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Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Amundson, R., Harden, J. & Singer, M. (eds) Factors of Soil Formation: A Fiftieth Anniversary Retrospective
Curry, J. P. Grassland Invertebrates. Ecology, Influence on Soil Fertility and Effects on Plant Growth .
Fitzpatrick, E.A. Soil Microscopy and Micromorphology .
Head, K.H. Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing, 2nd ed: Vol. 1, Soil Classification and Compaction Tests
Killham, K. Soil Ecology .
McBride, M.B. Environmental Chemistry of Soils .
Ritz, K., Dighton, J. & Giller, K. E. (eds) Beyond the Biomass: Compositional and Functional Analysis of Soil Microbial Communities .
Ross, S.M. (ed.) Toxic Metals in Soil-Plant Systems .
Rowell, D.L. Soil Science: Methods and Applications .
Ruellan, A. & Dosso, M. Regards sur le Sol .
Schulin, R., Desaules, A., Webster, R. & von Steiger, B. (eds) Soil Monitoring. Early Detection and Surveying of Soil Contamination and Degradation .
Shoji, S., Nanzyo, M. & Dehlgren, R.A. Volcanic Ash Soils: Genesis, Properties and Utilization , Developments in Soil Science 21.
Yu, T.R. & Ji, G.L. Electrochemical Methods in Soil and Water Research .  相似文献   

B ethlenfalvay , G. J. & L inderman , R. G. (eds) Mycorrhizae in Sustainable Agriculture
B ollag , J.-M. & S totzky , G. (eds) Soil Biochemistry
C resser , M., K illham , K. & E dwards , T. Soil Chemistry and its Applications
H anks , R. J. Applied Soil Physics
L al , R. & S anchez , P. A. (eds) Myths andscience of Soils of the Tropics
M agdoff , F. Building Soils for Better Crops: Organic Matter Management
M itchell , J. K. Fundamentals of Soil Behavior
M ulongoy , K. & M erckx , R. (eds) Soif Organic Matter Dynamics and Sustainability of Tropical Agriculture
O jima , D. S. & S vensson , B. H. (eds) Trace Gas Exchange in a Global Perspective
P imentel , D. (cd.) World Soil Erosion and Conservation
T an , K. H. Principles of Soil Chemistry
T opp , G. C., R eynolds , W. D. & G reen , R. E. (eds) Advances in Measurement ofsoil Physical Properties: Bringing Theory into Practice
W icherek , S. (ed.) Farm Land Erosion in Temperate Plains Environment and Hills
W ild , A. Soils and the Environment: An Introduction  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed in this article.
Schinner, R., Öhlinger, R., Kandeler, E. & Margesin, R. (eds) Methods in Soil Biology .
Coleman, D.C. & Crossley, J.R. Jr. Fundamentals of Soil Ecology .
Hall, G.S. (ed.) Methods for the Examination of Organismal Diversity in Soils and Sediments .
Boutton, T.W. and Yamasaki, S. (eds) Mass Spectrometry of Soils .
Yaron, B., Calvet, R. & Prost, R. Soil Pollution. Processes and Dynamics .
Buurman, P., van Lagen, B. and Velthorst, E.J. (eds) Manual for Soil and Water Analysis.
Legros, J.-P. Cartographie des sols - De l'analyse spatiale b la gestion des territoires.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C rossley , JR, D. A., C oleman , D. C., H endrix , P. F., C heng , W., W right , D. H., B eare , M. H. & E dwards , C. A. (eds) Modern Techniques in Soil Ecology .
F oth , H. D. Fundamentals of Soil Science .
G reenwood , D. J., NYE, P. H. & W alker , A. (eds) Soil Productivity and Pollution.
J ury , W. A. & R oth , K. Transfer Functions and Solute Movement through Soil.
M ac C arthy , P., C lapp , C. E., M alcolm , R. L. & B loom , P. R. Humic Substances in Soil and Crop Sciences: Selected Readings .
P erry , D. L. (ed.) Instrument Surface Analysis of Geologic Materials.
S mith , K. A. (ed.) Soil Analysis: Modern Instrumental Techniques .
S mith , K. A. & M ullins , C. E. (eds) Soil Analysis: Physical Methods.
S tewart , B. A. & N ielsen , D. R. (eds) Irrigation of Agricultural Crops.
T amm , C. O. Nitrogen in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Questions of Productivity, Vegetational Changes, and Ecosystem Stability.
