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碳源与底物对不同层次土壤产生N2O能力的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
底层土壤的反硝化作用是土壤排放N2O的重要来源,同时也是影响浅层地下水硝酸盐含量的重要因素,通过一系列室内培养试验,研究了一种农用土壤不同土层在碳源和NO3含量不同情况下产生N2O的能力。结果表明,试验用土壤的不同土层均具有进行反硝化作用产生N2O的能力,底层土壤产生N2O的能力大于根区土壤;单独添加葡萄糖、NO3或同时添加葡萄糖和NO3,对土壤N2O和CO2释放的影响与土壤层次和观测时间有关;向土壤添加葡萄糖和NO3,各个土层释放N2O的能力均显著提高;从产生N2O和CO2能力的角度而言,不同层次土壤的微生物区系间存在较大差异。采用短期(24h之内)饱和泥浆好气培养法,可以区分土壤微生物区系在产生N2O方面的差异。 相似文献
氧化亚氮(N2O)是重要的农业源温室气体,菜地土壤施肥量高、施肥次数多,且肥水同期,是重要的N2O排放源。采用室内培养实验,测定在70%田间持水量条件下菜地土壤施用铵态氮肥后3周内N2O排放动态,利用不同气体抑制剂(低浓度乙炔、纯氧、纯氦、纯氧+乙炔)对N2O排放过程抑制效果各不相同的特点,经合理组合计算得出自养硝化、硝化细菌的反硝化、生物反硝化等主要过程对土壤N2O排放的相对贡献及其动态,以探索菜地土壤施用铵态氮肥后土壤N2O排放的来源及动态。结果表明,(1)在70%田间持水量条件下,菜地土壤施用铵态氮肥后2d内(48h内)的N2O排放通量最高,为314.4ng·g-1·d-1,到第4天时N2O排放通量已迅速降至前两天的1/6,且随培养时间的延长其排放通量不断降低。(2)自养硝化作用是菜地施用铵态氮肥后N2O排放的主要来源,施肥培养后2周内的贡献率在50%以上,2周后其贡献率降至40%左右。(3)硝化细菌的反硝化作用对N2O排放的贡献主要在施铵氮后2d内,其贡献率达44%,之后其贡献率一直保持在14%~27%。反硝化作用对N2O排放的贡献随着土壤中铵态氮含量的下降和硝态氮含量的升高而逐渐从开始时不到1%增至30%,但由于施肥培养2周后N2O的排放通量绝对数值很低(仅为施肥后2d内排放高峰的1/20),故其对N2O排放的贡献有限。土壤N2O排放通量及其来源与土壤中铵态氮和硝态氮含量的动态变化密切相关,施用铵态氮肥后土壤短期内呈现酸化趋势。因此,合理控制硝化作用是有效控制菜地土壤N2O排放的关键措施。 相似文献
该研究采用同位素自然丰度法,通过室内培养试验研究北京地区菜地有机肥和无机肥配施对土壤释放N2O及同位素位嗜值SP(site preference)的影响,以期获得不同肥料及其配比下土壤N2O的来源及变化规律。结果表明:施用无机肥释放的N2O显著高于有机肥,其累积排放量是有机肥的6.63倍,且无机肥施用比例越高,排放量越大;各肥料组合在施用后7天内均以反硝化作用生成N2O为主,贡献最高达到78.89%,SP为6.97‰,之后硝化作用逐渐增强并成为主要途径,最高占比达76.48%,SP为25.24‰;培养期内施用无机肥可以促进反硝化作用,平均占比52.98%,SP为15.52‰,而有机肥会使硝化作用增强,平均占比71.35%,SP为23.55‰。因此,在北京潮褐土地区菜地土壤施用有机肥对N2O有良好的减排效果,可为蔬菜生产中肥料的合理应用提供科学依据。 相似文献
土壤是产生N2O的最主要来源之一.硝化和反硝化反应是产生N2O的主要机理,由于硝化和反硝化微生物同时存在于土壤中,因而硝化和反硝化作用能同时产生N2O.N2O的来源可通过使用选择性抑制剂,杀菌剂以及加入的标记底物确定.通过对生成N2O反应的每一步分析,主要从抑制反应发生的催化酶和细菌着手,总结了测量区分硝化、反硝化和DNRA反应对N2O产生的贡献方法.并对15N标记底物法,乙炔抑制法和环境因子抑制法作了详细介绍. 相似文献
土壤是产生N2O的最主要来源之一。硝化和反硝化反应是产生N2O的主要机理,由于硝化和反硝化微生物同时存在于土壤中,因而硝化和反硝化作用能同时产生N2O。N2O的来源可通过使用选择性抑制剂,杀菌剂以及加入的标记底物确定。通过对生成N2O反应的每一步分析,主要从抑制反应发生的催化酶和细菌着手,总结了测量区分硝化、反硝化和DNRA反应对N2O产生的贡献方法。并对15N标记底物法,乙炔抑制法和环境因子抑制法作了详细介绍。 相似文献
农田土壤N2O排放的关键过程及影响因素 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
一氧化二氮 (N2O) 作为重要的温室气体之一,在全球气候变化研究中引人关注。随着氮肥使用量的增加,农田土壤N2O排放已经成为全球关注和研究的热点。人们普遍认为土壤硝化、反硝化过程是N2O产生的两个主导途径,而诸如施肥、灌水等农田管理措施以及土壤pH、温度等环境因子均会影响农田土壤N2O产生和排放。本文系统论述了土壤N2O产生的各主要途径,并综述了氮源、碳源、水分含量、氧气含量、土壤pH和温度以及其他调控因子对N2O排放的影响,旨在阐明各过程对N2O排放的产生机制及主要环境因子的影响,以期为后续研究提供参考和理论依据。农田土壤硝化过程本身对N2O排放的直接贡献较小,N2O产生的主要来源是包含硝化细菌的反硝化、硝化–反硝化耦合作用在内的生物反硝化过程。真菌反硝化和化学反硝化在酸性土壤以及硝酸异化还原成铵过程在高有机质和厌氧土壤环境中对N2O排放具有重要作用。未来研究可从农田土壤N2O的产生和消耗机制、降低N2O/N2产物比、N2O的还原过程及相关影响因素进行深入研究。此外,利用新技术方法,探究土壤物理、化学和生物学因素对氮素转化过程的影响,重点关注N2O峰值排放及相关联微生物的响应,并构建土壤氮素平衡和N2O排放模型,可进一步加深对农田土壤N2O排放机制和影响因素的理解。 相似文献
冻融交替对土壤CO2及N2O释放效应的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
