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The incidence of hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles (HAFs) is approximately 5% and 20% of estrous cycles during the early and late ovulatory season, respectively. The structures are more common in old mares (eg, >20 years), tend to occur repeatedly in individuals, and occur most frequently during the late follicular phase. In a recent study, the day of ovulation in controls and the first day of HAF formation, as indicated by cloudiness of follicular fluid, were defined as day 0. On day -1, future ovulating and HAF groups did not differ in follicle diameter or in the frequency of discrete gray-scale ultrasonic indicators of impending ovulation; however, in future HAFs, a greater percentage of the circumference of the follicle exhibited color-Doppler signals of blood flow. No differences were found between the two groups in systemic concentrations of progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) on days -4 to 2, but estradiol was elevated in the HAF group on day -3. The wall of the HAFs developed well-vascularized luteal tissue as indicated by echotexture and color Doppler signals and by the production of near normal levels of progesterone. In conclusion, HAFs formed from viable preovulatory follicles that did not differ from ovulatory follicles in diameter or gray-scale echotexture. Estradiol concentrations were elevated a few days before the failure of ovulation, and the wall of the follicle was more extensively vascularized on day -1.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine whether treatment with varying doses of recombinant equine follicle stimulating hormone (reFSH) stimulates the development of multiple follicles and ovulations and increases the number of embryos recovered in the mare. Therefore, because reFSH can be cloned in repeatable, sizeable quantities, it could be used as a tool to enhance superovulation in mares. In experiment 1, the number of preovulatory follicles, ovulations, and embryos recovered per flush was greater in the 0.85 mg reFSH group than in the control group; however, the embryo per ovulation rates were similar. Plasma inhibin and estradiol concentrations were greater in treated mares around the time of ovulation as compared with the control group, whereas concentrations of luteinizing hormone remained low throughout the treatment, ovulation, and postovulation. In treated mares, concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone increased during therapy and before ovulation, but decreased postovulation. In experiment 2, varying doses of reFSH (0.35, 0.50, and 0.65 mg) and 12.5 mg of Bioniche equine follicle stimulating hormone (eFSH) increased the number of preovulatory follicles as compared with control group. The greatest number of ovulations was induced by treatment with 12.5 mg eFSH, 0.5 mg reFSH, and 0.65 mg reFSH. The highest number of embryos recovered per flush was found with treatments of eFSH and 0.65 mg reFSH. However, the embryo per ovulation rates were similar in all treatment groups, including the control group. In experiment 3, reFSH (0.5 and 0.85 mg) and eFSH (12.5 mg) given twice daily showed a similar increase in the number of pre-ovulatory follicles and ovulations. A single daily treatment of reFSH (0.85 mg) as well as the twice daily dose of eFSH was determined to increase follicular activity. In conclusion, reFSH was as effective as eFSH in increasing the number of follicles ≥35 mm, ovulation rates, and embryo recovery rates per flush compared with the control group.  相似文献   

