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为分析养殖过程中各项成本(扇贝成本、劳动力成本、养殖设备成本等),讨论筏式虾夷扇贝不同养殖密度条件下的经济效益。2013年5月9日—2014年4月9日,在一龄虾夷扇贝养成至二龄贝期间,设置10枚/层、15枚/层、20枚/层、25枚/层和30枚/层5个密度组,测量统计扇贝壳高和累积死亡率等指标评价其生长情况和经济效益。不同养殖密度生长测量结果表明:低密度养殖组别(10枚/层、15枚/层)平均壳高大于高密度养殖组别(20枚/层、25枚/层和30枚/层)(P0.05),低密度养殖组别累积死亡率低于高密度养殖组别(10枚/层15枚/层、20枚/层25枚/层30枚/层)(P0.05),一龄至二龄养成期间,低密度养殖在壳高性状和降低死亡率方面具有明显优势;不同养殖密度生长指标结合经济成本分析结果表明:在一龄虾夷扇贝总量一定和养殖浮筏数量一定两种经济模型下,10枚/层密度组的经济效益最高;综合分析表明:筏式虾夷扇贝低密度养殖在生长性状和经济效益两个方面都有显著优势,可以有效转变当地养殖企业及个体户"多养多收益"观念,引导低密度生态养殖模式的建立。  相似文献   

自80年代以来,虾夷扇贝浮筏养殖在辽宁省长海县发展迅速,目前养殖面积已达10万余亩,并成为当地名特优海水养殖的重要品种,在海洋渔业经济发展中占有十分重要的地位。虽然虾夷扇贝养殖技术得到了快速推广,但在操作过程中,由于某些技术环节的疏忽,养殖期间死亡率不断提高,商品贝的规格、品质、肥满度等有所下降,从而影响了该产业的经济效益。笔者根据多年调查研究及实地考察,分析了当前虾夷扇贝养殖存在的诸多问题,认为要使该产业持续健康发展的关键问题在于必须重视推广虾夷扇贝健康养殖模式。一、虾夷扇贝养殖存在的主要问题1.养殖浮筏布局…  相似文献   

一、亲贝的来源和选择标准1.亲贝的来源育苗用亲贝都来源于辽宁省大连市长海县海域。一般在每年的1月初选择浮筏吊养的成熟虾夷扇贝作亲贝。2.亲贝的选择标准尽量选择浮筏吊养的1.5龄~2龄的成贝,个体壳高在10cm~12cm,外形  相似文献   

为探讨长海县筏养虾夷扇贝大规模死亡原因,2015年4月—2015年9月,监测长海县大长山岛小泡子村前海养殖海区的水温、浮游植物,统计筏养虾夷扇贝的存活以及脓胞数量;2016年6—8月,设置14~17℃、18~20℃、22~24℃3个温度梯度和饥饿、107个/L、108个/L 3个饵料密度,研究虾夷扇贝在不同水温和不同饵料密度条件下的脓胞发生概率与扇贝死亡规律。海区调查结果表明,4月,浮游植物丰度最高,5—7月下降,9月最低;9月水温最高,月均22.85℃,6—7月,水温为16~20℃,1、2龄贝月均死亡率最高,出现脓胞的数量最多。室内试验结果表明,18~20℃试验组虾夷扇贝死亡率最高,出现脓胞的比例最高,且与另两组差异显著(P0.05),22~24℃试验组的虾夷扇贝死亡规律和另外两个试验组明显不同,病害和高温共同导致虾夷扇贝死亡;饥饿组在14~17℃和22~24℃2个温度条件下,死亡率及出现脓胞比例与其他两组无显著差异(P0.05);18~20℃,饥饿组死亡率及出现脓胞比例显著高于其他两组(P0.05)。试验结果表明,病害是导致筏养虾夷扇贝大规模死亡主要原因,水温和饥饿在不同时期加速扇贝死亡。  相似文献   

笔者结合多年从事虾夷扇贝苗种生产的实践,围绕亲贝培育期间的相关问题作一探讨。一、亲贝的选择1.注意亲贝的产地,要在水清、水流大、无污染、饵料生物丰富的养殖海区挑选亲贝。2.成贝要健壮、无病害,养殖与越冬期间死亡率低。3.壳高10~15厘米,2~3龄,外观完整、无损伤、壳上  相似文献   

2010年进行了虾夷扇贝吊耳养殖试验研究。吊耳养殖分为一针四贝及一针二贝2种模式,经过6个月的对比试验,结果显示,与笼养方式相比,吊耳养殖扇贝的壳高增长率、单贝质量、贝柱质量、台产量、台产值等指标具有较大优势,存活率、肥满度、出丁率等指标互有优劣。在吊耳养殖模式下,虾夷扇贝壳高的生长优势明显,其中一针四贝模式的生长优势最大。本试验中吊耳养殖扇贝的总体生长情况优于传统的笼养方式;综合对比2种吊耳养殖模式,一针四贝模式的养殖效果好于一针二贝模式。  相似文献   

