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A fully developed bow shock and magnetosheath were observed near Mercury, providing unambiguous evidence for a strong interaction between Mercury and the solar wind. Inside the sheath there is a distinct region analogous to the magnetosphere or magnetotail of Earth, populated by electrons with lower density and higher temperature than the electrons observed in the solar wind or magnetosheath. At the time of encounter, conditions were such that a perpendicular shock was observed on the inbound leg and a parallel shock was observed on the outbound leg of the trajectory, and energetic plasma electron events were detected upstream from the outbound shock crossing. The interaction is most likely not atmospheric, but the data clearly indicate that the obstacle to solar wind flow is magnetic, either intrinsic or induced. The particle fluxes and energy spectra showed large variations while the spacecraft was inside the magnetosphere, and these variations could be either spatial or temporal.  相似文献   

Dunne JA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1974,183(4131):1289-1291
The Mariner 10 spacecraft encountered Venus at 1701 G.M.T. on 5 February 1974. The preplanned encounter science sequence was executed satisfactorily, accomplishing all objectives despite a number of spacecraft problems that had occurred in the early phases of the flight. Seven experiments were conducted, including observations of the solar wind interaction region, extreme ultraviolet and infrared emissions, radio occultation, and imaging.  相似文献   

The intensity of emission at 45 micrometers, measured with high spatial resolution along a single crossing of the Venus disk, is presented. On the average, the observed darkening toward the limb varies nearly linearly with the cosine of the emission angle. The brightness temperature, extrapolated to normal emission, is 255 degrees K. The limb darkening curve, interpreted in a linear approximation, implies that the atmosphere is quite opaque, with an absorption coefficient of 0.24 per kilometer. Changes in curvature present in the limb darkening curve suggest the existence of thermal inhomogeneities with scale comparable to that of the dark markings shown by ultraviolet images.  相似文献   

Apt J  Goody R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1979,203(4382):785-787
An image of the infrared emission from the Earth-facing hemisphere of Venus was obtained at the time the Pioneer Venus probes penetrated the atmosphere. The thermal structure of the atmosphere at the 85-millibar level included regions of rapidly varying polar features, a solar-related postdawn warm area, and a nonsolar-fixed nighttime warm area. The probes succeeded in entering each of these three thermal regions.  相似文献   

An objective grating spectrometer on Mariner 10 has measured air-glow in the wavelength range 200 to 1700 angstroms. The data reveal the presence of significant concentrations of hydrogen, helium, carbon, and oxygen atoms in the upper atmosphere of Venus. A preliminary analysis of the hydrogen data indicates an exospheric temperature of 400 degrees K. There is evidence for intense air-glow emission at wavelengths longward of 1350 angstroms; the nature of this emission is unclear, but the radiation is spatially extensive and detectable on both day and night sides of the planet.  相似文献   

The University of Chicago instrumnents on board the Mariner 10 spacecraft bound for Mercury have measured energy spectra and fluxes of electrons from 0.18 to 30 million electron volts and protons from 0.5 to 68 million electron volts along the plasma wake and in the bow shock regions associated with Venus. Unusually quiet solar conditions and improved instrumentation made it possible to search for much lower fluxes of protons and electrons in similar energy regions as compared to earlier Mariner missions to Venus-that is, lower by a factor of 10(2) for protons and 10(3) for electrons. We found no evidence for electrons or protons either in the form of increases of intensity or energy spectral changes in the vicinity of the planet, nor any evidence of bursts of radiation in or near the observed bow shock where bursts of electrons might have been expected in analogy with the bow shock at the earth. The importance of these null results for determining the necessary and sufficient conditions for particle acceleration is discussed with respect to magnetometer evidence that Venus does not have a magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Preliminary results from the Ames Research Center plasma analyzer experiment for the Pioneer 10 Jupiter encounter indicate that Jupiter has a detached bow shock and magnetopause similar to the case at Earth but much larger in spatial extent. In contrast to Earth, Jupiter's outer magnetosphere appears to be highly inflated by thermal plasma and therefore highly responsive in size to changes in solar wind dynamic pressure.  相似文献   

