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张俊 《古今农业》2010,(1):38-44
创意农业的实质是以人为本的发展模式,它不仅突破了传统资源的刚性约束,拓宽产业融合的空间,而且引发了全民创新效应更是边际社会报酬递增的源泉,因而是我国农业现代化的一种发展方向。本文通过对我国发展创意农业的初始条件和动力支撑体系的分析,构建出创意农业的经济增长理论模型,并就创意农业的发展模式提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

For modern nations, a healthy agricultural sector provides the necessary foundation for the economic growth and social progress that enhance their citizens′ quality of life.Historically, agriculture education has been a dynamic and growing facet of career and technical education in the United States. Currently, however, public policy and support for agriculture education is negatively impacted by a national attitude that devalues agriculture education and perceives it as less desirable than a four-year college degree. This paper considers the history, scope, and current status of agriculture education in the context of increasing worldwide demand for agricultural products and rapidly changing technology.  相似文献   

农业高校服务地方经济建设和社会发展的实践与探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨艳文 《河北农业科学》2010,14(12):162-163,172
主动融入到区域社会发展,既是区域社会对高校提出的客观要求,也是高校生存和发展的必由之路。农业高校要充分发挥自身优势,积极探索与地方经济建设和社会发展有机结合的方式和途径,坚持走服务地方、服务社会之路。吉林农业大学紧紧围绕"支撑、服务、发展"的主题,逐渐探索出了一条具有自身特色的服务"三农"新路径,为增强农业科技创新能力,加快地方经济建设和社会发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Civic agriculture is characterized in the literature as complementary and embedded social and economic strategies that provide economic benefits to farmers at the same time that they ostensibly provide socio-environmental benefits to the community. This paper presents some ways in which women farmers practice civic agriculture. The data come from in-depth interviews with women practicing agriculture in Pennsylvania. Some of the strategies women farmers use to make a living from the farm have little to do with food or agricultural products, but all are a product of the process of providing a living for farmers while meeting a social need in the community. Most of the women in our study also connect their business practices to their gender identity in rural and agricultural communities, and redefine successful farming in opposition to traditional views of economic rationality.  相似文献   

中国生态农业的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
李文华 《农学学报》2018,8(1):153-157
农业是人类社会发展的基础,在漫长的历史长河中做出了巨大的贡献。近代人口的不断增加,科学技术的发展以及人类在经营中的短期行为,带来了日益加剧的生态和环境问题,并引起了全世界人民对农业发展道路的关注与反思。中国凭借悠久的农业历史、多样的自然条件和文化积淀,在政府的激励与引导下,提出了具有中国特色的生态农业的概念,建立了较为完善的理论体系,总结了适合中国国情的多种成功模式,开展了不同层面的生态农业建设试点,并得到了国内和国际的广泛承认与赞扬。但中国的生态农业在实践中也存在一些亟待解决的问题和矛盾,有待今后在理论、技术、管理、政策、能力建设和评价指标等方面进一步深入研究和探索。  相似文献   

精准农业是一个由多学科技术和多个组分组成的复杂系统。为了充分地协调各个组分之间的功能,以使精准农业系统的硬件资源得到充分利用的同时,其软件资源和人力资源的利用效率也得到极大提升。本文借助现代企业管理学中的流程再造理论,结合实地的农业生产管理实际情况,通过把试验基地中已有的各种软硬件资源和人力资源合理地配置在流程的合理位置中,重新构建了精准农业的农事业务流程,并将已有系统的各个模块进行有机协调、组织和集成,使系统达到更加优化并更适合当地农业生产的实际需求,从而有效地提高了精准农业中的资源利用效率和决策水平。  相似文献   

本文基于对宁夏小农经济与农业现代化融合发展模式的实践考察,从宁夏农业组织发展现状出发,归纳了宁夏地区小农经济与现代农业融合发展模式及存在的问题,并提出了建议,以期为欠发达地区小农经济与农业现代化融合发展提供参考。  相似文献   

农业信息技术已经成为我国现代农业的重要标志之一,具有提高科技水平、节约投入品、增加农民收入、改变产业结构、优化产业模式等作用。本文总结了我国农业现状及发展方向,简述了农业信息技术的定义、作用、集成和应用,说明了农业信息技术在我国现代农业发展中的重要性,以期为后来学者研究农业信息技术以及推动我国现代农业快速发展提供参考。  相似文献   

