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Comparison of subchondral bone density determined by quantitative computed tomography (CT) with gross and histopathologic changes have not been made in horses. The goal of this study was to determine if mean quantitative CT density and mean voxel standard deviation are associated with the presence and severity of osteochondral lesions in the palmar aspect of the distal third metacarpal bone in racing horses. Metacarpophalangeal joints from nine racehorses were imaged using CT and scored for gross damage. Four-millimeter-thick sagittal and 30 degrees palmar dorsal plane sections were cut, decalcified and stained with hematoxylin and eosin from the distal third metacarpal bone. Microscopic osteochondral lesions and subchondral remodeling were scored on a scale of 0-3. Percent subchondral bone, expressed as the ratio of bone volume to tissue volume, was also measured. Mean quantitative CT density and mean voxel standard deviation were measured from three-dimensional models of CT images comparable with histologic sections. Mean quantitative CT density was not associated with lesion severity or number of lesions. A weak correlation between mean quantitative CT density and gross score was found, but mean quantitative CT density was not predictive for gross score. Mean voxel standard deviation was not correlated with gross or histopathologic measures, but was predictive of mild osteochondral lesions. Results support the association of subchondral remodeling with the development of palmar metacarpal lesions. However, there was not a strong correlation between mean quantitative CT density or mean voxel standard deviation and histopathologic lesions of the distal third metacarpal bone.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The calcium and phosphorus nutrition of thoroughbred racehorses was assessed by analysis of serum and urine samples collected from 90 horses in 1975 and 139 horses in 1980–81 at racetracks in Melbourne. Horses that were excreting greater than 15 μmole Ca/mosmole and which had a calcium to creatinine clearance ratio greater than 2.5% were considered to have adequate Ca intake. Horses that were excreting greater than 15 μmole P/mosmole and which had a phosphorus to creatinine clearance ratio greater than 4% were considered to have excessive phosphorus intake. Sixty-percent of the horses sampled had adequate Ca intake, and 44% had excessive intakes of P. Twenty-five percent of the horses were excreting more P in urine than Ca. This would indicate these horses were subjected to nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, and horses entered in races by 53 of 99 trainers were in this category. It may be concluded that a high proportion (40%) of thoroughbred racehorses receive inadequate calcium nutrition while they are fed high-grain diets during racing.  相似文献   

Radiographic diagnosis of equine bone disease using digital radiography is prevalent in veterinary practice. However, the diagnostic quality of digital vs. conventional radiography has not been compared systematically. We hypothesized that digital radiography would be superior to film-screen radiography for detection of subtle lesions of the equine third metacarpal bone. Twenty-four third metacarpal bones were collected from horses euthanized for reasons other than orthopedic disease. Bones were dissected free of soft tissue and computed tomography was performed to ensure that no osseous abnormalities were present. Subtle osseous lesions were produced in the dorsal cortex of the third metacarpal bones, and the bones were radiographed in a soft tissue phantom using indirect digital and conventional radiography at standard exposures. Digital radiographs were printed onto film. Three Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Radiology evaluated the radiographs for the presence or absence of a lesion. Receiver operator characteristic curves were constructed, and the area under these curves were compared to assess the ability of the digital and film-screen radiographic systems to detect lesions. The area under the ROC curves for film-screen and digital radiography were 0.87 and 0.90, respectively ( P =0.59). We concluded that the digital radiographic system was comparable to the film-screen system for detection of subtle lesions of the equine third metacarpal bone.  相似文献   

Radiographs of the navicular bone in 523 sound horses were reviewed. Detailed evaluation criteria were used. The incidence of radiographic changes and variations in normal horses were recorded. Results were tested for right-left limb difference and for age relationship. Variation in shape and bone structure was commonly seen in the navicular bone. Radiographic changes with an incidence of less than 2% included flexor cortex defects and calcification on the flexor surface. Fragments at the distal navicular bone border, calcification in the impar ligament and enthesiophytes at the proximal border were radiographic findings with an incidence of 2% to 10%. Abnormal canals at the distal border were found in 11% horses. Elongation of the lateral proximal extremity was commonly found. The mean width of the flexor cortex was 3.6 mm.  相似文献   

Thromboses of the cranial tibial vein (Horse 1) and brachial, median, and cranial circumflex humeral arteries (Horse 2) were identified as causes of unilateral lameness in two Thoroughbred racehorses. Nuclear scintigraphy was performed for suspicion of long bone stress fractures but instead allowed identification of unusual areas of increased radiopharmaceutical uptake within soft tissues of the affected limbs. Ultrasonography of these regions allowed identification of occlusive thrombi within a 25 cm length of the cranial tibial vein (Horse 1) and variable lengths of affected arteries in Horse 2. Horse 1 developed secondary infections and was euthanized. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from all sites. The cause of thrombosis was not identified in Horse 2.  相似文献   

