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[目的]通过对四川省畜禽养殖污染负荷、耕地承载力空间分布特征的探讨,为研究区农业的可持续发展提供理论依据。[方法]在前人研究基础上,结合四川省区域特点,研究各市州畜禽粪便产生量、主要污染物产生量、流失量以及单位耕地面积猪当量负荷量,N和P负荷量,利用ArcGIS解析其空间分布特征,对耕地承载力现状进行风险评价。[结果]2016年四川省畜禽粪便总产量2.94×10~7 t;产生和流失最多的污染物为化学需氧量(COD),最少为全磷。四川省单位耕地面积猪当量负荷,N,P负荷平均值分别为50 310,327,85kg/hm~2,平均负荷预警值1.34,风险评价等级Ⅳ级,对环境有威胁。但负荷预警值在区内存在空间分布不均的特征,阿坝州和甘孜州最高,预警值分别为6.61和6.93,均属Ⅵ级,对环境构成严重威胁。[结论]现阶段畜禽粪便的产生已对四川省环境有威胁,畜禽粪便污染的来源主要是牛粪和猪粪。应推广农牧结合、种养平衡、生态循环的畜禽养殖模式。  相似文献   

为了解山西省畜禽粪便产生量及其环境效应,根据《山西统计年鉴2017》中畜禽养殖数据,估算了2016年山西省畜禽粪污产生量。结果表明,2016年山西省畜禽粪便总排放量约为3 410.97万t,按年粪便产生量排序,依次为牛羊猪鸡兔。畜禽粪污的总氮、总磷、总化学需氧量、总生化需氧量、总氨氮产生量分别为23.54、7.56、75.97、70.85万t和7.72万t。畜禽粪便发酵可产沼气总量约为21.33亿m~3,畜禽粪便产沼气潜力相当于山西省天然气年消费量的25.42%。2016年山西省平均单位耕地面积畜禽粪尿氮、磷养分负荷分别为63.28、20.32 kg·hm~(-2),均未超过欧盟粪肥年施氮和年施磷限量标准,畜禽粪便耕地负荷预警值为0.38,为Ⅰ级。然而从区域分布的角度来看,太原,晋城和晋中三市的单位耕地面积畜禽粪尿磷负荷超过了欧盟粪肥年施磷限量标准,除了临汾和运城,山西省其他地市的畜禽粪便农田负荷量对环境有不同程度的威胁。因此,迫切需要对部分重点区域进行畜禽养殖粪便综合管理。  相似文献   

河北省畜禽粪便负荷与警报分级   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年来,河北省畜牧业持续快速健康发展,由此产生的畜禽粪便量也与日剧增,而耕地面积呈减少趋势,在这种情况下,畜禽粪便是否过载,畜禽粪便对环境是否构成污染威胁成为亟待解决的问题。本文在畜禽粪便猪粪当量负荷的基础上,进一步对各市畜禽粪便负荷承受程度进行警报与分级。结果表明,河北省畜禽粪便猪粪当量负荷相差较大,经济水平较高的市,如石家庄和廊坊负荷严重,畜禽饲养过密,已经对环境构成了不同程度的威胁,尤其是石家庄,已经对环境构成了Ⅴ级威胁。鉴此,畜禽粪便的合理处理利用,已刻不容缓。  相似文献   

  目的  本文通过对辽宁省畜禽养殖产污系数测算及污染负荷空间分布特征的探讨,为降低畜禽养殖造成的环境污染风险和辽宁省农业的可持续发展提供理论依据。  方法  根据2019年辽宁省畜禽粪便及其主要养分参数的周年监测结果,估算各市区畜禽粪便及其主要污染物的产生系数以及单位耕地面积猪当量负荷量,氮(N)、磷(P)负荷量,并对环境承载力现状进行风险评价。  结果  辽宁省畜禽粪便总产量4.65千万t;产污系数最高的是COD,全氮次之。  结论  辽宁省多数市区畜禽粪便单位耕地面积磷耕地负荷低限额,对环境有尚未构成威胁,且负荷预警值在省内存在空间分布不均的特征。  相似文献   