为探究栉孔扇贝的生长性状和营养组分的变化特征及其与养殖海域环境因子的相关性,自2020年10月(6月龄)至2022年4月(24月龄)期间在山东荣成爱伦湾扇贝养殖区3个固定站位(N 37°09′29″,E 122°34′46″;N 37°10′05″,E 122°35′57″;N 37°10′13″,E 122°35′05″)每月采集海水和扇贝样品(2021年10月—2022年4月样品隔月采集1次),2020年10月(6月龄)至2021年4月(12月龄)样品为1龄贝,2021年5月(13月龄)至2022年4月(24月龄)样品为2龄贝,测定不同月龄扇贝生长性状和营养成分含量以及海水环境指标,利用相关性网络分析影响其营养组分累积的相关因子。结果表明:春季和秋季水温适宜,叶绿素a含量高,饵料丰富,溶解氧含量也高于其他季节;春季和秋季为栉孔扇贝快速生长期,1龄贝壳长增长较快,2龄贝(18~24月龄)个体质量和软体质量快速增长,为扇贝育肥的关键期;营养成分中脂肪和蛋白质含量随贝龄增长而增加,存在季节差异,冬春季脂肪含量较高,夏秋季蛋白质含量较高;相关性分析显示,栉孔扇贝营养成分累积和含量波动受贝龄...  相似文献   

为分析筏式养殖虾夷扇贝贝壳内侧褐色沉积症状形成机制,讨论虾夷扇贝夏季大规模死亡和褐色沉积症状相关性。2017—2019年的3—10月开展流行病学调查,调查虾夷扇贝褐色沉积症症状发生过程和出现比例,统计虾夷扇贝累积死亡率。设计防咬合扇贝养殖笼,统计褐色沉积症扇贝出现比例。利用傅里叶红外光谱分析法分析褐色沉积物质成分,讨论内在形成原因。结果显示,防咬合扇贝养殖笼内养殖扇贝累积死亡率为87.6%,褐色沉积症状出现比例为74.5%,扇贝间咬合导致的损伤不是褐色沉积症出现的原因。褐色沉积物质红外光谱谱型与牛血清白蛋白粉末谱型一致,且具备蛋白质特征峰酰胺Ⅰ带和酰胺Ⅲ带,揭示贝壳内侧褐色沉积物质主要成分为蛋白质。虾夷扇贝褐色沉积症出现时间具有规律性,6月中下旬出现症状后持续至8月,与扇贝开始死亡时间吻合。2017—2019年褐色沉积症状比例为85.7%、1.54%和10.9%,扇贝累积死亡率分别为90.4%、49.2%和48.16%,揭示褐色沉积症状与筏式养殖虾夷扇贝夏季死亡具有相关性(r=0.992),其形成原因可能与病原感染相关。  相似文献   

1 虾夷扇贝苗种培育现状 我国虾夷扇贝育苗始于1980年,大连水产学院从日本引进虾夷扇贝亲贝进行育苗。烟台市于1982年12月,在蓬莱市原马格庄海珍品增殖站,由山东省海水养殖研究所引进日本虾夷扇贝亲贝24个进行试验。1987、1988年在北沟镇养殖单位进行虾夷扇贝养殖试验。  相似文献   

不同贝龄栉孔扇贝数量性状的相关性和通径分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为深入了解栉孔扇贝形态性状与湿重之间的关系,为栉孔扇贝选育工作中亲贝的挑选提供策略,本研究使用来自同一家系的栉孔扇贝子代324只一龄个体以及生长到二龄的230只个体的性状数据进行通径分析。性状数据包括壳长(x_1/cm),壳高(x_2/cm),壳宽(x_3/cm),湿重(y/g)。结果显示,所有形态性状和湿重之间的相关系数均达到极显著水平。其中与一龄贝湿重相关系数最大的是壳长,为0.939,与二龄贝湿重相关系数最大的是壳高,为0.808。通径分析结果显示,壳长对一龄贝湿重的直接影响最大(0.532),壳高对一龄贝湿重的直接影响最小(0.163)。壳高对二龄贝湿重的直接影响最大(0.451),壳长对二龄贝湿重的直接影响最小(0.191),决定系数与以上通径分析结果的变化趋势一致。利用多元回归的方法构建了一龄贝和二龄贝形态性状与湿重间的回归方程,一龄贝:y=–10.527+0.287x_1+0.087x_2+0.409x_3,R~2=0.926;二龄贝:y=–68.609+0.254x_1+0.719x_2+2.008x_3,R~2=0.830。本研究结果为栉孔扇贝种贝的挑选提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝天然苗种中间育成技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然海区采集的虾夷扇贝苗种比人工苗种晚2个月,为了实现当年采苗,当年培育成3 cm以上增养殖用苗种,2006—2008年,就虾夷扇贝中间育成技术开展了试验研究。育成密度为90~110个/层,密度对中间育成率影响不显著。密度为70~90个/层,平均壳高达到3.28 cm,群体组成中≥3 cm个体比例为83.33%;密度为120~130个/层,平均壳高3.08 cm,群体组成中≥3 cm个体比例为61%;密度为160~170个/层,平均壳高2.77 cm,群体组成中≥3 cm个体比例仅为22%,密度对苗种生长影响显著。分苗时间早晚对苗种生长有一定影响,分苗时间早,天然苗可充分利用7-8月快速生长期快速生长,提高3 cm以上个体的育成率。中间育成期间的水温对育成率有一定影响,23℃以上水温持续时间较长时,育成率下降。  相似文献   

