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Abstract— Alternative fish species that can be cultured together with catfish Ictalurus punctatus provide an opportunity to diversify caffish farms. A 2-yr study was conducted in 0.10-ha earthen ponds to evaluate the effect of bighead carp (BHC) stocking density on growth, yield, dressout yield, and net returns. Initially, bighead carp (average weight of 22 g) were stocked at rates of 380, 750, or 1,130 fishha in ponds with catfish. Caffish were cultured under commercial conditions by stocking caffish at a density of 12,500/ha, aerating nightly and feeding at an average rate of 82 kgha per d. Stocking rates for 2-yr-old fish were reduced to 77, 260, and 435/ha in the second growing season. There were no significant differences among treatments ( P > 0.05) in summer growth of bighead carp in either year. Bighead carp stocked at 1,130 fishha had significantly higher yields than those stocked at 380/ha, but did not reach minimum market size of 2.2 kg during the first year ( P > 0.05). There were no significant differences ( P > 0.05) in caffish growth, yield, survival, or feed conversion ratios due to the bighead carp stocking densities. Partial budget analysis indicated that net benefits were positive for all three treatments over a range of prevailing prices of bighead carp. Bighead carp production in catfish ponds is economically feasible over a wide range of prices. Given the market risk of producing smaller fish at the higher density, the medium density is the preferred stocking density of fingerling bighead carp in catfish ponds.  相似文献   

Growth of second-year triploid and diploid bighead carp, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, was compared in a 189- to 190-day yield trial; the fish were grown separately in 0.04-ha earthen ponds at 625/ha and were also grown communally in 0.05-ha earthen ponds at 640ha. When grown communally, bighead carp were polycultured with channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (7,50Oha), and grass carp, Cienopharyngodon idella (40/ha); when they were grown separately, they were polycultured with grass carp at 501ha. When cultured separately, diploids were longer (526 vs 499 mm) and heavier (1,645 vs 1,427 g) than the triploids at harvest, but the differences were not significant (P 5 0.05). When cultured communally, the diploids were significantly longer (519 vs 485 mm) and heavier (1,621 vs 1,321 g) than their triploid counterparts at harvest. Ploidy of all bighead carp was determined after fish were harvested, and 7.9% of the presumed triploids that were stocked separately were actually diploids. Growth of the triploids appeared to be acceptable for commercial use where diploid bighead carp are banned. The efficiency of producing triploid bighead carp must be improved if they are to be cultured in states where bighead carp are illegal.  相似文献   

Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, fry were raised at densities of 20,30 and 40/m3 in ponds initially fertilized with alfalfa and yeast and supplementally fertilized with liquid inorganic fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers were added weekly to maintain N and P concentrations of 600 and 30 ug/L, respectively. Fish growth was not affected by stocking rate, but survival was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in ponds stocked at the two higher rates. The fertilization procedure we used did not provide a sufficient forage base to support more that 20 walleye/m3.  相似文献   

A comparison of a monoculture of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and a polyculture of carps (silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; rohu Labeo rohita; and mrigal Cirrhinus mriga la; ratio 4:3:3) was carried out in 200-m2 earthen ponds fertilized with cattle manure and supplemented with inorganic fertilizer at 3-kg nitrogen and 1.5-kg phosphorus/ha per day. A control treatment of a tilapia monoculture without fertilizer inputs was included to assess the effect of pond basal fertility. Net yields of 23.5 kg/pond per 112 d (3.8 t/ha per 1 yr) in the tilapia monoculture and 19.2 kg/pond per 112 d (3.1 t/ha per yr) in the carp polyculture were not significantly different; net yields from unfertilized tilapia monoculture ponds were negative. In the carp polyculture, silver carp was the dominant species at harvest contributing 73% of the total net fish production compared to 9% and 19% by rohu and mrigal, respectively. Water quality data suggested that tilapia yields could have been further improved by increasing fertilization rate but that critical dissolved oxygen concentration constrained this option for carp polyculture.  相似文献   

孟家段水库鲢、鳙的生长及提高鱼产量措施   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
孟家段水库渔获鲢鳙中,鲢年龄组成不合理,5~7龄鱼占其总尾数67%。鲢、鳙生长较慢。应加大放养规格至13~14cm,降低放养量至每年2.5万kg,鲢鳙比例调整为3:7,加大对凶猛的捕捞力度。  相似文献   

