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Diagnosis of infections with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is difficult due to a long incubation period and lack of tests which can accurately predict the future status of animals. Early detection of infectious animals is necessary to reduce transmission of MAP. The objective of this study was to determine the time from first detection of MAP-antibodies in milk ELISA to start of MAP shedding, for animals with various shedding patterns. An observational longitudinal study was carried out over 3 years. A total of 24,076 milk and 10,074 faecal samples were obtained from 1906 cows and tested using ELISA and FC, respectively. Cows were classified into 5 shedding groups based on their repeated FC: non-shedders (NS; n=1512 cows, 79.3% of total), transient (TS; n=36, 1.9%), intermittent (IS; n=137, 7.2%), low (LS; n=143, 7.5%), and high shedders (HS; n=78, 4.1%). Results showed that 5% of TS, 30% of IS, 60% of LS and 70% of HS were ELISA-positive at the date of first positive FC, and many HS (28%) and LS (14%) were positive >or=1 year prior to first detection of shedding. FC confirmed shedding within the first year after the positive ELISA in 10% of 328 cows with fluctuating ELISA compared with 35% of 445 cows with the last 2 or more ELISAs positive. To conclude, MAP-antibodies were generally detected prior to start of bacterial shedding, with difference between the various patterns of shedding, and a positive ELISA was useful for predicting that an animal would subsequently become infectious.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is a slow growing bacterium that can infect ruminants and remain latent for years without development of any clinical signs or disease. Diagnosis is often based on detection of MAP antibodies in milk or serum samples or culture of bacteria from faeces; however, these diagnostic tools are often not applicable until years after infection. Detection of MAP specific cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses can serve as an alternative and be implemented in a diagnostic tool. CMI responses can be measured at an early stage of infection, prior to development of antibodies and shedding of detectable amounts of MAP. At present, available diagnostic assays are limited by the lack of MAP specific antigens included in these assays resulting in poor specificity. The objective of this review is to provide a systematic overview of diagnostic MAP antigen candidates described to date with special emphasis on antigen candidates tested for CMI responses. Relevant information on 115 different MAP antigens was systematically extracted from literature and summarized in 6 tables of CMI antigens, secreted antigens, cell wall and membrane antigens, lipoprotein antigens, heat shock antigens and hypothetical antigens. Strategies for evaluation of novel antigen candidates are discussed critically. Relatively few of the described antigens were evaluated for their use in CMI based diagnostic assays and so far, no obvious candidate has been identified for this application. Most of the novel diagnostic candidates were evaluated in few animals and it is recommended that an appropriate sample size is included for evaluation of antigen candidates in future studies.  相似文献   

During a 10-month period in 1999, 994 serum and tissue samples were collected from dairy cows at slaughter in eastern Canada. The sources of these cattle were from all four Atlantic Canadian provinces along with some cows from the state of Maine. The sera were used to assess the agreement of three commercially available ELISAs for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Two ELISAs were indirect absorbed ELISAs licensed for use in North America, the third was an indirect non-absorbed ELISA licensed for use in Europe. Overall, there was poor agreement between the three ELISAs. The highest and lowest kappa values were 0.33 and 0.18, which is fair and poor agreement, respectively. However, when only tissue culture-positive cattle were compared, the ELISAs had better agreement (kappa=0.37-0.51). The proportions of positive tests, however, were significantly different among the three ELISAs. The poor agreement among the three ELISAs is as concerning as the fact that these tests have low sensitivity. The implications are greatest when the tests are used at the cow level to make individual animal decisions, which is not the recommended method on the product labels. At the cow level, if the result obtained from one ELISA is positive, using a different ELISA in a pre-clinical animal has a high likelihood of giving a different result due to low predictive values of positive test results.  相似文献   

