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利用化学激发子防控作物害虫研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
诱导防御反应是植物抵御害虫为害的一种重要机制。在这一防御机制中,各种化学激发子,包括植食性昆虫相关分子模式、植物激素及其类似物、植物激发子多肽等发挥着重要作用。合理开发利用这些化学激发子,可望帮助植物建立一种天然的防御体系,从而降低害虫种群密度、减轻害虫为害,减少化学农药使用量。本文将主要对诱导植物抗虫性的化学激发子的最新研究成果进行概述,并展示利用化学激发子防控田间作物害虫的最新研究案例,提出亟待解决的问题,以促进化学激发子在作物害虫防控中的应用。  相似文献   

信息素是昆虫信息交流和信号传递的“化学语言”,能调节和控制昆虫的行为和生理变化。从本质上来讲,昆虫信息素就是有机化合物,不同昆虫的信息素在结构和成分配比等方面存在差异。昆虫信息素种类众多,根据作用机制可分为释放信息素和启动信息素;根据发挥的功能可分为性信息素、聚集信息素、报警信息素和标记信息素等。它们通过接收者的化学感受系统被识别和接收,过程十分复杂。目前,昆虫信息素在害虫防治、生物监控和保护以及促进昆虫授粉等多个领域被广泛应用。为后续进一步研究和利用昆虫信息素,该文从昆虫信息素结构差异和演化过程、分类和功能、传播和感知方式以及在生产实践中的应用等方面进行总结和综述,并对昆虫信息素的研究进行展望。  相似文献   

入侵昆虫基因组研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全球贸易的加速发展,入侵物种对农林业、生态环境及人类健康的威胁日益严重。基因组学研究为阐明外来有害生物入侵的分子机制与生态适应性过程以及研发新型防控技术提供了新手段、新平台与大数据。本文综述了入侵昆虫基因组学研究的发展现状,系统总结了基因/基因家族、转座子/重复序列等基因组信息在决定昆虫入侵性中的重要作用,着力探讨了基因组学研究在助力害虫RNAi、昆虫不育技术(SIT)、化学生态防治和物理防治等防控新技术/新产品开发方面的潜力,并展望了基因组学研究应用于入侵昆虫综合防控的前景。  相似文献   

The past 40 years have seen insect resistance to insecticides develop from a scientific curiosity to an immense practical problem that threatens man's ability to control not only the insect pests of agriculture but also the insect vectors that transmit major human and animal diseases. The spread of genes for cross and multiple resistance among insect pests has rendered most of our present insecticides obsolescent and very few novel insecticides are under development as substitutes. The most feasible strategy to maintain adequate control of insect pests is integrated pest management or I P M, in which insecticide management is a useful component. However, much of our present planning for the future of insect control is carried out in ignorance of past failures. We must learn from the past if we are to retain the use of chemical insecticides as a viable component of IPM.  相似文献   

分子对接技术在昆虫化学感受研究中的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分子对接是利用生物信息分析手段预测配体和受体的结构模型,模拟出配体复合物的结构并通过结合自由能来判断结合强度的一种技术。分子对接包括蛋白质和小分子的前期准备,识别结合位点,搜索配体化合物的构象,评估对接结果四部分。昆虫的化学感受途径主要通过化感蛋白与小分子化合物的结合,实现对化学信息素的接收。分子对接可以精确模拟昆虫化感蛋白和信息化合物的结构以及二者的结合形式,可作为研究昆虫化学感受途径的有效技术手段,从而有利于研究开发昆虫抑制剂,用于农林病虫害的防治。本文综述了分子对接技术在昆虫化学感受研究中的应用进展,并详细介绍了分子对接的相关软件,举例说明了分子对接的过程,可为该领域的相关研究提供理论支持和方法指导。  相似文献   

昆虫视蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫是地球上种类最为繁多的生物,具有发达和敏感的视觉系统。昆虫视蛋白是一种膜蛋白,是昆虫视觉系统的重要组成部分。根据是否直接参与视觉成像,可将昆虫视蛋白分为视觉视蛋白和非视觉视蛋白两大类。昆虫视蛋白在视觉成像和生物钟昼夜节律同步调节等方面发挥着重要作用。本文在系统分析国内外文献的基础上,主要对目前已报道的昆虫视蛋白的种类、表达特征、分子结构、生物学功能、吸收光谱的分子机制和分子进化等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying transmission of Spiroplasma citri by the leafhopper Circulifer haematoceps, we screened leafhopper proteins as putative S. citri-binding molecules using a spiroplasma overlay assay of protein blots (Far-western assay). Insect proteins were separated by one- or two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, blotted, and probed with S. citri proteins. In this in vitro assay, we found that spiroplasma proteins exhibited affinity for seven leafhopper proteins. The interactions between S. citri proteins and insect proteins with molecular masses of 50 and 60 kDa were found to be sugar sensitive. These insect proteins were identified as high mannose N-glycoproteins, which support an interaction of glycoprotein-lectin type with S. citri proteins. Lectin detection in S. citri has revealed only one protein of 24 kDa. Using a leafhopper protein overlay assay on an S. citri protein blot, one spiroplasma protein with a similar molecular mass of 24 kDa was shown to display an insect protein-binding capacity. This protein was identified as the spiralin, which is the most abundant membrane protein of S. citri. Far-western experiments performed with purified spiralin and insect glycoproteins confirmed the binding of spiralin to the insect glycoproteins of 50 and 60 kDa. Thus, the spiralin could play a key role in the transmission of S. citri by mediating spiroplasma adherence to epithelial cells of insect vector gut or salivary gland.  相似文献   

