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云南黑山羊新品系选育是在引进努比山羊与地方山羊杂交改良的基础上,采用现代动物遗传育种及胚胎移植新技术,经过15年培育的"云南肉用黑山羊新品系群".本试验在舍饲饲养条件下,开展对云南黑山羊品系群生长发育规律的研究,通过对体重、体尺性状测定和分析,掌握生长发育规律,为开展选育、饲养和利用提供基础性数据资料,指导种羊生产.  相似文献   

各国奶牛群体的选育目标建立之后,选育目标一直在不断发展,选择指数中性状的组成、定义和权重等都在不断变化。奶牛的选育是从关注产奶性能而开始,随后增加了体型外貌性状。由于奶牛的健康和繁殖问题的增加以及社会对动物福利的不断关注,20世纪末,世界范围内平衡育种理念在奶牛育种中逐渐形成,一些重要的功能性状加入各国的选择指数中;进入21世纪后,随着奶牛养殖业和社会的发展,育种家们开始关注和研究更多的性状,部分新性状已经开始在育种实践中选育应用。本文通过整理奶牛育种中有关新性状的研究并收集各国奶牛选育方案中的相关信息,综述了近十年奶业发达国家在奶牛遗传选育中正在研究或已经开始应用的新性状,并将这些新性状分为生产效率相关的新性状、应对环境挑战的新性状、健康福利相关的新性状、产品和加工相关的新性状及管理相关的新性状五大类,总结了这些性状的选育背景、定义方法、遗传基础和选育应用情况等,最后还总结了奶牛育种中新性状的研究应用过程,以期为我国奶牛遗传育种研究和育种目标完善提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文概括了山东省绵羊、山羊种业总体规模大、特征明显、种质资源丰富、种质资源保存与利用等现状;分析了绵、山羊地方品种保护与利用不足、引进品种生产性能退化、新品种培育难度大、育种技术和育种模式落后等问题;提出了地方品种保护和利用并重、本品种选育和引入品种相结合、加大育种投入和长远育种规划、育种技术和育种模式等方面的建议,目的是为加快山东省绵、山羊种业体系的构建提供依据和基础资料。  相似文献   

近年来,动物转基因技术发展日淅完善,在牛、羊、猪等家畜上的应用日益增多.为全面了解山羊转基因技术的研究进展,论文简要回顾了国内外转基因山羊生产的里程碑事件,总结了生产转基因山羊的方法和原理,并对转基因山羊研究状况、应用前景及存在问题进行了较为系统的概括和分析,从而为借助现代生物技术丰富我国山羊育种手段,加快山羊新良种培...  相似文献   

标记辅助选择技术与传统育种方式相结合,可大大提高动物育种效率,缩短育种周期。因此,加强标记辅助选择技术在山羊育种中的应用研究具有重要的实践意义。文章综述了标记辅助选择在动物育种应用中的基本策略、影响选择效率的因素及其在山羊育种中的应用,同时探讨了该技术在动物实际育种中应用较少的原因,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

南江黄羊是经过三十多年培育的我国第一个肉用山羊新品种,在新品种培育过程中,按照肉山羊品种特性,开展了南江黄羊高繁(NP)、快长(NG)、大型(NB)、黑色(NBL)等4个品系的选育研究[1].通过应用"群系继代、闭锁繁育"法,结合现代动物遗传育种理论和分子生物学的技术、方法、手段,采取"群内分组、组间轮回"的交配方案,在四川省南江县,于2003年成功培育出南江黄羊高繁品系[2-3].  相似文献   

辽宁绒山羊是我国产绒量多、质量好的绒用山羊品种。主要产区在辽东半岛。吉林省白山市八道江区在1989年大批引进,建立了绒山羊种羊场,经过几年的风土驯化,已完全适应吉林省高寒山区的饲养环境;经过精心的选种选育,初步建立起一定规模的育种核心群;引入后杂交改良当地山羊效果明显。一代杂种产绒量可达150~250克。  相似文献   

湖北阳新猪梅花星猪品系基于动物遗传育种理论指导下的世代选育工作,经过育种资源采集整合、性能测定、选种选配、世代繁育,以及开展繁殖力和生长发育性状等常规选育。试验通过利用传统方法对2月龄、4月龄、6月龄梅花星后备母猪的体尺、体重、背膘厚性状等开展测定选择。通过比较零世代选留群与供选群的选择差,以求获得较大遗传进展,此举将为建立梅花星核心育种群可持续世代选育提供依据。  相似文献   

随着动物分子育种及动物胚胎工程技术的发展,生产、选择具有预期基因型的胚胎,已经成为现实。动物胚胎育种或动物胚胎工程技术育种将成为动物育种中一个重要的技术途径和手段。动物胚胎育种研究主要包括:(1)动物育种方案中胚胎工程技术的应用及应用中的技术选择和优化;(2)不同类型动物胚胎育种体系的建立及育种方案实施过程中防止群体近交等问题的研究;(3)动物胚胎育种遗传进展和生物安全等方面的科学评估。动物胚胎育种在应用方面的技术策略可归纳为几个方面:以扩繁为策略的胚胎育种;以转基因或基因修饰为策略的新品种创制育种;以品种种质资源保存和利用为策略的动物胚胎保种。动物胚胎育种是对传统动物育种理论的发展和完善,也是胚胎工程技术应用于畜牧生产中的体现,在加快动物遗传改良、本品种选育以及新品种培育等方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