Commercial and developmental operations for the culture of the seascallop, Placopecten magellanicus, are present in AtlanticCanada and New England. In an experiment designed to examine the commercialfeasibility of polyculture of scallops with Atlantic salmon(Salmo salar), we measured growth andsurvival of sea scallops grown in suspension at two salmon aquaculture sites innortheastern Maine (Johnson Cove (JC) and Treats Island (TI)). Sea scallop spatwere grown in pearl nets and deployed on drop lines containing ten nets inAugust 1994. One drop line of ten nets was sampled about every four months andscallops were counted, measured and weighed. Scallop tissues were also analysedfor paralytic shellfish toxins (PSP). The maximum level of PSP recorded duringthe study was 1174 g STX equiv.·100 gtissue–1 (excluding adductor muscle weight). After one year,shell heights were 53.6 and 56.4 mm, growth rates were 0.11 and0.12 mm per day and wet adductor muscle weights were 3.3 and 4.1g (TI and JC, respectively). These growth rates were comparable tosea scallops grown in suspension culture to a nearby scallop aquaculture siteand other areas in Atlantic Canada. Reduced rates of survival were found duringthe latter part of the experiment and were attributable, in part, to heavyfouling, predators and high stocking density. The potential for supplementalincome, diversification of the salmon aquaculture industry, and feasibility ofculturing scallops at adjacent sites to salmon operations does exist.  相似文献   

鲢鳙混养对三角帆蚌生长和养殖水质影响的围隔实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2008年4月23日—9月21日通过围隔实验,研究了不同鲢鳙混养比例对三角帆蚌生长及水化学指标的影响。实验中鲢鳙混养比例设置了6个水平,分别为0/0(对照组),100/0,70/30,50/50,30/70和0/100。实验开始和结束时测量三角帆蚌湿重,壳长和壳宽。每个月上下旬测量围隔水化学指标包括NO3N、NO2N、NH3N、TN、TP、PO4P和COD。实验结果表明,鲢鳙混养比例100/0的围隔蚌壳长相对生长率显著低于混养比例0/0,50/50和0/100的围隔(P<0.05),而不同混养比例下蚌的成活率、蚌壳宽及蚌重增长均无显著差异(P>0.05)。从水质来看,混养比例30/70围隔TP显著低于100/0(P<0.05),COD显著低于100/0及70/30(P<0.05),NH3N显著低于100/0(P<0.05)以及PO4P显著低于70/30(P<0.05)。因此,综合蚌生长及水质指标,混养比例30/70围隔对三角帆蚌养殖最有利。  相似文献   

One‐year‐old rope grown blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) were grown in experimental lantern nets at two depths (2 and 6 m below the surface) in two different positions (inflow and outflow) off a raft in Loch Etive on the west coast of Scotland. Shell and tissue growth, and mortality were recorded. Water temperature, salinity and food availability were also monitored over the experimental period. There were no significant differences in the length, live weight, wet meat weight, dry meat weight and ash‐free dry meat weight between depths (P > 0.05). However, position had a significant effect on these parameters as mussels located at the inflow of the raft differed significantly from those at the outflow of the raft (P < 0.05). Particulate organic matter (POM) and chlorophyll a (Ch a) were significantly higher at the inflow than the outflow of the raft (P < 0.05), but depth had no effect on POM and Ch a (P > 0.05). The results show that food concentration was higher in the inflow of the raft than the outflow. In the light of these results, recommendations for better management of Scottish raft mussel cultivation are discussed.  相似文献   