Research on mosquito chemical repellents continues to advance, along with knowledge of mosquito olfaction and behavior, mosquito–host interactions and chemical structure. New tools and technologies have revealed information about insect olfactory mechanisms and processing, providing a more complex approach for the interpretation of how chemical repellents influence host‐seeking and feeding behavior. Even with these advances, there is still a large amount of information contained in the early works on insect repellents. Many of the standard test methods and chemicals that are still used for evaluating active repellents were developed in the 1940s. These studies contain valuable references to the activity of different structural classes of chemicals, and serve as a guide to optimization of select compounds for insect repellency effects. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

很多植物病毒经介体昆虫以持久循回型的方式水平传播至寄主韧皮部致病,而唾液腺是介体昆虫持久传毒的重要器官,也是植物病毒在介体昆虫内循回需要克服的最后一道防线。持久性植物病毒要完成水平传播,必须突破昆虫唾液腺屏障的阻碍,因此病毒和介体昆虫间形成了“攻”与“守”的较量与对决。揭示持久性植物病毒克服昆虫唾液腺屏障,实现水平传播的机制,对病害控制具有重要意义。该文着眼于介体昆虫唾液腺在持久传毒过程中的重要功能,回顾了虫传植物病毒突破介体昆虫唾液腺侵入屏障和释放屏障的分子机制,探讨了昆虫唾液蛋白通过调节植物或昆虫的适应性和行为促进或抑制病毒水平传播的功能,为制定阻断介体昆虫传播植物病毒途径的防控策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) agonists constitute a subclass of insect growth regulators and play important roles in insect pest management. In this work, a multi-step virtual screening program was executed to find novel JH agonists. A database of 5 million purchasable compounds was sequentially processed with three computational filters: (i) shape and chemical similarity as compared to known JH-active compounds; (ii) molecular docking simulations against a Drosophila JH receptor, methoprene-tolerant; and (iii) free energy calculation of ligand–receptor binding using a modified MM/PBSA (molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann surface area) protocol. The 11 candidates that passed the three filters were evaluated in a luciferase reporter assay, leading to the identification of a hit compound that contains a piperazine ring system (EC50=870 nM). This compound is structurally dissimilar to known JH agonists and synthetically easy to access; therefore, it is a promising starting point for further structure optimization.  相似文献   

害虫遗传学控制策略与进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着分子生物学和基因工程技术的发展,利用遗传学方法控制害虫种群成为人们研究的热点之一。研究者已经尝试利用基因突变、转基因和雄性不育等遗传学技术,培育遗传改造的害虫品系,释放后来控制自然界害虫的种群密度。但由于这些遗传学方法本身存在局限性,研究者开始探索利用低毒高效的荧光纳米材料基因载体携带外源核酸或农药分子进入昆虫或植物细胞从而干扰害虫的发育或行为的新策略。本文综述了害虫遗传学控制的2大策略种群替代和种群抑制的实现方法及其研究进展,并提出了利用新型荧光纳米粒子传送基因或药物的害虫遗传学控制新策略。  相似文献   

Baculoviruses are natural pathogens of insects which have been used as biopesticides. In contrast to many chemical agents, baculoviruses affect only a limited number of insects and so can be used to target particular insect species. Unfortunately, unless the host receives a very high virus dose, the insect continues to feed and causes damage to crops, because the virus takes several days to kill it. This lag is unacceptable in the protection of many crops, especially where cosmetic damage seriously reduces the value of a crop (e.g. fruit). Strategies have been devised recently to circumvent this problem. The baculovirus genome has been modified, using genetic engineering techniques, to incorporate foreign genes encoding insect-specific toxins, or hormones or enzymes. Expression of some of these genes in the virus-infected host insect has been shown to reduce both the feeding damage to crop plants and the time taken to kill the insect pest. The current status of this developing field is described, together with an assessment of the possible risks involved in using such genetically modified agents in the environment.  相似文献   