Sympathoadrenal stimulation may perturb results of endocrine tests performed on fractious horses. Sedation may be beneficial; however, perturbation of results may preclude useful information. Four experiments were designed to 1) determine the effects of epinephrine on insulin response to glucose (IR2G), 2) assess the effects of detomidine (DET), alone or combined with butorphanol (DET/BUT), on IR2G and glucose response to insulin (GR2I), and 3) assess the effects of BUT alone on IR2G. In Experiment 1, mares were administered saline or epinephrine (5 μg/kg BW) immediately before infusion of glucose (100 mg/kg BW). Glucose stimulated (P < .05) insulin release in controls at 5 minutes that persisted through 30 minutes; insulin was suppressed (P < .05) by epinephrine from 5 to 15 minutes, rising gradually through 30 minutes. Experiments 2 (IR2G) and 3 (GR2I) were conducted as triplicated 3 × 3 Latin squares with the following treatments: saline (SAL), DET, and DET/BUT (all administered at .01 mg/kg BW). Glucose stimulated (P < .05) insulin release that persisted through 30 minutes in SAL mares; DET and DET/BUT severely suppressed (P < .0001) the IR2G. Sedation did not affect resting glucose and had inconsistent effects on the GR2I when mares were treated with 50 mIU/kg BW recombinant human insulin. Butorphanol had no effect on IR2G. In conclusion, adrenergic agonists severely suppress the IR2G and cannot be used for sedation for this test. The use of DET did not alter the GR2I, and therefore may be useful for conducting this test in fractious horses.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test the efficacy of different doses of estradiol cypionate (ECP) and domperidone for inducing ovulation in seasonally anovulatory (January; Experiments 1 and 2) and transitional period (March; Experiment 3) mares. In the first two experiments, mares in Kentucky and Louisiana were administered domperidone (3 g in biodegradable particles) alone or after pretreatment with 100 or 150 mg of ECP; another group received ECP, domperidone, and progesterone, and a fifth group received ECP and progesterone only (the latter two in Kentucky). Control mares in both states received no treatment. The proportion of mares ovulating within 35 days (for mares treated in January) was greater (P = .0002) for those receiving any combination of ECP plus domperidone relative to mares not receiving the combined treatment. Addition of progesterone to ECP plus domperidone did not enhance (P = .7) the response relative to the combination alone; domperidone by itself, or ECP plus progesterone, did not alter the response relative to controls (P > .24). Experiment 3 was conducted in Louisiana as a 2 × 3 factorial, with two doses of domperidone (1.5 or 3 g) and three doses of ECP (0, 75, or 150 mg). There was no main effect of domperidone or ECP dose; a greater proportion (P = .055) of mares receiving any combination of ECP plus domperidone ovulated in 21 days compared with those receiving no ECP. In conclusion, pretreatment with ECP before injection of domperidone 10 days later can be used to increase the proportion of mares ovulating early in the year; within the limits of the present experiments, there appears to be no difference in doses of ECP of 75, 100, or 150 mg, and no difference in doses of domperidone of 1.5 or 3 g.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine whether dopaminergic input to the adenohypophysis (1) differs across seasons in mares and stallions proportionally with changes in prolactin secretion and (2) is altered by estradiol administration in geldings. In experiment 1, prolactin responses to increasing doses of l-sulpiride in eight mares and eight stallions in March, June, September, and December were used to estimate the theoretical dose equivalent to 50% of maximal response. Prolactin areas increased (P < .001) with increasing doses of sulpiride and were greatest (P < .05) in March for stallions, but in June for mares. Mean half-maximal dose, which was assumed to be proportional to the dopaminergic input to the pituitary, was lowest (P < .05) in June and greatest in September. Experiment 2 used the same approach to determine whether the stimulatory effect of estradiol pretreatment on prolactin secretion was associated with an alteration of the half-maximal response. Geldings (n = 6/group) were administered 100 mg of estradiol cypionate in oil, or oil alone, on day 0 (October 3) and increasing doses of l-sulpiride starting on day 6. Estradiol treatment increased (P < .08) the prolactin response to l-sulpiride at 0.41 μg/kg body weight and all higher doses (P < .05); mean half-maximal dose did not differ (P > .1) between groups. We conclude that dopaminergic input to the adenohypophysis of mares and stallions varies with season and that the stimulatory effect of estradiol on prolactin secretion is not associated with a decrease in dopaminergic input to the adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess the repeatability of prolactin responses to a small dose of sulpiride in estrogen-primed geldings in spring and in mares during the estrous cycle in summer. Six long-term geldings each received a single intramuscular injection of 100 mg of estradiol cypionate on March 31, 2011, and were then challenged with an intravenous injection of dl-sulpiride (5 μg/kg of body weight of the racemic mixture) every other day for a total of 8 days. Jugular blood was collected at 0, 10, 20, 40, and 60 minutes after the injection of sulpiride for prolactin measurement. The experiment was repeated with six mares during the summer (July), except that the number of challenges was extended to 15 over 30 days so that any effect of estrous cycle stage could be assessed. Prolactin responses in geldings during April were robust and were varied in a quadratic manner (P < .003) over the eight sulpiride injections, increasing linearly to a plateau by the fourth injection. Mares also displayed robust prolactin responses to sulpiride injections in July, and there was no effect (P > .1) of day of injection and no effect of stage of estrous cycle (follicular phase, early diestrus, or late diestrus). We concluded that prolactin responses to this dose of sulpiride were sufficiently robust and repeatable for use as a paradigm for studies of the relative competitive efficacy and duration of action of various dopaminergic compounds and their vehicular formulations.  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted with mares to better define factors that might affect the assessment of insulin sensitivity via direct insulin injection, and to then apply this method of assessing insulin sensitivity to trials which tested two potential supplements for improving poor insulin sensitivity in horses. The experiments assessed the effects of the following: (1) previous administration of epinephrine, (2) overnight feed deprivation versus hay or pasture consumption, (3) 10-day acclimatization to hay in a dry lot versus pasture grazing, (4) cinnamon extract supplementation, and (5) fish oil supplementation on insulin sensitivity. Mares of known high and low insulin sensitivities were used in the first three experiments, whereas mares with low insulin sensitivities were used in the supplement trials. Epinephrine administration increased blood glucose concentrations (P < .05) and prevented the insulin-induced decrease in blood glucose concentrations in both sensitive and insensitive mares. Overnight feed deprivation decreased (P < .06) insulin sensitivity relative to overnight ad libitum access to hay, and both regimens resulted in reduced insulin sensitivity relative to overnight pasture availability; sensitive and insensitive mares responded similarly except when kept on pasture (P = .0854). Ten days of hay consumption in a dry lot reduced (P < .05) insulin sensitivity in insensitive mares, but not in sensitive mares, relative to pasture grazing. Supplementation with cinnamon extract or fish oil had no effect on insulin sensitivity of mares with known low insulin sensitivity under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

