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浅谈西北地区蜜源基地的建设与保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹九明 《蜜蜂杂志》2004,(10):31-32
蜜源植物是发展养蜂生产的物质基础,直接影响着蜜蜂的生活,决定着蜂群的繁殖、生产、群势消长和管理技术措施的运用。多年来,我国广大养蜂工作者在对现有蜜源资源开发利用的基础上,不断深入研究,根据各地不同的气候特点、植被情况、主要蜜源植物的种类和分布、养蜂生产利用价值、农业生产耕作方式、种植结构变化规律,以及区域生态建设、环境治理等进行蜜源基地建设和保护,使蜜源条件得到改善,促进了养蜂生产的发展。但蜜源植物的自然分布、开花期、种类、数量以及主要蜜源和辅助蜜源、蜜源和粉源植物的搭配与养蜂生产的需要总有不相适应的问…  相似文献   

正一、甘肃蜜源植物种类与分布甘肃地处祖国西北要冲,南去青海、北上宁夏、西进新疆、东返陕西之便,历来为转地放蜂必经之地;加之甘肃地域辽阔,地形复杂,气候温和,资源丰富,又为全国蜜源较好的地区之一。研究甘肃蜜源植物的种类、分布、生态环境以及开花泌蜜规律是发展养蜂生产基础和前提。根据1982~1985年甘肃省养蜂研究所"甘肃主要蜜源植物的调查及其开花泌蜜规律的观察与  相似文献   

云南中部和东北部地形气候复杂,植物种类繁多。四季百花争艳,蜜源不断。为发展养蜂生产提供了很好的物质基础。我校养蜂专业实习蜂场,坚持教学、生产、科研三结合,在该地区进行了蜜源植物调查。采集了100余种蜜源植物标本,并对重要蜜源植物的泌蜜情况进行探索。现按主要蜜源植物  相似文献   

郭业寨 《中国蜂业》2005,56(3):36-36
蜜粉源是蜜蜂采集、生存的基础,是养蜂最基本、最重要的条件.一个地区能不能养蜂,能养多少蜂?采取何种方式饲养?这些问题归根结底要依蜜源而定.所以,在一个地区发展养蜂生产时,必须要调查和掌握该地区发展养蜂生产情况,才能把养蜂生产建立在可靠的基础上,适时和合理地利用各种蜜源植物,最大量地获得蜂蜜、王浆、花粉等多种蜂产品,使养蜂生产取得较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

1 前言能供蜜蜂采集花蜜 ,花粉的植物为蜜源植物。只能为蜜蜂提供或兼有少量花蜜的显花植物 ,如玉米、芒、水稻、蚕豆、猕猴桃等 ,又可称为粉源植物。除蜂群自用外 ,还有多余 ,能取到商品蜜的蜜源植物 ,叫主要蜜源植物 ,否则叫辅助蜜源植物。要发展养蜂生产 ,就一定有蜜源植物和蜜源基地 ,它是养蜂的物质基础 ,蜜源植物的好坏 ,是发展养蜂的重要前提。2 主要蜜源植物简介 :全国部分主要蜜源植物 :2 .1油菜 :有的叫芸苔 ,菜籽。是一年生或二年生草本植物 ,属十字花科 ,是重要油料作物。品种很多 ,一般分本地油菜、胜利油菜和辣油菜。蜜粉多…  相似文献   

我国西部地区土地辽阔 ,资源丰富 ,在党和政府的领导下 ,全国许多行业都展开了对西部地区的大开发 ,我国的养蜂业也应跟上形势 ,积极投入对西部的大开发 ,发展养蜂生产 ,为国家创造财富 ,为人民增加收入。蜜源是发展养蜂生产的物质基础 ,我国西部地区的蜜源条件怎样呢 ?能否进一步发展养蜂生产呢 ?根据笔者的调查和有关资料介绍 ,我国西部地区的蜜源资源非常丰富 ,不仅蜜源植物的种类多 ,分布广 ,面积大 ,而且有多种是可生产商品蜜的主要蜜源。另外 ,我国西部地区晴朗天气多 ,阳光充足 ,昼夜温差大 ,蜜源植物的泌蜜量大 ,蜂群的群均产蜜量高…  相似文献   