In recent years, pain arising from the proximal metacarpal and metatarsal regions has become well recognized as a cause of lameness and various disease entities have been identified. However, our knowledge of normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake is limited, making interpretation of images problematic. It is therefore important to characterize normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake at specific sites to ensure valid interpretation of images in clinical cases with subtle lesions. The purpose of this study was to describe the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions in clinically sound horses. Scintigraphic images from 64 clinically normal horses were evaluated. All the images were assessed subjectively. The lateral, dorsal, and plantar scintigraphic images were assessed qualitatively using horizontal line profiles through the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions. Mean ratios of radiopharmaceutical uptake were calculated from three regions of interest sited over the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions and a reference site. In 78% of forelimbs the peak of radiopharmaceutical activity was at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. Seventy-five per cent of the dorsal plane profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. In 80% of hindlimb lateral images the peak radiopharmaceutical activity was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region. All (100%) plantar image profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak being over the lateral portion of the proximal metatarsal region. There was no significant left and right variation between sites for mean ratios on the lateral and dorsal images of the proximal metacarpal region. However, using lateral images the mean ratios from all regions of the right proximal metatarsal were greater than left (dorsal P = 0.003, plantar P < 0.0001 and whole proximal metatarsal, P = 0.0006). There was no significant variation in mean ratios between left and right on plantar images. However, the mean ratio for the lateral proximal metatarsal region was significantly greater than for the medial proximal metatarsal regions (P < 0.0001). There was no significant effect of age. Left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake was shown in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions. There was higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right proximal metatarsal region than the left, which agrees with previous studies of the tarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints. There were differences in the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake between the forelimbs and hindlimbs. In the forelimbs maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was located at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region on dorsal images. In the hindlimbs the maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the lateral portion of proximal metatarsal region on plantar images. The results of this study support the hypothesis that there would be a standard pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake across the proximal metacarpal and l metatarsal regions, but the pattern of uptake observed would be different in the proximal metacarpal region compared with the proximal metatarsal region. There was left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions, with higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right. There was no variation of radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern with age.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Heart scores derived from the ECG's recorded from sires, dams and progeny have been used to determine the heritability of heart size in Thoroughbred and Standard-bred horses. Regression of progeny on male parents gave an average heritability of about 0.4. The heart scores of progeny reflected the heart scores of dams more closely than those of sires. Although this result raises questions which cannot be answered completely from the data available, the heritability estimate of 0.4 should enable breeders to improve heart size by simple selection of breeding stock on heart score. The greater influence of dams on heart score could involve sex differences, maternal environmental factors and possibly sex-linkage. In addition, in the population studied there was unequal selection of sires and dams. Critical selection of mares seems to offer the largest potential for improvement in the future, but this will be inhibited by practical restraints on the culling of the brood mare population.  相似文献   

An unusual presentation of the nutrient foramen of the third metatarsal bone (Mt-3) is described in two horses. In the first horse, the nutrient foramen was located ectopically in the dorsolateral cortex of Mt-3. The metatarsal nutrient foramina of the second horse were in the usual plantar location, but one was atypical in configuration. Clinical signs did not appear to be associated with these findings in either horse. The possibility of misdiagnosing a fracture rather than an ectopic nutrient foramen is discussed.  相似文献   

