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Summary There is an increasing demand from farmers for irrigation scheduling advice. Where rainfall and evapotranspiration vary little from year to year, advice on a fixed irrigation schedule based on mean climatic data can be given. However where significant year to year variability in weather occurs a more flexible approach using actual weather data to predict the current level of soil water and mean climatic data to forecast the future rate of depletion and hence irrigation date may be needed. A technique for deciding the most appropriate scheduling approach was tested by using a simple model of crop growth combined with a soil water balance model to simulate year to year variability in scheduling advice. This technique was applied to irrigated wheat using a set of climatic data from 1968 to 1978 for Griffith in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area of New South Wales, Australia. A typical sowing date in early June was used and simulated irrigations were scheduled at an allowable soil water depletion (ASWD) of 62 mm for maximum yield and 93 mm for 80% of maximum. The analysis predicted that weather variability between years would cause the number of irrigations to vary from 2 to 7 for ASWD=62 mm and 1 to 4 for ASWD=93 mm. The interval between irrigations varied from 12 to 30 days, for ASWD=62 mm and from 16 to 28 days, for ASWD=93 mm. The first irrigation occurred between 76 and 131 days from sowing for ASWD=62 mm and from 100 to 140 days from sowing for ASWD=93 mm. The date of the last irrigation was similarly variable. This high degree of variability in the times and frequency of irrigations indicated that in south-eastern Australia accurate irrigation scheduling advice can only be given by using a flexible model using both actual and mean climatic data. A fixed schedule based on mean climatic data would lead to an inefficient use of water caused by the mistiming of irrigations.  相似文献   

A 4-year field experiment was conducted in a semi-arid area to evaluate the response of each furrow and alternate furrow irrigation in wheat-cotton system using irrigation waters of different qualities in a calcareous soil. Irrigation was applied to each and alternate furrow of bed-planted wheat followed by ridge-planted cotton for comparison with standard check-basin method of irrigation to both the crops. These methods of irrigation were evaluated under three water qualities namely good quality canal water (CW), poor quality tube well water (TW) and pre-sowing irrigation to each crop with CW and all subsequent irrigations with TW (CWpsi + TW). The pooled results over 4 years revealed that wheat grain yield was not affected significantly with quality of irrigation water, but significant yield reduction was observed in alternate bed irrigation under canal water and tube well water irrigations. In cotton, poor quality tube well water significantly reduced the seed cotton yield in all the three methods of planting. The pre-sowing irrigation with canal water and all subsequent irrigations with tube well water improved the seed cotton yield when compared with tube well water alone. However, this yield increase was significant only in alternate furrow irrigation, and the yield obtained was on a par with yield under alternate furrow in CW. When compared to check-basin irrigation, each furrow and alternate furrow irrigation resulted in a saving of 30 and 49% of irrigation water in bed-planted wheat, whereas the corresponding savings in ridge-planted cotton were 20 and 42%, respectively. Reduced use of irrigation water under alternate furrow, without any significant reduction in yield, resulted in 28.1, 23.9 and 43.2% higher water use efficiency in wheat under CW, TW and CWpsi + TW, respectively. The corresponding increase under cotton was 8.2, 2.1 and 19.5%. The implementation of alternate furrow irrigation improved the water use efficiency without any loss in yield, thus reduced use of irrigation water especially under poor quality irrigation water with pre-sowing irrigation with canal water reduced the deteriorating effects on yield and soil under these calcareous soils.  相似文献   

为了确定微咸水膜下滴灌棉花适宜的灌水量和利用方式,通过测坑试验探讨了微咸水膜下滴灌灌水量以及利用方式对棉花根层土壤盐分及产量的影响,结果表明:微咸水膜下滴灌灌水量为525.00~675.00 mm时棉花根层周围盐分积累较少,灌水量为475.00~564.29 mm时棉花产量较高;比起采用3.00 g/L的微咸水直接灌溉,1.08 g/L的微咸水直接灌溉时根系层土壤积盐范围较小且棉花产量较高,其次为1.08 g/L与3.00 g/L的微咸水轮灌。最后综合考虑确定出微咸水膜下滴灌棉花适宜的灌水量范围为525.00~564.29 mm,在淡水资源比较缺乏或没有淡水资源而微咸水资源较丰富的地区,可以考虑采用低矿化度的微咸水直接灌溉或将低矿化度与高矿化度的微咸水进行轮灌。  相似文献   

