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The allelopathic influence of aqueous extracts of Thymus kotschyanus on Bromus tomentellus and Trifolium repens germination (%), germination speed, and seedling growth (length, fresh and dry weight) was examined. It was noted that aqueous extracts had a considerable inhibitory effect on target plant germination, and the effect at 50%, 75%, and 100% concentration was found to be significantly higher than that at lower concentrations (5% and 25%) and control treatment (distilled water). Seedling length in addition to fresh and dry weights was also reduced significantly over control. The inhibitory effect was increased as the extract concentration was increased. B. tomentellus showed a higher sensitivity against T. kotschyanus in allelopathic effects compared to T. repens, which indicates that B. tomentellus planted in rangelands with leaf litter of T. kotschyanus will be adversely affected in terms of its germination, growth, and ultimately low forage production.  相似文献   

Introduction of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrical (L.) Verdc.) in the Lower Volga region is the possibility of using this culture for agricultural production, fodder production, and expanded range of food products. Selection for earliness in the model population of cowpea should be accompanied by the identification of genotypes with high intensity of biomass accumulation in the shoots-flowering interphase period.  相似文献   

The objectives of our present study were to isolate antagonistic Streptomyces from tomato rhizosphere, and evaluate the potential strain for the biological control of bacterial canker of tomato. One hundred and seventy strains of isolated from tomato rhizosphere were tested for antibiosis activity against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on double-layer agar. Sixty-three isolates showed antibiosis activity with diameter of an inhibition zone ranging from 1.0–6.5 cm. Fifteen Streptomyces strains had strong antibiosis activity against C. m. subsp. michiganensis with diameter of the inhibition zone above 4.0 cm on double-layer agar. Especially, the strain named Z-L-22 showed the strongest antibiosis activity with 6.5 cm inhibition zone. The fermentation filtrate also showed a high inhibition activity against Gram-positive bacteria such as Streptomyces scabies, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis. Morphological, physiological and biochemical tests combined with 16S rDNA sequence analysis were carried out to identify the strain Z-L-22. Characteristics of the Z-L-22 were similar to those of Streptomyces setonii, and the 16S rDNA sequence showed 99.4% homology to S. setonii. Based on the polyphase taxonomic views, the Z-L-22 was identified as S. setonii.  相似文献   

In this study, three species of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus osturatus, P. eryngii and P. cornucopia) were crossed together in order to aggregate benefit special attributes to the genotype (s). The monokaryon of each of these species was prepared. Then, the monokaryons of two species were placed at 5 mm distance from each other to produce dikaryon. The results showed that, from among 700 crosses, only the crosses of eryngii and osturatus monokaryons were grown toward each other and produced clamps (dikaryons). Four produced hybrids were noted H1, H32, H11 and H40. The spans of produced hybrids were prepared; then, they were grown into sterile media and attributions of hybrids were studied. The results indicated that H11 hybrid was an appropriate hybrid in terms of the number of days until growing, number of days until the observation of the first pin and the days from planting to harvest. However, H40 was the best hybrid based on cap diameter, dry and fresh weight of fruit body, yield and biomass. It is expected that these interspecific hybrids employ for future oyster mushroom breeding programs.  相似文献   

RUS1 was one of the disease resistance gene analogs obtained from Setaria italica Beauv. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis result showed that RUS1 gene could be induced by Uromyces setariae-italicae and had relation to the resistance response of Setaria italica Beauv. against Uromyces setariae-italicae infection. Promoter sequence of RUS1 was obtained by the method of Genome Walking, and its length was 675 bp. RUS1 promoter and pCAMBIA1300 vector were fused to construct RUS1::GUS vector. GUS histochemical staining result showed that promoter could activate gene expression. RUS1 gene (including the promoter sequence) was obtained through PCR amplification and then fused with pCAMBIA1300 vector to construct pCAMBIA1300:RUS1 plant expressing vector. The research laid a foundation for gene functional identification of RUS1.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of investigation of the variability of biochemical parameters of seeds and green beans of vegetable cowpea accessions (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis (L.) Verdc.) introduced for use in breeding. Variations of biochemical parameters of seed quality and green beans (such as protein, fat, ash content, fiber, NFES) were established. New data on the fractional composition of proteins (albumins, globulins, prolamins, glutelins) from seeds and green beans were obtained. These data are of great importance for the evaluation of the starting material and the formation of a breeding program and the selection of rational strategies of individual selection from the source populations.  相似文献   

