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Knowledge of clay dispersion behaviour [which is highly influenced by ion concentration in the aqueous phase and by related surface charge (SC) of colloids] is important for rating soil erosion risk (by water). It can also be useful for improving soil management systems. Clay fractions separated from samples of the A‐horizon of a Vertisol, Ultisol and Oxisol were collected, representing typical soils of North Cameroon. These soils were very different in physicochemical and mineral parameters. The effect of pH and the multivalent ions Ca2+, SO42− and PO43− on SC and dispersion characteristics were determined. The water dispersible clay was found to be higher in the Vertisol and Ultisol than in the Oxisol, indicating that the <2 µm fractions from the Vertisol and Ultisol are more dispersible than that from the Oxisol. The clay dispersion ratio together with the dispersion ratio were found to be in good agreement with water dispersible clay and are negatively correlated with the amount of organic matter and dithionite citrate bicarbonate soluble Fe and Al. Generally, SC of the <2 µm fraction was found to be negative when the pH was in the region of 3 to 9; thus the absolute value is highly pH‐dependent. At pH 6 and 8, CaCl2, Na2SO4 and Na2HPO4 additions had antagonistic effects on SC: Ca2+ increased SC, whereas SO42− and PO43−decreased SC indicating the adsorption of positively as well as negatively charged multivalent ions by soil colloids. Along with the increase of SC, there was a fall in repulsive forces and formation of Ca‐bridges, the addition of Ca2+ induced flocculation more rapidly than SO42− and PO43− amendments. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

土壤耕层熟化度对水盐动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏北滨海盐渍土地区,地势低平,地下水位高,矿化度大,排水深度有限,但雨量较多而较集中,有一定自然淋盐条件,因此,壤质地区的盐渍土,脱盐较容易,返盐亦很快,水盐动态变化频繁,防盐保苗困难,产量低而不稳.  相似文献   

这项工作开始于1964年。在河南省封丘县城关公社前赵砦选择2亩盐土(盐分组成以氯化物和硫酸盐为主,种田菁时,耕作层全盐量0.95%)进行翻压田菁改良盐碱地试验,其中1.5亩于5月6日播种田菁,8月20日初花期翻压,鲜草量2127斤/亩,表土20厘米根重约500斤/亩;对照地0.5亩,未种田菁,都于9月27日播种六棱大麦。在应举公社西大村大队选择社员弃耕四十余年的瓦碱[1](又称牛皮碱,耕作层pH 9.4-9.5,代换性钠35-36务)荒地2.5亩,其中2亩于5月4日播种田著,8月20日随犁沟整株翻压,随耱平,鲜草量2000斤/亩,表土20厘米根重500斤/亩;对照地0.5亩,未种田著。着于9月28日播种小麦(碧玛一号),返青期(3月19日)每亩追施硫酸馁8斤。  相似文献   

当用水淋洗碱土时,其水浸提液中的钙量恆少于普通土壤中者。水土比例增大时,淋洗出的钙量增多,惟增加量不很大。水土比例增大时,普通土壤各次滤液的pH 值并不增大,且易于达到蒸馏水的pH 值,反之,碱土的pH 值很慢的降低至pH 7.5。浸提液中CO_3~=量逐渐减少,和pH 值的降低相一致,重碳酸盐量开始时逐渐增多,以后又降低。反覆用水淋洗时pH 值亦逐渐降低。  相似文献   

The self-diffusion coefficients of Cl, Na, Sr and phosphate have been measured in Upper Greensand, sandy clay loam (CEC 7.45 me/100 g.) between pF 1.8 and 5.4 and, for Na and phosphate, over a range of soil-solution concentrations. An attempt has been made to estimate the relative contributions of solution- and exchangeable-ions to diffusion. There is some indication that exchangeable Na may contribute to diffusion at the lowest moisture contents used, but little indication of this at pF 2.1 (15 per cent moisture content) when the proportion of ions on the solid was as high as possible. Exchangeable Sr appears to make no significant contribution to diffusion at any moisture content when the soil-solution concentration is 0.1M. Exchangeable phosphate appears to make no contribution to diffusion at pF 2.1 between 5 × 10?6M and 9 × 10?4M.  相似文献   

非饱和土壤水运动滞后效应的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
沈荣开 《土壤学报》1993,30(2):208-216

