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水貂自咬症与微量元素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 自咬症是肉食性毛皮动物的一种慢性疾病,病兽呈现定期兴奋,兴奋期咬自体的一定部位。水貂自咬症在国内外水貂饲养场都有发生,且发病率较高,严重危害水貂的毛皮质量,给水貂饲养业带来重大经济损失。关于自咬病的病因,目前尚有争议。国外在对此病的多年研究中,形成了两种观点:一种认为是营养性疾病,另一种则认为是病毒性疾病。  相似文献   

29毛皮动物自咬症有哪些病因,如何防治?关于毛皮动物自咬症的确切病因目前仍不清楚,现对一些文献中记载的试验结果总结如下。病毒感染。试验结果来自于60年代前苏联,实用自咬症水貂脏器悬液感染长尾猿肾细胞能引起病  相似文献   

<正>水貂是珍贵的毛皮动物,其毛皮可出口创汇.自1956年我国开始饲养水貂的30多年来,多数貂场都有自咬症发生,发病率在5%左右.近年来,有的貂场自咬症发病率有逐年增加的趋势,个别貂场种貂自咬症发病率达20%,造成巨大的经济损失.目前水貂自咬症的发病原因尚不清楚,国内外都没有特异的防治方法.我们于1992年春、秋季和1993年春季在辽宁省某貂场采用二流基丙磺酸钠(Dimercaptopropanesulfonate SodiumDMPS)注射液给自咬症病貂肌肉注射,治疗病貂221例,自咬症状消失率为87.33%,取得了满意的效果.  相似文献   

<正> 自咬症是食肉毛皮动物和一种常见病,多发病,呈慢性进过。病兽呈现定期兴奋性,兴奋期病兽咬自体的一定部位,造成创伤,严重地影响狐、貉,水貂的生长发育和皮的质量。近几年来,我们在毛皮动物养殖中,坚持预防为主,综合防治的方法,控制自咬症的发生,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

自咬症是笼养毛皮动物水貂、狐狸的常见病,严重影响着毛皮质量,然而其发病原因一直未得以明确。作者初步从分子遗传学角度探讨了水貂自咬症的发病原因。采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术分别对正常水貂组和自咬水貂组进行了遗传基因差异上的比对分析。从100个随机引物中筛选出40个重复性好的多态引物,提取水貂健康与患病群体DNA各40个,随机抽取10个构建基因池,进行RAPD标记研究。挑选出在健康组与患病组差异明显的S103引物(序列为AGACGTCCAC)并对其进行克隆,将克隆结果交上海生工生物有限公司测序。引物S103扩增出健康与患病水貂的特异条带,仅在患病水貂组中发现750 bp左右的DNA片段,而在健康组中发现600 bp左右的特异片段。此两条特异片段可初步作为区分健康和患病水貂群体的分子遗传标记,为进一步对水貂自咬症的深入研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

许多养貂者,常会发现水貂自咬,有的咬坏左右腹部,有的咬破尾根尾尖。不仅影响毛皮质量,而且影响母貂的正常繁殖。重者可引起死亡。经实践证明,下列方法对防治水貂自咬症有较好效果。  相似文献   

许多养貂场,养貂户,都发现水貂自咬现象,有的咬坏左右腹部,有的咬破尾根尾尖,不仅影响毛皮质量,而且影响母貂的正常繁殖,重者可引起死亡。我们经多年实践证明,合理采用下列中西医疗法对防治水貂自咬症有较好的效果。  相似文献   

水貂属于肉食性动物,其饲料以动物性饲料为主,需要高能量、高蛋白的物质来满足其生长发育及毛皮生长的需要。本文对水貂的消化道生理结构、消化酶特点以及水貂的营养需要特点进行了综述。  相似文献   

用大豆组织状蛋白或特制豆腐饲养水貂的试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 水貂是肉食性珍贵毛皮动物,它的主要食物是鱼、肉类饲料。随着养貂业的发展,鱼肉类饲料的来源日趋紧张,而且饲料费用也在不断上涨。为了开辟新的饲料来源,降低饲养成本,促进养貂业的进一步发展,在吉林农业大学等单位的协助  相似文献   

<正>自咬症是危害笼养水貂的一种慢性病,其特征是阵发性神经高度兴奋、狂暴性自咬身体某一部位、造成自咬创伤而影响其生长发育和毛皮质量。本病在春秋的换毛季节发病率较高而给养貂业带来严重经济损失。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of oral dextromethorphan in dogs with a repetitive behavior problem (self-licking, self-chewing, and self-biting associated with chronic allergic dermatitis). ANIMALS: Fourteen dogs with chronic allergic dermatitis were enrolled in the study. Twelve dogs completed the study. PROCEDURE: The dogs were treated for 2 weeks each with dextromethorphan (2 mg/kg BID) and placebo in a randomized, double blind, crossover designed study. A dermatology score, including an assessment of affected areas of the integument and the level of self-directed behavior, was generated before and following each 2-week phase of the study. Owners were required to record daily the amount of time they spent with their dog and the amount of time that the dog was observed to be engaged in any of the specified self-directed behaviors. RESULTS: The percent of the observed time that the dogs were reported to be involved in self-directed behaviors was significantly less during the 2-week active drug treatment phase. The pruritus score component of the dermatology score also was significantly less during the active treatment phase. In addition, a dermatologist-rated global assessment was more favorable in 11 of 12 dogs following the active treatment phase. CONCLUSIONS: Dextromethorphan significantly reduces the percentage of time that allergic dogs spend self-licking, self-chewing, and self-biting. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Dextromethorphan may be a useful adjunct in the management of self-directed behaviors associated with allergic dermatitis and possibly in other repetitive behaviors as well.  相似文献   