Australian red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus were cultured in nine 0.02-ha earthen ponds at densities of l/m2, 3/m2 and 5/m2 for 158 d. Average weight at stocking was 3.2 g. All ponds were provided with a combination of hay and corn silage at a rate of 500 kg/ha per month and a commercial crayfish ration fed at 5%, decreasing to 2% of estimated biomass/d during the growing season. Overall survival rate was 72%, and did not differ among treatments. Final yields and average weights varied significantly with stocking density. Red claw averaged 67 g with an average pond yield of 475 kg/ha at l/m2. At 3/m2 and 5/m2, red claw averaged 48 g and 38 g, respectively, and yielded 1,020 kg/ha and 1,422 kg/ha, respectively.  相似文献   

为全面了解密云水库鲢鱼、鳙鱼的营养特征,以密云水库秋季鲢鱼和鳙鱼为研究对象,对其肌肉的水分、蛋白质、粗脂肪、灰分、矿物质元素含量以及氨基酸、脂肪酸组成进行分析。研究结果表明,密云水库鲢鱼和鳙鱼肌肉蛋白质含量分别为(18.40±0.40)%和(18.60±0.57)%,粗脂肪含量为(0.60±0.10)%和(1.48±0.91)%,富含人体所需的钾、钠、钙、镁、磷等常量元素及铁、锰、锌、硒等微量元素;鲢鱼、鳙鱼肌肉中,18种常见氨基酸均被检出,其中谷氨酸含量高,必需氨基酸分别占氨基酸总量的40.00%和40.16%,必需氨基酸指数分别为99.15和98.76;鲢鱼、鳙鱼肌肉中分别检出脂肪酸12种和19种,相对含量均表现为多不饱和脂肪酸>饱和脂肪酸>单不饱和脂肪酸,而多不饱和脂肪酸中均以二十二碳六烯酸相对含量最高,其次为二十碳五烯酸,两者之和分别达30.64%和23.79%。研究结果表明,密云水库鲢鱼、鳙鱼是良好的蛋白质来源,氨基酸组成合理,富含矿物质和有益脂肪酸,具有很好的营养价值和可食用性。  相似文献   

Four 20m3 cages stocked with 120 bighead carp x silver carp hybrids per cage were placed in each of four ponds varying in trophic status from mesotrophic to hypereutophic. Fish were cultured, without feeding, from 13 March to 1 Octorber 1987. Fish in the mesotrophic pond survived but lost weight (-0.37 g/fish/d). The mesotrophic pond produced insufficient food to sustain fish growth. Maximum fish growth rate occured in the two eutotrophic ponds (6.61vand 7/04 g/fish/d). Fish growth in the hypereutrophic pond was about one-half (3.64 g/fish/d) that in the two eutrophic ponds. Guy analysis of fish in the hypereutrophic pond revealed consumption of larger quantities (P < 0.05) of colonial blue-green algae that were apparently poorly digested and less (P < 0.05) zooplankton (primarily cladocerans) than was found in fish from the eutrophic ponds.  相似文献   