New research orientations are emerging in behavioral science approaches to agricultural development. These new orientations are the product of both experience gained during the era that followed the Green Revolution and a response to changing goals in agricultural development that now place a greater emphasis on considerations of participation and equity. They also reflect a more general concern with the relation of technology and society growing out of efforts to understand energy and environmental problems. These orientations are characterized by a shift away from a conceptual perspective emphasizing communication to one in which technology and social organization are deemed essential in understanding and promoting agricultural development. This changing conceptual perspective is being manifested in the research process from which technology develops. Use of ecological systems approaches to the study of farming systems is increasing. The importance of understanding traditional agriculture is becoming evident and technology development methodologies are beginning to simulate farm conditions at the research center and to conduct experimental research on the farm. The appreciation of technology as a variable is leading to the development of alternative technologies adapted to different socionatural situations. As these emerging orientations become elaborated, they enhance the contributions which behavioral scientists can make to agricultural development.  相似文献   

该文阐述了国际农业机械化自动化设施的发展历程和取得的技术成果,以及在目前的技术条件下农业发展的状况,阐述了当今国际雾霾、全球变暖等环境污染对农作物的严重影响,分析了当今国际农业种植的发展方向.认为室内农作物的种植,运用现代科学技术的种植方法,发展设施农业应是今后中国农业主攻方向.将工业生产线运用到农业上,实现农业的自动控制和远程作业发展高效农业,是减轻不断增长的人口压力的有效手段.  相似文献   

工业化、城镇化和农业现代化的"三化"统筹,是城乡区域的统筹,亦是工农产业的协调,其影响因素主要包括:对工业和农业的财政扶持及金融扶持力度,教育制度、社会保障制度和就业制度,文化体育事业及投资所有制结构,也包括农业的行业特性及农村的区域属性等因素。运用吉林省1978—2009年统计数据,通过计量模型对影响"三化"的因素进行统计检验,结果表明:投资中的城乡比例和银行贷款中的工农比例对"三化"统筹发展有显著的负影响,据此提出加大对农村金融的扶持力度、引导更多信贷资金投向"三农"、注重对农村教育资源投入的政策建议。  相似文献   

The process of agricultural unification will dominate the German scene for the next few years. At this stage, however, analysis and forecasts are hampered by the considerable problem concerning the viability of East German agriculture in a market economy and by the absence of reliable data in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). This can only be understood in terms of the agricultural situation in the GDR before unification, which is discussed in the first section. The political and economic incentives for German unification are described in the next section of this paper, focusing especially on the integration of the GDR into CAP. The third section considers some critical structural, legal, social, and economic constraints in the process of integrating the two agricultural systems. Finally, the implications for German agriculture as well as the challenges for the CAP will be addressed. Data were collected from interviews with key agricultural policy makers, farm organizations, commodity groups, consumer groups, and agricultural experts, as well as interviewing East German farmers. Additional data were compiled from government statistics, EC publications, and press reports. The conclusions reached in this research show the urgent need for the German government to reconsider the objectives and rationale for structural policies in agriculture, and point out that the new Germany, itself full of paradoxes and uncertainty, stands at the center of European agricultural disorder.Leila Sfeir Lueschen is Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky. She has researched issues pertaining to the structure of agriculture, agricultural policies, and socio-economic change. Most recently, she has been studying problems associated with the transformation of East German agriculture and its integration into the European Community. Dr. Lueschen's work has been published in English, German, and French.  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,在我国经济社会迅猛发展的带动下,农业不断发展壮大。众所周知,我国 是一个农业大国,农业可以说是国民经济发展的基础,其发展的好坏直接关系到我国社会主义现代化 建设。当前,我国农业发展正处于关键时期,在此发展过程中,农业机械化日益普及,并且在农业增产 增收领域发挥出了重要的作用。随着,农业机械化设备使用的不断普及,农机使用过程中的故障率也 在逐年提高,在新时代发展下不断强化农机维修工作,提高维修安全水平对于农业发展意义重大。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the basis and advantages of mile city"s green agricultural development from five aspects: natural resources, significant improvement of comprehensive development strength of plateau characteristic green agriculture, rapid development of new types of industry integration and mutual promotion, increasing support capacity of green agricultural science and technology, and effective transformation of agricultural production and operation mode. The path to develop green agriculture in mile city is proposed from four aspects: strengthening the governance of agricultural ecological environment, developing green organic agriculture, cultivating and expanding new agricultural business entities, strengthening scientific and technological support for green agricultural development, promoting deep integration, and promoting the development of the whole industrial chain of green agriculture.  相似文献   