在秋冬交替和冬春交替时期高纬度地区和高海拔生态系统表层土壤常有冻融交替频繁发生。由于冻融交替作用通过改变土壤水热性质而对土壤物理、化学、生物学特性产生效应。冻结通常导致土壤团聚体破裂、微生物细胞及细根死亡,释放出活性较高的有机物,增强随后融解的土壤的反硝化和呼吸活性,从而影响土壤生物、生物化学过程以及生物地化循环。已有对苔原、泰加林等北极和亚北极生态系统的研究表明,土壤冻融交替次数、冻融极端温度、土壤水分、土壤团聚体结构变化等对CO2和N2O的释放通量影响较为显著,一般在冻融的最初几个循环温室气体排放会增加,随后会降至一个较为稳定的水平。目前,冻融循环变化背景下的温室气体排放研究主要是针对北方高纬度地区,而且对冻融交替影响土壤温室气体排放的机理研究也不够。我国面积广大的青藏高原高海拔地带在全球增温背景下,轻微增温会导致季节性冻土表层冻融交替次数增加,甚至冻土季节消失,加强全球增温背景下我国高山亚高山季节性冻土生态系统效应和过程研究,特别是土壤暖化导致的温室气体排放变化通量和变化机理的研究,对揭示全球变化的区域效应以及高海拔生态系统的管理都具有重要作用。 相似文献
Site of nitrous oxide production in field soils 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes at the soil surface and concentrations at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 m were determined in a 40-year-old planted tallgrass (XXX) prairie, a 40-year-old white pine (Pinus strobus) plantation, and field plots treated annually for 18 years either with 33 metric tons of manure ha–1 (330 kg N ha–1) and NH4NO3 (80 kg N ha–1) or with only NH4NO3 (control). Nitrous oxide fluxes from the prairie, forest, manure-amended, and control sites from 13 May to 10 November 1980 ranged from 0.2 to 1.3, 3.5 to 19.5, 3.7 to 79.0, and 1.7 to 24.8 ng N2O-N m–2s–1, respectively. We observed periods when there was no apparent relationship between the N2O flux from the surface and N2O concentrations in the soil profile. This was generally the case in the prairie and in the field sites following the application of N fertilizer. The N2O concentrations in the soil profile increased markedly and coincided with increased soil water content following periods of heavy rainfall for all sites except the prairie. Nitrous oxide concentration gradients indicate that following heavy rainfalls the site of N2O production was moved from the surface deeper into the soil profile. We suggest that the source of N2O production near the surface is nitrification and that N2O is produced by denitrification of NO3 leached into the soil following heavy rainfall. 相似文献
The kinetics of nitric oxide consumption in four tropical soils were studied under oxic and anoxic conditions in a flow-through
system in the laboratory. Under anoxic conditions the soils had a very high affinity for NO, resulting in K
M values of 0.02–0.27 ppmv NO (equivalent to 0.04–0.50 nM NO in the aqueous phase). These K
M values were lower than literature values for NO consumption by denitrifying bacteria. Under oxic conditions the kinetics
of NO consumption in the tropical soils were completely different, exhibiting K
M values higher than 1.7 ppmv. These higher K
M values were similar to literature values for NO consumption by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria. Thus, the tropical soils studied
seem to contain two different NO consumption activities which can be distinguished by their kinetics and which predominate
under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively. However, it was not possible to quantify the contribution of each process
to total NO consumption under natural conditions. Under aerobic conditions NO turnover kinetics were positively correlated