蜜源植物是养蜂生产的物质基础,蜜源植物的鉴定、调查是养蜂学中一个重要分支。过去蜜源植物调查多侧重于蜜源植物的种类,而往往忽略了数量的调查,尤其是对野生蜜源植物的调查。为此,我们开展了蜜源植物丰富度评价体系的初步研究,提出了调查取样方法,评价的主要指标以及评价体系的建立,并利用这套体系对贵州省3个蜜源植物丰富度、蜂群数量、养蜂生产发展水平明显不同的地区进行评价。测评结果与实际情况高度吻合。利用这套测评体系,可以为各地养蜂生产制定发展规划、确定规模、安排布局、制定有针对性的饲养管理模式、设计转地放蜂路线,提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

2003年《蜜蜂杂志》第6,7,9期发表了孙哲贤、葛凤晨等同志的文章———《种植蜜源植物发展养蜂业的探讨》,读后感触极深,我认为这是一篇关心中国养蜂事业,具有远见卓识的好文章。蜜源植物是养蜂生产的物质基础,是决定蜂群发展快慢、产量高低和养蜂成败的主要因素。因此,发展蜜源植物,保护蜜源资源,加强对蜜源植物的研究,普及蜜源植物知识,是当前发展养蜂生产的一项重要工作。我国土地辽阔,植物种类繁多,适于蜜蜂繁衍生息和生产商品蜜的自然环境具有区域性差异。我国养蜂人采取追花采蜜的生产方式,充分利用蜜蜂资源和蜜粉植物资源,从而取得可…  相似文献   

陕西延川县土地辽阔,蜜源植物丰富,但由于养蜂数量少,蜜源资源得不到充分利用。近年来,由于国家在中西部地区实施多项生态建设项目,如“退耕还林工程”、“天然林保护工程”等,提高了植被覆盖率,扩大了蜜源植物面积,在这些贫困地区发展养蜂业,不仅能吸纳富余劳动力,而且能确保生态可持续发展。现就延川县如何发展养蜂事业谈以下看法:  相似文献   

引言众所周知蜜粉源植物是养蜂生产的物质基础。一个地区能不能养蜂?能养多少蜂?采取哪种方式饲养?这些问题归根到底是蜜源问题。因此,在规划一个地区发展养蜂生产时,必须首先要调查和掌握该地区的蜜粉源植物的数量、种类、花期、分布等情况,才  相似文献   

Serum samples from 2,539 cattle, 649 sheep, 123 goats, 413 pigs, 93 bison, and 56 elk from Montana were examined for antibody to Toxoplasma gondii in the Sabin-Feldman dye test or the modified agglutination test (MAT). Cattle, bison, and elk serum samples were treated with 0.2 M-mercaptoethanol before examination in MAT. In the dye test, 13.2% of sheep, 5.0% of pigs, and 22.7% of goats had antibody at a dilution of greater than or equal to 1:16. In the MAT, 3.2% of cattle, 3.1% of bison, and none of the elk were positive at a dilution of greater than or equal to 1:128.  相似文献   

Sun M  Zhuo W  Guo S  Liao S  Shi D  Liu J  Cheng Z  Liu Y  Niu X  Wang S  Yang D 《Veterinary parasitology》2012,185(2-4):225-228
The present study conducts a serological survey on the presence of canine dirofilariosis in domestic dogs using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. A total of 310 household dogs (166 females and 144 males) in Chongqing, Kunming, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Nanning in Southern China were examined. Of the 310 dogs, 42 (13.5%) were seropositive for dirofilariosis. No statistically significant difference was observed in terms of sex in the seroprevalence of dirofilariosis using the ELISA kit. The positive rates for dirofilariosis were 6.6% in the 0-1-year-old group, 13.8% in the 1-4-year-old group, and 21.6% in the less than 4-year-old group. The statistical analysis revealed that significant differences were observed in the 1-4-year-old group (P=0.037, OR=0.441, 95% CI=0.170-1.144) and less than 4-year-old group (P<0.001, OR=0.256, 95% CI=0.095-0.693). In the regional comparison, the shoreline city Shenzhen (18.8%) had a significantly higher prevalence than urban and mountain areas (P<0.05, OR=0.310, 95% CI=0.066-1.445). In conclusion, Dirofilaria immitis infection in domestic dogs was present in Chongqing, Kunming, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Nanning. Therefore, heartworm treatment and/or chemoprophylaxis for the captured domestic dogs are necessary in these areas. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first using serological methods to examine D. immitis infection in domestic dogs in Mainland China in the recent years.  相似文献   