以耕地和水环境保护为出发点,根据山东省各地市近五年来畜禽养殖量数据,采用排泄系数法估算畜禽粪便的产生量,在此基础上计算了畜禽粪便的耕地负荷和水体等标污染指数等指标,综合评价了各地市畜禽养殖业的发展对土壤和水环境产生的污染压力。研究发现:2014—2018年山东全省畜禽粪便的平均耕地污染风险指数为0.77~0.84,预警级别为Ⅲ级;全省平均水体等标污染指数由9.26逐渐降低为4.46,对应的预警级别由Ⅱ级降为Ⅰ级。表明畜禽污染已对土壤环境产生风险,潍坊市尤为突出;而畜禽污染对水体环境基本无污染风险,但不同地区间存在差异,聊城市的水体污染风险仍相对较高。此外,依据土壤养分平衡理论和山东省耕地面积估算,山东省2018年畜禽的最高承载数量(以猪当量计)为12 873万头。本研究为优化畜禽养殖结构、推动区域畜禽养殖业绿色发展、保护区域生态可持续发展提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

海口市畜禽排泄物的环境压力及其影响评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自海南省创建无规定动物疫病示范区以来,海口市畜牧业得到了跨越式发展,由此产生的畜禽粪便对环境的压力也越来越大。本文在对海口市畜禽养殖现状进行调查分析的基础上,以畜禽粪尿排泄系数、猪粪当量为基础,结合各区的耕地有效消纳面积,计算相应的的猪粪当量负荷。参考畜禽粪便负荷量警报值分级标准,对海口市各区畜禽粪便负荷承受程度进行警报分级。结果显示:海口市各区畜禽粪便负荷量相差较大,美兰区畜禽粪便对环境的威胁最大,这可能与畜禽饲养过密,有效农田消纳面积有限有关;琼山区畜禽粪便负荷对环境威胁较小。畜禽粪便负荷量可以作为控制区域养殖规模的重要参考指标。  相似文献   

为探究河南省畜禽养殖环境污染现状,利用排污系数法等方法估算了河南省畜禽养殖粪尿负荷量、耕地承载力和水体污染负荷指数等指标,分析并评价了不同地区畜禽养殖现状的合理性及对环境的污染状况,以期为河南省合理畜禽养殖提供理论依据。结果表明,(1)河南省2016年畜禽粪尿产生总量为13 101.5万t,以南阳市、驻马店市、周口市、商丘市和开封市产生量最大,其总和占全省总量的54.0%。从污染风险看,河南省平均负荷量为16.2 t·hm-2,警报值级别处于Ⅱ级,对环境稍构成污染威胁。(2)河南省可承载的猪当量为7 402.4万头猪当量,实际养殖已超载2 047.3万头猪当量。其中驻马店市、平顶山市、洛阳市、信阳市超载最严重,占超载总量的50.1%。(3)河南省水体的主要污染物为全氮(TN)和全磷(TP),而化学需氧量(COD)的等标排放量相对较少。全省平均扩散浓度达128.0 mg·L-1,属于严重污染。平均等标污染指数为12.2 mg·L-1,表现为对水环境有污染。对环境污染最严重的是开封市,污染指数达31.9 mg·L-1;对环境污染最小的是信阳市,污染指数为2.3 mg·L-1。(4)从污染负荷来看,开封市、平顶山市、漯河市的耕地承载负荷大,水体潜在污染严重,安阳市和信阳市的污染负荷较低。  相似文献   

根据1981—2010年南京市各种畜禽年末存栏量(不同种类畜禽以生猪核算),对畜禽养殖各种污染物含量、畜禽粪尿污染物的产生量、流入水体的量及其对耕地的负荷进行了估算。结果表明,畜禽养殖对水体和耕地带来的环境未构成威胁。通过对南京市畜禽养殖污染给环境带来的压力分析,提出了解决南京市畜禽养殖污染的对策建议。  相似文献   

江苏省畜禽粪便污染现状及其风险评价   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用2004年畜禽养殖量数据,利用各类畜禽粪便日排泄系数估算畜禽粪便量,在此基础上计算江苏省各地畜禽粪便农田负荷量,并对各地畜禽粪便污染现状进行评价。结果显示,江苏省畜禽粪便年产生量已达6825万t;畜禽粪便农田年负荷量平均为14.9 t/hm2,污染风险指数平均为0.33,南通、盐城与徐州3市超过环境预警值,属污染最严重区;受养殖业布局的影响,全省畜禽粪便污染严重地区大多靠近水体,对江苏省水环境质量产生威胁。  相似文献   