模糊聚类在陕北马海毛山羊育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模糊聚类在陕北马海毛山羊育种中的应用权富生(陕西省黄土高原研究所米脂718100)陕北马海毛山羊的培育方案,以安哥拉山羊为父本,陕北土种山羊为母本,通过级进杂交,级进到3-4代,进行横交、选育,以得到理想的新品种群。现育种工作开展近10年,产生了一定...  相似文献   

An international panorama of goat selection and breeds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The preservation of the biodiversity of animal breeds is an important condition to maintain the ability of animal production to adapt to the changing conditions of breeding and production systems in the future. The decrease of the number of animal breeds has been observed both for sheep, cattle and goats in relation with the standardisation and intensification of animal production systems.Goats are mainly concerned by the situation as they have the biggest increase in livestock numbers in 20 years. A global overlook of goats worldwide is showing a contradictory situation: On one hand, small but well organised sectors have developed in a few countries for milk and cheese, meat and fibre production. On the other hand, most of the goats are mostly still used for auto consumption of milk meat and skin or fibres in village herds. The present goat genetic situation is the direct consequence of this evolution with the high specialisation of a small number of selected and well characterised breeds for milk, meat and fibres and a majority of not well defined populations and local breeds, generally without selection schemes and organisation.A global panorama of the main families and breeds is presented. A special consideration is then pointed on the necessary financial and logistic conditions to achieve successively these selection objectives. After having observed that in many cases these conditions are not present, this report concludes by some proposals to control better the possibilities of success and express with more efficiency the genetic potentiality of this interesting species.  相似文献   

宋伸  杨敏  蒋琳  马月辉 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(10):2965-2972
近年来,高通量测序技术的规模化应用及生物信息技术的普及,极大地推动了家畜基因组学的发展,实现了分子育种标记全基因组水平的快速、精准定位,为全基因组选择育种奠定了重要基础。数千年来的驯化和选择,形成了用途多样的山羊品种,如乳用、皮用、绒用及肉用等,为人类提供了丰富的生产和生活资料。国内外学者采用高通量测序技术对山羊的遗传多样性及生产性能的遗传机制进行了研究,以期找到与山羊种质特性相关的基因,从而为山羊的遗传改良提供新的标记。作者对近五年来基于高通量测序技术研究山羊的遗传多样性和产绒、产奶、繁殖等生产性状的研究进展进行了综述,以期为评估山羊优良种质特性和与生产性状相关的优异基因定位的工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Recently, the widespread use of high-throughput sequencing technology and the development of bioinformatics have been greatly contributed to the development of farm animal genomics. Whole genome-wide analysis can facilitate the fine mapping of the molecular markers related to the production traits quickly and accurately, thus providing an important theoretical basis for genome selection breeding. Several thousand years of domestication and artificial selection produce many modern goat breeds with high production of milk, fiber, and meat, which become abundant production and living materials for human populations. Researchers have studied the genetic diversity and molecular mechanisms of production traits in goats using high-throughput sequencing technology, in order to identify candidate genes related to the excellent germplasm reliable markers for genetic improvement. In this review, we summarized the five-year research progress on the genetic diversity and production traits of goats including fiber, milk production and reproduction traits, mainly based on high-throughput sequencing technology. This paper provides a reference for the evaluation of the excellent goat genetic resources and the investigation of production trait related genes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of structural, governmental and socio-economic conditions linked to small ruminant production, especially goat production. The number of small ruminants in Turkey fell from almost 51,530 in 1990, to 31,761 in 2007. In 1990, the number of small ruminants started to decrease due to structural, genetic and economic reasons such as a lack of state support policies, high costs of inputs, poor performance of local breeds, socio-economic conditions, and migration. In Turkey, the socio-economic and geographical structure make small ruminant production an important profession; it is also a significant source of income in rural regions. 35% of red meat and 12% of milk production is obtained from small ruminants. Although, Turkey has the highest goat population among its border and EU countries, ranks low with milk production. Reasons for the present situation are well evaluated; changes and tendencies in sheep and goat production as well as milk and meat production that are examined and associated with the population of Turkey are widely discussed. In addition, in order to improve the present situation, some technical and structural suggestions are mentioned.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe animal production on small farms in the Kaski district of Nepal, with the goal of identifying areas where animal health and productivity could be improved. Eighty-five randomly selected farms from four different Village Development Committees were visited. Farmers were interviewed and premises and animals visually inspected on all farms. Feed samples were collected from a subset of farms. The most commonly kept species were water buffalo (used for milk and meat), cattle (used for milk and labor), and goats (used for meat). Average milk production levels were 4.7?kg/day for water buffalo and 1.9?kg/day for cattle. All animals were milked manually, no calves were weaned, and only one farm practiced artificial insemination. A majority of cattle and goats had access to pasture, and a majority of farms fed their working or producing animals concentrates; however, nutritional input was insufficient in terms of energy, protein, and micronutrient content to increase levels of production. Goat-raising was the most profitable endeavor, followed by water buffalo and cattle. We conclude that animals have the potential to contribute significantly to improved livelihoods of farmers in terms of both income generation and non-tangible benefits. However, we found that significant constraints on animal production exist, including insufficient nutritional levels and a lack of preventative care resulting in animal disease. Furthermore, cultural considerations reflecting attitudes toward cattle shape farming in ways that may limit production. Nevertheless, targeted interventions that improve animal health and productivity are possible without being cost prohibitive.  相似文献   