Small (0.7 g) juvenile red claw, Cherax quadricarinatus, were stocked in earthen ponds (0.04 ha) in Kentucky and grown for 86 days so that measures of growth, survival, processing characteristics, and proximate composition of tail muscle in male and female Australian red claw crayfish could be obtained. A commercial marine shrimp was fed to all red in two separate feedings, each consisting of one-half of the total daily ration between 0800-0830 and between 1530-1600 hours for the duration of the culture period. Total weight and number of red claw from each pond were recorded at the harvest. Forty red claw from each sex were randomly sampled, chill-killed by lowering the body temperature in an ice-bath, and frozen (-20°C) for processing measurements and proximate composition. Red claw were removed from the freezer, thawed, individually weighed to the nearest 0.01 g, and then were hand-processed so that weights of chelae, tail, and tail muscle were obtained to the nearest 0.01 g. After 87 days, red claw had a final average individual weight of 59.6 g, weight gain of 8,413%, survival of 64.0%, yield of 903 kg/ha, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 4.63. When analyzed by sex, males had significantly (P < 0.05) higher final individual weight (71.05 g) compared to females (53.65 g); higher (P < 0.05) chelae weight (13.1 g for males compared to 6.84 g for females); higher tail weight (25.53 g for males compared to 20.38 g for females); higher tail muscle weight (18.99 g for males compared to 14.89 g for females); and higher cephalothorax weight (32.41 g for males compared to 26.44 g for females; Table 2). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the percentage moisture, protein, lipid, fiber, and ash in the tail muscle of male and female red claw when analyzed either on a wet-weight basis and averaged 81.0%, percentage protein averaged 16.46%, percentage lipid averaged 0.16%, fiber averaged 0.1%, and percentage ash averaged 1.42%. Results from the present study indicate that red claw can be grown as a commercial aquaculture species in locations with limited growing seasons, and that male red claw grow larger, have larger chelae, and higher tail muscle weights compared to females so that it might be economically advantageous to stock all-male populations of red claw in ponds to achieve maximum production. Further research on growth and processing yields of red claw should be conducted to assist the industry.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A study was conducted to determine the effect of increasing density on growth and size distribution of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, juveniles reared in ponds. Feed‐trained paddlefish of mean weight (±SE) 25.8 ± 1.1 g were randomly stocked into nine 0.02‐ha ponds at 12,355, 18,533, and 24,710 paddlefish/ha, three replications per treatment. The fish were fed daily in excess of what they would eat for 97 d, beginning with a floating trout diet containing 45% protein and 16% lipid and then transferring to a floating catfish diet containing 32% protein and 4.5% lipid. Survival at harvest was not significantly different (P > 0.05) among treatments and averaged 90%. Mean final weights (±SD) for the low‐, middle‐, and high‐density treatments were 205.2 ± 54.1, 174.8 ± 53.2, and 178.6 ± 51.4 g, respectively. Best‐fit distributions centered on these means were lognormal. The low‐density distribution was significantly different (P < 0.05) from the two higher densities, which were not significantly different from each other (P > 0.05). Paddlefish weight at the minimum target length of 35 cm was estimated to be 100 g by regression analysis. The probability of paddlefish reaching or exceeding 100 g was 90% for the low‐density treatment. For the two higher densities, probabilities were 79 and 78%, respectively. Mean Fulton’s condition factors (FCFs) (±SD) were 250 ± 19, 242 ± 4, and 256 ± 37 for the low‐, middle‐, and high‐density treatments, respectively. The FCF for the middle‐density treatment was significantly lower than for the low‐ and high‐density treatments (P < 0.05), which were not significantly different from each other (P > 0.05). CV, feed conversion ratio, and relative growth were not significantly different (P > 0.05) among treatments and averaged 0.43, 1.50, and 5.45, respectively. Monoculture of paddlefish juveniles in ponds results in a hierarchic size structure when density is at least greater than 12,355 paddlefish/ha. The effect is enhanced with increasing density but becomes asymptotic as density approaches 18,533 paddlefish/ha. Feeding in excess does not ameliorate the effect.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the production characteristics of the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, stocked into grow‐out ponds at three different sizes and ages. To meet this goal, three groups of postlarvae (PL) were obtained. The first group was placed in a nursery system for 21 d (N21), the second for 14 d (N14), and the third was stocked directly into ponds (DS). Shrimp from each nursery treatment (three tanks per treatment) were pooled and then subdivided for stocking into four replicate 0.1 ha ponds per treatment, another four ponds were stocked directly (DS) with PL8. All 12 ponds were stocked on the same day at a density of approximately 35 PL/m2, and cultured over a 16‐wk period and then drain harvested. After harvest, mean average weights (15.4, 16.9, and 14.9 g), survivals (63, 62, and 64%), FCRs (2.7, 2.5, and 2.7), and average yields (3592, 4005, and 3374 kg/ha) were determined for N21, N14, and DS, respectively. No significant (P > 0.05) differences were observed among treatments. Regardless of nursing time, nursed juveniles did not differ significantly in production characteristics from shrimp stocked directly from the hatchery.  相似文献   