[目的]测算和分析畜禽养殖粪污耕地负荷和土地承载力,为防治农业面源污染,促进农牧协调发展提供科学依据。[方法]根据湖南省畜禽养殖、作物产量等数据资料,在考虑粪污综合利用率的前提下,采用产排污系数法、养分平衡法分别计算2020年各地市州畜禽养殖耕地污染负荷和土地承载力,分析畜禽养殖空间布局以及粪污消纳分配。[结果]湖南省2020年共养殖猪当量4.27×107头,各区域养殖量差异很大;畜禽粪便和TN,TP耕地负荷分别为19.04 t/hm2,94.85,24.99 kg/hm2,耕地负荷警报级别均在Ⅱ级以上,对耕地环境稍有威胁,其中永州市、娄底市、怀化市、郴州市至少有两项耕地负荷警报级别达到了Ⅲ级及以上,耕地环境风险较高;畜禽养殖土地最大承载量为1.23×108头猪当量,已养殖猪当量仅占其37.18%。各地市州的可增加养殖量也非常可观,常德市、益阳市、岳阳市、邵阳市、长沙市、永州市、衡阳市7个市的可养殖猪当量在5.00×106头以上。在确认区域内畜禽养殖未超载的基础上,永州市、娄底...  相似文献   

采用特制的堆肥箱,对废弃烤烟茎秆与鸡粪的堆肥化利用进行了研究。结果表明,烤烟茎秆+鸡粪(处理A)混合堆肥处理的堆温保持在50℃以上的时间为10d,而烤烟茎秆+碳酸氢铵(处理B)处理的仅为2d。堆肥30d时,处理A的碳素含量基本趋于稳定,C/N为15.8;处理B的碳素含量仍不稳定,C/N为23.5;处理A的铵态氮与硝态氮的比值为0.43,处理B的达0.60。堆肥20d时,处理A堆料浸出液浸种后的种子发芽指数比处理B的高15个百分点,差异达极显著水平。堆肥50d时,两处理的种子发芽指数差异不明显,种子发芽率均达到100%。烤烟茎秆与鸡粪堆肥成品的有机质和总养分(N、P2O5、K2O)含量、重金属(As,Hg,Ph,Cd,Cr)含量控制标准等完全达到有机肥质量的要求。  相似文献   

张英  武淑霞  雷秋良  翟丽梅  王洪媛  李浩  杨波  刘宏斌 《土壤》2022,54(6):1175-1184
畜禽粪便作为有机肥还田可以维持和提高土壤有机质、改良土壤,有利于农业可持续发展。不同类型粪肥还田后对土壤生物学性状的影响不同,为探究这一问题,在内蒙古乌兰察布市设置田间试验,包括化肥(F)、羊粪(GM)、猪粪(PM)、牛粪(CM)4个处理,研究其对土壤养分、酶活性及微生物群落的影响。结果表明,施用粪肥较化肥具有增加土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷、铵态氮等养分含量的趋势。不同粪肥较化肥处理的土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性最高增幅分别为32.4%、150.4%、26.8%和30.1%。牛粪处理的土壤微生物生物量碳氮显著提高,分别较化肥增加33.2%和33.4%。不同处理在细菌门水平上的优势种群较一致,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)是优势种群。本试验条件下,牛粪处理更能提高土壤微生物生物量碳氮,短期内施用不同粪肥对于提高土壤微生物群落多样性差异不显著,土壤pH、有效磷、铵态氮是影响土壤微生物群落结构的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

不同绿肥与牛粪混合堆腐过程中有机组分的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过苜蓿、猫尾草、籽粒苋分别与牛粪混合堆腐进行改性处理,研究堆腐过程中有机组分的动态变化。结果表明,绿肥与牛粪混合堆腐可以使堆腐产物中水溶性有机组分的含量增加,提供更多的营养物质供作物直接吸收利用,并且显著提高了堆腐产物持续生成水溶性胡敏酸的能力,其中添加苜蓿堆腐处理产生的水溶性有机组分含量大于其它处理。添加苜蓿和猫尾草堆腐不但可以增加堆腐产物中碱溶性有机物和碱溶性胡敏酸的含量,提高堆腐产物的HA/FA值,而且在堆腐后期可以降低堆腐产物中碱溶性富里酸的减小,添加籽粒苋堆腐处理这种作用不明显。  相似文献   