W esterman , R. L. (ed.) Soil Testing and Plant Analysis .  相似文献   

B eek , K. J., B urrough , P. A. & M ccormack , D. E. (eds) Quantified Land Evaluation Procedures.
B rady , N. C. (ed.) Advances in Agronomy, Volume 40.
B ruehl , G. W. Soilborne Plant Pathogens.
D okuchaev i nstitute of S oil S cience . Classification and Diagnostics of Soils of the USSR.
D unsmore , J. R. KHARDEP; Rural Development in the Hills of Nepal.
F airchild , D. M. Ground Water Quality and Agricultural Practices.
F itzpatrick , E. A. An Introduction to Soil Science .
F ollett , R. F. (ed.) Soil Fertility and Organic Matter as Critical Components of Production Systems.
G reenhalgh , R. & R oberts , T. R. (eds) Pesticide Science and Biotechnology.
H allsworth , E. G. Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology of Erosion.
L of , P. Soils of the World.
Methods of Soil Analysis. K lute , A. (ed.).
Physical and Mineralogical Methods. P age , A. L., M iller , R. H. & K eeney , D. R. (eds)
Chemical and Microbiological Properties.
M organ , R. P. C. Soil Erosion and Conservation.
N ewman , A. C. D. (ed.). Chemistry of Clays and Clay Minerals.
R unge , E. C. A., et al. (eds) Utilization, Treatment, and Disposal of Waste on Land.
T abatabai , M. A. (ed.) Sulfur in Agriculture.
T ate , R. L., Soil Organic Matter; Biological and Ecological Effects.
T ate , R. L. (ed.) Microbial Autecology; a Method for Environmental Studies.
V aughan , D. & M alcolm , R. E. (eds) Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity.
W est , S. H. (ed.) Physiological-Pathological Interactions Affecting Seed Deterioration.
W hite , R. E. Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Soil Science.
W ilcox , J. R. (ed.) Soybeans: Improvement, Production and Uses.
W ilson , M. J. (ed.) A Handbook of Determinative Methods in Clay Mineralogy.
W olfe , M. S. & C aten , C. E. (eds) Populations of Plant Pathogens; their Dynamics and Genetics.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B rewer , R. & S leeman , J. R. Soil Structure and Fabric
E dwards , C.A., S tinner , B.R., S tinner , D. & R abatin , S. (EDS). Biological Interactions in Soil.
G ras , R. Physique du Sol pour ľAménagement.
J enkinson , D.S. & S mith , K.A. (eds). Nitrogen Efficiency in Agricultural Soils.
M olly , L. & C hristie , Q. Soils in the New Zealand Landscape – The Living Mantle.
P aul , E.A & C lark , F.E. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry.
S teffen , W.L. & D enmead , O.T. (eds). Flow and Transport in the Natural Environment: Advances and Applications.
S tewart , B.A. (ed.). Advances in Soil Science, Vol. 8.
M artin , G.C. et al. (eds). Persistence of Forage Legumes.
M c K ell , C.M. (ed.). The Biology and Utilization of Shrubs.
S herma , J. (ed.). Analytical Methods for Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators. Vols. XVI Specific Applications and XVII Advanced Analytical Techniques.
S prague , G.F. & D udley , J.W. (eds). Corn and Corn Improvement.
T homas , D.S.G. (ed.). Arid Zone Geomorphology.  相似文献   

A iken , G. R. et al. (eds). Humic Substances in Soil, Sediment and Water: Geochemistry, Isolation and Characterization.
A llan J ones , A. C. C4 Grasses and Cereals: Growth, Development and Stress Response.
B ohn , H. L. M cneal , B. L. & O'c onnor , G. A. (eds). Soil Chemistry
C oates , D. R. Geology and Society.
F itter , A. H. (ed.). Ecological Interactions in Soil: Plants, Microbes and Animals.
H ascoet , M., et al. (eds). Comportement et Effets Secondaires des Pesticides duns le Sol (Behaviour and Side Effects of Pesticides in Soil)
L alonde , M., C amiré , C. & D awson , J. O. (eds). Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants.
L iebau , F. Structural Chemistry of Silicates.
M okhtaruddin , A. M. et al. (eds). Advances in Soil Research in Malaysia.
M ückenhausen , E. Die Bodenkunde unde ihre Geologischen, Geomorphogischen, Mineralogischen und Petrologischen Grundlagen, 3, ergänzte Aujage.