Images of the disk of Venus, taken at wavelengths between 8 and 22 micrometers, were obtained a few days after the Galileo spacecraft's closest approach on 8 February 1990; these images show variations in the thickness of the main H(2)SO(4) cloud deck and the overlying temperature structure. Several features are qualitatively similar to those of earlier observations, such as a hot region at the south pole, surrounded by a cold ;;collar,' and brightening toward the lower latitudes, where low-contrast banding appears. The collar does have a northern counterpart that is warmer, however. Equatorial limb darkening is quantitatively similar to that of previous observations; fairly constant at wavelengths up to 20 micrometers, where limb darkening increases substantially. In contrast to what was found in previous observations, polar and equatorial limb darkening are nearly the same at most wavelengths. A longitudinal variation is observable that is consistent with a wavenumber-2 behavior and a brightness maximum near local midnight.  相似文献   

Initial results of observations of the solar wind interaction with Venus indicate that Venus has a well-defined, strong, standing bow shock wave. Downstream from the shock, an ionosheath is observed in which the compressed and heated postshock plasma evidently interacts directly with the Venus ionosphere. Plasma ion velocity deflections observed within the ionosheath are consistent with flow around the blunt shape of the ionopause. The ionopause boundary is observed and defined by this experiment as the location where the ionosheath ion flow is first excluded. The positions of the bow shock and ionopause are variable and appear to respond to changes in the external solar wind pressure. Near the terminator the bow shock was observed at altitudes of approximately 4600 to approximately 12,000 kilometers. The ionopause altitutde ranged fromn as low as approximately 450 to approximately 1950 kilometers. Within the Venus ionosphere low-energy ions (energy per untit charge < 30 volts) were detected and have been tentatively idtentified as nonflowing ionospheric ions incident from a direction along the spacecraft velocity vector.  相似文献   

The brightness temperatures at 10 and 20 micrometers measured by the Mariner 9 infrared radiometer differ substantially from those predicted by the radiometer results of Mariners 6 and 7. The results indicate a significant latitude-dependent contribution of the atmospheric dust to the observed thermal emission.  相似文献   

Near-infrared images of Venus, obtained from a global network of ground-based observatories during January and February 1990, document the morphology and motions of the night-side near-infrared markings before, during, and after the Galileo Venus encounter. A dark cloud extended halfway around the planet at low latitudes (>+/-40 degrees ) and persisted throughout the observing program. It had a rotation period of 5.5 +/- 0.15 days. The remainder of this latitude band was characterized by small-scale (400 to 1000 kilometers) dark and bright markings with rotation periods of 7.4 +/- 1 days. The different rotation periods for the large dark cloud and the smaller markings suggests that they are produced at different altitudes. Mid-latitudes (+/-40 degrees to 60 degrees ) were usually occupied by bright east-west bands. The highest observable latitudes (+/-60 degrees to 70 degrees ) were always dark and featureless, indicating greater cloud opacity. Maps of the water vapor distribution show no evidence for large horizontal gradients in the lower atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

Measurements of the frequency, phase, and amplitude of the S-band radio signal of Mariner V as it passed behind Venus were used to obtain the effects of refraction in its atmosphere and ionosphere. Profiles of refractivity, temperature, pressure, and density in the neutral atmosphere, as well as electron density in the daytime ionosphere, are presented. A constant scale height was observed above the tropopause, and the temperature increased with an approximately linear lapse rate below the tropopause to the level at which signal was lost, presumably because heavy defocusing attenuation occurred as critical refraction was approached. An ionosphere having at least two maxima was observed at only 85 kilometers above the tropopause.  相似文献   