The nitrogen (N) fertilizer effect of layer hen and broiler manure applied at different times on spring barley yield was studied in seven Swedish field experiments during 2005–2008. Two experiments had parallel field incubations to study N release after fertilizer application. The effect of total N in manure on N offtake was 30–40% that of mineral N, except in a dry year, when the effect was very low. Although the relative proportions of ammonium N, uric acid N and other N differed between the hen and broiler manure, the effect of total N was similar for both. In field incubations, mineral N decreased from 75 to 60% of total N applied in hen manure, whereas it increased from 20 to 50% in broiler manure, because of net immobilization and release, respectively. The limited fertilizer nitrogen replacement value, corresponding to only 30–40% of total N, could be as a result of ammonia volatilization after rather shallow incorporation with harrow. Net N release from broiler manure lasted for 6–8 weeks after application, after which it generally ceased. In some cases, manure application in early spring gave better yield effects than application at sowing, probably because of better synchronization of the N release with crop N requirements. The residual N effect on the N offtake in crop in the year after manure application was on average 3% of the total N applied, equivalent to a fertilizer replacement value of about 6%.  相似文献   

Crop response to manure application may extend beyond the year of application due to residual nutrient availability. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate feedlot manure application (at 0 22.5, 45, 90 and 180 Mg ha?1) and subsequent residual effects (24-yr) on wheat and sorghum grain yields. Sorghum grain yields increased significantly with manure and nitrogen (N) fertilizer application. However, winter wheat grain yield showed no consistent response to manure and fertilizer application in the 9-yr when manure was applied. Averaged across the subsequent 24 years, residual feedlot manure and annual N fertilizer application significantly increased sorghum and winter wheat grain production. Application of cattle manure did increase soil organic matter content, pH and plant available soil nutrients. Our finding showed that growers could take advantage of the long-term benefits of nutrients supplied from manure application to bolster crop production, improve soil quality and reduce fertilizer input cost.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to study the influence of three organic manures, farm yard manure (FYM), poultry manure (PLM), and pigeon manure (PGM), on soil physical and chemical properties on tuber yield of Jerusalem artichoke in a newly reclaimed saline calcareous soil. A field experiment was conducted applying the three manures, alone and/or in different combinations. Soils were investigated at surface (0–30 cm) and subsurface (30–60 cm) layers before and after planting, and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The results indicated that the application of 31.5 kg ha?1 of PLM+10.5 kg of PGM T7 recorded highest available nitrogen, zinc, copper, and moisture content at the surface layer. The same results were obtained for iron and manganese at both layers. While, applying 21.0 kg ha?1 FYM+21.0 kg ha?1 PLM T10 recorded the best treatment for pH, phosphorus, zinc, copper, moisture content, and saturation percentage at the subsurface layer. Applying 21.0 kg ha?1 PGM + 10.5 kg ha?1 FYM+10.5 kg ha?1 PLM T15 recorded the best treatment for organic matter content and bulk density at surface layer and reduced the electrical conductivity and inulin tuber content at both layers. On the other hand, calcium carbonate and sodium adsorption ratio were reduced in both layers by applying 21.0 kg ha?1 PLM+10.5 kg ha?1 FYM+10.5 kg ha?1 PGM T14. The best treatment for tuber nitrogen content and total yield was obtained with applying 42.0 kg ha?1 PLM T2 only and 31.5 kg ha?1 FYM+10.5 kg ha?1 PLM T4, respectively.  相似文献   

为了研究猪粪直接燃烧供能的可行性,该文测定了干清粪方式收集的玉米-豆粕日粮型猪粪的含水率、纤维素、半纤维素和木质素含量以及发热量;采用热重法测定了猪粪的热重曲线(thermogravimetric curves,TG curves)、微分热重曲线(diffenrential thermogravimetric curves,DTG curves),分析了猪粪的可燃性指数、燃烧稳定性指数、综合燃烧特性指数。结果表明:新鲜猪粪含水率在74.28%~76.75%;高位发热量为16.72~17.65 MJ/kg,低位发热量为14.24~15.34 MJ/kg;热重分析表明猪粪可燃性指数为(1.552~1.652)×10-5 mg/(min·℃2),燃烧稳定性指数为(1.393~1.466)×10-6 mg/(min·℃2),综合燃烧特性指数为(6.480~7.305)×10-9 mg2/(min2·℃3)。猪粪球能在锅炉内良好燃烧,呈现明显的挥发分燃烧状态。研究的结果为猪粪直接燃烧供能提供了依据和参考。  相似文献   