O'n eill , P. Environmental Chemistry.
R ichards , K. S., A rnett , R. R. & E llis , S. (eds). Geomorphology and Soils.
S tamatopoulos , A. C. & K otzias , P. C. Soil Improvement by Preloading.
T ian -R en , Yu (ed.). Physical Chemistry of Paddy Soils.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Anderson, S.H. & Hopmans, J. (eds) Tomography of Soil–Water–Root Processes
Burman, R. & Pochop, L.O. Evaporation, Evapotranspiration and Climatic Data
Foster, S. & Smout, T.C. (eds) The History of Soils and Field Systems.
Jayawardane, N.S. & Stewart, B.A. (eds) Subsoil Management Techniques
Lal, R. (ed.) Soil Erosion Research Methods
McDonald, P. (ed.) The Literature of Soil Science.
Thomas, D. & Middleton, N. Desertification: Exploding the Myth.
Ure, A.M. & Davidson, C.M. Chemical Speciation in the Environment.
Wolt, J.D. Soil Solution Chemistry: Applications to Environmental Science and Agriculture.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Paton, T.R., Humphreys, G.S. & Mitchell, P.B. Soils: a New Global View
Clauer, N. & Chaudhuri, S. Clays in Crustal Environments, Isotope Dating and Tracing
Bonneau, M. & Souchier, B.(coordinateurs) Pédologie: Tome 2. Constituents et propriétés du sol
Duchaufour, P. Pédologie: Sol, Végétation, Environnement
International Atomic Energy Agency/FAO. Guidelines for Agricultural Countermeasures Following an Accidental Release of Radionuclides
Market, B. (ed) Enviromental Sampling for Trace Analysis
Sposito, G. Chemical Equilibria and Kinetics in Soils
Woomer, P.L. & Swift, M.J. (eds) The Biological Management of Tropical Soil Fertility
Barber, S.A. Soil Nutrient Bioavailability. A Mechanistic Approach
Wood, M. Environmental Soil Biology
Tate, R.L. Soil Microbiology  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Soils and Environment By S. Ellis & A. Mellor.
Soil Erosion Research Methods Edited by R. Lal.
Agriculture and Environment: Bridging Food Production and Environmental Protection in Developing Countries Edited by Anthony S.R. Juo and Russell D. Freed.
Soil Management in Sustainable Agriculture Edited by H.F. Cook and H.C. Lee.
Soil Nutrient Bioavailability—2nd Edition By Stanley A. Barber.
Soil fertility decline under sisal cultivation in Tanzania By Alfred E. Hartemink.  相似文献   

B atey , T. Soil Husbandry. A Practical Guide to the Use and Management of Soils. Soil & Land Use Consultants, Aberdeen, 1988. 157 pp. L16.50 (hardback), £10.50 (paperback).
D ixon , J. B. & W eeds , S. B. (eds) Minerals in Soil Environments .
H irekerur , L. R., S ehgal , J. L., P al , D. K. & D eshpande , S. B. (eds) Classification, Management and Use Potential of Swell-Shrink Soils.
J acobs , L. W. (ed.) Selenium in Agriculture and the Environment.
J ohnson , D. W. & V an H ook , R. I. (eds) Analysis of Biogeochemical Cycling Processes in Walker Branch Watershed.
K inloch , D. I., S hoji , S., B einroth , F. H. & E swaran , H. (eds) Proceedings of the Ninth International Soil Classification Workshop, Japan.
M c K yes , E. Agricultural Engineering Soil Mechanics.
P ereira , H. C. Policy and Practice in the Management of Tropical Watersheds.
R ocheleau , D., W eber , F. & F ield -J uma A. Agroforestry in Dryland Africa.
S awhney , B. L. & B rown , K. (eds) Reactions and Movement of Organic Chemicals in Soils.
S parks , D. L. Kinetics of Soil Chemical Processes.
S posito , G. The Chemistry of Soils.
S tewart , B. A. (ed.) Advances in Soil Science, Vol. 9.
S tewart , B. A. (ed.) Advances in Soil Science, Vol. 10.
W are , G. W. (ed.) Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 108.
B uckley , G. D. (ed.) Biological Habitat Reconstruction.
S haxson , T. F., H udson , N. W., S anders , D. W., R oose , E. & M oldenhauer , W. C. (eds) Land Husbandry: A Framework for Soil and Water Conservation.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Alloway, B.J. & Ayres, D.C. Chemical Principles of Environmental Pollution .
