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The thyroid glands of 31 chickens at the age of 17 to 24 months were investigated. Different methods of anatomical preparation, casts of vessels and scanning electron microscopy were used. The thyroid gland of birds is a paired organ. It is located on the ventral surface of the base of the neck within the thoracic inlet. The left thyroid gland is placed more cranially than the right one. Each thyroid gland is closely connected to the common carotid artery on the medial side, from which it is supplied and to the jugular vein on the lateral side. It is a reddish-brown organ and of lenticular profile. The gland measures on average 10 mm in length, 6 mm in width and 2 mm in thickness, and is covered by a thin connective tissue capsule which holds adipose cells. It seems that each thyroid follicle is surrounded by a net of capillaries. The investigation by scanning electron microscopy proved that the follicles are oval with a pyramidal top on each end. The cuboidal epithelium cells leave impressions in the colloid. Epithelium cells carry microvilli on the follicle side surface. Described seasonal changes of the thyroid gland in size and activity were able to be confirmed by the examination of the organ in July and December. In winter the follicular cells were higher and the follicles had a greater volume.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary deficiency, including both malnutrition and deficiency of specific vitamins, on behavior is discussed with special emphasis on the growing kitten and puppy. The effect of caloric restriction on behavior is reviewed so that owners can be advised what to expect when their dog is placed on a reducing diet. The evidence for influence of dietary protein and tryptophan on canine aggression is presented. The effect of special diets on canine cognitive dysfunction is reviewed.  相似文献   

The current challenges (increasing levels of integration in the biological sciences) facing the teaching of zoology and the structure of the zoology curriculum are explored herein. General context is provided and a more focused scrutiny of the situation in North America is presented. The changing emphases in more broadly‐based biological sciences programs in North America are outlined, and their influence on the role of zoology as part of fundamental biological training is considered. The longer term impact of such changes in emphasis on the teaching of zoology is discussed, and the central role that zoology can play in dealing with both science content and science education is advanced. Based upon a focal workshop on the future of the zoology curriculum in Canada, a perspective on the challenges facing curriculum evolution is provided. Extensive curriculum redesign is called for to ensure that zoology provides a broad‐scale integrative approach to the understanding of biodiversity in evolutionary, ecological and functional contexts. Barriers to, and drivers of change are identified and the need for collaborative approaches to curricular evolution is emphasized.  相似文献   

In variance component quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, a mixed model is used to detect the most likely chromosome position of a QTL. The putative QTL is included as a random effect and a method is needed to estimate the QTL variance. The standard estimation method used is an iterative method based on the restricted maximum likelihood (REML). In this paper, we present a novel non-iterative variance component estimation method. This method is based on Henderson's method 3, but relaxes the condition of unbiasedness. Two similar estimators were compared, which were developed from two different partitions of the sum of squares in Henderson's method 3. The approach was compared with REML on data from a European wild boar × domestic pig intercross. A meat quality trait was studied on chromosome 6 where a functional gene was known to be located. Both partitions resulted in estimated QTL variances close to the REML estimates. From the non-iterative estimates, we could also compute good approximations of the likelihood ratio curve on the studied chromosome.  相似文献   

Surgical sterilization of dogs and cats is a well-accepted measure for population control in some countries, but is considered unethical as an elective surgery in other countries. This is a review of what is known regarding positive and negative effects of gonadectomy surgery on individual animals and on societal management of unowned dog and cat populations.  相似文献   

A survey of literature on experimental infections with the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica published between 2005 and 2009 has revealed a general lack of information on where fluke material (i.e. metacercariae) was sourced from. Even less information was given on the drug status of the fluke isolate used, which is a particular concern for those studies that involved anthelmintics. In these two respects, information on the liver fluke lags far behind that for nematodes, where such information is given almost as a matter of course. Of additional concern is that, at times, information about the source and drug history of fluke isolates was incorrect. The overall aim of the review is to demonstrate why it is important to provide as much information as possible on what fluke material is being used. It also attempts to correct some of the errors in the literature and gather together what information is available about the provenance of those isolates that have been used in recent experimental studies.  相似文献   

