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According to the national policy, overall forest and agroforestry cover in Rwanda is to increase up to 30% land cover by 2020. On the other hand, demographic data reveal that Rwanda's urban areas are among the fastest-growing on the continent. Unfortunately, there is only little information of the effects of such a rapid urbanization on tree cover and green space structure, knowing that data on urban plant assemblages in the country are rather rare. The paper discusses developments in Kigali's green spaces with regard to its rapid rate of expansion. An integrated approach of research, combining results from interview sessions, desk-based investigations, walk-over and vegetation surveys, and photogrammetric analyses of remotely acquired imagery was applied. The findings suggest that the city green space network consists of plant assemblages largely dominated by alien species (75%). Tree cover fraction averaged at around 10–35%. No significant difference was observed between field-drawn and photogrammetric-based fraction of tree cover estimates; making the later a quick but cheap tool for rapid tree cover evaluation. Cultivated forests, urban woodlots and domestic garden tree stands are far the most dominant types of green spaces in terms of coverage of city surface area. Street tree communities and institutional gardens appear to be the most intensively designed green space layouts. Both distribution and species composition in domestic gardens were socioeconomic-driven. For instance, palm trees were characteristic of fortunate quarters while fruitbearing ornamental such as Psidium guajava and Persea americana were common within scattered and informal settlements. Markhamia lutea, Erythina abyssinica, Euphorbia candelabrum, Phoenix reclinata and Acacia sieberiana are among native taxa that thrive to keep a place in the city. Euphorbia tirucalli, a native tree that is widespread in home compound fences within informal settlements, is significantly declining as modern housing expands and concrete-based fences replace live enclosures.  相似文献   

An objective and systematic method for large-scale planting design was previously published. It involved multiple regression equations relating species abundance to topo-edaphic variables in a native (model) plant community, calculated from survey data collected by forestry departments. The method is appropriate for the number of sample plots currently surveyed in plant communities. With the imminent availability of a large volume of data through remote sensing technology, another method is presented in this article that emulates nature more closely and is not based on a mathematical model. It involves finding sample plots in the model community with topo-edaphic variables similar to those of the grid cells on the project site and assigning their species composition to the grid cells. Similarities of corresponding pairs of variables are decided using comparison tolerances for the variables, calculated based on their relative importance in species distribution in the model community.  相似文献   

Environmental child-friendliness is affected by how built environments and green spaces are planned and designed, but also by their ongoing management, including both development and maintenance. This study examined children’s perspectives on their local environments with focus on green spaces and their management in an urban village. Five groups totalling 16 children aged 10–11 were interviewed through child-led walks. Both the qualities of the village as a whole and of specific places within it added to the child-friendliness of the local environment. The children showed planned and managed spaces including playgrounds and parks, and unmanaged places such as abandoned gardens. They found many qualities in multifunctional planned places with a varied, rich content. In unmanaged areas the lack of management was seen as positive for exploration, play possibilities and for the place to be children’s own. The findings suggest that children’s perspectives can play an important role not only in planning and design, but also in the ongoing process of landscape management, including the provision of more variation in local green spaces.  相似文献   

Effective urban planning, and urban green space management in particular, require proper data on urban green spaces. The potential of urban green spaces to provide benefits to urban inhabitants (ecosystem services) depends on whether they are managed as a comprehensive system of urban green infrastructure, or as isolated islands falling under the responsibility of different stakeholders. Meanwhile, different urban green space datasets are based on different definitions, data sources, sampling techniques, time periods and scales, which poses important challenges to urban green infrastructure planning, management and research. Using the case study of Lodz, the third largest city in Poland, and an additional analysis of 17 other Polish cities, we compare data from five publicly available sources: 1) public statistics, 2) the national land surveying agency, 3) satellite imagery (Landsat data), 4) the Urban Atlas, 5) the Open Street Map. The results reveal large differences in the total amount of urban green spaces in the cities as depicted in different datasets. In Lodz, the narrowly interpreted public statistics data, which are aspatial, suggest that green spaces account for only 12.8% of city area, while the most comprehensive dataset from the national land surveying agency reveals the figure of 61.2%. The former dataset, which excludes many types of green spaces (such as arable land, private and informal green spaces), is still the most commonly used. The analysis of the 17 other cities confirms the same pattern. This results in broader institutional failures related to urban green infrastructure planning, management, and research, including a lack of awareness of green space quality (e.g. connectivity) and benefits (ecosystem services), and the related political disregard for urban green spaces. Our comparison suggests that a better understanding of green space data sources is necessary in urban planning, and especially when planning urban green infrastructure.  相似文献   

