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内蒙古免渡河林业局森林资源现状及质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对免渡河林业局森林资源现状及质量进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

免渡河林业局森林资源发展变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章叙述了免渡河林业局森林资源现状,并对1996年和2010年二类调查数据进行对比分析,对林业建设成效进行评价。  相似文献   

文章阐述了免渡河林业局自1996年开展森林资源二类调查以来森林资源的变化情况,依据森林资源状况,提出森林资源可持续经营的对策。  相似文献   

建立健全天保工程区森林资源管护长效机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施天保工程的最终目的,就是使新疆的天然林资源休养生息,最大限度地增加林木蓄积,扩大森林面积,改善林分结构,保护物种多样性。发挥森林涵养水源,调节气候,保持水土,维护陆地生态平衡的效益,为新疆的经济社会可持续发展提供生态保障。1998年试点、2000年正式启动的天然林资源保护工程,在新疆29个工程区实施。经过不断的探索和努力,已经取得了一定成绩,继木材减产、富余人员一次性安置、减免森工贷款负债、实施分山头地块责任到人的管护责任制等措施之后,又决定自2005年起,全面停止天然林木材生产,并落实了停伐补助,使“坚持生态效益第一”…  相似文献   

护林员是天保工程区资源管护的重要力量,他们的工作开展情况不仅关系到森林资源的安全,而且还关系到天保工程的成败。 《森林法》第十九条明确规  相似文献   

文章通过对内蒙古大兴安岭森林资源分类 ,多资源的再认识 ,把资源分类和天然林保护工程紧密结合起来 ,实现森林资源的永续利用  相似文献   

天然林保护工程实施以来,为全面加强我区天保工程区天然林资源的保护,维护生态环境和确保生态安全,在国家林业局的支持和指导下,我区各工程实施单位按照《天保工程实施》实施的要求,落实了工程区内的森林资源管护责任制,调减了木材采伐任务,并于2005年全面停止了天然林的商品采伐。随着工程建设的深入,林区内森林资源得到了有效的保护,生态建设呈现出良好的发展趋势。为保证天保工程健康、持续推  相似文献   

根据1996年免渡河林业局森林资源规划设计调查成果,就全局人工林资源和林分质量作了简单的分析和评价,对如何发展人工林,搞好更新造林工作提出建议。  相似文献   

根据1996年免渡河林业局森林资源规划设计调查成果,就全局人工林资源和林分质量作了简单的分析和评价,对如何发展人工林,搞好更新造林工作提出建议。  相似文献   

贵州天保工程区森林生态效益初步评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据贵州天保工程效益监测数据和森林资源二调数据,利用影子价格法、影子工程法对贵州天保工程区620.7万hm2森林生态效益进行评价。结果显示,2000~2006年间贵州天保工程区森林生态系统在涵养水源、水土保持、净化环境、固碳释氧、森林旅游等五方面所产生的生态效益总价值为1,4230.39亿元,年平均创造价值2,032.91亿元;从森林生态系统各项服务功能所占比重看,固碳释氧、涵养水源、水土保持、净化环境、森林旅游所产生的价值分别占森林生态效益总价值的51.31%、20.97%、17.29%、10.32%和0.02%。  相似文献   

In the recent 20 years, it is a trend that forest will be distributed to villagers to manage in the world. Also in China, “forestry three determinations” has been carried out since 1980, and many new forestry devolutions have been put forward to and come into being. To face the fact of overusing up natural forest to result in the deterioration of ecology environment, the strategy of natural forest protection project (NFPP) is raised after the heavy flood in 1998. Now, it is paid close attention to systematically study to carry out the strategies of NFPP in collective forest area, especially in the community of minority nationalities. Based on the case of forest resource management in Datu Miao Village, the experience of its forest management in the past is analyzed and the strategies of NFPP in collective forest area are put forward. Foundation item: This project is a part of research project “forest devolution management of IFAD/CIFOR” Biography: L{upuo} Ming-can (1961-), maie, associate professor, vice director of post-graduate school of Southwest Forestry College, Kunming 650224, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