with soil respiration, N mineralisation and soil organic carbon, whereas under anaerobic conditions they were positively correlated
with potential and actual denitrification rates and pH.
Received: 26 September 1996 相似文献
Summary Field studies of the effects of different N fertilizers on emission of nitrous oxide (N20) from three Iowa soils showed that the N2O emissions induced by application of 180 kg ha–1 fertilizer N as anhydrous ammonia greatly exceeded those induced by application of the same amount of fertilizer N as aqueous ammonia or urea. On average, the emission of N2O-N induced by anhydrous ammonia was more than 13 times that induced by aqueous ammonia or urea and represented 1.2% of the anhydrous ammonia N applied. Experiments with one soil showed that the N2O emission induced by anhydrous ammonia was more than 17 times that induced by the same amount of N as calcium nitrate. These findings confirm indications from previous work that anhydrous ammonia has a much greater effect on emission of N2O from soils than do other commonly used N fertilizers and merits special attention in research relating to the potential adverse climatic effect of N fertilization of soils.Laboratory studies of the effect of different amounts of NH4OH on emission of N2O from Webster soil showed that the emission of N2O-N induced by addition of 100 g NH4OH-N g–1 soil represented only 0.18% of the N applied, whereas the emissions induced by additions of 500 and 1 000 g NH4OH-N g–1 soil represented 1.15% and 1.19%, respectively, of the N applied. This suggests that the exceptionally large emissions of N2O induced by anhydrous ammonia fertilization are due, at least in part, to the fact that the customary method of applying this fertilizer by injection into soil produces highly alkaline soil zones of high ammonium-N concentration that do not occur when urea or aqueous ammonia fertilizers are broadcast and incorporated into soil. 相似文献
Nitrification and denitrification are, like all biological processes, influenced by temperature. We investigated temperature
effects on N trace gas turnover by nitrification and denitrification in two soils under two experimental conditions. In the
first approach ("temperature shift experiment") soil samples were preincubated at 25 °C and then exposed to gradually increasing
temperatures (starting at 4 °C and finishing at 40–45 °C). Under these conditions the immediate effect of temperature change
was assessed. In the second approach ("discrete temperature experiment") the soil samples were preincubated at different temperatures
(4–35 °C) for 5 days and then tested at the same temperatures. The different experimental conditions affected the results
of the study. In the temperature shift experiment the NO release increased steadily with increasing temperature in both soils.