Urban brownfields are found in all parts of the world. They suffer from a negative image, generally being viewed as problem areas. However, urban brownfields also offer potentials for new uses as well as for the ecological regeneration of cities. Especially urban brownfields with spontaneous vegetation can contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem services in dense urban environments. Whether and how this potential is exploited depends on the perception and preferred uses of brownfields by local residents.Through surveys undertaken in Dresden and Leipzig, this paper examines the perception and use of brownfields and their spontaneous vegetation by the urban population. Results show a range of views on brownfields with spontaneous vegetation from negative to positive evaluations. Many residents make use of brownfields, have concrete ideas about how such areas should be utilized or designed and are even prepared to take part in the transformation. The paper suggests that the use and design of green space should be rethought in unconventional ways, and discusses how the ecological and social potential of brownfields with spontaneous vegetation can be best exploited for urban residents.  相似文献   

Introduced tree species represent a substantial component of urban forests in cities all over the world. Yet there is controversy about the further use of introduced tree species. Many practice orientated publications,research papers and governmental websites in the fields of urban planning, urban forestry, and urban ecology argue for planting native species and avoiding introduced species. Such arguments for native-only species selection are also touted by environmental groups and the media. Consequently the debate has sometimes spiralled away from a sensible and rational platform where invasion risks and biodiversity loss are discussed, to a groundless and unreasonable argument where exotic species are generally considered incapable of providing ecosystem services. From a European perspective, we here aim to curate a set of necessary considerations for current and future discussions on native and non-native plant material in sustainable urban development. Using examples from Northern and Central Europe we illustrate that in some regions the catalogue of native tree species may be too limited to fulfil ecosystem services and resilience in harsh urban environments. A main message from our line of arguments is that we cannot afford to generally exclude non-native tree species from urban greening. If “native-only” approaches become incorporated in regional, national or international policy documents or legislation there is a risk that urban ecosystem resilience will be compromised, particularly in regions with extreme environmental conditions. Since both invasion risks and sizes of native species pools vary conspicuously at regional to continental scales we also argue to adapt urban policies on using non-native trees to regional contexts.  相似文献   

Accessibility to urban green spaces is essential for urban dwellers’ health and well-being. For planning purposes different accessibility measures and indicators have been used. Some are only based on availability, others consider distance from residences, yet others rely on gravity-based methods that consider both supply and demand. Different indicators often provide diverse and sometimes contradictory results and many issues remain in developing a comprehensive measure of accessibility, and representativity problems remain in matching indices with reality. In this study different accessibility measures have been developed and applied to the urban parks of the city of Padova, in northeastern Italy. Effectiveness and reliability of ten indicators derived from these measures, in identifying needs, inadequacies and disparities in park access have been tested at the urban unit scale. The study confirmed that multiple indicators need to be used to provide a useful planning tool for the provision of adequate and equal opportunities for open space access to the citizens. The study has also shown which indicators can be replaced by each other without losing important information.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean region is facing many challenges, some of which can be addressed by nature-based solutions such as urban forests and green space. However, at best, urban forest research from Mediterranean countries has been only briefly addressed in review papers up to date. This Scopus-based review paper provides first insights into the development of urban forest research in the Mediterranean in the 20-year period from 1996 to 2015. The purpose of the review was to a) analyse distribution of urban forest research in the Mediterranean and identify countries that are forerunners based on the number of publications, b) to analyse distribution of research themes across the Mediterranean and per country, and hence point to research gaps and needs. Researchers from Italy, Turkey and Spain were the most productive in the analysed period. Research is mainly concentrated in the North, while it is scarce to non-existent in South and Eastern Mediterranean countries (excluding Turkey and Greece). Papers dealing with pollution, human health and sociocultural values were the most frequent. Some countries exhibited research specialisation with regard to certain themes. For instance Italian researchers mostly focused on topics related to pollution and urban forest management, the majority of Spanish papers addressed urban forests in the context of human health, while sociocultural values were the main research theme for researchers from Turkey. Papers were analysed also based on research methods, approaches and study locations. Suggested future research includes analysis of the quality of knowledge related to urban forests in the Mediterranean as well as of collaboration between researchers, research institutions and countries.  相似文献   