Six Standardbred (STB) mares (11+/-2 years, 521+/-77 kg; means+/-SD) performed an exercise trial (EX) where they underwent an incremental exercise test (GXT) as well as a parallel control trial (CON) to test the hypothesis that short-term, high intensity exercise would alter plasma concentrations of glucose, leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin, insulin and cortisol. Plasma samples were taken before (0 min), during (last 10s at 6, 8m/s, and the velocity eliciting VO(2max)), and after exercise (2, 10, 30, 60 min; 12 and 24h post-GXT). A second set of blood samples was collected before and after an afternoon meal given at 1515 h (at 1500, 1514, 1530, and 1545 h). Data were analyzed using ANOVA for repeated measures and Tukey's test. During the GXT, there were no changes (P>0.05) in the plasma concentrations of glucose, leptin, adiponectin or ghrelin. However, there was a 29% increase (P<0.05) in mean plasma cortisol concentration and a 35% decrease (P<0.05) in mean plasma insulin concentration. Substantial increases (P<0.05) in the mean plasma concentrations of glucose and cortisol of 36% and 102%, respectively, were seen in the EX trial during the first 60 min post-GXT. Plasma leptin concentration, measured at the 24h post-GXT time point, was 20% lower (P<0.05) during the EX trial compared with the parallel time point in the standing control (CON) trial. Plasma ghrelin concentration was 37% lower (P<0.05) in the EX trial compared with CON before and after the afternoon meal, but was 43% higher (P<0.05) 12h post-GXT. There were no differences between EX and CON for plasma concentrations of insulin or adiponectin during recovery. It was concluded that short-term high intensity exercise alters plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations in STB mares post-exercise, which may signal the exercised animals to alter energy intake.  相似文献   

Six insulin-sensitive and 6 insulin-insensitive mares were used in a replicated 3 by 3 Latin square design to determine the pituitary hormonal responses (compared with vehicle) to sulpiride and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 2 compounds commonly used to diagnose pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) in horses. Mares were classified as insulin sensitive or insensitive by their previous glucose responses to direct injection of human recombinant insulin. Treatment days were February 25, 2012, and March 10 and 24, 2012. Treatments were sulpiride (racemic mixture, 0.01 mg/kg BW), TRH (0.002 mg/kg BW), and vehicle (saline, 0.01 mL/kg BW) administered intravenously. Blood samples were collected via jugular catheters at −10, 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min relative to treatment injection. Plasma ACTH concentrations were variable and were not affected by treatment or insulin sensitivity category. Plasma melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) concentrations responded (P < 0.01) to both sulpiride and TRH injection and were greater (P < 0.05) in insulin-insensitive mares than in sensitive mares. Plasma prolactin concentrations responded (P < 0.01) to both sulpiride and TRH injection, and the response was greater (P < 0.05) for sulpiride; no effect of insulin sensitivity was observed. Plasma thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations responded (P < 0.01) to TRH injection only and were higher (P < 0.05) in insulin-sensitive mares in almost all time periods. Plasma LH and FSH concentrations varied with time (P < 0.05), particularly in the first week of the experiment, but were not affected by treatment or insulin sensitivity category. Plasma GH concentrations were affected (P < 0.05) only by day of treatment. The greater MSH responses to sulpiride and TRH in insulin-insensitive mares were similar to, but not as exaggerated as, those observed by others for PPID horses. In addition, the reduced TSH concentrations in insulin-insensitive mares are consistent with our previous observation of elevated plasma triiodothyronine concentrations in hyperleptinemic horses (later shown to be insulin insensitive as well).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate in 20 healthy pigs the practicability of the oesophagogastroduodenoscopic examination technique in regard to equipment, method of examination, indications and its suitability as a diagnostical tool for the assessment of the oesophagus, stomach and upper duodenum in one procedure. Preparation of the patient for endoscopy, the procedure of the endoscopic examination as well as the topographical findings of the upper intestinal tract including the duodenum until the flexura duodenojejunalis are described. Flexible oesophagogastroduodenoscopy is a suitable method for the observation and natural visualisation of mucosal surfaces and for the digital documentation of peristaltic movements. The procedure is easy to perform in anaesthetized animals, is in most cases completed within 15 min, and can be repeated in the same animal. Indications of this interesting diagnostic imaging technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Inflammation of the bile ducts is common in cats. This review article reports on what is currently known about the various types of cholangitis (i.e., cholangitis caused by liver flukes, neutrophilic cholangitis, and lymphocytic cholangitis). Treatment is available for cholangitis caused by liver flukes and for neutrophilic cholangitis, and the prognosis is good. However, the cause of lymphocytic cholangitis is not known and there is currently no evidence-based therapy. Several causes are mentioned in the literature, but more research is needed in order to establish the cause of this disease and to develop an appropriate therapy.  相似文献   

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