High frequency irrigation with surface irrigation methods has been proposed as a means to increase cotton productivity in cases where drip irrigation or other pressurized systems are not economically justifiable. Field studies were conducted in 1993 and 1994 to evaluate the effects of surface irrigation frequency on the growth, lint yield and water use for a semi-determinate cotton cultivar in central Arizona. Cotton was grown in level basins on a sandy loam under three irrigation treatments defined as low frequency irrigation for the whole season (L), high frequency irrigation for the whole season (H), and low frequency irrigation until the initiation of rapid fruiting, high frequency during rapid fruiting, and low frequency after rapid fruiting (LHL). The treatments were governed by the percentage of allowable soil water depletion within the effective root zone, and the allowable depletion targets for low and high frequency irrigation were 55 and 30%, respectively. An irrigation scheduling program calculated the soil water depletion within the estimated cotton root depth on a daily basis for each treatment and was used to project the dates and amounts for treatment irrigations. In 1993, seven, 14, and 11 irrigations and in 1994 eight, 13 and 10 irrigations were given to the L, H, and LHL treatments, respectively. The total amount of water applied including rainfall differed among the treatments by 4% in 1993 and by 1% in 1994. Soil water measurements indicated that actual soil water depletion within the estimated cotton root depth immediately before treatment irrigations was close to the intended treatment allowable depletion targets for the majority of the growing season. Cotton growth and lint yields were maximized under the H treatment, and yields in this treatment averaged 15 and 21% more lint than the L treatment for the first and second seasons, respectively. The LHL treatment, although not as effective in increasing crop productivity as the H treatment, out yielded the low frequency treatment by an average of 10% in the two seasons. Crop evapotranspiration determined from the soil water balance was 8 and 9% higher for the H than the L treatment and 3 and 5% higher for the LHL than the L treatment in 1993 and 1994, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Irrigation at 35 and 70 mm of pan evaporation applied during the pre and/or post early podfilling stages increased pod yield of Spanish peanuts (100 day maturity) three fold compared to a dryland crop. There was no difference in pod yield in crops receiving 12 compared to 6 irrigations. Soil water sampling immediately after irrigations on selected treatments revealed that infiltration of irrigation water was probably restricted to less than ca. 20 cm, a response which resulted in poor soil water replenishment and low irrigation efficiency (Fig. 3). Even though roots extracted soil water below the compaction layer which was at 20 cm severe crop water deficits had developed by the end of irrigation cycles during later but not early stages of growth. The dryland crop, which received no rainfall during the season, presumably extracted significant amounts of soil water at depths to and below 1.2 m (Fig. 3). Despite producing ca. 2.9 t ha-1 of total dry matter yield, pod yield was extremely low (0.5 t ha-1) arising from low pod numbers and high percentage of empty pods.This research was funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR-Project 8419) in collaboration with the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (AARD).  相似文献   

The Southeast U.S. receives an average of 1300 mm annual rainfall, however poor seasonal distribution of rainfall often limits production. Irrigation is used during the growing season to supplement rainfall to sustain profitable crop production. Increased water capture would improve water use efficiency and reduce irrigation requirements. Furrow diking has been proposed as a cost effective management practice that is designed to create a series of storage basins in the furrow between crop rows to catch and retain rainfall and irrigation water. Furrow diking has received much attention in arid and semi-arid regions with mixed results, yet has not been adapted for cotton production in the Southeast U.S. Our objectives were to evaluate the agronomic response and economic feasibility of producing cotton with and without furrow diking in conventional tillage over a range of irrigation rates including no irrigation. Studies were conducted at two research sites each year from 2005 to 2007. Irrigation scheduling was based on Irrigator Pro for Cotton software. The use of furrow diking in these studies periodically reduced water consumption and improved yield and net returns. In 2006 and 2007, when irrigation scheduling was based on soil water status, an average of 76 mm ha−1 of irrigation water was saved by furrow diking, producing similar cotton yield and net returns. Furrow diking improved cotton yield an average of 171 kg ha−1 and net return by $245 ha−1 over multiple irrigation rates, in 1 of 3 years. We conclude that furrow diking has the capability to reduce irrigation requirements and the costs associated with irrigation when rainfall is periodic and drought is not severe.  相似文献   

Irrigation water is a limited resource, and therefore irrigation practices must be rationalized for high water-use efficiency. Little is known about the influence of stored water in deep soils on the water needs and the post-sowing irrigation requirements of crops. A 3-year field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of combinations of light and heavy pre-sowing irrigations with two post-sowing irrigation regimes on yield, root growth, water use and water-use efficiency of wheat on a deep alluvial sandy loam soil. Post-sowing treatments consisted of (i) five 75-mm irrigations at five growth stages, and (ii) irrigations based on pan evaporation, i.e. at IW/PAN-E ratio of 0.75 (75 mm of irrigation water were provided as soon as the open-pan evaporation minus rainfall since previous irrigation was 100 mm).The latter regime required 175 mm less water than that with irrigation at growth stages. Profile water utilization was inversely related to post-sowing irrigation water. Where pre-sowing irrigation was light, post-sowing irrigations based on pan evaporation yielded significantly less than those based on growth stages. With heavy pre-sowing irrigation, irrigation based on the pan evaporation yielded as much as five irrigations at growth stages. The former decreased the mean water application by 153 mm and increased the water-use efficiency by 26%. Irrigation based on pan evaporation stimulated greater utilization of stored water by increasing the rooting density in deeper layers.It is indicated that for higher water-use efficiency and yield, wheat should be sown after a heavy pre-sowing irrigation, and post-sowing irrigation should be based on 0.75 pan evaporation.  相似文献   