Recent studies have emphasized the presence of microclimates in urban settings, but most do not have the high resolution observations necessary to understand the interactions taking place at a neighborhood scale. This study used a network of 10 identical weather stations and high resolution land cover data in Knoxville, Tennessee, to analyze the microclimates of a medium-sized city with a temperate climate. Two stations were installed in each of four urban neighborhoods in locations with varying localized tree cover, and two additional stations were installed in the center of downtown and in a nearby urban nature center. The intra-neighborhood results suggested that there is significant temperature variability within a single neighborhood based on the tree canopy density immediately surrounding a given weather station. However, the inter-neighborhood variability (differences between neighborhoods) was similar in magnitude, which suggests that the overall differences in neighborhood characteristics also have an effect on climate. Land cover at the neighborhood scale (in particular tree canopy percentages at the 500-m radii) had the highest correlation with the minimum daily temperature (Tmin) during the summer season. Maximum daily temperature (Tmax) relied most on the distance of each station from Downtown and the amount of impervious area in the 50 m surrounding each station. Tmax was also most influenced by surrounding land cover during dry conditions (a Dry Moderate air mass). Overall, highly localized impervious land cover percentages and larger-scale forested canopy were important in explaining temperature fluctuation, pointing to the importance of scale in microclimate assessments. Dry air masses enhanced the relationship between land cover and temperature during the day, while moist air masses did the same overnight. These data can be used to better inform planning strategies to build resiliency to extreme heat into urban environments by considering the influence of tree canopy.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of the first comprehensive study on perception of and satisfaction with urban forests and green space in seven Southeast European cities are presented. The aims of the paper are to analyse 1) citizen perceptions of the current state of urban forests and green space in their cities, 2) to what extent current urban forests and green space meet their needs and how this can be improved. A cross-sectional study was conducted by using a common face-to-face survey questionnaire. Respondents were selected based on census data though a stratified sampling procedure by taking into account age, gender and city district (n = 384 in each city). The results showed that citizens genuinely care for urban forests and green space in their cities, but are not satisfied with their current state. The respondents found issues related to misbehaviour of other users, the presence and quality of facilities, as well as the presence and quality of management or maintenance the most pressing. There were more statistically significant differences than similarities between cities. Socioeconomic variables explained perceptions only to some extent. Citizens were very supportive of educational campaigns about the importance of urban forests and green space as well as of better enforcement of the existing regulations though having more community wardens that were expected to tackle current unsatisfactory situations. Urban planning and urban forest and green space management in these cities are facing many problems characteristic for post-socialist countries. Study findings are expected to contribute to decision making in urban planning and natural resource management.  相似文献   

Urban forestry has been formally recognized as a codified academic discipline in China’s higher education since 1992. This short communication attempts to revisit the emergence and development of urban forestry in China over the last three decades. Despite the traditional disciplinary division existing between forestry (which focuses on forested landscapes in non-urbanized regions) and landscape architecture (which concerns about individual and collective plants in urbanized environments), urban forestry offers an interdisciplinary convergence point, drawing upon disciplinarily-specific understanding and expertise of both forestry and landscape architecture, that supersedes the urban-rural distinction and could be translated into flexible, integrative, and transdisciplinary approaches for the effective governance of urban and peri-urban forests. With the enrichment of empirical evidence from China’s unique socioeconomic context and the theoretical advancement of urban forestry, innovative practical initiatives like “National Forest City” successfully transform urban forestry knowledge into on-the-ground practices. While China’s unprecedented urbanization has been accompanied by social and environmental problems calling for solutions wherein urban forestry can contribute, it offers a fertile ground for further advancing the development of urban forestry.  相似文献   