In this study, the finished complete genome of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) was screened for specific coding sequences that could be very valuable in the design of a sensitive and specific Map detection serological assay. Eighty-seven Map-specific sequences were retained. Among these, three candidate antigens have been analysed for their serodiagnostic potential. These antigens were selected on the basis of their putative immunogenicity as predicted by in silico analysis. The antigens were cloned in Escherichia coli, expressed, and purified before testing in an antibody detection ELISA test, using a well characterized panel of 18 and 48 sera from Map infected and uninfected cattle, respectively. Two of these antigens, antigen 6 and MAP1637c, yielded in our conditions a sensitivity of 72% and 82%, respectively, for a specificity of 98%. It is particularly noticeable that, when probed with the same serum panel, the most widely used European paratuberculosis commercial seroassay (Pourquier test) yielded a sensitivity of 72% for a specificity of only 92%.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the survival time of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis in amitraz-based cattle dip fluid derived from an active dip site in northern New South Wales. PROCEDURE: Following inoculation of triplicate 5 L containers with faeces (0.5 g/L) from a clinical case of bovine paratuberculosis, samples collected up to 8 weeks after inoculation were examined by conventional and radiometric culture. M a paratuberculosis colonies were enumerated on solid media. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: M a paratuberculosis survived in amitraz cattle dip fluid for up to 2 weeks, but not 3 weeks. Where 1% of solids in dip fluid is derived from a clinical case of paratuberculosis, dip fluid may contain viable M a paratuberculosis for at least 2 weeks. These findings have implications for the management of cattle dip sites.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the biodiversity of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) offers more insight in the epidemiology of paratuberculosis and therefore may contribute to the control of the disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity in bovine MAP isolates using PCR-based methods detecting genetic elements called Variable-Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs) and Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Units (MIRUs) to determine if multiple MAP strains can coexist on farms with endemic MAP infection. For 52 temporal isolates originating from infected cattle from 32 commercial dairy herds with known trading history, MIRU-VNTR analysis was applied at 10 loci of which six showed variation. Within the group of 52 isolates, 17 different MIRU-VNTR patterns were detected. One MIRU-VNTR pattern was found in 29 isolates, one pattern in four isolates, one pattern in three isolates, two times one MIRU-VNTR pattern was found occurring in two isolates, and 12 patterns were found only once. Eleven herds provided multiple isolates. In five herds a single MIRU-VNTR pattern was detected among multiple isolates whereas in six herds more than one pattern was found. This study confirms that between dairy farms as well as within dairy farms, infected animals shed MAP with different MIRU-VNTR patterns. Analysis of trading history and age within herds indicated that cows born within the same birth cohort can be infected with MAP strains exhibiting variations in the number of MIRU-VNTR repeats. These data indicate that such multiple genotypes of MAP can coexist within one herd.  相似文献   

Tissues and fecal material were collected from 14 North American bison (Bison bison) that were suspected of having Johne's disease and analyzed for the presence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis). Sections of ileum, ileal-cecal lymph node, and three sequential sections of jejunum with their associated mesenteric lymph nodes were taken from each animal. Fecal culture indicated that 5 of 14 (35.7%) animals were infected, whereas cultures from tissues detected 12 of 14 (85.7%) animals as infected and 59 of 111 (53.2%) of the tissues as positive for M. paratuberculosis. Polymerase chain reaction analysis identified infection in 14 of 14 (100%) animals and in 91 of 112 (81.2%) tissues. In addition, tissues were processed for Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast staining, auramine O/acridine orange fluorescent staining, and immunohistochemical staining. Ziehl-Neelsen and auramine O staining identified 7 of 14 (50%) and 5 of 14 (35.7%) animals as infected and 24 of 112 (21.4%) and 28 of 112 (25%) tissues as positive, respectively. Immunohistochemical analyses of bison tissues, using antisera collected from rabbits immunized with four different preparations of M. paratuberculosis, identified a greater percentage of infected animals (ranging from 57 to 93%) and positive tissues (ranging from 28 to 46%). Collectively, these data indicate that DNA-based detection of M. paratuberculosis was more sensitive than bacterial culture or staining, identified infection in all the bison, and detected the greatest number of positive tissues within each animal.