Baize, D. Soil Science Analyses: a Guide to Current Use .
Batjes, N.H. & Bridges, E.M.(eds) World Inventory of Soil Emission Potentials , WISE Report No. 2.
Batjes, N.H. & Bridges, E.M. A Review of Soil Factors and Processes that Control Fluxes of Heat, Moisture and Greenhouse Gases , WISE Report No. 3.
Bigham, J.M. & Ciolkosz, E.J. (eds) Soil Color , SSSA Special Publication No. 31.
Blokhuis, W.A. Vertisols in the Central Plain of the Sudan .
Burt, T.P., Heathwaite, A.L. & Trudgill, S.T. (eds) Nitrate: Processes, Patterns and Management .
Heathwaite, A.L. & Göttlich, K. (eds) Mires: Process, Exploitation and Conservation .
Rolston, D.E., Harper, L.A., Mosier, A.R. & Duxbury, J.M. (eds) Agricultural Ecosystem Effects on Trace Gases and Global Climate Change , ASA Special Publication No. 55.
Schwab, G.O., Fangmeier, D.D., Elliot, W.J. & Frevert, R.K. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering , 4th edn.  相似文献   

Background : The soils under continuous rice monocropping are currently facing a serious threat of accelerated soil and environmental quality degradation. Aims : Examining the impact of tillage and cropping diversity on soil aggregate stability and associated nutrients in a sub‐tropical rice ecosystem. Methods : A split‐plot experiment with tillage (minimum, MT vs. conventional, CT) as a main plot and cropping diversity [mustard (Brassica napus)–rice (Oryza sativa)–rice (M–R–R), wheat (Triticum aestivum)–rice–rice (W–R–R), and lentil (Lens esculenta)–rice–rice (L–R–R)] as a sub‐plot was repeated for four years. Soil aggregate properties were measured using wet sieving techniques. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrients were measured in different aggregate size groups as well as in the bulk soil samples. Results : Results show that all the aggregate size groups were similar in both MT and CT, except in 0.85–0.30 mm. Likewise, cropping diversities increased soil aggregation, being higher aggregate size of < 0.053 mm in M–R–R relative to the W–R–R and L–R–R, where the latter two were alike. By contrast, > 2 mm aggregates were higher in L–R–R than in M–R–R and W–R–R, where the latter two were similar. The MT increased aggregate mean weight diameter (MWD) by 14% in W–R–R, and by 29% in L–R–R. Soil organic carbon (SOC), total N (TN), and available P were higher in MT than in CT, while it was alike for exchangeable K and available S. While W–R–R had a higher aggregate‐associated SOC, available P, and available S, L–R–R had a higher TN, and M–R–R had a higher exchangeable K. While SOC, TN, and exchangeable K accumulated more in the > 0.85 mm size aggregates, the available P, in contrast, accumulated more in < 0.85 mm size aggregates. Conclusion : Wheat–rice–rice diversity, coupled with minimum tillage, has a higher potential for soil fertility sustenance and crop productivity through better nutrient protection.  相似文献   

Background, Aims, and Scope  An improved understanding of important soil carbon (C) and nutrient pools as well as microbial activities in forest ecosystems is required for developing effective forest management regimes underpinning forest productivity and sustainability. Forest types and management practices can have significant impacts on soil C and nutrient pools as well as biological properties in forest ecosystems. Soil C and nutrient pools were assessed for adjacent natural forest (NF), first rotation (1R) (50-year-old), and second rotation (2R) (1-year-old) hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. ex D. Don) plantations in southeast Queensland of subtropical Australia. Materials and Methods  Five transects spaced 3 m apart with 9 sampling points along each transect were selected (9.6 m × 12.0 m each site), with 45 soil cores (7.5 cm in diameter) collected and separated into 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths. These soils were analysed for total C, total nitrogen (N), C (δ13C) and N (δ15N) isotope composition. The 0–10 cm soils were analysed for pH, CEC, exchangeable cations, total P and total K, and assayed for microbial biomass C and N, respiration, metabolic quotient, potential mineralizable N (PMN), gross N mineralization (M) and immobilization (I). Results  Total C and N in 0–10 cm soils were higher under NF and 1R plantation than under 2R plantation, while they were highest in 10–20 cm soils under NF, followed by the 1R and then 2R plantation. δ13C was lower under NF than under the plantations, while δ15N was higher under NF than under the plantations. Total P was the highest under NF, followed by the 1R