Large amounts of urban wood resources are generated through tree removals in urban areas. Therefore, there is a growing interest to improve the environmental performance of the urban wood supply chain by quantifying the environmental impacts of creating high-value products from urban tree removals to enhance its utilization. By surveying existing urban wood utilization operations for primary data in two major cities: Baltimore, Maryland, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a new life cycle inventory (LCI) dataset per m3 of dry urban hardwood lumber and live edge slabs was created. Incorporating the new LCI data into life cycle assessment method, the total global warming (GW) impact of converting urban trees to kiln-dried lumber was estimated to be 122 kg CO2 eq and 336 kg CO2eq per m3 of lumber produced for Baltimore and Milwaukee, respectively. In both cases, the total environmental impact of the product was dominated by the conversion of urban trees to kiln dried lumber at the sawmill processing stage. Using scenario analysis for the source of heat generation used in kiln (force) drying wood, substituting wood fuel from coproducts for natural gas in a boiler for Milwaukee resulted in a substantial reduction in fossil-derived GW impact. Urban and traditional hardwood lumber production follow similar GW impact trajectories over their life-cycle stages with the lumber processing stage having the highest environmental impacts for both. Increasing the overall lumber yield and decreasing kiln (force) drying would substantially improve the environmental performance of urban hardwood lumber and help make it comparable to traditional lumber.  相似文献   

Given increased atmospheric loads in cities, quantification of stemflow chemistry is necessary for a holistic understanding of elemental cycling in urban ecosystems. Accordingly, the stemflow volume and associated solute fluxes (K+, Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+) were measured for eleven deciduous trees in a manicured park setting in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. Over nine rainfall events from late June to early September 2013, larger trees [diameter at breast height (DBH) > 30 cm] were found to generally produce higher event stemflow volumes but lower funneling ratios than the smaller trees (DBH < 30 cm). The median flux-based enrichment ratio, which compares the solute input of stemflow to that of rainfall on a per unit trunk basal area, also tended to be greater for smaller trees than larger ones. Under all-tree and single-leader tree conditions, significant negative non-linear relationships between tree DBH and mean flux-based enrichment ratios were found for Ca2+, Na+, and Mg2+, but not for K+. These preliminary results indicate that urban trees can considerably enrich rainfall that is partitioned into stemflow, and that ion concentrations and enrichment ratios exhibit notably high interspecific variability. In this study, tree size and presence of single versus multiple leaders explained some of this heterogeneity; however, further study into those physical tree characteristics that affect stemflow volume and stemflow chemistry must be carried out if the impact and challenges of urban greening, nutrient cycling, and stormwater management initiatives are to be more fully understood.  相似文献   

There is a pan-European interest in increasing the amount of woodland cover, particularly in areas close to urban populations. However, in the enthusiasm for planting trees, is enough forethought given to visual aspects of woodland stand interiors? This paper conceptualises and assesses visual aspects of planting designs and silvicultural principles across three contemporary forest management paradigms: the commercial, the nature-based, and the urban paradigm. Planting design models and silvicultural treatments were conceptualised from a review combined with case studies. Using profile diagrams, we made visual representations of planting design and stand development, as basis for ‘expert’ assessment of four visual criteria: scale, diversity, naturalness and visual accessibility. The assessment was done for the young stage (0–25 years) and the mature stage (50–90 years) separately, using a qualitative three-step scale: limited, medium, and extended. Seven different planting design models were identified. Three of these originate from the urban paradigm: the seed source model, the density gradient model, and the habitat model. Another three originate from the nature-based paradigm: the natural succession model, the nature-based shortcut model, and the direct approach model. Only one model originates from the commercial paradigm: the monoculture model. The assessment showed that visual aspects vary considerably between planting designs and silvicultural systems. The monoculture model offers the splendour of the mature pillar hall with free views and movements, however, necessitating an obvious plantation stage in its youth. In contrast, models utilising succession and variation in species, age and tree spacing offers an extended experience of diversity and naturalness – even in the young stages. These visual qualities are discussed in relation to future perspectives for urban afforestation across urban woodland zones.  相似文献   