The direct immunofluorescent detection of pathogens on pork skin is evaluated. Calibrate contamination of pork skin with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) is developed in 2 h at 4 degrees C. Then a specific indirect immunofluorescent staining protocol is optimized in order to obtain specific and intensive signals able to be detected by electronic cameras (deported microscopy). Despite the individual staining of ST and Lm is possible on pork skin and is specific and bright, the deported microscopy failed to detect these particles. After respectively 3 and 6 h, we obtain micro-colonies of ST and Lm. Due to the limited power of the video camera used, only the microscope permits the detection on the skin. However, our work gives standard conditions to mime the pathogens contamination and staining directly on a biological matrix such as pork skin. This work is a first step in the development of direct and rapid detection of pathogens on biological matrix.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is part of the Mission Statement of the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney and is taught throughout the undergraduate curriculum. Two units of study have a particular focus on animal welfare: Professional Practice in years 1, 2, and 3 and Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare Science in year 3. There is an emphasis on the refinement and development of alternatives to the use of animals in teaching. With a conscientious objection policy in place, these elements of our approach demonstrate the increasing importance of ethical teaching in the faculty. Undergraduate students have recently founded a vibrant special interest group called Veterinary Students for Animal Welfare. The faculty is advised on matters relating to animal welfare by its Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, chaired by the Sub-Dean for Animal Welfare. With the development of a Faculty Animal Welfare Policy, the faculty is progressing to a more proactive and public profile on animal welfare issues.  相似文献   

宝克为公驼发情时由枕腺分泌的一种液体,其主要成分为甾体激素和酸类物质,对治疗肿瘤、肾阳虚和免疫低下等疾病有积极地作用。作者主要对国内外有关宝克的化学成分及药理作用方面的最新研究进展进行了系统的综述,以期为更好地开发和利用宝克提供依据。  相似文献   

In 1978, Canada was the first country to regulate animal embryo transfer in a manner similar to regulations for artificial insemination. Research has shown that the risk of disease transmission by bovine embryos is minimal therefore regulations are evolving to recognize this potential. The Canadian Embryo Transfer Association plays a key role in regulatory decisions. Importing embryos is based on risk assessment and on the impact of potentially introduced disease agents. Export strategy is based on negotiation of valid conditions, on effective certification of embryos and on full involvement at the international level.  相似文献   

The currently recommended intake of vitamin E for dairy cows is based on the prevention of nutritional myopathy, a calf disease. However, it is likely that the vitamin E requirement of the modern dairy cow is very different from that of a calf. This review of the literature investigates the effect of vitamin E supplementation on the health and fertility of the dairy cow. Supplementation of high levels of vitamin E (at least 1000 iu per day) during the dry period and early lactation can reduce the incidence of mastitis, possibly because of an increase in immune system activity and function, but there appears to be little benefit of supplementation on infectious diseases other than mastitis. The evidence for a response in the reproductive system is more equivocal. In herds with a history of selenium deficiency and a high incidence of retained fetal membranes, supplementation, in conjunction with selenium, can reduce retention, but the evidence for an effect of supplementation on other reproductive diseases, such as cystic ovarian disease and metritis, is based on a very limited number of cases. The literature suggests that the current recommendations for vitamin E are inadequate. In particular, it suggests that the current linking of requirement to dry matter intake is incorrect, because vitamin E requirement is probably at its highest when intake is at its lowest However, the majority of the data on which this conclusion is based, come from North America where cows will encounter significantly different levels of oxidative stress from cows in the EU.  相似文献   

如今动物园给野生动物注射药物时,依靠吹管和气枪来发射,但有时相当的不便。本实用新型涉及了一种用于远程注射器的发射装置,包括发射本体,所述发射本体包括托架、管体、端盖;所述托架上设置有支架,所述管体置于托架上,所述端盖位于支架的后侧,所述端盖的前侧设置有从后至前口径依次缩小的固定部,所述端盖的固定部向前穿过支架,管体的后端与对应口径的固定部连接;所述管体与托架在靠近前端的位置通过连接件连接。旨在为日后的应用做出贡献。  相似文献   

The paper is organized in three parts. The first part is about the history and development periods of business incubation; the second one is on its three generations defined by scholars; and the third one is on its present situation including various forms of incubators. In the conclusion, a brief reflection is made on its significance in economy and on the value it provides for society.  相似文献   

Seborrhea is a multifaceted disease, and it is a common presentation in the small animal practice setting. This article addresses the considerations to be aware of in approaching the diagnosis of this complex entity. Emphasis is placed on recent advances of diseases that cause seborrhea and on appropriate therapy. A simplified practical approach to topical antiseborrheic shampoo therapy is presented.  相似文献   

Collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) belongs to the Tayassuidae family that is characterized by a dorsal scent gland located in the middle of the hump. It can be found from south-west United States to Argentina. It is a very well-adapted animal that can survive different environments, having a varied diet. Very little morphological information of the animal is available, except that concerning the reproductive tract. This study describes the histological organization of the collared peccary lip. The lip marks the junction between the integument and digestive system. It is lined by skin on the outer surface and mucosa on the inner surface. Skin appendages such as hair follicles and glands are usually found on the outer surface. The collared peccary's lip shows, on the outer surface, simple and sinus hair follicles as well as sebaceous and apocrine sweat glands. No salivary gland is found on the inner surface, and deep in the connective tissue pacinian corpuscles can be found. The connective tissue is rich in collagen and elastic fibres. The collared peccary's lip may be used not only for food prehension but also functions as a sensitive structure giving tactile input to the central nervous system.  相似文献   

代价问题是我国改革开放和现代化建设中日益凸显出来的现实问题。贯彻落实科学发展观,必须充分认识代价意识的地位和作用。事实上,只要有发展就有代价,代价意识不仅是科学发展观形成和发展的动力源泉,而且是科学发展观正确指导实践的基本理念。  相似文献   

This is a report from a workshop on canine cancer registration hosted at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science in Oslo in August 2010. The aim is to present a summary of the current efforts to gather data on canine (and feline) cancer based on information from participants at the workshop. A definition and classification of cancer registries is provided together with an inventory of the databases presented. Particular focus is placed on the distinction between population-based and hospital-based cancer registries. Future challenges are discussed and issues relating to harmonization of diagnostic coding, defining the population-at-risk, individual animal identification and data quality are included. Finally, other groups working within the field of cancer registration in companion animals are encouraged to contact the authors for future collaboration.  相似文献   

In terms of milk production, the dry period (DP) is a non-productive time. In addition, the risk of mastitis increases when cows with daily milk yield >12.5kg are dried off, which is often the case when the DP is set to 55-60 days. References on the positive effects of a shortened DP on the metabolic health at the start of lactation and the subsequent reproductive performance were the motive of this review. Completely foregoing or shortening the DP produces a decrease in milk yield during the following lactation. This decrease is particularly pronounced for cows at the beginning of the second lactation. It is thought that this may be due in part to different involution and proliferation processes of the mammary glands in primiparous and multiparous animals. The majority of the scientific papers suggest that shortening the DP has a positive rather than a negative effect on udder health. The quality of the colostrum is also unaffected; but if there is no drying off, the colostrum will be diluted. When considered overall, the literature, with support from metabolic profile studies, appears to favour a reduced impact on energy metabolism in early lactation in circumstances when the DP is shortened or waived. Clear positive effects on parameters relevant to energy metabolism however only apply to multiparous animals, and other factors, such as milking frequency before and after calving, exert an influence. Positive effects of shortening the DP on the reproductive performance were shown in several studies. Time from calving to first ovulation as well as indicators for assessing the success of artificial insemination and reproductive performance showed better results in animals with no or shortened drying off periods. Again, this only applied to multiparous animals. Overall, there is no single clear answer to the question of an optimal length of the DP, but conversely it is abundantly clear that a dry period of 55-60 days is not necessary in all cases and does not make sense under certain circumstances. Based on the study findings from recent years, the determination of dry periods should be used as a farm-specific and needs-oriented applied management decision.  相似文献   

弓形虫病(Toxoplasmosis)是由刚地弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii,TOX)引起的一种重要人兽共患寄生虫病,该虫是一种可寄生于有核细胞的原虫。当前对弓形虫病的诊断和治疗虽已有一些方法,但均不够理想。本文就该病的免疫学诊断方法的研究进展加以概述,以研究SAG2为检测抗原,以制备弓形虫SAG2蛋白的单克隆抗体和免疫胶体金试纸条为核心,建立一种快速、特异、便捷的检测方法,为我国弓形虫病的诊断与防治、弓形虫与宿主关系、以及弓形虫的分子生物学等研究奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

耕地保护制度是我国最基本、最严格的制度之一,是保障我国粮食安全,社会持续稳定发展的基础制度之一。通过文献资料法从政策、法律、经济、技术四个方面构建了实现重庆市耕地总量动态平衡的保障体系。严格执行耕地保护法规,制定切实可行的政策措施,加大耕地建设的财政投入,建立以3S技术为支撑的土地动态监测系统,以保障重庆市耕地总量动态平衡。  相似文献   

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