Juvenile freshwater prawns Mucrobruchium rosenkrgii (mean wet weight = 0.75, 1986 or 0.17g, 1985) were stocked into 0.06–0.07 ha earthen ponds at densities ranging from 39,536 to 118,608/ha during two separate growing seasons. After growout periods ranging from 135 to 142 days, survival was from 54.3% to 89.9% (x = 77.0%). Mean prawn weight at harvest ranged from 15.0 to 44.3g and decreased with increasing stocking density. The larger stocking weight of prawns was associated with harvest weights that were 16.8 to 39.6% greater than those achieved with the smaller stocking weight at comparable stocking densities. Stocking of juveniles of the proper size and the effective management of the social structure of M. rosenkrgii appear to be critical to the success of intensive pond culture in temperate climates where the length of the growing season is restricted.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify appropriate times for initial application of supplemental feed in polyculture fertilized fish production earthen ponds, a study was conducted for 19 wk to establish the growth performance, yield, survival, and body composition of Nile tilapia, common carp, and silver carp as influenced by four different feeding regimens (treatments). The four treatments were: 1) supplemental feeding beginning at onset of the experiment (T-I) (control treatment); 2) 6-wk delay of feeding after fish stocking (T-II); 3) 13-wk delay of feeding after fish stocking (T-III), and 4) no supplemental feed application (T-IV). Two ponds were assigned to each treatment and each pond was stocked with a similar number and weight of each fish species. A commercial pelleted fish feed (25% protein) was used to feed fish in T-I, T-II, and T-III at 3% of their body weight, twice a day. At the end of the experiment, fish species (except for silver carp) in T-II showed weight gain, growth rates, and yields significantly higher than fish in T-III or T-IV. Also, the total fish production and net profit in T-II were significantly higher than in T-III or T-IV. Fish species in T-II showed weight gain, growth rates, survival rates, and yields similar to those of T-I (control treatment) with no significant differences. The amount of feed consumed by fish in T-II was reduced by approximately 7.3% compared to that consumed by fish at T-I. Moreover, there was increase in th net profit in T-II by 4.8% over that achieved in T-I. Therefore, T-II appears to be the most appropriate among the tested feeding treatments and recommended for use in order to achieve the best growth, production, and net profit.  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法研究了鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼亲鱼消化道消化酶的种类;用比色法及滴定法分别测其消化酶相对活性。结果表明:鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼4种鱼消化道的蛋白酶、淀粉酶活性与食性有明显的相关性。其中,蛋白酶活性依次为鲤〉鲢〉鳙〉草鱼;淀粉酶活性依次为草鱼〉鲤〉鳙〉鲢。脂肪酶活性与食性的关系不明显。四种鱼消化酶的表达与消化...  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法研究了鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼亲鱼消化道消化酶的种类;用比色法及滴定法分别测其消化酶相对活性。结果表明:鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼4种鱼消化道的蛋白酶、淀粉酶活性与食性有明显的相关性。其中,蛋白酶活性依次为鲤〉鲢〉鳙〉草鱼;淀粉酶活性依次为草鱼〉鲤〉鳙〉鲢。脂肪酶活性与食性的关系不明显。四种鱼消化酶的表达与消化道的组织结构特征相一致,消化道前2/5部位(G1、G2)的消化酶活性最高,是无胃鱼消化道的主要消化场所。消化道中央部位(G3)的消化酶活性次之,能将未消化完全的食糜进一步消化,而消化道后段(G4、G5)消化酶活性最低。可见,消化酶活性及消化功能呈递减形式,食物在消化道中随着消化、吸收,逐渐排出体外。本研究为鲤、鲢、草鱼、鳙4种鱼的营养生理学、高效饲料配比的研制及种质资源的科学管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

肠道形态种间差异是动物对食物质量的长期进化响应,本文研究了滆湖鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)鳙(Aristichthysnobilis)肠长(GL)和肠重(GM)两种肠道形态参数的生长格局,并探讨了它们对鲢鳙食性差异的指示作用。结果表明,滆湖鲢、鳙GL相对身体大小(体长BL和体重BM)、GM相对GL、肠道内含物重(GCM)相对BM均呈正异速生长或增加,鲢鳙GM相对BM分别呈等速和负异速生长。相对肠长(RGL)、ZI指数、相对肠道内含物重指数(RGCM)鲢显著大于鳙,GM/GL比值正好相反,相对肠重(RGM)鲢鳙间无显著差异。根据文献对比及RGL与营养级的经验公式,鲢鳙均为偏浮游植物杂食性鱼类,这与鳙为偏浮游动物食性鱼类的普遍认识不太一致,说明国内需要更多的研究以增加RGL对鱼类食性的指示作用。与鳙相比,鲢从更多且质量较低的食物中满足营养和能量需求的主要机制是增加肠道长度而不是分配更多组织给肠道。肠长能而肠重不能识别体型相似的2个近缘物种(鲢鳙)的食性差异。  相似文献   