Public views on green roofs and green walls (GRGW) have received little attention; hence, related policies could be detached from community needs and expectations. A comprehensive questionnaire was developed to compare perceptions of GRGW benefits and negative impacts and attitudes towards government GRGW promotion in Beijing and Hong Kong. Beijing residents reported stronger positive perceptions of benefits, weaker perceptions of negative impacts, and greater support to promotion measures. Beijing’s more proactive and effective promotion efforts brought a better-informed citizenry with positive outlooks. Both cities appreciated promotion policies and strongly preferred advocating for GRGW quality. Public views were subsumed under three underlying factors: socio-demographic, living-environment, and greening-attitude. Principal component analysis and multiple linear regression detected city-dependent relationships between factors and perceptions. Senior and less-educated respondents in Beijing were less able to perceive the negative impacts. Younger and well-educated respondents in Hong Kong held a strong greening attitude and better recognition of benefits. GRGW perceptions were robust predictors of attitudes towards promotion policies in both cities. The implications for GRGW development vis-a-vis a city’s socio-cultural context were discussed. The findings could help governments hone the publicity and policy aspects of GRGW promotion and development and fine-tune greening programmes to citizen preferences.  相似文献   

Smellscape, as the sense of smell cross space, has a huge impact on human behavior, attitudes and health. However, so far it has rarely been addressed and measured in both landscape practice and theories. The present case study refined the quantitative smellwalk method to examine the spatial and temporal features of urban park smellscape. The effects of landscape patterns on smellscape were further unraveled combining with remote sensing techniques and field surveys. The results indicated that: (i) human activities and nature odors dominated the urban park odor environments, (ii) the temporal variation of the urban park smellscape was mainly driven by human activities, (iii) the different site types of urban park exerted a significant impact on the composition of the smellscape, and (iv) the landscape pattern characteristics of forest, shrubs, grass, water, buildings and roads had significant effects on different types of odors. This study poses a first systematic exploration of various odors in urban green environments and offers novel insights into the design of smellscape via unveiling spatial-temporal odor distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Tree ordinances can be an effective means of preserving urban forests in the face of development pressures. Despite this, they also have the potential to be divisive among the public - especially when applied to privately-owned land. In this study we surveyed 1716 Florida urban residents to understand how they value regulation and management of the urban forest. Specifically, we asked about: tree protection ordinances, incentive programs to manage or plant trees, justification for tree removal, and development. Most respondents supported tree protections, even when applied to trees on their own property or when they had the potential to limit development activities. Additionally, there was limited support for removing healthy trees for development. Respondents supported the use of funds for urban forestry efforts – particularly at the local or state level.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualises and evaluates so-called co-management zones as an approach for user participation in urban forestry, specifically in the management of public woodland edges bordering residential areas. Co-management zones can metaphorically be viewed as ‘ecotone-like’ spaces, i.e. zones where overlapping interest – in this case residents’ and municipal authorities’ – can be used to create richness and meetings rather than boundaries. Building on the perspectives of ecotone thinking and governance arrangements, co-management zones in the Danish residential area of Sletten in Holstebro were evaluated. The presented case study combined interviews with residents and interviews with three key green space professionals who had led the planning, design, establishment and management of the woodland and the implementation of co-management. The resident participation in the co-management zone was also assessed and photo documented in a field survey, categorising individual households according to type and degree of physical signs of participation. Findings illustrate the potential of co-management zones to initiate collaboration between residents and public woodland managers in creating recreationally valuable and varied meetings between private gardens and urban woodlands. Challenges with establishing co-management zones were also highlighted, especially the need for clear guidelines and continuous communication between residents and the municipality. Perspectives and implications related to residents, managers and green space quality are discussed.  相似文献   

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