Onion is the one of the most important vegetable crops grown extensively throughout the world; hence, understanding the response of the crop to the form and amount of N provided is of immense importance. In a field experiment, poultry and cattle manure (at 10?t/ha) were compared with four inorganic nitrogen (N) application levels (0, 60, 90 and 120?kg?N/ha), and six combinations of manure and N applications were investigated. Plant growth and total yield (kg/ha) significantly increased, when N application increased from 0 to 120?kg/ha, with or without added poultry manure. Plant height, leaf number and neck thickness were significantly reduced at 0?kg/ha?N plus cattle manure. The bulb ascorbic acid concentration significantly increased with the use of poultry manure (15.94?mg/100?g) and cattle manure (15.94?mg/100?g), compared with 120?kg/ha inorganic N (11.42?mg/100?g). No significant effects were observed on total phenolics and total soluble solids of onion bulbs following the different fertiliser treatments. Cattle manure increased P and K concentrations, whilst poultry manure significantly increased Zn and Fe concentrations in onion bulbs. Onion bulb Ca and Mg concentrations were lower when cattle manure (0.19% and 0.12%) was used than when other organic or inorganic fertilisers were used. Therefore, organic manure increases the concentrations of certain minerals in onions, compared with inorganic N application, without negatively affecting bulb size.  相似文献   

进行猪粪和奶牛粪自然高温堆肥发酵,分别在15、25、35、50 d取样,获得了不同腐熟程度堆肥产物,分别进行了小白菜和香瓜种子发芽与田间应用试验,以期获得不同腐熟堆肥在蔬菜上施用的农学效应,旨在从堆肥农田施用的农学效应角度,为制订堆肥腐熟度标准提供科学依据。结果表明:牛粪堆肥过程中的最高温度高于猪粪,且高温期也长于猪粪;两种处理在35d有机碳含量均显著降低,全氮含量为先降低后升高趋势;两种堆肥在35d后,均达到无害化标准。不同腐熟程度堆肥对小白菜株高和主根长及香瓜苗重和主根长均没有明显抑制作用,对小白菜和香瓜出苗率、根系活力及小白菜单株鲜重和生物产量影响较大,尤其是猪粪腐熟25d,奶牛粪腐熟15d的堆肥表现出显著抑制作用。将堆肥理化参数与小白菜、香瓜生长指标进行相关分析表明:pH值、全氮含量和C/N这3种指标均与小白菜和香瓜各项生物性状无显著相关性;有机碳和DOC与各项生物性状指标均表现出显著或极显著相关性;铵/硝与小白菜和香瓜的GI和根系活力均表现极显著或显著的相关性,其结果与现行的堆肥腐熟度指标并不一致。因此,在制订堆肥腐熟度标准时,应关注堆肥产物农田施用后不同作物所表现出的不同农学效应。  相似文献   

Summary Biological and chemical methods to predict the level of plant-available N in animal manure were investigated under laboratory and growth-chamber conditions. Two biological methods (maize cultivation in pots and incubation of soil-waste mixtures) and four chemical methods (N extraction by autoclaving, 0.5 N KMnO4, pepsin, and 6 N HCl) were compared for their accuracy in determining the availability of N in 10 samples of animal manure applied to soil. The autoclaving, permanganate, and pepsin methods were able to predict N availability in this group of wastes. Total N mineralized in a soil amended with different samples of animal manure ranged from 0 to 311 mg N kg-1 soil. Expressed as a percentage of organic N added to the soil, mineralized N range from 0 to 39%. The poultry manure samples gave higher mineralization rates than the other types of manure tested. In general, mineralized N became immobilized during the incubation process, except for the second poultry manure sample, which showed an initially rapid then a a slow release of mineral N, and pig manure sample 2, which showed a slow initial rate, followed by a rapid increase, and then a slow rate of N release. The first-order exponential model used was able to describe the pattern of N mineralization in pig manure sample 2, poultry manure sample 2 but not the other samples.  相似文献   

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