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), the etiologic agent of Johne's disease (JD) in ruminants, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD) in humans. We developed a bovine ileal cannulation model to facilitate comparison of the immune response to Map and the mechanisms of pathogenesis in cattle and humans. Initial studies showed a T cannula could be maintained for up to a year in calves without inducing inflammation or adversely affecting intestinal function. Map introduced through the cannula established a persistent low level of infection without inflammation. Infection elicited an immune response to Map antigens detectable by flow cytometry. Further studies now show the cannulation model can be used with cows during the later stage of infection, affording access to the target tissue at all stages of infection. The studies also revealed no difference in infectivity or immunogenicity of isolates of Map obtained from cattle or humans with CD. Comparison of the immune response to Map during the early and late stages of infection using PCR, flow cytometry and QRT-PCR, showed the immune response early in the disease process is dominated by CD4 T cells. A CD8 response is delayed but comparable at later stages of infection. Genes for pro-inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ and the recently identified genes encoding IL-17 and IL-22 are up regulated in infected animals. These findings reveal that both human and bovine isolates of Map can establish infection and induce similar immune responses in a bovine model. They also reveal the cytokine responses elicited in cattle are similar to those implicated in CD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Infections with Mycobacterium ovium ssp. paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis) are increasingly recognised worldwide. In addition to an increased prevalence of paratuberculosis in Austrian cattle herds, recent years have also shown a rise in infections with M. paratuberculosis in wild red and roe deer, chamois and mouflon. During the period from June 2002 to September 2004, mesenteric lymph nodes were taken from a total of 483 wild animals hunted or found dead and from 338 deceased cattle. Samples were analysed using PCR and cultivation methods. In the case of pathomorphological changes or anamnestic indications, investigations also included an analysis of organ samples (e.g. liver, lung) or foetuses. The tests revealed that 129 wild animal samples (red deer, roe deer, chamois, mouflon, fallow deer, ibex, foxes, mountain hare, yellow-necked field mouse, and capercaillie) contained M. paratuberculosis. The major symptoms in the wild aninodes. Evidence of diarrhoea was only observed in about 15% of the positive cases. The study for the first time provided evidence of intrauterine transmission of M. paratuberculosis in red deer (3 cases) and chamois (1 case) and succeeded in the isolation of the pathogen from the liver, lung and subcutaneous granulomas of wild animals. Of the total of 338 mesenteric lymphnodes of cattle from 303 herds, 80 samples from 77 herds tested positive for paratuberculosis. Twenty-two wild animal and 3 cattle isolates have so far been molecularly typed using IS900-RFLP and RAPD analyses in order to prove epidemiological relationships between occurrences in cattle and wild animals. The increase of paratuberculosis in wild animal species is assumed to have been caused by the purchase of animals, a strong increase in suckler cow farming (cow-calf herds) with a concentration of pathogens in the environment and by inadequate feed hygiene for wild animals.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Mptb) causes Johne's disease in ruminants. Disease control programmes aim to break the faecal-oral cow-calf transmission cycle through hygienic calf rearing and removal of affected cows from the herd, but these programmes do not take account of the potential for congenital infection. The aims of this study were to critically review research on in utero infection, determine the prevalence of fetal infection in cattle through meta-analysis and estimate the incidence of calves infected via the in utero route. About 9% (95% confidence limits 6-14%) of fetuses from subclinically infected cows and 39% (20-60%) from clinically affected cows were infected with Mptb (P<0.001). These are underestimates for methodological reasons. The estimated incidence of calf infection derived via the in utero route depends on within-herd prevalence and the ratio of sub-clinical to clinical cases among infected cows. Assuming 80:20 for the latter, estimates of incidence were in the range 0.44-1.2 infected calves per 100 cows per annum in herds with within-herd prevalence of 5%, and 3.5-9.3 calves in herds with 40% prevalence. These estimates were not markedly sensitive to the value chosen for the proportion of clinical cases. In utero transmission of Mptb could retard the success of disease control programmes if the opportunities for post natal transmission via colostrum/milk and environmental contamination were able to be controlled. The consequences of fetal infection for the calves so infected are discussed in the context of diagnosis and vaccination together with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