Additional plasma measurements in the vicinity of Venus are presented which show that (i) there are three distinct plasma electron populations-solar wind electrons, ionosheath electrons, and nightside ionosphere electrons; (ii) the plasma ion flow pattern in the ionosheath is consistent with deflected flow around a blunt obstacle; (iii) the plasma ion flow velocities near the downstream wake may, at times, be consistent with the deflection of plasma into the tail, closing the solar wind cavity downstream from Venus at a relatively close distance (within 5 Venus radii) to the planet; (iv) there is a separation between the inner boundary of the downstream ionosheath and the upper boundary of the nightside ionosphere; and (v) during the first 4.5 months in orbit the measured solar wind plasma speed continued to vary, showing a number of high-speed, but generally nonrecurrent, streams.  相似文献   

The Mariner 9 infrared spectroscopy experiment has provided goodquality spectra of many areas of Mars, predominantly in the southern hemisphere. Large portions of the thermal emission spectra are significantly affected by dust with a silicon oxide content approximately corresponding to that of an intermediate igneous rock, thus implying that Mars has undergone substantial geochemical differentiation. Derived temperature profiles indicate a warm daytime upper atmosphere with a strong warming over the south polar cap. Atmospheric water vapor is clearly observed over the south polar area and less strongly over other regions.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of the nephelometer experiments conducted aboard the large sounder, day, north, and night probes of the Pioneer Venus mission are presented. The vertical structures of the Venus clouds observed simultaneously at each of the four locations from altitudes of from 63 kilometers to the surface are compared, and similarities and differences are noted. Tentative results from attempting to use the data from the nephelometer and cloud particle size spectrometer on the sounder probe to identify the indices of refraction of cloud particles in various regions of the Venus clouds are reported. Finally the nephelometer readings for the day probe during impact on the surface of Venus are presented.  相似文献   

Backscattering data for the nephelometer experiments conducted aboard the Pioneer Venus mission probes, including data up to the highest altitudes measured by the probes, are presented. A few small signals were detected below the main cloud deck. Ambient radiation was measured at near-ultraviolet and visible wavelengths; the variation of extinction of near-ultraviolet with altitude is inferred. Ambient radiance decreased more rapidly at 530 than at 745 nanometers in the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

Pioneer 11 observations of the interaction of Jupiter's magnetosphere with the distant solar wind have confirmed the earlier Pioneer 10 observations of the great size and extreme variability of the outer magnetosphere. The nature of the plasma transitions across Jupiter's bow shock and magnetopause as observed on Pioneer 10 have also been confirmed on Pioneer 11. However, the northward direction of the Pioneer 11 outbound trajectory and the distance of the final magnetopause crossing (80 Jupiter radii) now suggest that Jupiter's magnetosphere is extremely broad with a half-thickness (normal to the ecliptic plane in the noon meridian) which is comparable to or greater than the sunward distance to the nose.  相似文献   

Net radiation measurements in the atmosphere of Venus indicate that the bulk of the atmosphere is radiatively cooling at high latitudes and heating at low latitudes. Similarity of features observed by all three probes indicate planetwide stratification. Flux variations within the clouds provide evidence of significant differences in cloud structure. A feature of unusually large opacity found near 60 kilometers at the north probe site is probably related to the unique circulation regime revealed by ultraviolet and infrared imagery. A stable layer between the cloud bottoms and about 35 kilometers contains several features in the flux profiles probably resulting from large-scale compositional stratifications rather than clouds. In the layer below 35 kilometers unexpectedly large fluxes were observed.  相似文献   

During the Galileo flyby of Venus the plasma wave instrument was used to search for impulsive radio signals from lightning and to investigate locally generated plasma waves. A total of nine events were detected in the frequency range from 100 kilohertz to 5.6 megahertz. Although the signals are weak, lightning is the only known source of these signals. Near the bow shock two types of locally generated plasma waves were observed, low-frequency electromagnetic waves from about 5 to 50 hertz and electron plasma oscillation at about 45 kilohertz. The plasma oscillations have considerable fine structure, possibly because of the formation of soliton-like wave packets.  相似文献   

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