In the discrete temperature experiment, however, the production rates of NO and N2O showed a minimum at intermediate temperatures (13–25 °C). In one of the soils (soil B9), the percent contribution of nitrification
to NO production in the discrete temperature experiment reached a maximum (>95% contribution) at 25 °C. In the temperature
shift experiment nitrification was always the dominant process for NO release and showed no systematic temperature dependency.
In the second soil (soil B14), the percent contribution of nitrification to NO release decreased from 50 to 10% as the temperature
was increased from 4 °C to 45 °C, but no differences were evident in the discrete temperature experiment. The N2O production rates were measured in the discrete temperature experiment only. The contribution of nitrification to N2O production in soil B9 was considerably higher at 25–35 °C (60–80% contribution) than at 4–13 °C (15–20% contribution).
In soil B14 the contribution of nitrification to N2O production was lowest at 4 °C. The effects of temperature on N trace gas turnover differed between the two soils and incubation
conditions. The experimental set-up allowed us to distinguish between immediate effects of short-term changes in temperature
on the process rates, and longer-term effects by which preincubation at a particular temperature presumably resulted in the
adaptation of the soil microorganisms to this temperature. Both types of effects were important in regulating the release
of NO and N2O from soil.
Received: 20 October 1998 相似文献
Seasonal and annual N2O fluxes from urine-affected pasture were approximated with a mechanistic model based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The model
combined the effects of soil nitrate-N, soil ammonium-N, soil temperature and soil moisture (all from the top 5cm) to calculate
N2O emissions from nitrification (F
) and denitrification (F
), with total N2O emission being the sum of the two (F
). Best results were obtained when different kinetic parameters were used for periods of constant soil moisture conditions
and after heavy rainfalls when a rapid change of the soil moisture status occurred. Modelled N2O emissions over a year were within the range of uncertainties of measured N2O emissions. Results indicate that the spatial variability of N2O emissions at times when all the model inupt variables were constant may be related to microorganism growth dynamics or enzyme
production rates.
Received: 2 October 1995 相似文献
Temperature dependence of nitrification,denitrification, and turnover of nitric oxide in different soils 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Summary The temperature dependence of the NO production rate and the NO consumption rate constant was measured in an Egyptian soil, a soil from the Bavarian Forest, and a soil from the Donau valley, together with the temperature dependence of the potential rates of ammonium oxidation, nitrite oxidation, and denitrification, and the temperature dependence of the growth of NH
-oxidizing, NO
-oxidizing, and NO
-reducing bacteria in most probable number assays. In the acidic Bavarian Forest soil, NO production was only stimulated by the addition of NO
but not NH
. However, NO production showed no temperature optimum, indicating that it was due to chemical processes. Most probable numbers and potential activities of nitrifiers were very low. NO consumption, in contrast, showed a temperature optimum at 25°C, demonstrating that consumption and production of NO were regulated individually by the soil temperature. In the neutral, subtropical Egyptian soil, NO production was stimulated only by the addition of NH
but not NO
. All activities and most probable numbers showed a temperature optimum at 25° or 30°C and exhibited apparent activation energies between 61 and 202 kJ mol-1. However, a few nitrifiers and denitrifiers were also able to grow at 8° or 50°C. Similar temperature characteristics were observed in the Donau valley soil, although it originated from a temperate region. In this soil NO production was stimulated by the addition of NH
or of NO
. Both NO production and consumption were stimulated by drying and rewetting. 相似文献
The NO turnover in soils was measured in two different experimental set-ups, a flow-through system, which is very time-consuming
and needs rather sophisticated equipment, and a closed system using serum bottles. We compared the NO turnover parameters
(NO consumption rate constant, NO production rate, NO compensation concentration) that were measured with both systems in
different soils, under different conditions and in the presence of 10 Pa acetylene to inhibit nitrification. The values of
the NO turnover parameters that were measured with the two systems under oxic conditions were usually comparable. The addition
of acetylene did not affect the NO consumption rate constants of the soils with the exception of soil G1. However, the NO
production rates and the NO compensation concentrations decreased significantly in the presence of acetylene, indicating that
nitrification was the main source of NO in these soils. Only one soil (Bol) showed no nitrifying activity. Increasing soil
moisture content resulted in decreasing NO consumption rate constants and NO production rates. Even at a high soil moisture
content of 80% water holding capacity, nitrification was the main source of NO. The values of the NO turnover parameters that
were measured with the two systems were not comparable under anoxic conditions. The NO consumption rate constants and the
NO production rates were much lower in the closed than in the flow-through system, indicating that the NO consumption activity
became saturated by the high NO concentrations accumulating in the closed system. Under oxic conditions, however, closed serum
bottles were a cheap, easy and reliable tool with which to determine NO turnover parameters and to distinguish between nitrification
and denitrification as sources of NO.