1990年,甘肃省庆阳市开始引入辽宁绒山羊对子午岭黑山羊进行杂交改良,但目前尚不清楚2个品种在脂肪酸含量、肌肉营养成分等方面的差异,影响了杂交改良效果。试验旨在分析两个绒山羊品种的产肉性能、肉品质、肌肉营养成分和脂肪酸含量差异,为绒山羊的杂交改良提供理论依据。本研究选取相同饲养管理条件下、9月龄的子午岭黑山羊和辽宁绒山羊公羊各5只,测定其屠宰性能以及背最长肌、前腿肌和后腿肌处的肉品质、脂肪酸含量和肌肉营养成分。结果表明:子午岭黑山羊的胴体重、屠宰率、净肉重、净肉率、眼肌面积、GR值、剪切力和滴水损失低于辽宁绒山羊(P<0.05),但其肌肉的平均亮度值、色度值、pH1和pH24高于辽宁绒山羊(P<0.01)。营养成分测定结果表明,子午岭黑山羊肌肉的水分和粗灰分含量高于辽宁绒山羊(P<0.05),但肌内脂肪和粗蛋白含量低于辽宁绒山羊。在2个山羊品种的肌肉中均检测到11 种饱和脂肪酸(SFA,以棕榈酸和硬脂酸为主)、10种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA,以亚油酸和顺-11,14-二十碳二烯酸为主)和6种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA,以油酸为主),子午岭黑山羊肉中的SFA、PUFA、n-3 PUFA、n-6 PUFA含量和PUFA/SFA值均高于辽宁绒山羊(P<0.01),但MUFA含量低于辽宁绒山羊(P<0.01)。结果表明,辽宁绒山羊有更高的产肉力,但子午岭黑山羊肌肉品质和营养成分更佳,脂肪酸组成和含量更符合人类健康膳食标准。  相似文献   

奶山羊作为乳用品种的山羊,因其具有奶质优良、产奶性能稳定、乳汁营养丰富等特点,逐渐成为畜牧业发展的一大亮点。经过多年的选种选育,我国现已拥有了多个地方奶山羊品种。随着分子育种技术的发展,对于奶山羊产奶性状相关基因的研究越来越多。对奶山羊产奶性状相关基因的研究进展进行综述,以期为奶山羊优秀基因资源的研究、保护和利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

During the past ten years, the number of goats has slowly decreased because of limitation policies in some countries and the greater difficulty in managing this species than sheep or cattle, but opposite trends are now occurring in countries such as France and Greece.Many local breeds, or populations with very different production characteristics, exist in the Mediterranean basin because of various climatic conditions and systems of production.Goats do not have any problems with the Mediterranean vegetation because they select what they graze and eat large portions of bushes and trees when there is very little grass.The goat is more harmful to woody vegetation than other ruminants because it browses. It has been shown that the goat alone is not able to destroy natural vegetation without human help. In the Mediterranean area, the proper management of goats can be used to control bush encroachment by clearing the undergrowth which will reduce the risk of forest fires.Among the production systems used in the Mediterranean area, two systems are mentioned: one using ranges only, or supplemented with cultivated forages, and the other using intensive systems where the range vegetation only meets a small proportion of the needs. The former systems generally produce meat, hair and milk, while the latter are mainly intended for milk and cheese production.Systems based essentially on ranges are very precarious and their maintenance requires specific techniques and administrative assistance. Intensive systems may also be precarious because they generally depend on high milk prices.  相似文献   

山羊可以提供肉、乳、绒、皮、毛等畜产品。具有较高的经济价值。因而山羊饲养业已引起世界各国的高度重视,成为保持畜牧业可持续发展的重要途径之一。但与此同时,山羊饲养业现状、环境问题以及各种各样的矛盾越来越制约着山羊养殖业的进一步发展,文章对我国山羊业发展中存在的问题进行分析,对未来发展对策进行探讨,以期为今后我国山羊业的发展提供思路与方法。  相似文献   

波尔山羊对我国本地山羊杂交改良的初步效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前我国山羊无论存栏数还是产肉量均居世界首位,但各地方品种众多,与世界优良肉用山羊相比普遍体重小、生长慢.从1995年以来我国引进了著名肉用山羊--波尔山羊,各地相继开展了波尔山羊对本地山羊的杂交改良,都取得了显著的效果,杂交后代在生长速度及产肉性能方面都有很大的提高,为加速我国肉用山羊业的发展开创了新的途径.  相似文献   

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