Doppler ultrasound is an emerging technology that has the potential to increase the diagnostic, monitoring, and predictive capabilities of equine theriogenologists and researchers. The technology is based on Doppler-shift frequencies, wherein the ultrasound frequency of echoes from moving red cells is increased or decreased as the cells move toward or away from the transducer. In spectral mode, the blood flow in a specific vessel can be assessed by placing a sample-gate cursor on the image of the lumen of the vessel. In addition, an angle cursor can be used to represent the angle of intersection of the ultrasound beams with the direction of blood flow (Doppler angle). The Doppler-shift frequency and the Doppler angle are used by the instrument for computing blood velocity. The focused results from placement of a sample gate in an artery are displayed by a spectrum that represents the changing velocities over time in association with the pulses of cardiac cycles. Peak systolic, end diastolic, and time-averaged maximum velocities are computed and shown for a selected cardiac cycle. Doppler indices (resistance index, RI; pulsatility index, PI) are ratios that are computed from various points on the spectrum. The indices are relatable to the hemodynamics of the tissue supplied by the artery. Increasing RI or PI values indicate increasing resistance and decreasing perfusion of the distal tissues. In color-flow mode, Doppler-shift frequencies are obtained from areas delineated by the operator on the B-mode image and are transformed and expressed as color-coded spots representing areas of blood flow. Vascular perfusion of a structure can be quantitated by the number of colored pixels in an image or can be estimated subjectively by the extent of the colored spots. The Doppler technology has the potential for providing information on the status and future success of a structure. However, realization of the expected potential will depend on future experience and research.  相似文献   

2011年3—5月及8—10月,以山东省临沂市兰山区众合牧业有限公司小尾寒羊种羊场圈养的成年母羊为研究对象,利用24h监控系统,采用目标动物取样法和全事件记录方法,研究了小尾寒羊成年母羊昼夜行为节律。结果显示,小尾寒羊昼夜反刍、卧息、取食、运动、站立与观望、修饰行为及其他行为持续时间依次减少。对小尾寒羊0:00—24:00各时段行为变量分析表明,其取食与反刍行为有2个高峰期,卧息全天都表现比较高的行为持续时间,而高峰期则发生在12:00—14:00。小尾寒羊观望行为有2个高峰期,分别在8:00—10:00及18:00—20:00。按照春秋季节规律特点,以06:00—18:00为白昼,其余时间为夜间。以Mann-Whitney U检验进一步分析圈养条件下小尾寒羊春秋季行为节律特点,结果表明,春秋季节,昼间小尾寒羊母羊在取食与其他行为上存在极显著差异,而夜间在取食、观望与其他行为上存在显著或极显著差异。在春季和秋季昼间与夜间行为对比分析表明,春季除卧息与运动行为外,另外5种行为均存在显著或极显著差异。秋季除卧息、修饰和其他行为外,其余4种行为均存在显著或极显著差异。对春秋季24h行为节律分析发现其取食行为存在极显著差异,运动行为与其他行为存在显著差异。对春秋季小尾寒羊成年母羊昼夜行为节律的研究可为认识圈养条件下小尾寒羊习性、改善小尾寒羊饲养管理与福利条件提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Apart from functional abnormalities, genetic structural disorders and management problems endometritis is one of the major causes of infertility or subfertility in mares. However, the causes of postbreeding endometritis in foal heat have not been clearly resolved to date. The aim of this study was to search for the relationship between neutrophil activity, acute-phase proteins, and oxidative status to indicate the parameters, which can influence fertility in cold-blooded mares in foal heat. The blood for the experiment was collected from 16 cold-blooded mares at five time points: 6–8 days before parturition, 24 hours after parturition, at the first postpartum breeding on the ninth day, 24 hours after breeding, and 48 hours after ovulation. The obtained samples were assigned for hematological tests, assays of neutrophil activity, plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), and fibrinogen concentrations. We estimated that in susceptible mares during persistent postbreeding endometritis, neutrophil activity increased together with MDA and fibrinogen plasma level. Elastase release in resistant mares before parturition was 48.91 ± 1.75%, whereas in susceptible animals, the value reached 45.57 ± 1.9% of the maximal release. Myeloperoxidase release in resistant mares before parturition reached 13.95 ± 2.1%, then increased at three consecutive measurements, and returned to a value from before parturition at the last measurement. Myeloperoxidase level in susceptible mares was slightly lower than in resistant ones, then these values augmented at all measurements, reaching the maximum at the fourth one. The obtained results may help to indicate the predisposition to persistent postbreeding endometritis in cold-blooded mares bred at foal heat.  相似文献   