依靠科技创新推进我国盐碱地资源可持续利用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
盐碱地是一种独具特色的重要生态类型,也是宝贵的土地资源。我国盐碱地面积大、分布范围广,如何科学合理、可持续的开发利用对国家生态环境建设和后备耕地资源拓展具有重要意义。通过对盐碱地的成因及主要影响因素、盐碱地的利用潜力、国内外盐碱地可持续利用的实践等方面进行综述,认为当前对盐碱地资源普遍认识不足,重治理轻保护,也缺乏统一的规划利用和激励机制。建议坚持生态保护、农业产业、社会发展三位一体,将盐碱地作为一种宝贵资源进行可持续利用,统筹生态建设、国家粮食安全、产业发展,培育“一二三”产业融合的盐土农业产业链。同时充分发挥政府和市场的作用,建立多元化的投入机制。  相似文献   

随着社会进步与经济发展,我国农业行业得以快速发展。在这样的情况下,现代化高 效农业是促进我国农业产业健康可持续发展的重要要求,也是促进农业创新与变革的基础条 件,可以保障乡村振兴战略的全面落实,提高我国农民的实际收入。基于此,本文分析了现代高 效农业发展中存在的问题,提出了加快现代高效农业发展的对策,期望经过本研究为未来的有 关研究提供相应的参考。  相似文献   

农业现代化提高了农业生产力水平,进而扩大农业对城市发展的贡献,推动城市化进程。根据农业对城市化发展的贡献,本文构建农业生产力水平、农业产出水平、农业产业化水平、农业经济结构、农村社会发展水平和农业生态环境发展水平6个维度的农业现代化评价指标体系,分析1990—2019年间西藏农业现代化发展和城镇化发展水平,探讨农业现代化对城镇化发展的作用机制。结果表明,西藏农业现代化水平由1990年的1.22上升至2019年的17.65;与此同时,西藏城镇化水平从1990年的16.36提升至2019年的31.54。西藏农业现代化对城镇化发展起显著的正向作用,其作用机制是通过提升农业贡献和改变城乡推拉力实现的;西藏农业现代化各维度对城镇化发展的作用效果不一致,该异质性根源于农业贡献对城镇化作用的社会发展阶段差异。因此,为了进一步提升西藏农业现代化水平,强化农业贡献对城镇化发展的作用,本文建议加强西藏农业现代化方面的援藏投入,深化农业机械化普及以提升西藏农业生产力水平和农业产出水平,发展西藏特色农牧产品加工业以提升西藏农业产业化水平,活跃农村商品市场、扩大农牧民增收以提升西藏农村社会发展水平。  相似文献   

The article illustrates the major features of the development of Italian agriculture from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present. It is argued that such development has been characterized by dualism. At the structural level dualism refers to the existence of a large number of small and very small farms, a limited number of medium-sized farms, and the presence of a very small segment of large farms that control the bulk of agricultural production and sales. Structural dualism in Italy is accompanied by regional dualism, which refers to the sharply different characteristics of the agriculture of the north and that of the south. In the northern regions the most productive and advanced farms are concentrated, while in the south smaller and less viable units are present. Dualism has created serious contradictions in Italian society, which have not been resolved with the further integration of the country's agricultural sector into the European Community.  相似文献   

创新理论与农业创新系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业的发展依赖于农业创新,理解农业创新必须基于系统的视角。以创新理论为基础,结合部门创新系统理论与诱致性创新理论,进行农业创新系统分析。对农业创新系统的分析不仅要重视其结构要素(资源禀赋、知识基础与技术、行为主体与网络、制度和需求);更要注重其功能实现(即农业创新系统中七个关键过程,即知识开发、对研究方向的影响、创业者试验、市场形成、制度化、资源调动和外部经济开发,它们的实际表现如何)。农业创新系统功能实现的影响因素包括其结构要素、运行机制及其外部环境。农业创新系统的发展要求识别诱致或阻碍其发展的运行机制,并找到相关的政策问题,从而对结构要素与运行机制进行调整,以实现其功能。  相似文献   

农业信息网络与传统媒体的集成整合研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文主要从江苏农业科技信息网与江苏农业科技报集成整合的实践出发,提出农业信息网络应利用传统农业媒体的优势,加速发展。  相似文献   

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