胡敏酸对土壤和矿物粘粒分散的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究了土壤胡敏酸(Humic acid)对红壤和黄棕壤以及高岭矿和蒙脱矿粘粒分散的影响。研究结果表明:土壤HA对Na+饱和的土壤及矿物粘粒分散作用很大。用H2O2除去土壤有机质后,粘粒分散明显下降。然而,添加少量HA后,又能显著地提高粘粒的分散性。这种现象在两种土壤中,红壤表现更为突出。Na+饱和的高岭矿粘粒分散性很差,而蒙脱矿粘粒分散性很强,这与它们所带电荷量有关。但是,添加少量HA后,高岭矿粘粒分散性急剧提高,而蒙脱矿的变化却很小。试验结果进一步表明:有机质HA对土壤和矿物粘粒分散作用受矿物类型的影响。  相似文献   

水肥状况对土壤剖面中锰的移动和水稻吸锰的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
水旱轮作条件下水麦缺锰是四川冲积性水稻土上主要的养分胁迫问题,为了深入探讨这一问题,作者利用模拟土柱试验研究了不同水肥状况对四川两种典型冲积土中锰的迁移,转化及其对水稻吸锰的影响。  相似文献   

The influence of soil clay type on the ‘availability’ of zinc was studied in six rendzina soils from Israel. The quantities of zinc extracted by EDTA—(NH4)2CO3, were higher in the soils with a lower total of zinc content. Values of extracted zinc calculated on the basis of soil minus CaCO3 were higher in soils with attapulgite than in soils with montmorillonite as the predominant mineral. Thus, it appears that zinc is more strongly bound to montmorillonite. This was confirmed by a greenhouse experiment in which total zinc uptake after zinc fertilization was higher from rendzinas containing attapulgite than from montmorillonitic rendzinas.  相似文献   

张粹雯  王遵亲 《土壤学报》1987,24(3):281-285
应用偏光显微镜技术与扫描电子显微镜技术,对三种不同类型盐土的盐结晶进行观察研究。从土壤溶液的蒸发过程中,我们观察到石膏(CaSO4·2H2O)、芒硝(Na2SO4·10H2O)、泻利盐(MgSO4·7H2O)、石盐(NaCl)结晶的析出过程,析出顺序受温度的影响。用这种方法可以快速确定土壤溶液中主要盐分类型。扫描电子显微镜的照片,展示出某些盐类结晶的自然特征,它们是:与土粒胶结紧密的石盐(NaCl)、由芒硝(Na2SO4·10H2O)脱水转变成的无水芒硝(Na2SO4)、或由硫酸钠、硫酸钙形成的复盐——钙芒硝Na2Ca(SO4)2。各种盐类在土壤中结晶出来形态清晰。以硫酸钠的溶解特性为例,扼要地讨论了土壤中芒硝—无水芒硝的转化条件及其对土壤结构产生的影响。  相似文献   

辽宁省盘锦沿海地区田菁的栽培及其改良盐土的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁省滨海盐渍土多分布于低洼易涝地区,以盘锦沿海地区为主.这些盐碱地,除部分已开垦种植外,尚有大面积荒地.已被垦殖的土地,也因盐碱重,肥力低,危害作物出苗和生长,引起作物减产,甚至成片死亡,严重地影响单位面积产量和总产量.为了加速盐碱地的改造利用,使达到稳产高产,种植绿肥作物是有效措施之一;特别是在水旱轮作中,绿肥占着重要的地位.因此研究绿肥作物的栽培和提高土壤肥力的作用,对农业生产的发展具有重大的实践意义.本文系根据1957年到1964年的部分研究资料加以整理,供各地参考.  相似文献   

Samples from fifteen salt crusts from the central Great Konya Basin, Turkey, were studied in the laboratory. Chemical analyses data were combined with the results of X-ray diffraction. In the mineralogical systems studied, three types of salt efflorescences of different morphology were distinguished, with mirabilite/thenardite, bloedite, and bloedite/epsomite/halite as major mineral associations. These crusts seal the surface soil more or less effectively, thus reducing evaporation and thereby preventing cracking of the saturated soils. The effectiveness of this sealing depends on the morphology of the accumulated salt minerals rather than on their chemical composition. Reclamation of salt-encrusted spots therefore requires understanding of the mineralogy and the morphology of the efflorescent salts.  相似文献   