The use of equine FSH (eFSH) for inducing follicular development and ovulation in transitional mares was evaluated. Twenty-seven mares, from 3 to 15 years of age, were examined during the months of August and September 2004, in Brazil. Ultrasound evaluations were performed during 2 weeks before the start of the experiment to confirm transitional characteristics (no follicles larger than 25 mm and no corpus luteum [CL] present). After this period, as the mares obtained a follicle of at least 25 mm, they were assigned to one of two groups: (1) control group, untreated; (2) treated with 12.5 mg eFSH, 2 times per day, until at least half of all follicles larger than 30 mm had reached 35 mm. Follicular activity of all mares was monitored. When most of the follicles from treated mares and a single follicle from control mares acquired a preovulatory size (≥35 mm), 2,500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was administered IV to induce ovulation. After hCG administration, the mares were inseminated with fresh semen every other day until ovulation. Ultrasound examinations continued until detection of the last ovulation, and embryo recovery was performed 7 to 8 days after ovulation. The mares of the treated group reached the first preovulatory follicle (4.1 ± 1.0 vs 14.9 ± 10.8 days) and ovulated before untreated mares (6.6 ± 1.2 vs 18.0 ± 11.1 days; P < .05). All mares were treated with prostaglandin F (PGF), on the day of embryo flushing. Three superovulated mares did not cycle immediately after PGF treatment, and consequently had a longer interovulatory interval (22.4 vs 10.9 days, P < 0.05). The mean period of treatment was 4.79 ± 1.07 days and 85.71% of mares had multiple ovulations. The number of ovulations (5.6 vs 1.0) and embryos (2.0 vs 0.7) per mare were higher (P < 0.05) for treated mares than control mares. In conclusion, treatment with eFSH was effective in hastening the onset of the breeding season, inducing multiple ovulations, and increasing embryo production in transitional mares. This is the first report showing the use of FSH treatment to recover embryos from the first cycle of the year.  相似文献   

The effect of a single injection of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF) during mid-diestrus on systemic concentrations of progesterone, LH, FSH, estradiol, and cortisol and on blood flow to the corpus luteum was studied in 10 controls and 10 PGF-treated mares. Blood flow was assessed by estimating the percentage of corpus luteum with color-Doppler signals of blood flow during real-time scanning of the entire structure and by the diameter of the vascular pedicle near its attachment to the ovary. Treatment was done 8 days after ovulation and 0 h was immediately before the treatment. Examinations and collection of blood samples were done at 0 h, every 5 min until 1h, and then at 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h. The concentrations of estradiol did not change, but progesterone, LH, FSH, and cortisol increased significantly within 5 min. Concentrations of LH and FSH in the PGF group remained elevated until a temporarily lower concentration at 8 or 4h, respectively, rebounded to 12h, and then slowly decreased. Cortisol remained elevated, until a decrease between 1 and 4h. Progesterone in the PGF group increased significantly until 10 min after 0 h and then decreased by 40 min to below the concentrations in controls. Within the PGF group, progesterone decreased significantly by 45 min to below the concentrations at 0 h. The values for each of the two indicators of blood flow did not differ significantly between the PGF and control groups until a decrease at 24h in the PGF group. Results did not support the hypothesis that the immediate transient post-PGF increase in progesterone was associated with an increase in luteal blood flow. Luteolysis, as indicated by decreasing progesterone, began well before the beginning of a decrease in luteal blood flow.  相似文献   