多杀菌素的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一类由发酵产物分离的新颖大环内酯化合物多杀菌素,它对鳞翅目害虫活性很高,且对大多数的咀嚼式口器害虫有效。阐述了其化学结构、物理性质、生物活性、开发过程、全合成中的难点以及对分子改造的最新研究。  相似文献   

Two insecticides, an insect repellent and an insecticide synergist have been complexed with β-cyclodextrin yielding microcrystalline, wettable, non-hygroscopic formulations. The insecticides fenitrothion and malathion, the repellent diethyltoluamide and the synergist MGR-264 were found to form stable inclusion complexes with β-cyclodextrin. The molecular encapsulation resulted in improved heat and chemical stability, storability, enhanced wettability and dissolution properties of these rather volatile, poorly water-soluble agents.  相似文献   

Agricultural insect pests display an exceptional ability to adapt quickly to natural and anthropogenic stressors. Emerging evidence suggests that frequent and varied sources of stress play an important role in driving protective physiological responses; therefore, intensively managed agroecosystems combined with climatic shifts might be an ideal crucible for stress adaptation. Cross-protection, where responses to one stressor offers protection against another type of stressor, has been well documented in many insect species, yet the molecular and epigenetic underpinnings that drive overlapping protective responses in insect pests remain unclear. In this perspective, we discuss cross-protection mechanisms and provide an argument for its potential role in increasing tolerance to a wide range of natural and anthropogenic stressors in agricultural insect pests. By drawing from existing literature on single and multiple stressor studies, we outline the processes that facilitate cross-protective interactions, including epigenetic modifications, which are understudied in insect stress responses. Finally, we discuss the implications of cross-protection for insect pest management, focusing on the consequences of cross-protection between insecticides and elevated temperatures associated with climate change. Given the multiple ways that insect pests are intensively managed in agroecosystems, we suggest that examining the role of multiple stressors can be important in understanding the wide adaptability of agricultural insect pests. © 2022 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

非嗜食植物中的昆虫产卵驱避物及其利用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
产卵是植物性昆虫生命周期中的一个重要环节,它能反映昆虫与植物相互作用的某些特点以及植食性昆虫对植物利用的策略。植物中的驱避物质在调节昆虫产卵行为过程中超着十分重要的作用。大量研究结果表明:许多非嗜食植物含有对昆虫产卵有驱避作用的次生化合物。研究植物中的昆虫产卵驱避物质不仅能在理论上加深对植食性昆虫产卵机制,植食性昆虫与植物间的相互关系以及昆虫群落构建机制等的认识,同时在害虫综合治理中有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

微生物农药管理现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物农药,是指利用微生物或其代谢产物来防治危害农业的病、虫、草、鼠等有害生物以保护或促进植物生长的生防制剂。近几年来,由于化学农药的滥用,使得害虫抗药性、农药残留、环境污染等问题日益严峻,而作为化学农药替代品的微生物农药则发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文重点回顾了国内外微生物农药登记管理的发展历程,总结了各国微生物农药登记管理的资料要求,结合我国农业生产现状,分析了我国微生物农药登记管理的现状,为进一步完善我国微生物农药登记管理工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

玳玳是芸香科柑桔属的一种香料,大面积种植屡遭桔潜蛾严重为害。桔潜蛾在玳玳上1年发生11个世代,发生在秋梢期的第七至九代为主害代。秋梢受害率达52.1—100%,经济损失达24.9%以上。根据害虫和寄主各自生物学特性,采用以改变害虫生态条件为主,协调运用科学管梢、以肥调梢、保护利用天敌和药剂挑治等四项综防措施。经2600亩应用,梢叶产量提高65.4%,冠幅平均扩大34%,保梢效果达91%,三年企业直接获利10万余元。  相似文献   

Spider venoms are complex chemical arsenals that contain a rich variety of insecticidal toxins. However, the major toxin class in many spider venoms is disulfide‐rich peptides known as knottins. The knotted three‐dimensional fold of these mini‐proteins provides them with exceptional chemical and thermal stability as well as resistance to proteases. In contrast with other bioinsecticides, which are often slow‐acting, spider knottins are fast‐acting neurotoxins. In addition to being potently insecticidal, some knottins have exceptional taxonomic selectivity, being lethal to key agricultural pests but innocuous to vertebrates and beneficial insects such as bees. The intrinsic oral activity of these peptides, combined with the ability of aerosolized knottins to penetrate insect spiracles, has enabled them to be developed commercially as eco‐friendly bioinsecticides. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that spider‐knottin transgenes can be used to engineer faster‐acting entomopathogens and insect‐resistant crops. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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