By means of DNA markers of potato golden nematode resistance genes H1 and Gro1, 109 Russian- and foreign-bred potato varieties are assessed. A sufficiently high level of coincidence of the presence of marker alleles with phenotypic resistance of potato varieties is revealed. However, not all resistant forms have specific amplification products. The use of DNA markers of only two genes H1 and Gro1 will not make it possible to completely replace mass laboratory testing, but it will make it possible to select potato forms resistant to this parasite by a simple and reliable method in a shorter time and thereby to considerably reduce the number of genotypes in the sample for further breeding.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study effects of GH and DGAT1 gene polymorphisms on feeding qualities of Hereford and Limousin bull calves bred in conditions of the Cis-Ural steppe zone. SNPs of genes GH and DGAT1 are investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The studied population of animals was assessed by defining the allele frequency and animal genotype occurrence for the studied gene SNPs, indicators of the actual and expected heterozygosity, and Pearson’s test. A study of polymorphism C214G of gene GH revealed that genotype LL prevails in Hereford and Limousin animals, 47.37 and 57.7%, respectively, while frequency of allele L is higher in Limousin bull calves (0.731). A study of polymorphism K232A of gene DGAT1 gene in both the populations showed absence of genotypes AA, which can be related to the low number of the studied animals. Expected heterozygosity indicators of gene GH are higher than the observed ones, and the observed heterozygosity is higher for DGAT1. The number of efficient alleles for the studied genes is higher for Hereford bull calves. In general, according to Pearson’s test, both the studied populations are in equilibrium. There is a significant effect of GH gene polymorphism on live weight gain rates at the end of sagination and total and average daily weight gains during animal raising.  相似文献   

The results are obtained by simultaneous diagnostics of mutant CV- and BL-alleles. Five groups of animals–carriers and noncarriers of mutations are identified. In Russia the mutant CV-alleles are met more frequently because of the intensive use of their carriers. While elimination of BL-allele was started earlier due to developed methods, the diagnostics of CV-mutations has been undertaken later. Propagation of missense-mutations in the world and the Russian Federation has been occurring through the breeding bulls and cows–carriers. Initially spermobanks and, afterwards, cows were reserves for the diagnosed BLand CV-mutations.  相似文献   

Introduction of the FeSOD gene enhanced the stability of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants to the action of oxidative stress caused by UV irradiation. The expression of Arabidopsis thaliana FeSOD gene, targeting the enzyme in chloroplasts due to a signal sequence, leaded to significant changes in ultrastructure of cell subcompartments of tobacco and tomato leaves. The activity of superoxide dismutase in leaves of transgenic tomato plants exceeded the value of activity of this enzyme of control plants. Transgenic tobacco plants showed increasing in SOD activity compared with control non-transgenic tobacco. The activity of AP in the leaves of transgenic tobacco and tomato plants was similar with that of control non-transgenic plants, but activity of one accession of transgenic tomato, which is also characterized by high values of SOD activity, exceeded the value of control plant. Differences in ultrastructural organization of chloroplasts in the cells of transgenic and control tobacco and tomato plants have been manifested in a strong enlargement in the size of plastoglobuli. These distinctions were evident especially in the cells of the leaf parenchyma of transgenic tomato as well as transgenic tobacco. Also, a quantity of starch grains in the plastids of guard cells was increased. Chloroplasts in the cells of leaf parenchyma in transgenic plants contained less a starch grains than in wild-type plants.  相似文献   