CD5 is a cell surface molecule involved in antigen recognition and is present on all T lymphocytes and a subset of B lymphocytes. The purpose of this study was to examine CD5+ expression on peripheral blood B cells from healthy, noninfected cattle and cattle with subclinical and clinical paratuberculosis. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were freshly isolated or cultured for 7 days in the presence or absence of live Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis), and then analyzed by flow cytometry for CD5 expression within the B cell subpopulation. Analysis demonstrated a significant increase (P<0.01) in B cells in clinical animals as compared to healthy control cows and subclinically infected cows. In addition, three subpopulations within the CD5+ B cell population were identified: CD5dim, CD5bright, and a minor population that was characterized as CD5extra bright. A decrease in the CD5dim B cell population along with a concomitant increase in CD5bright B cells was observed in infected cows, an effect that was highly significant (P<0.01) for subclinically infected cows in cultured PBMC. In vitro infection with live M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis did not affect CD5+ expression patterns on B cells, regardless of animal infection status. Addition of exogenous IL-10 to PBMC cultures resulted in decreased numbers of CD5(bright) B cells for healthy control cows, whereas, a synergistic effect of IL-10 and infection with live M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis resulted in increased CD5bright B cells for subclinically infected cows. These results suggest that differential expression of CD5bright and CD5dim subpopulations on B cells in animals with paratuberculosis may reflect a shift in host immunity during the disease process.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the optimum pooling rate for pooled faecal culture (PFC) as a diagnostic tool in bovine Johne's disease control, for detection of cattle shedding low concentrations of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis (Map). METHOD: Thirteen target animals were selected by delayed growth of Map from initial individual radiometric faecal cultures (first growth index at 5 weeks or later). A procedure based on radiometric culture and IS900 polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis confirmation was then used for PFC. RESULTS: Eight samples (stored for up to 17 months at -80 degrees C) yielded Map on subsequent culture, either from undiluted faeces or those mixed with normal cattle faeces at dilution rates from 1 in 5 to 1 in 50. From a regression equation, culture-positive animals were considered to be shedding relatively low levels of Map (< 6 x 10(4)/g of faeces). Pooling dilutions of more than 1 in 5 reduced PFC sensitivity. A minimum incubation period of 10 weeks at a dilution of 1 in 5 is recommended to detect such infected cattle. This pooling rate in radiometric culture is probably capable of detecting cattle shedding < or = 5 x 10(3) Map organisms/g of faeces, representing an estimated inoculum per culture vial of fewer than 20 viable organisms. CONCLUSION: Map was detected in more than 50% of the stored faecal samples from cattle shedding low concentrations of the organism. A pooling rate of 5 samples per pool is required to reliably detect infected low-shedder cattle using PFC based on radiometric culture.  相似文献   

A modified procedure was used for culture of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Mptb) from bovine feces. Bovine fecal samples were decontaminated with NaOH, exposed to a mixture of oxalic acid and malachite green, incubated in a mixture of neomycin and amphotericin B. Decontaminated specimens were inoculated onto modified L?wenstein-Jensen medium. Specimens processed by high-speed centrifugation showed growth earlier than specimens prepared by low-speed centrifugation. However, the overall number of positive cultures at 16 weeks was not different for the 2 methods. When infected dairy herds were sampled 4 times at 6-month intervals and culture-positive cows were culled, the prevalence of infected cattle declined over time. After selective culling, the cattle left in the herds shed low numbers of Mptb, which explains why it took longer for cultures to become positive. No heifers younger than 11 months were culture positive, but heifers 13-14 months of age were more frequently culture positive than were heifers of any other age. The 16-week culture period is needed with this method to detect cattle shedding low numbers of Mptb. High-speed centrifugation of samples does not increase the efficiency of identification of animals shedding Mptb.  相似文献   