保证森林采伐与天保工程有机的统一.首先要提高采伐与天保工程统一性的认识;然后要合理采伐.大力培育速生护林;其次要处理好当前与长远的关系。  相似文献   

本文提出了森工企业实施"天保工程"的几个重要环节即实行森林分类经营、森工企业经营方式转向、职工转岗分流、强化资源及林地管理.  相似文献   

太行山区天然次生林碳储量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太行山区天然次生林的碳储量进行了估算。结果表明:太行山区天然次生林的年净固碳量为27.62 ×105t,碳储量为361.45×105 t,这些碳折合固定CO2量1325.32×105t,同时放出O2为262.87×105 t。由此可见,太行山天然次生林在维持大气中O2和CO2平衡、调节气候、净化空气等方面起着相当重要的作用。  相似文献   

论林业分类经营与森林生态保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论述了林业分类经营的含义及必要性。阐述了林业分类经营与森林生态保护的关系及实施林业分类经营应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Ecological footprint (EF) is one of the most important indicators in assessing the status and capacity of sustainable development. In this paper, the EF of Yanbian forest region, Jilin Province, Northeast China, was calculated and analyzed by statistical yearbooks and forest yearbooks from 1996 to 2002. Results showed that the EF per capita decreased, ecological carrying capacity (ECC) per capita almost kept a static status, and ecological surplus per capita increased year after year. The EF per 10 thousand Yuan GDP per capita in Yanbian decreased from 1996 to 2002. This trend was similar to that in western China, and distinctly higher than that in eastern China. The forest EF per capita kept a steady status, while the forest production footprint (FPF) and forest export footprint (FEF) decreased. Comparing the two years before and after the implementation of Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) with the five years, the mean va1ue of FPF and FEF reduced by 0.341 (46.32%) and 0.327 hm2 per capita (54.94%), respectively. In conclusion, the regional and forest development in Yanbian was sustainable, and the implementation of NFPP was favorable to improving sustainable development of forest region. However, the sustainability capacity was still lower than those in forest developed countries. Therefore, it is very necessary to improve forest productivity, resource use efficiency and management of forest ecosystems scientifically. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2006, 25(2): 129–134 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

以牡丹江森工林区为例,论述了林区森林资源可持续发展的战略目标,提出可操作性的经营模式。  相似文献   

森林分类经营是对森林使用价值的一次重新认识,是对森林生态效益、社会效益、经济效益三者位置的重新界定。是实施天然林保护工程的基本依据  相似文献   

A goal of a National Forest Inventory (NFI) is the provision of information which is relevant and required for national level decision making and monitoring in forestry, but also for related sectors.

This paper presents and discusses a pilot study from Costa Rica where in 2000/2001 a low intensity sampling approach was used to generate national level forestry information. On a 15 km × 15 km grid air photo plots were interpreted for forest and land cover type. Readily available 1997 aerial photographs were used that were, however, only available for about 70% of the country: of the 228 grid points for the whole country only 159 could be aerial photo interpreted. Out of the 15 km × 15 km base grid of sample points, a 2 × 3 subset was selected for field assessment, resulting in a sample of 40 cluster plots, each comprising of four elongated rectangular sub-plots of 150 m × 20 m located on the perimeter of a square of 500 m side length.

Two novel components were integrated into the inventory: (1) the field plots were established on all lands, so that the tree resource was not only tallied inside forests but also on all other tree-bearing lands outside forests. (2) In addition to the biophysical information gathered on the traditional field plots, interviews were carried out with forest owners on the site of the field plots, in order to obtain data on the use of the forest resource.

Field work was carried out by 6 field crews and took altogether about 3 months. Results were generated from the field samples for the entire country. Aerial photo based area estimates were compared to the corresponding estimations from field sampling for the same area. According to the field sampling the forest cover for Costa Rica in 2001 is estimated to be 48.4% (simple standard error percent 9.3%). An estimated 8.2% of the total volume (dbh > 30 cm, all species) is outside forest.

This inventory took place with support from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in the framework of FAO–Forest Resources Assessment's (FRA) Program Support to National Forest Assessments; it was carried out jointly by Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC), the Costa Rican authority responsible for forestry issues, and Centro Agronómico de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), an international agricultural research center. Experiences of the study were subsequently used to implement similar inventories in three more countries (Guatemala, Cameroon, The Philippines).  相似文献   

针对目前黑龙江省国有森林资源的特点 ,指出资源管理存在的问题 ,并提出几点建议。  相似文献   

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