Henrik  Uhlhorn  DVM  Stina  Ekman  DVM  PhD  Anne  Haglund  DVM  Johan  Carlsten  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1998,39(5):412-417
Thirty-five carpal joints from 20 standardbred trotters, age 1 to 7 years, all euthanized for nonorthopedic reasons, were examined to investigate the correlation between assessments of subchondral bone sclerosis in the third carpal bone from radiographs in the dorsoproximal-dorsodistal (DPr-DDi) projection and histomorphometric bone volume density measurements. The agreement between assessments of sclerosis from antemortem versus postmortem radiographs was also evaluated. Bones graded as sclerotic in the DPr-DDi projection had significantly higher bone volume density values for all areas of measurement than nonsclerotic bones. For sclerotic bones, grading of sclerosis was significantly associated with volume density measurements in the central cancellous bone only. There was a good agreement ( k w =0.71) between assessments of radiographic bone sclerosis from antemortem versus postmortem radiographs.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to assess the repeatability and reproducibility of transabdominal ultrasonography to assess intestinal wall thickness in adult Thoroughbred horses (n=8). Ultrasonographic cineloops were captured by one examiner from each horse for five consecutive days. During each examination at least three cineloops were obtained for five different intestinal tract locations. Measurements were performed by three separate observers to assess reproducibility and measured on three separate occasions by three observers to evaluate short‐term repeatability. The repeatability of measurements from the duodenum (0.3 ± 0.04 cm), jejunum (0.29 ± 0.05 cm), ventral colon (0.37 ± 0.01 cm), and cecum (0.42 ± 0.03 cm) were good ( P >0.291). The reproducibility of measurements from the duodenum, jejunum, and ventral colon were good ( P >0.394). Reproducibility of measurement of the cecal wall was inadequate ( P =0.01), although the maximum difference between observers was 0.07 cm. It was possible to image all areas on all days, with the exception of the duodenum, which could not be imaged in one horse, on 1 day. Equine intestinal wall measurements are therefore repeatable and reproducible with the exception of reproducibility of the measurements of cecal wall. Although an accepted clinical technique, measurement of cecal wall thickness from intestinal ultrasound images in a clinical setting must be interpreted with care.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of carpal radiographs from 42 racing thoroughbreds with carpal lameness was performed. Radiographs from 50 carpal examinations were available for review. The radiographic findings pertaining to the third carpal bone were described. Fractures and/or sclerosis occurred almost exclusively within the radial fossa. The occurrence of sclerosis without fracture in 20 of the 50 carpal examinations was higher than anticipated, occurring in both the right and left third carpal bone with equal frequency. The right third carpal bone was more frequently fractured and more severely affected than the left. The sclerotic changes seen in the radial fossa of the third carpal bone may be stress-induced, possibly preceding more serious changes in the joint such as cartilage damage or gross fracture. Earlier recognition of sclerosis of the third carpal bone may help prevent more serious changes from occurring.  相似文献   

Obtaining high-quality radiographs of the proximal aspect of equine limbs is difficult because of the large muscles in these regions. The use of scintigraphy may provide further information. Abnormal bone scan findings of the ischial tuberosity or the third trochanter were found in 29 adult horses with obscure hind limb lameness between 1986 and 1996 at the Large Animal Clinic of the University of Bern. Each had abnormal radiopharmaceutical uptake but not all had radiographic changes. Radio-pharmaceutical uptake ratios between the ischial tuberosity and the greater trochanter were calculated. The uptake ratio in a control group of 11 clinically sound horses was lower than in 11 lame horses with subjectively enhanced radiopharmaceutical uptake.  相似文献   

The effect of the chemical shift artifact, resulting from misregistration or phase cancellation at the interface between compact and trabecular bone, on apparent bone thickness was quantified in six isolated equine limbs. Sagittal T1‐weighted spin echo (SE) and in‐phase three‐dimensional spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) images were acquired twice with a 1.5 T magnetic resonance (MR) unit, switching the frequency encoding direction between acquisitions. Out‐of‐phase SPGR images were also obtained. MR images with different frequency encoding directions were compared with each other and to radiographs made from corresponding 3‐mm‐bone sections. Compact bone thickness was significantly different when comparing images acquired with different frequency encoding directions for both SE and SPGR sequences. Significant differences were identified in the frequency but not the phase encoding direction when measurements of compact bone in MR images were compared with measurements obtained from thin section radiographs for the majority of surfaces studied (P<0.05). Correction of MR measurements with the calculated chemical shift abolished these differences (P>0.05). Measurements of compact bone from out‐of‐phase SPGR sequences were significantly different than from in‐phase sequences (P<0.001) with out‐of‐phase measurements greater than in‐phase measurements by an average of 0.38 mm. These results indicate that the chemical shift artifact results in errors in MR evaluation of compact bone thickness when measurements are performed in the frequency encoding direction or in out‐of‐phase images. For better accuracy, measurements should be performed parallel to the phase encoding direction and avoiding out‐of‐phase gradient echo sequences.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of dermatomycocis due to Trichophyton equinum var autotrophicum was studied in a number of thoroughbred stables in south-east Queensland. The significant factors in the epidemiology were defined. The infection was readily transmitted, particularly by infected saddle-girths, on which the fungus could survive for 12 months. Mild abrasion from the saddle during work favoured the development of lesions and prolonged the recovery period. A pronounced age and seasonal incidence of the disease was demonstrated as young horses under the age of 3 years were most susceptible, and the majority of cases occurred in periods of high humidity.  相似文献   

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