Received: 21 April 1998 相似文献
农田土壤N2O生成与排放影响因素及N2O总量估算的研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
综述了国内外农田土壤N2 O生成与排放及其影响因素、N2 O排放测定技术及总量估算等方面的研究进展 ,指出硝化与反硝化过程均可产生N2 O ,而影响硝化、反硝化过程的土壤水分含量、温度、pH、有机碳含量和土壤质地等是影响农田土壤N2 O生成与排放的重要因素。根据我国各地农田土壤N2 O排放通量测定结果及相应模型分析 ,初步估算全国农田土壤N2 O年排放总量为N 398Gg ,约占全球农田土壤排放总量的 1 0 % ,其中旱田N2 O年排放总量为N 31 0Gg ,水田为N 88Gg。 相似文献
W.K. Ma A. Bedard-Haughn S.D. Siciliano R.E. Farrell 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2008,40(5):1114-1123
The link between differences in the community composition of nitrifiers and denitrifiers to differences in the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils remains unclear. Nitrifier and denitrifier community composition, abundance and N2O emission activity were determined for two common landscapes characteristic of the North American “prairie pothole region”: cultivated wetlands (CW) vs. uncultivated wetlands (UW). The hypotheses of this study were: (1) landscape selects for different nitrifier and denitrifier communities, (2) denitrification was the dominant N2O emitting process, and (3) a relationship exists between nitrifier and denitrifier community composition, their abundance, and N2O emission. Comparisons were made among soils from three CW and three UW at the St. Denis National Wildlife Area. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was used to compare community composition, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to estimate community size. Incubation experiments on re-packed soil cores with 15N-labeled nitrate were performed to assess the relative contributions of nitrification and denitrification to total N2O emission. Results indicate: (1) nitrification was the primary source of N2O emission, (2) cultivation increased nitrifier abundance but decreased nitrifier richness, (3) denitrifier abundance was not affected by cultivation but richness was increased by cultivation, and (4) differences in nitrifier and denitrifier communities composition and abundance between land-use and landform did not correspond to differences in N2O emission. 相似文献
Hiroko AKIYAMA Atsushi HAYAKAWA Shigeto SUDO Seiichiro YONEMURA Takeshi TANONAKA Kazuyuki YAGI 《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2009,55(3):435-440
We describe an automated gas sampling system for monitoring trace gas fluxes from soils. The sampling system allows automated collection of gas samples in glass vials using a syringe pump connected to an automated static chamber installed in the field. The gas samples are transferred to a laboratory and then analyzed using a gas chromatography system. Comparisons between manual and automated sampling of standard gases showed good agreement ( r 2 = 0.99996 for N2 O, r 2 = 0.999 for CH4 and r 2 = 0.998 for CO2 ). In a field test, replicated flux measurements using two chambers generally showed good agreement. The sampling system allows frequent and long-term monitoring of fluxes under a wide range of weather conditions (tested temperatures ranged from –6.5 to 40°C; 127 mm day−1 max precipitation). The major advantages of the system are its increased portability, ease of operation and cost effectiveness compared with on-line automated sampling/analytical systems. 相似文献