and then 2R plantation, while total K was higher under the 2R plantation. No significant differences were detected for pH, CEC, exchangeable cations, microbial C and N, respiration and metabolic quotient among the 3 sites. PMN and M were higher under NF, while I was the highest under the 2R plantation, followed by the NF and then 1R plantation. Discussion  Soil total C and N in 0–10 cm depth were significantly lower under 2R hoop pine plantation than those under NF and 1R hoop pine plantation. There were significant reductions in soil total C and N from NF to 1R and from 1R to 2R hoop pine plantations in 10–20 cm depth. This highlights potential N deficiency in the 2R hoop pine plantations, and application of N fertilizers may be required to improve the productivity of 2R hoop pine plantations. There were no significant differences in other soil chemical and physical properties in 0–10 cm depth among the 3 sites under NF, 1R and 2R hoop pine plantations, except for soil total P and K. Soil microbial biomass C, CO2 respiration and metabolic quotient did not differ among the 3 sites assessed, perhaps mainly due to these biological variables being too sensitive to variations in soil chemical and physical properties and thereby being associated with a larger variability in the soil biological properties. However, soil potential mineralizable N, gross N mineralization and immobilization were rather sensitive to the conversion of NF to hoop pine plantation and forest management practices. Conclusions  Total C and N in the top 20 cm soil were highest under NF, followed by 1R and then 2R hoop pine plantations, indicating that N deficiency may become a growth-limiting factor in the 2R hoop pine plantations and subsequent rotations of hoop pine plantation. The sample size for soil δ13C seems to be much smaller than those for soil total C and N as well as δ15N. The significant reductions in soil total P from NF to 1R and then from 1R to 2R hoop pine plantations highlight that P deficiency might become another growth-limiting factor in the second and subsequent rotations of hoop pine plantations. Soil microbial properties may be associated with large spatial variations due to these biological properties being too sensitive to the variations in soil chemical and physical properties in these forest ecosystems. Recommendations and Perspectives  Soil potential mineralizable N, gross N mineralization and immobilization were useful indices of soil N availability in response to forest types and management practices. The sampling size for soil δ13C was much smaller than the other soil chemical and biological properties due to the different patterns of spatial variation in these soil properties.  相似文献   

B ar -Y osef , B., B arrow , N. J. & G oldshmid , J. (eds). Inorganic Contaminants in the Vadose Zone.
B oddy , L., M archant , R. & R ead , D. J. (eds) Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilization by Fungi.
B ouwman , A. F. (ed.) Soils and the Greenhouse Effect.
C oyne , L. M., M ckeever , S. W. S. & B lake , D. F. (eds) Spectroscopic Characterization of Minerals and their Surfaces.
D agan , G. Flow and Transport in Porous Formations.
G erstl , Z., C hen , Y., M ingelgrin , U. & Y aron , B. (eds) Toxic Organic Chemicals in Porous Media.
G liessman S. R. (ed.) Agroecology: Researching the Ecological Basis for Sustainable Agriculture.
H ansen , J. A. & H endriksen , K. (eds) Nitrogen in Organic Wastes Applied to Soils.
I dso , S. B. Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Earth in Transition.
K imball , B. A. (ed.) Impact of Carbon Dioxide, Trace Gases, and Climate Change on Global Agriculture.
L ynch , J. M. (ed.) The Rhizosphere.
M ing , D. W. & H enninger , D. L. (eds) Lunar Base Agriculture: Soils for Plant Growth.
W ood , M. Soil Biology. Blackie, Glasgow. 1989. 154 pp. £23.00 (hardback), £10.95 (paperback).
Y oung , A. Agroforestry for Soil Conservation.
A ndriesse , J. P. Nature and Management of Tropical Peat Soils.
D alzell , I. D. et al. Soil Management: Compost Production and Use in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Environments.
G irard , M. C. & GIRARD, C. M. Télédétection Appliqué.
H ornby , D. (ed.) Biological Control of Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens.
H udson , N. W. Soil and Water Conservation in Semi-Arid Areas.
L obo , V. M. M. Handbook of Electrolyte Solutions
L owrison , G. C. Fertilizer Technology.
S heng , T. C. Soil Conservation for Small Farmers in the Humid Tropics.
U nger , P. W. Tillage Systems for Soil and Water Conservation.