水貂自咬症发病原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作者概述了自咬症的发生对水貂皮张的损坏和给养貂业带来的经济损失,总结了国内外学者对自咬症致病原因的各种说法。着重阐述微生物感染、微量元素缺乏、遗传等多种因素的研究概况,为进一步研究自咬症致病原因和有效防制该病提供参考。  相似文献   

对蓝狐多巴胺受体D2(dopamine receptor,DRD2)基因进行克隆测序,为进一步探讨蓝狐DRD2基因与自咬行为的相关分析及染色体定位提供理论基础。本试验参考狗的DRD2基因序列(GenBank登录号:AF293962.1)设计特异引物,对蓝狐的基因组进行PCR扩增、克隆和测序,并进行序列的同源性分析。试验获得蓝狐DRD2基因序列819 bp,其序列与家犬的同源性最高,达97%,而在水貂和人及小鼠这些哺乳动物的同源性为85%~91%。本研究成功克隆了蓝狐DRD2基因的部分序列,表明其在物种间具有较高的保守性。  相似文献   

骨骼肌卫星细胞自我更新的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
骨骼肌卫星细胞(skeletal satellite cells)是一类位于骨骼肌纤维细胞膜与基底膜之间的成体干细胞,在骨骼肌损伤修复过程中起着重要的作用。随着研究的不断深入,人们对骨骼肌卫星细胞的功能及其作用机制了解也越来越多,但目前仍存在着许多未解之谜。骨骼肌卫星细胞是如何进行自我更新调控的,研究者们提出了骨骼肌卫星细胞进行自我更新的模式假说及其可能的信号转导通路,作者对其最新研究进展作一概述。  相似文献   

毛皮动物一般指那些能提供高档裘皮产品的动物,属于野生或经过人工驯化饲养的哺乳类动物。作者对毛皮动物的栖息环境、采食习性、行为等野生习性及驯化的关键问题和方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

李长胜 《家畜生态》1998,19(3):13-15
通过观察狐貂自咬症疾病行为特点,分析发病原因,传播途径,及时诊断治疗,以提高狐,貉养殖的经济效益。  相似文献   

A female South African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) began having obvious clinical ophthalmologic problems by 8 weeks of age. The initial clinical sign was diffuse corneal edema, which progressed to bullae formation and ulcers; the underlying cause of corneal edema and bullous keratopathy was not identified antemortem. An ophthalmological evaluation was performed when the fur seal was approximately 6 months of age, but due to the diffuse corneal edema, intraocular structures could not be easily evaluated. An underlying infectious etiology was suspected; therefore, appropriate diagnostics were pursued, but did not identify a cause. Initial improvement was noted, but the fur seal then became blind and eventually became very painful. Due to decreased quality of life and aggressive behavior, the fur seal was euthanized. Histopathological diagnoses were persistent tunica vasculosa lentis and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous with bilateral hypermature resorbed cataracts and retinal detachments with rosette formation.  相似文献   

本研究模拟蓝狐在饲养管理过程中的不良环境,结合10种血清生化指标研究环境应激对蓝狐自咬症发生的影响。选用体重相近的健康蓝狐90只(公母各半),其中试验组60只,对照组30只。采用摇床、转移栋舍、限制、拥挤、饥饿、休息等6种不同的应激诱导方式对蓝狐进行应激诱导,结果显示,应激诱导持续30 d,试验组血清中GPT、ALP、GSH-Px和CAT活性极显著低于对照组(P<0.01),MDA含量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),SOD活性极显著高于对照组(P<0.01);应激诱导60 d,ALP、CK、GSH-Px、CAT和MDA活性极显著高于对照组(P<0.01),SOD活性极显著低于对照组(P<0.01),GPT活性显著低于对照组(P<0.05);GOT、LDH、GLU活性在整个应激诱导过程中没有显著差异(P>0.05)。应激诱导组与对照组蓝狐自咬症发病率没有显著差异(P>0.05),一般的环境应激对蓝狐自咬症的产生没有明显影响。  相似文献   

Predator-livestock interactions are a major concern for both agriculture and conservation globally. Using retrospective survey data from 274 ranches in Wyoming, United States, we used information theory to model how ranch attributes and large carnivores influenced the timing, duration, and severity of livestock predation. We then used constrained ordination to understand how 1) landscape, weather, and animal features influence predation and 2) how livestock behavior and nonlethal loss relate to ranch attributes and large carnivores. Timing, duration, and severity of livestock predation were generally not explained by ranch size or number of counties but were explained by livestock type, livestock parturition (either timing or duration), and documented large carnivore loss. Addition of the large carnivore loss variable to global models always improved Akaike information criterion scores. Rangelands characterized as rough, forested, shrubby, or a public grazing allotment reportedly increased predation risk, in part, due to large carnivore exposure. Approximately two-thirds of participants noticed livestock nervousness if a predator was nearby, half of participants noted changes in livestock distribution patterns, and a quarter of participants noted a reduction in livestock grazing time. Nonlethal losses such as lower weight gains, lower conception rates, lower birth rates, and delayed birth season were reported by 27%, 19%, 12%, and 11% of participants, respectively. Ordination revealed separation between behavioral changes and nonlethal losses, attributed to large carnivore exposure. Parturition relative to livestock type was also strongly correlated to timing and duration of predation for cattle-only operations but not for operations with sheep. The predictive cattle predation-parturition model suggests that for each additional month of calving, producers should anticipate 21 additional d of predation. Understanding predator-livestock interactions relative to ranch and rangeland features, parturition, large carnivore exposure, and losses that extend beyond mortalities can assist in developing novel strategies to mitigate lethal and nonlethal losses.  相似文献   

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