2009年710月,在海南大田国家级自然保护区采用直接观察法对海南赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak ni gripes)的时间分配和活动规律进行了964 h的观察。结果表明,海南赤麂将最多的时间用于采食,其次是反刍和卧息,用于移动和其他行为的时间较少,海南赤麂是以晨昏活动为主的食草动物。性别、年龄和天气均是影响海南赤麂时间分配和活动规律的因素,在时间分配方面,不同性别的个体在反刍和卧息方面存在极显著差异(P<0.01),在采食和移动方面存在显著差异(P<0.05);不同年龄阶段的个体在卧息、移动和其他行为方面存在显著差异(P<0.05);不同天气条件对海南赤麂的移动影响差异显著(P<0.05)。在活动规律方面,不同性别个体的各种行为出现的高峰相似,只是雄性用于卧息的时间较雌性高;不同年龄阶段个体的活动规律差异较大,其中成体和亚成体较为接近,而幼体的活动规律则与成体相反;不同天气条件下海南赤麂的活动规律变化较大,其中受天气因素影响变化最大的是采食、反刍和休息。  相似文献   

Housing conditions do not frequently meet the natural needs of horses. German and Swiss studies have shown that merely 16% of horses are kept in group housing systems, but even these vary greatly with different effects on horses’ behavior. The objective of the survey was to determine whether horses show increased activity in barns with various options for movements and functional elements. Free movement stables allow horses to live within a herd, to decide whether to be outside or inside the herd, and to enable them fresh air supply. Data from 25 horses kept in three different open barns (O1–O3) were compared with that from two active barns with functional elements (active barn 1 and active barn 2), for example, automatic feeder, with five horses each. Activity-Lying-Temperature-pedometers fastened to a rear leg of each horse were used to measure activity. Animal data were recorded throughout a test period of 10 days per barn. The results showed a median of 46 to 68 mean daily activity impulses per 10 minutes for horses in stables O1 to O3. In stables active barn 1 to active barn 2, this measure was exceeded considerably with medians of 77 and 151. The activity impulses in the stable systems were significantly different at an error level of α = 0.05. These results support previous studies and show that activity of horses depends on their opportunities for moving. The sectioning of a stable, placement of functional elements, and feeding frequency have considerable effects on the activity level of the horse. It is useful to integrate different functional areas in a group housing system.  相似文献   

Reproductive records of the entire lives of two mares with abnormally high incidence of multiple ovulation and hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles were analyzed retrospectively. Chi-square analysis was used to test statistically the effect of cloprostenol, a prostaglandin F2 analog, on the incidence of multiple ovulations, hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles, and its ultrasonographic appearance. A total of 319 estrous cycles during a 17-year period were analyzed. Cycles induced with cloprostenol were more likely (P < .000) to develop hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles than spontaneous cycles. The incidence of multiple ovulation was higher in induced cycles than in spontaneous cycles in one of the two mares.  相似文献   

Animal welfare concerns require the development of housing systems that allow the animals to express their natural behaviour. One example of this is the group-housing system for lactating sows. The present study aimed at exploring ovarian activity in such a system. Thirty-eight sows farrowing individually outdoors during spring and summer, and indoors during autumn and winter, and group-housed in groups of four during weeks 3-7 of the lactation period, were monitored regarding reproductive functions, behaviour and production during their first to fourth lactation period. Average ovulation frequency during lactation was 47%. Only 50% of these ovulating cases were accompanied by a standing oestrus. Lactational ovulation frequency was higher in later parities (p < 0.001). Ovulation frequency was higher (p < 0.05) during winter (74%) and spring (69%), than during summer (10%) and autumn (23%). Occurrence of lactational ovulation was associated with some aspects of suckling behaviour and also with litter weight gain (p < 0.05). Forty-nine per cent of the lactational ovulations occurred during the seventh week of lactation. Timing of ovulation seemed positively (p = 0.08) associated with weight loss during lactation. Compared with the sows that were anoestrus during lactation, oestradiol-17beta values were higher (p < 0.05) only in the week before occurrence of lactational ovulation. Weaning-to-oestrous interval was prolonged (p < 0.05) among the sows that ovulated during lactation. The present study identifies several factors influencing ovarian activity among group-housed sows, thereby providing tools for the control of lactational ovulation in group-housing systems.  相似文献   