W are , G. W. (ed.) Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》1995,11(2):103-104
Book reviews in this article:
Soil science and sustainable land management in the tropics Edited by J.K. Syers & D.L. Rimmer.
Long term experiments in agriculture and ecological sciences Edited by R.A. Leigh & A.E. Johnston.  相似文献   

Previously isolated bacterial strains for chlorpyrifos and fenamiphos degradation were used to examine their potential as bioremedial agents in soils and water containing pesticide residues. Both, chlorpyrifos-degrading Enterobacter sp and fenamiphos-degrading consortium rapidly degraded pesticides when inoculated into natural and sterile water and soils. Degradation rate was slower in lower pH soils in comparison with natural and alkaline soils. Soil organic matter had no impact on pesticide degrading ability of isolates. Soil moisture <40% of maximum water-holding capacity slowed down degradation rate. The bacterial isolates were able to rapidly degrade fenamiphos and chlorpyrifos between 15 and 35 °C but their degradation ability was sharply reduced at 5 and 50 °C. Both groups of bacterial systems were also able to remove a range of pesticide degradation. An inoculum density of 104 cells g−1 of soil was required for initiating rapid growth and degradation. Ageing of pesticide in soils prior to inoculation produced contrasting results. Ageing of fenamiphos had no impact on subsequent degradation by the inoculated consortium. However, degradation of chlorpyrifos by Enterobacter sp after aging resulted in persistence of ∼10% of pesticide in soil matrix. Higher Koc value of chlorpyrifos may have resulted in a lack of bioavailability of a smaller percentage of chlorpyrifos to degrading bacteria. Overall, this paper confirms bioremedial potential of a fenamiphos degrading consortium and a chlorpyrifos degrading bacterium under different soil and water characteristics.  相似文献   

On-farm approaches are needed to help farmers avoid soil compaction. It is the purpose of this paper to document the experience of using the Horn and Fleige [Horn, R., Fleige, H., 2003. A method for assessing the impact of load on mechanical stability and on physical properties of soils. Soil Till. Res. 73, 89–99] procedures to develop improved guidance to help farmers avoid compaction in agricultural operations in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA. A soil characterization database for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA, was used to provide input to the Horn and Fleige [Horn, R., Fleige, H., 2003. A method for assessing the impact of load on mechanical stability and on physical properties of soils. Soil Till. Res. 73, 89–99] approach to estimate the pre-consolidation stress and the maximum depth of compaction for 29 agricultural soils in Pennsylvania. The Horn and Fleige [Horn, R., Fleige, H., 2003. A method for assessing the impact of load on mechanical stability and on physical properties of soils. Soil Till. Res. 73, 89–99] approach was tentatively validated using previously measured pre-consolidation stress or penetration resistance values measured on five of the 29 soils. The estimated maximum depth of compaction indicated that an 89-kN (10-ton) axle load was excessive in almost all cases for soils at matric potentials of −33 and −6 kPa for both tillage and no-till management. A 53-kN (6-ton) axle load was acceptable for most cases when tillage was planned to a 0.20-m depth, but was excessive in most cases for no-till management at a matric potential of −6 kPa while mostly acceptable for no-till management at a matric potential of −33 kPa. Penetration resistance measurements are recommended to decide when a load is excessive.  相似文献   

The food security–climate change nexus rapidly gains momentum. Soil degradation plays an important role in this context while dealing with, for example, the productive capacity of our soil resources or carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation. However, little has been done to assess the pristine soil conditions despite the fact that these provide the basis to put changes into context. Various methodologies have been developed to assess the global distribution of current soil conditions. We used the S‐World methodology that was developed to generate global soil property maps for environmental modelling studies. Up till now, the S‐World methodology assessed current soil conditions by disaggregating the Harmonized World Soil Database using detailed information on climate, topography, land cover, and land use. This study used the S‐World methodology to derive global soil conditions under natural vegetation. A large number of natural areas around the globe were identified for which land cover, expressed by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, could be successfully correlated to environmental conditions such as temperature, rainfall, and topography. Using this relation in regression kriging, the vegetation index under natural conditions was derived for the entire globe. Subsequently, the S‐World methodology was used to calculate the soil properties under natural land cover and absence of human land use. Soil property maps for natural and current conditions were compared and showed large local differences. The results indicate that there are major changes due to land cover and land use change and that these changes are concentrated on the globe. The results are the basis for future assessments on, for example, land degradation, food security, or the sustainable development goals. © 2017 The Authors. Land Degradation & Development Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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