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A continuous, underway fish egg sampler (CUFES) was employed to assess the abundance and distribution of eggs of both sardine, Sardinops sagax , and round herring, Etrumeus whiteheadi , on the Western Agulhas Bank, South Africa, during September 1996. Samples were collected while underway along six inshore/offshore transects, and at stations along the transects. Volumetric estimates of egg density (eggs m−3) from on-station CUFES samples were highly correlated with both volumetric and areal (eggs m−2) estimates of egg density from samples collected from CalVET net hauls at these stations, demonstrating the validity of this novel sampling technique. Sardine and round herring eggs were encountered in a band running parallel to the coast and extending from 10 to 30 nautical miles offshore to the shelf edge, and highest egg densities were associated with strong north-west-flowing currents in the region of the shelf edge. Collecting samples while underway increased the precision of the estimate of mean egg density for sardine eggs but not for round herring eggs. The use of CUFES in obtaining a fine-scale resolution of sardine egg distribution, and as a tool for stock assessment, are discussed.  相似文献   

In the northwestern Mediterranean, most fish species reproduce in early summer and fewer in the autumn mixing period. This study analyses and compares larval fish assemblages (LFA) in both seasons, and is the first attempt to characterize LFA structure for the autumn period. We analyze horizontal and vertical distribution of fish larvae and the micro- and mesozooplankton biomass and abundance of the main zooplankton groups. The oceanographic situation was analyzed through the study of data from CTD, Nν-Shuttle and ADCP surveys. LFA were determined by ordination analyses based on larval abundance, and the relationships between larval assemblages and environmental variables were investigated through canonical correspondence analysis. The importance of some hydrographic variables (temperature, salinity and stability of the water column), current fields (along-shelf and across-shelf transport) and the abundance of zooplankton are discussed as important factors shaping the structure of larval assemblages. In early summer, LFA were mainly structured by a combination of bathymetry and trophic components, although sea surface temperature also played a role in shaping the horizontal larval distributions. In autumn, trophic variables were the main factors influencing the shelf-dwelling species assemblage. Larvae of oceanic species, on the other hand, were not related to trophic variables but were more affected by current fields.  相似文献   

Pop‐up satellite archival tags (PSATs) are now widely used to document the geographic and vertical movements of large pelagic fishes. These instruments record measurements of ambient light, depth and temperature at regular intervals and the light data are used to compute daily estimates of latitude and longitude. Several methods have been developed to improve those estimates, including the application of Kalman filter models and matching sea surface temperatures (SST) from tags with remotely sensed SSTs. Despite their widespread use, few studies have evaluated the accuracy of raw estimates of location from PSATs or quantified the improvements that may result from refinement techniques. To assess the accuracy of raw and refined estimates of locations from PSATs, we attached two PSATs and one Argos satellite‐linked transmitter (SAT tag) to one whale shark (Rhincodon typus) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. The root mean square error (RMSE) in raw estimates of location provided by the PSATs was 5.16° latitude and 2.00° longitude. Estimates were more accurate after processing the data with a Kalman filter (RMSE = 2.97° latitude and 0.78° longitude) and most accurate after processing with a Kalman filter model that integrates SST measurements (RMSE = 1.84° latitude and 0.78° longitude). We also assessed the precision of the PSAT‐derived locations, and depth and temperature measurements by comparing the data from the two PSATs. Our findings support the use of archival tag data to reconstruct the large‐scale movements of marine animals and demonstrate the significant improvements that may result from two refinement techniques.  相似文献   

  1. Pelagic spawning riverine fish (pelagophils) spawn in free‐flowing river habitats with downstream drift of eggs and larvae but the spatial scale is often unknown, and this constitutes a major ecological knowledge gap.
  2. In the arid Darling River in south‐eastern Australia, the present objectives were: (i) to determine the potential downstream dispersal distance of young golden perch (Macquaria ambigua); and (ii) to evaluate whether provision of environmental water enhanced dispersal of young fish from Menindee Lakes to the lower Darling River (LDR) while also cueing further spawning in downstream lotic reaches.
  3. Golden perch spawned in unregulated lotic tributaries on a flood pulse and larvae drifted or dispersed >1,600 km downstream and entered large ephemeral productive floodplain lake nursery habitats as fully scaled fingerlings.
  4. Planned releases of environmental water cued golden perch spawning in the LDR and enabled juvenile fish to disperse downstream from the Menindee Lakes nursery into receiving populations in the LDR, Great Darling Anabranch, and southern Murray River, with some fish potentially completing an active migration of >2,100 km by age 1 year.
  5. The Darling River case study highlights the need for a system‐scale approach to the conservation management of pelagophilic fish, along with multi‐year perennial flow strategies to improve ecosystem integrity in large rivers globally.