In this study growth and yield response of wheat crop to phosphobacterium inoculum was observed under sandy loam conditions. The investigations were carried out at field experiment. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design. The treatments were; 120-0-0 NPK kg/ha−1 (T 1), 120-50-0 kg/ha−1 (T 2), 120-100-0 NPK kg/ha−1 (T 3), T 1 + Phosphobacterium inoculum (T 4), T 2 + Phosphobacterium inoculum (T 5) and T 3 + Phosphobacterium inoculum (T 6).The results showed that bacterial strain (Pseudomonas spp.) was able to effect on yield and its attributes in wheat crop. The crop showed significant positive results. The inoculation significantly stimulates the germination count (m−2), number of tillers and spikes (m−2), 1000 grains weight (g) and grain yield (kg/ha−1). We suggest that application of 120-100-0 kg/ha−1 NPK along with coating of seed with phosphobacterium (Pseudomonas spp.) all the way through inoculation is a better practice to reduce the exploit of phosphatic fertilizers which are much costly.  相似文献   

The ionic composition of the of the intracellular content of the alcohol yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae R. 1039 biomass was studied for confirmation of their use perspectiveness as a mediator to enable the management the mineral content of food in the manufacture of food and feed additives. The ionic composition of the obtained extracts were identified using the method of capillary electrophoresis. It is found that the quantitative ion content in the cell extracts depends on the concentration of the nutrient medium. When the yeast S. cerevisiae R. 1039 was cultivated on the medium with the soluble solids concentration of 30%, the intracellular ion content in the extracts was 1.3 times higher than when the yeast was cultivated on 12% wort by increasing the concentration of chlorides, sulfates, formates, potassium ions, and calcium. The yield of the yeast S. cerevisiae R. 1039 biomass increased 1.6 times per unit of volume of the medium with increase of the soluble solids concentrations from 12% to 30%.  相似文献   

The response of wheat varieties and breeding lines to vernalization and photoperiod in pot experiments is studied and tested by means of allele-specific markers for genes Ppd and Vrn. These markers effectively predict the degree of photoperiod sensitivity of plants to vernalization, which attests to the expediency of using them in breeding practice.  相似文献   

The results of studying the spread of Listeria in nature, among environmental objects, wild ungulates, and hydrobionts are given. Both pathogenic and nonpathogenic Listeria species circulate in the territories of the Tver and Kaluga oblasts.  相似文献   

The prevalence of viruses in honeysuckle plants depends on the location of the plantation and the variety composition. TBRV virus had the maximal prevalence (28–60%) in most blue-berried honeysuckle stands. Prevalence of the ArMV virus ranged from 0 to 26%, that of the RpRSV virus ranged from 6 to 17%, and that of the SLRSV virus ranged from 7 to 25%. Most varieties of honeysuckle (67%) were infected with a complex of viruses, whereas no viruses were detected in certain varieties. The varieties produced at the Lisavenko Research Institute for Selection and Seedage had a higher degree of viral infection than those produced at the All-Russia Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Breeding. The viruses found in blue-berried honeysuckle plants were mostly in the latent form, but green leaf mottle and interstitial chlorosis were observed on individual bushes from a number of varieties. A tendency for virus infection accumulation with the extension of plant life was observed. TBRV and SLRSV transmission through seeds was registered, which is indicative of the need for improvement of the hybrid forms involved in the breeding process. The duration of dry air thermotherapy of honeysuckle plants should not exceed 30–45 days. Combined use of thermotherapy and meristem culture provided for an 80% yield of healthy plants.  相似文献   