The effects of continuous paddlewheel operation on shrimp growth, yield and crop value were studied in Hawaii. Six 0.4 ha earthen ponds were stocked with Penaeus vannamei at 25 postlarvae/m2. Three ponds served as controls with no mechanical aeration or mixing. Each of the other three ponds had two 1 hp paddlewheel aerators (3.7 kw/ha) running continuously throughout the five month trial (29 April-8 October 1986). All other management factors were applied uniformly.
Daily water temperature and use were significantly different between treatments. Paddlewheel ponds had lower water temperatures (28.3 vs. 28.5 C) and lower water use (0.8% exchange per day vs. 2.2% exchange per day) than control ponds.
Faster shrimp growth in paddlewheel ponds was evident in week 8. At week 14, mean shrimp body weights and growth rates were significantly greater. Shrimp at harvest were 21.2 ± 2.6 g in paddlewheel ponds versus 15.3 ± 2.6 g in control ponds. Mean shrimp production was 2,852 ± 222 kg/ha in paddlewheel ponds compared to only 2,061 ± 558 kg/ha in controls. Mean crop value was $13,719 per pond per crop for paddlewheel ponds versus $9,111 for control ponds. Hence, paddlewheels afforded an increase of 42% in net crop value after subtracting purchase and operating costs.  相似文献   

2012年6月-11月,对2012年4月在南四湖增殖放流的鲢、鳙生长状况进行了连续5次跟踪调查。结果表明:鲢体质量变化在50-400g范围内,为1-2龄;鳙体质量集中在50-350g,为1-2龄;增殖鲢生长(L,体长;W,体质量)与捕捞时间的关系方程为:L=12.633+2.3391M+0.0648M2,W=-89654+61.933M+2.3341M^2;鳙L=13.186+1.004M+0.2449M2,W=99.204-33.203M+12.141M2。捕获南四湖鲢、鳙个体远未达到渐进体质量乃至拐点体质量,尚处于快速生长期,在增殖放流与捕获中应加强科学规范与管理。  相似文献   

增温水体对鲢、鳙的生长、血液及生理指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵金奎 《淡水渔业》2006,36(2):27-30
陡河水库纳入电厂热排水后,年均水温升高3℃左右。根据水温及等温线分布情况,将库区划分为增温区、弱增温区、自然水温区三个区域。通过一年的定点网箱监测,结果表明:自然水温区鱼类生长最好,其次为增温区,弱增温区最差。增温不仅改变了鱼类生长,而且鱼类血液及生理指标也发生了改变。  相似文献   

This work was carried out to study the relationship between fish weight and natural food selectivity of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) reared in earthen ponds without supplementary diet and to guide the adaptation of feeding and fertilization strategies. Fish were stocked (1.5 fish/m2) in four fertilized earthen ponds (0.1 ha) for 6 months. Fifty fish were sampled monthly to estimate individual total weight and length and evaluate stomach contents. Fish specimens were categorized into different weight classes: <25 g, 25–50 g, 50–75 g, 75–100 g, and 100–125 g. Overall, the 50–75 g weight class had the highest degree of stomach fullness. The intestinal length-fish length ratio was similar across all fish weights, ranging from 2.9–3.4. Likewise, the composition of food items found in fish stomach was ranked as phytoplankton > detritus > zooplankton. Phytoplankton contribution to gut content increased with increasing fish weight, while detritus and zooplankton contribution decreased. Zooplankton never exceeded 1% of total stomach contents. Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae mostly represented the phytoplankton. Bacillariophyceae dominated the phytoplanktonic portion of stomach contents at small fish size (<75 g/fish), while Chlorophyceae is the dominant group at large fish size (> 75 g/fish). Fish could select Cyanobacteria and Euglenophyceae at all fish weights, meanwhile Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae were eaten with slight selectivity at larger weights..  相似文献   

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