To understand how Japanese sardine eggs vertically disperse in water, we acquired a series of depth‐resolved samples of eggs while tracking a drogued buoy to follow the water mass in which the eggs were spawned. This survey was conducted in early March of 1991, when the sardine population was abundant and actively spawning in the Pacific off Kyushu. Buoyancy of the eggs was estimated by measuring the specific gravity, and was 1–4 × 10?3 less than that of the water in which they were spawned, giving a rising speed of 1–2 mm s?1. In an attempt to diagnose the dynamics underlying the observed vertical profiles of the eggs, a one‐dimensional egg distribution model incorporating the egg rising speed and wind‐ and depth‐dependent vertical diffusivity was formulated. Observed eggs were mainly in the surface mixed layer, and their vertical distribution changed with wind‐induced surface mixing: during strong winds, the eggs were distributed relatively evenly over the upper 60–75 m, whereas during weak winds and shallow pycnocline, the eggs formed a subsurface peak around 25 m depth. The model accurately reproduced these variations in the vertical distributions of eggs, suggesting that the gradients of egg concentration are sensitive to the strength of wind and the structure of underlying hydrography. Further tests with the model showed the importance of positive buoyancy: neutrally buoyant eggs formed subsurface maxima below the food‐rich euphotic zone. The balance of vertical mixing and floating, which allows the eggs to remain in the euphotic zone but away from the near‐surface waters, may be an adaptation to minimize surface‐enhanced predation, while allowing the eggs to hatch in the food‐rich euphotic zone.  相似文献   

In this study, we conducted experiments on wild-caught juvenile gag Mycteroperca microlepis from the eastern Gulf of Mexico to evaluate the effect of food availability on somatic growth and otolith growth. Juveniles were fed at two different food levels until all fish attained similar sizes. We found that food availability significantly affected growth rates. However, we also found that this manifested itself in differential otolith size. That is, slower-growing gag had larger, heavier otoliths than equal-sized faster-growing gag; an experimental result that has been observed previously among various fish species. We wanted to apply these experimental results to field-caught gag because our initial observations indicated that gag from more southern latitudes along Florida’s west coast were larger than gag from more northern latitudes, at least during the early juvenile period. Applying these relationships to regional field populations, we found that juvenile gag from the more northern latitudes appeared to grow faster than those from southern latitudes, using an otolith–fish size proxy for growth. However, examination of fish length–age relationships revealed that juvenile gag growth rates were not significantly different between regions. These results are contrary to the expectation that larger-sized gag from southern latitudes are growing faster, and suggests that other factors, such as spawning time and habitat quality may explain regional size differences.  相似文献   

Lord C, Brun C, Hautecœur M, Keith P. Insights on endemism: comparison of the duration of the marine larval phase estimated by otolith microstructural analysis of three amphidromous Sicyopterus species (Gobioidei: Sicydiinae) from Vanuatu and New Caledonia.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 26–38. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Abstract –  The microstructure of otoliths of three amphidromous gobies (Sicydiinae) of the genus Sicyopterus has been analysed. One of these species, Sicyopterus lagocephalus has a widespread distribution whereas the other two are endemic ( Sicyopterus aiensis , from Vanuatu and Sicyopterus sarasini , from New Caledonia). The microstructural analysis of the otoliths showed that the duration of the marine larval phase is significantly shorter for both endemic species than for the cosmopolitan species (131 ± 3.4 days for S. lagocephalus , 79.2 ± 4.6 days for S. aiensis and 76.5 ± 3.9 days for S. sarasini ). These results led us to infer that it could be one of the factors explaining endemism. We have also improved our knowledge on the processes undergone during the marine phase by studying the growth of the otolith. This work allowed us to propose possible migration routes. These species' reproduction period has also been studied by back-calculating hatching dates. All these elements improve our understanding of the life-history traits and dispersion strategies of these species, which is crucial to implementing conservation measures in order to protect them and their environment, both threatened by anthropogenic actions.  相似文献   

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