A flow-through (FT) culture system is described for calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus, larvae. Its performance was assessed by larval survival rate, shell growth, settlement rate and post-larval shell growth for the duration of larval life (13 days). Comparisons were made with larvae reared in standard static system (S). Effect of increased larval density on FT performance was also investigated. With comparable larval densities, survival rate of Day 2 larvae to pediveliger stage was similar in both larval rearing systems. Shell growth for FT-reared larvae was comparable or significantly higher than in the static system (P < 0.01). Settlement rate of pediveligers was comparable for both systems, averaging 30.7%, and no significant difference was seen in shell growth of FT- and static-reared pediveligers. Increased initial larval density did not affect survival rate in FT, but did negatively affect larval shell growth, settlement rate and post-larval shell growth yielding lower growth and minimal settlement rate (10.9 ± 2.8%) compared to the static system. This FT system was successful as larval rearing system, optimising space allocation in the hatchery, reducing labour, and eliminating the use of antibiotics. Optimising initial larval density within the system needs to be investigated in association with food ration.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of the Catarina scallop, Argopecten circularis (Sowerby), were determined in relation to stocking density and length of culture period. Data were analysed by means of the von Bertalanffy growth equation and the weight-length allometric relationship. A mortality equation was empirically derived from the experimental data. Stocking density significantly affected both growth (P<0.05) and mortality parameters (P<0.01). The coefficients for the weight-length relationship. however, were not affected by stocking density. Mortality was highly variable, both during the culture period and between the different stocking densities. Two mortality patterns were identified. One was associated with post-spawning mortality and lower stocking rates. The other occurred at high densities where increased temperatures and overstocking provoked high mortalities and extremely divergent survival responses. The results showed that mortality, rather than growth, reflects more accurately the effects of density, and that better survival is not necessarily produced by stocking at the lowest rate.  相似文献   

强俊  徐跑  何杰  王辉  李瑞伟 《水产学报》2011,35(12):1837-1848
采用中心复合试验设计(CCD)和响应曲面方法(response surface methodology,RSM),探讨了氨氮(0.02 ~ 2.00 mg/L)和养殖密度(1~5尾/10 L)对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼生长和肝脏抗氧化指标的联合影响.结果表明,本试验条件下,氨氮和养殖密度的一次与二次效应对特定生长率有显著影响(P<0.05),随着氨氮或养殖密度的上升,特定生长率呈先上升后下降的变化.氨氮与养殖密度之间存在互作效应(P<0.05),氨氮浓度为0.02 ~0.20 mg/L,养殖密度在1~2尾/10 L时,幼鱼特定生长率较高;而氨氮浓度高于0.20 mg/L,养殖密度在3尾/10 L左右时,生长速度较快.肝脏丙二醛(MDA)含量随氨氮浓度和养殖密度的上升而上升,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力呈先上升后下降的变化.氨氮与养殖密度的一次效应对MDA含量和两种酶活力均有显著影响(P<0.05),二次效应对两种酶活力的表达有极显著影响(P<0.01);氨氮与养殖密度对CAT活力有互作效应,高浓度氨氮与高养殖密度环境会抑制SOD和CAT活力的表达.因子与响应值间二次多项回归方程的决定系数分别达到0.972 4、0.913 2、0.938 9和0.969 2(P<0.01),可用于预测;氨氮效应对生长和抗氧化酶活力的影响较养殖密度明显.建议在罗非鱼的养殖过程中合理安排好养殖密度,保持溶氧充足,降低氨氮胁迫,提高罗非鱼的生长与抗病力.  相似文献   

Self-thinning-related mortality has been encountered in extensively cultured scallop populations. Here we report an experiment aimed at studying actual population dynamics of scallops undergoing self-thinning and develop a model of the process. Scallops were kept in small tanks at various initial population densities. Growth and survival were monitored for 39 months. Two cohorts were monitored (cohorts 1 and 2 were 1 and 2 years old, respectively). Growth was density-dependent in cohort 2. Survivorship was high in cohort 1 during the first summer but mass mortality occurred during the second summer. Mortality in cohort 2 peaked during the first summer. In both cohorts, peak mortality occurred at age 2+ years and thus was uncoupled among cohorts. Therefore, negative environmental factors are ruled out as explanations of mortality. Instead, it appears as if self-thinning interacted with some ontogenetic factor. Although cohort 1 was undergoing self-thinning, trends in biomass–density curves were non-monotonous because of mass mortality. In contrast, self-thinning in cohort 2 followed a classical pattern. One possible mechanism for such contrasting differences was that 1+-year-old scallops produced byssal threads and attached to one another during the first year, forming multilayered clumps. This behaviour disappeared during the second year and mass mortality was experienced as scallops adopted a single-layered arrangement. Although details may differ among species, the process depicted above provides a potential trigger to the sequence of events leading to mass mortality in scallop culture. Our model suggests that self-thinning occurred in all density groups, with a common slope but with different elevations in the biomass–density space.  相似文献   

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