土壤氮素矿化的温度水分效应   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:36  
应用一级反应动力学模型分析了不同温度、水分条件下间歇淋洗和分次提取通气培养法生成的累积净矿化氮与时间的关系。结果表明,温度对土壤氮素矿化速率常数有明显影响。间歇淋洗加砂培养的回归式为:1ogK=6.80-2497/T;不加砂培养为:1ogK=4.19-1817/T;分次提取培养为:logK=6.47-2937/T。矿化速率常数与水分含量符合直线关系,矿化氮量随水分含量的升高而增加。温度、水分对矿化速度有明显的正交互作用。  相似文献   

河套灌区盐碱化的特点分析和治理措施的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要分析了内蒙古河套灌区土壤盐碱化的特点;探讨了盐碱地治理的主要措施;指出在气候干燥,蒸发量大,灌溉水盐份高,用量多,排水少,地下水具有地质矿化源和水位浅以及土壤质地较砂等因素的影响下,河套灌区的土壤盐份具有积累快,年中变化大,含量高等特点。由于盐害最严重的时期是从春小麦播种到5月中旬,本文提出河套灌区盐碱地的治理应首先搞好合理灌水和完善排水;同时改进传统耕作方法,采用先进耕作技术和其他措施综合治理。但任何经济有效的措施的设计与实施都需通过对当地盐碱化过程的深入研究,建立关键时期(秋浇、结冻到化冻、春播)的土壤水盐运动模型,进行田间主体工程的定点试验。  相似文献   

The adsorption of methylene blue and the accompanying colour change appears to be a fairly specific and sensitive reaction for colloidal soil clay, especially when used with chromatography paper as a supporting medium. Thus minute amounts of clay in migrating soil solutions can be detected, and stability and electro-phoretic mobility of very dilute suspensions evaluated.  相似文献   

斥水土壤中水热运动模型的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作者运用所建立的斥水土壤中水热运动的数值模型,模拟分析了以下因素对沟中时苗床不分散失与温度的影响:(1)不同的沟垄尺寸;(2)湿润剂;(3)镇压;(4)沟垄的走向。以此为当地的耕种工程设计提供了依据。一般认为土壤斥性严重影响产量,但采用沟种后,表层的斥水土壤形成的不透不的垄能促进雨水渗入沟中,又能阻止水分的蒸发,降低沟中的温度,有利于种子发育出苗,从而使不利因素变化成有利条件。  相似文献   

江苏省沿海地区盐渍土发生过程及盐渍特性的转化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
冷福田  赵守仁 《土壤学报》1957,5(3):195-205
本文简要地说明了江苏省沿海地区盐渍土壤的自然发生过程及盐渍特性转化的规律,文中主要论点,可初步归纳如下:1、本区域的土壤,发育于盐渍性的冲积母质,土层中富含以氯化钠为主的可溶性盐类,并呈一定的“碱性”。土壤碱性表现在两方面:一方面是土壤胶体表面存在有较多的吸附性钠,另方面表现在本身具有较高的pH 值。2、在自然发生过程中,土壤盐渍性为地质过程遗留的影响;随受自然降水淋盐,河沟排水排盐及生物作用的影响,开始“脱盐、脱碱”和肥力积累过程,发育成为本区内现存的各种不同盐渍程度的土壤。3、随着土壤脱盐作用的进行,土壤盐渍的组成在变化;主要是可溶性盐阴离子中钠离子的含量淋失较速,最后降低了土壤溶液中Na~+/Ca~(++)比率。由于这种盐渍组成的改变,土壤胶体上吸收性Na~+也相应的降低,从而导致土壤的脱碱作用。因此本区土壤的脱盐不致引起土壤碱化。4、在自然发生过程中,本区域盐渍土的脱盐过程,一直是在潜水位较高的情况下进行的。在脱盐过程中,潜水位经常在临界水位以内,为本区自然脱盐过程中,最大特点;潜水动能和土壤的脱盐过程,存在着许多内在的联系。在一定地区内,一定盐渍程度、盐渍特性的土壤,则常有和其相适应的矿化潜水类型。...  相似文献   

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