarity of the surface-based rarefaction curves. Secondly, a collection of small diameter cwd involves more separate units than an equal volume of large diameter cwd, and represents thereby more individual cases of fungal infection and, most likely, more variation in environmental conditions. The effect of this ‘number of item factor’ is reflected in the slightly increasing species density per surface area with decreasing tree size. Richness patterns of red-listed and non-red-listed species were found to be strikingly similar across cwd types, and a general preference for large logs among red-listed species was hence absent. An individual look at the most frequent encountered red-listed species revealed substrate preference patterns to occur in three of six species, of which one, the heart-rot agent Ischnoderma resinosum, preferred large logs. Based on these results, it would be obvious to conclude that local fungal species diversity is most efficiently increased in managed forests if small diameter cwd is prioritised for natural decay. However, small diameter wood appear to be unable to support heart-rot agents and other species depending on a long and diverse infection history and thus the integrity of saproxylic communities may be seriously undermined if only small diameter cwd is left for decay. Therefore, we strongly recommend that whole, naturally dead trees, representing the full range of cwd habitats, are prioritised for natural decay in managed forests whenever possible.  相似文献   

Long range (or strategic) planning is an important tool for forest management to deal with the complex and unpredictable future. However, it is the ability to make meaningful predictions about the rapidly changing future that is questioned. What appears to be particularly neglected is the question of the length of time horizons and the limits (if any) to these horizons, despite being considered one of the most critical factors in strategic planning. As the future creation of values lies within individual responsibility, this research empirically explored the limits (if any) of individual foresters’ time horizons. To draw comparisons between countries with different traditions in forest management planning, data were collected through telephone surveys of forest managers in the state/national forest services of the Netherlands and Germany. In order to minimize other cultural differences, the research in Germany concentrated on the federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen, which has considerable similarities with the Netherlands, e.g. in topography, forest types and forest functions. The results show that, in practice, 15 years appears to be the most distant horizon that foresters can identify with. This is in sharp contrast to the time horizons spanning decades and even generations that are always said to exist in forestry. The “doctrine of the long run”—the faith in the capacity of foresters to overcome the barriers of the uncertain future and look ahead and plan for long-range goals—which in many countries still underlies traditional forest management, can therefore be rejected.
Heiner SchanzEmail:


This article examines the implications and limitations of First Nations forestry negotiations in British Columbia (BC), Canada by assessing how effectively the Tl’azt’en Nation is able to realize benefits under the current form of negotiations. The primary goal of the Tl’azt’en Nation has always been to defend their Aboriginal interests within their ancestral lands, which would entail the cessation of clear-cutting on their traditional territory. Although the community has pursued some economic opportunities in the forestry sector to improve their socioeconomic conditions, despite their efforts, the socioeconomic status of the community remains unchanged. The collective experience of the Tl’azt’en Nation illustrates that simply obtaining certain forest tenures and short-term-based revenue sharing agreements does not adequately meet their forestry and self-sufficiency goals. Without addressing the fundamental issues and challenges facing the community, the current practice of forestry negotiations between the Provincial government and the Tl’azt’en Nation has produced no significant benefits to the community.  相似文献   

Since 2003, China has carried out the pilot of collective forest tenure reform (CFTR). Inrecent years, there have been lots of researches about evaluation of the CFTR, which are, however,mostly qualitative research with little focus on the quantitative research. This paper used the AnalyticHierarchy Process (AHP) and expert assignment method to define the comprehensive evaluation indexes and monitoring indexes of the CFTR. In this study, the authors did a quantitative evaluation of the CFTR in Shaowu, Fujia...  相似文献   

This study aims to quantify the contribution of the harvested wood products (HWP) to the carbon removals/emissions by the agriculture, forestry and land-use sector (hereafter referred to as HWP contribution) using the tier 1 method proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the 2006 Guidelines (hereafter referred to as GL tier 1 method) and to compare it with the results obtained with the tier 2 method proposed by the IPCC in the Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (hereafter referred to as GPG tier 2 method). The HWP contribution was calculated for three approaches: stock change, production and atmospheric flow. Another objective was to perform a sensitivity analysis in order to identify the calculation procedures and the input data that have the largest impact on the HWP contribution estimates. An uncertainty analysis was also carried out with Monte Carlo simulation. The case study of Portugal was analysed in this study. The HWP contribution obtained with the GL tier 1 method ranged from 150 to 1,240 Gg C year−1, for the period from 1990 to 2004. These results are similar to those obtained with the GPG tier 2 method, except for the production approach, since the GL tier 1 method underestimated carbon accumulation in solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) under this approach. The most influential calculation procedures and input data were the algorithm used to calculate the change in carbon stocks for the pools that follow a first-order decay, the procedure to estimate the input of carbon to the pool of HWP in SWDS, the procedure to determine the change in carbon stocks of HWP in SWDS for the production approach, the type of carbon stocks considered in SWDS and the conversion factor for wood-based panels.  相似文献   

The effect of the crosser’s position used for piled lumber on longitudinal vibration was investigated. As a model case, specimens with and without a concentrated mass were compressed in their thickness direction at nodal and antinodal positions of longitudinal vibration, following which, longitudinal vibration tests were conducted. Density and Young’s modulus were unaffected by compression of the specimen at the nodal position but was affected by compression at the antinodal position. By placing crossers at the nodal positions, accurate density and Young’s modulus values can be determined using the vibration method with additional mass without the influence of weight of the upper lumber.  相似文献   

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