Previous work in the agri-food tradition has framed food auditing as a novelty characteristic of a shift to neoliberal governance in agri-food systems and has tackled the analysis of food “quality” in the same light. This article argues that agri-food scholars’ recent interest in the contested qualities of food needs to be situated alongside a much longer history of contested cultural attributions of trust in food relations. It builds on an earlier discussion suggesting that, although neoliberalism has undoubtedly opened up new spaces for audit activity, older political and social dynamics operating around food audits were established long before the neoliberal historical moment. Breaking new ground (as far as is known) by looking further back than the early history of the organic social movement, it examines intersections of religious food auditing, migrant food culture, and commercial dynamics in food systems. Based on secondary sources, two contrasting case studies are presented to illustrate the flux and complexity for: New World Diaspora migrants to New York City of assuring food was kosher; and more recent Maghrebi migrants to southwest France of assuring food is halal. The article concludes by noting that the neoliberal moment stands not as the unique progenitor of a new style of food authority, but rather as the latest response to a wider rupture in the historically contingent arbitration of new forms of trust in food.  相似文献   

It is shown that constitutive hyperexpression of new hevein-like peptides from the weed plant chickweed (Stellaria media)in mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants leads to a substantial increase of their resistance to phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea and Bipolaris sorokiniana. Thus, common chickweed peptides can play a definite role in protecting this weed plant and be useful as a new genetic tool for producing plants resistant to fungal diseases.  相似文献   

Examination of seed germination rate is of great importance for growers early in the season to determine the necessity for replanting their fields. The objective of this study was to explore the potential of using unmanned aircraft system (UAS)-based visible-band images to monitor and quantify the cotton germination process. A light-weight UAS platform was used, which carried a consumer-grade red, green, and blue camera stabilized by a built-in gimbal system. In order to obtain ultrahigh image resolution during the germination stage, the UAS platform was flown at an altitude of approximately 15–20 m above ground. By applying the structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithm, the images were rectified and orthographically mosaicked with a ground sampling distance of approximately 6–9 mm/pixel. A novel solution was then developed for calculating the average plant size and the number of germinated cotton plants according to the leaf polygons extracted from the orthomosaic images. By using the estimated number of germinated cotton plants, the plant density and the cumulative germination rate can also be estimated in a straightforward manner using field-specific parameters. An assessment of the proposed solution was conducted by comparing the estimated number of the germinated cotton plants against ground observation data collected from six cotton row segments. The results demonstrated that the average estimation accuracy achieved 88.6% in terms of identifying the number of the germinated cotton plants. The accuracy may be further improved if images with near infrared band are employed.  相似文献   

Till date, the remote sensing research on crop nutrient monitoring has focused mainly on biomass and nitrogen (N) estimation and only a few attempts had been made to characterize and monitor macronutrients other than N. Field experiments were undertaken to study the remote detection of macronutrient status of rice using hyperspectral remote sensing. The variability in soil available N, phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) and their content in plants were created using artificial fertility gradient design. The leaf and canopy hyperspectral reflectance was captured from variable macronutrient status vegetation. Linear correlation analysis between the spectral reflectance and plant nutrient status revealed significantly (p < 0.05) higher correlation coefficient at 670, 700, 730, 1090, 1260, 1460 nm for the nutrient under study. Published and proposed vegetation indices (VIs) were tested for canopy N, P and S prediction. The results of the investigation revealed that, published VIs (NDVI hyper and NDVI broadbands) could retrieve canopy N with higher accuracy, but not P and S. The predictability of the visible and short wave infrared based VI NRI1510 ((R1510 ? R660)/(R1510 + R660)) was the highest (r = 0.81, p < 0.01) for predicting N. Based on the outcomes of linear correlation analysis new VIs were proposed for remote detection of P and S. Proposed VI P_670_1260 ((R1260 ? R670)/(R1260 + R670)) retrieved canopy P status with higher prediction accuracy (r = 0.67, p < 0.01), whereas significantly higher canopy S prediction (r = 0.58, p < 0.01) was obtained using VI S_670_1090 ((R1090 ? R670)/(R1090 + R670)). The proposed spectral algorithms could be used for real time and site-specific N, P and S management in rice. Nutrient specific wavelengths, identified in the present investigation, could be used for developing relatively low-cost sensors of hand-held instruments to monitor N, P and S status of rice plant.  相似文献   

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