为了对比不同泌乳阶段奶牛的采食、反刍、逍遥行为和日粮营养物质表观消化率,选择体重、胎次相近的8头健康荷斯坦泌乳奶牛,其中,4头处于泌乳盛期(泌乳盛期组),4头处于泌乳后期(泌乳后期组),进行了采食行为观察和消化试验,两组奶牛预饲期20 d,正试期15 d。结果表明,泌乳盛期组奶牛每天的干物质采食量为21.2 kg,极显著高于泌乳后期组的14.1 kg(P<0.01),但两组奶牛的采食时间和采食次数无显著差异(P>0.05),泌乳盛期组奶牛每千克DM采食的时间也极显著低于泌乳后期组奶牛(P<0.01);一昼夜总反刍时间泌乳盛期组奶牛极显著低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01),每千克DMI需反刍时间泌乳盛期组奶牛极显著低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01)。泌乳盛期组奶牛躺卧、走动和站立时间与泌乳后期组奶牛相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。泌乳盛期组奶牛日粮中NDF和ADF的表观消化率极显著低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01),两组奶牛NDF的表观消化率分别为55.8%、67.8%,ADF的表观消化率分别为44.2%、60.7%。  相似文献   

母猪母性行为及其遗传研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家畜生产中,母性行为是一个非常重要的性状。母猪选择中都注重其产仔数的提高,在提高产仔数同时,还要求它们能够成功喂养所产后代,因此改善提高母猪母性行为性状对仔猪的成活及生长至关重要。母猪的母性行为性状主要是指对仔猪尖叫反应、恐惧行为、攻击行为、育幼行为等,这些性状一般部分地受遗传控制,故可选择提高母性行为性状以改善母猪性能。本文综述了母猪母性行为性状及其遗传研究进展,讨论了母性行为与仔猪成活率之间的关系以及在选择、生产、管理中的应用;并对母性行为遗传研究提出一些看法,以期对国内家畜行为遗传研究起到推动作用。  相似文献   

Sulpiride (SLP) is an antipsychotic drug used in humans. Although no pharmacokinetic data are available for horses, it is commonly used to encourage ovulation in noncycling mares and to stimulate lactation in adoptive mares. The aim of this study is to assess the pharmacokinetics profile of SLP after intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), and oral (PO) administrations in normal horses. Animals (n = 6) were treated with 1 mg/kg SLP, administered by IV, IM, and PO routes according to a randomized crossover design (3 × 3 Latin square). Blood samples (5 mL) were collected at a programmed time and analyzed using a validated with fluorescence detection method. SLP was present at a detectable concentration up to 24 hours postadministration for all routes, except for one animal in the PO group. IV and IM administrations gave similar curves, with an IM average bioavailability of 118.0%. These high values were mainly the result of the profile generated by two horses, in which a secondary concentration peak occurred in the terminal phase of the curve. After PO administration, AUC0-∞, and consequently bioavailability (20.4%), was low. This finding could be owing to the physicochemical features of the drug. Indeed, considering that SLP is a weak base, existing in the ionized form at gastric and physiological pH, it is unsurprising that it is poorly absorbable, especially in horses with a particularly acidic gastric pH. In conclusion, injective routes are definitely preferable to PO dosing because of the low bioavailability using this route.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare old layers' level of welfare and performance between conventional and large furnished cages under hot environmental conditions. At the age of 80 weeks, 104 Boris Brown layers were divided into two groups: 12 conventional cages (two hens/cage) and four large furnished cages (20 hens/cage, 240 cm wide × 62 cm deep). The room temperature was set to fluctuate between 25 and 33°C in a day. The hens' behavior, immune response, performance and physical condition were measured. Aggression and moving were more frequent in furnished than in conventional cages (P < 0.05 for both items). Egg production (P < 0.05), egg mass (P < 0.05) and feed conversion ratio (P < 0.01) were better in conventional cages than in furnished cages. No significant differences were found in the birds' immune responses or physical condition between the cage designs. In conclusion, under a hot environment, the performance of old layers in large furnished cages was lower compared with that in small conventional cages, which might be due to their greater aggressive interactions. However, it was not evident that welfare level was lower in large furnished cages compared with conventional cages. Hereafter, additional studies about large furnished cages using young layers over a long term should be performed.  相似文献   

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