Serum samples from healthy, infected (n=11) and diseased (n=2) cattle as well as positive (n=17) and negative (n=41) reference sera were tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis with two ELISA-methods (A-ELISA, Allied Monitors, Fayette, USA; H-ELISA, Institute of Microbiology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary University Hannover). Fecal samples of these animals were examined by PCR and culture. Also field serum samples found to be positive (n=664) or inconclusive (n=1589) by A-ELISA during a survey done on 11028 cattle of 2757 farms at different districts in Austria were retested with H-ELISA (Gasteiner et al., 1999). In both ELISA-methods total agreement between antibody detection and shedding of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (PCR, culture) in cases of diseased animals during the testing period was found. In subclinically infected animals H-ELISA showed a better correlation with the results of PCR and fecal culture. Reference serum samples of culturally negative cattle were negative in 98% by H-ELISA and in 82% by A-ELISA, and those of positive animals were positive in 59% by H-ELISA and in 82% by A-ELISA. The 664 A-ELISA positive field serum samples were positive in 20.5%, inconclusive in 32.5% and negative in 47% by H-ELISA. A-ELISA inconclusive sera gave positive reactions by H-ELISA in 5.2%, negative in 74.8% and inconclusive results in 20%. The highest prevalence of antibodies (7.9% by A- and 2.2% by H-ELISA) against M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis were found in cattle at the age of six and seven years. Seropositive animals were found at all tested ages. The A-ELISA gave two to three times more positive reactors than the H-ELISA. Also both tests showed the highest prevalence of reagents among Holstein Friesian (6.2% by A-ELISA, 2.5% by H-ELISA) followed by other cattle breeds. Seropositive cattle were observed in all districts of Austria in 3. 3-7.1% and in 0.5-1.8% of herds according to A- and H-ELISA, respectively.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and culture are 2 common diagnostic tests for detecting Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) in Johne's disease, but they are not as sensitive as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, inhibitors can coextract with the target DNA and cause interference in PCR. Development of an immune capture assay followed by PCR amplification can alleviate this problem. In this study, we were able to induce an immune response in chickens using heat or formalin inactivated Map. The purified immunoglobulin (Ig)Y has a molecular weight of 160 kDa. The titers were at 1:6400 and 1:12 800 at weeks 5 to 6 and 8 to 9, respectively, as determined by the IDEXX modified ELISA kit for Johne's disease. The IgY produced from inactivated bacterial cells had no effect on its ability to recognize live Map cells as illustrated by immunofluorescence assay and immune capture PCR results.  相似文献   

Faecal (at least 3 months before slaughtering) and organ examinations were carried out in 611 animals (497 dairy, 69 dual-purpose and 44 beef cattle) originating from eight paratuberculosis infected cattle herds. The diagnosis in cattle was established by routine intestinal culture (ileum and the adjacent lymph nodes) after slaughter. In selected 132 animals, post-mortem intensive culture was performed on tissue samples collected from the gastrointestinal tract (duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ileocecal valve, caecum, rectum) and the corresponding lymph nodes, submandibular, retropharyngeal, tracheobronchial, liver and supramammary lymph nodes, kidney, liver and spleen. In 251 (41.1%) of all 611 animals, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis could be isolated from the faeces; in 164 (65.7%) out of 251 shedding animals the infection was detected in the ileum and adjacent lymph nodes. The detection of M. paratuberculosis by routine intestinal culture of faecal culture positive animals varied from 46.0% in animals shedding 1 CFU (colony forming unit), to 94.7% in massive shedders. On the contrary, M. paratuberculosis was detected by routine intestinal culture in 92 (25.5%) of the 360 faecal culture negative animals. Shedding animals had significantly higher (P<0.01) number of organisms in their organs than non-shedding animals. During the intensive tissue cultivation from selected 132 animals, 72 (54.5%) of them were positive. For the negative animals, no significant difference was found between the detection rate in organs examined after slaughter with routine and intensive method. However, in the subgroup of tissue culture positive animals a highly significant difference (P<0.01) was found by intensive examination (83.0%) compared with the routine examination (60.4%). Out of 72 tissue culture positive animals 73.6% of them harboured M. paratuberculosis in the gastrointestinal tract, 16.7% in the gastrointestinal tract and the parenchymatous organs, tracheobronchial and mandibular lymph nodes. The rest of the 9.7% of the infection was detected in the lymph nodes of head and lungs. Our study concerning the distribution of M. paratuberculosis by intensive examinations revealed a minimum effect of breed and production type on localisation of the agent. Thus, the results suggest that in case of an active infection, M. paratuberculosis can be localised in different organs of animals irrespective of their breed or production type.  相似文献   

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