The effects of supplemental irrigation and irrigation practices on soil water storage and barley crop yield were studied for a crust-forming soil at the University of Jordan Research Station near Al-Muwaqqar village during the 1996/97 growing season. An amount of 0.0, 48.9, 73.3, 122.2 and 167 mm supplemental irrigation water were applied. The 48.9, 73.3 and 122.2 mm applications were applied through surface irrigation into furrows with blocked ends, and the 0.0 and 167 mm applications via sprinkler irrigation. The greatest water infiltration and subsequent soil storage was achieved with the 122.2 mm application followed by the 73.3 mm irrigation, both surface applied. Application efficiency (the fraction of applied water that infiltrated into the soil and stored in the 600 mm soil profile) and soil water storage associated with supplemental blocked furrow irrigation was significantly greater than with supplemental sprinkler irrigation. For arid zone soil, which has little or no structural stability, application of supplemental irrigation water via short, blocked-end furrows prevents runoff and increases the opportunity time for infiltration, thereby increasing the amount of applied water that is infiltrated into the soil and stored in the soil profile. Supplemental irrigation, applied by a low-rate sprinkler system, was not as effective because of the low infiltration rates that resulted from the development of a surface throttle due to dispersion of soil aggregates at the soil surface. The differences in stored water had a significant effect on grain and straw yields of barley. Without supplemental irrigation, barley grain and straw yields were zero in natural rainfall cultivation with a total rainfall of 136.5 mm. Barley yields in the control treatment, with a 167 mm supplemental sprinkler irrigation were low being 0.19 and 1.09 ton/ha of barley grain and straw, respectively. Supplemental irrigation through blocked-end furrows increased barley grain and straw yields significantly compared with supplemental sprinkler irrigation to a maximum of 0.59 and 1.8 ton/ha, respectively. The improvement coming from the increased water storage associated with furrows. Since irrigation water is very limited if available, farmers are encouraged to form such furrows for reducing runoff from rainfall thereby increasing the amount of water available for forage and field crop production.  相似文献   

干旱区玉米滴灌需水规律的田间试验研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在内蒙古干旱区的一种砂土及砂质壤土上 ,对玉米滴灌需水规律进行了田间试验研究。试验设置高灌水定额 ( 3 0~ 40 mm)、中灌水定额 ( 2 0~ 3 0 mm)和低灌水定额 ( 1 5~ 2 5 mm ) 3个处理 ,灌水周期相同 ,在需水高峰期为 3 d,其它时间为 4~ 7d。试验结果表明 ,中灌水定额处理的株高、叶面积和产量均明显高于低灌水定额处理 ,而高灌水定额与低灌水定额处理之间差异很小。因此对所研究土壤来说 ,建议采用灌水定额 2 0~3 0 mm,灌水周期 3~ 5 d的灌溉制度。这种情况下 ,玉米生育期需水量为 466mm (生育期有效降雨 1 0 1 .1mm)。对滴灌玉米作物系数的计算方法进行比较后发现 ,双作物系数法可以较好地描述灌水或降雨后地表蒸发对作物腾发的影响 ;在作物生育中期 ,分段单值平均法、双作物系数法的计算结果与实测值吻合良好。  相似文献   

咸水灌溉对土壤水热盐变化及棉花产量和品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了充分利用咸水资源,采用田间对比试验,研究了1、3、5、7 g/L等4个矿化度咸水(分别用S1、S2、S3、S4表示)灌溉对棉田土壤水热盐变化特征及棉花长势、产量和纤维品质的影响。结果表明,棉花生育期内各处理0~40 cm土层土壤含水率及地下5 cm处土壤温度总体上都随着灌溉水矿化度的增加而增大,但差异不大;处理间土壤电导率差异明显,灌溉水矿化度愈高,土壤电导率愈大,棉花生育期结束后,降雨对各处理盐分的淋洗率介于29.40%~40.40%。土壤水分和盐分剖面分布受制于土壤质地、降雨和棉花蒸发蒸腾耗水;干旱时期,土壤干燥,盐分表聚,湿润时期与之相反。棉花成苗率、株高、单株最大叶面积和霜前花率均随着灌溉水矿化度的增加而降低,籽棉产量从大到小依次为S2、S1、S3和S4,其中,S4与S1处理间的差异达显著水平。咸水灌溉通过改变马克隆值对纤维品质产生了负面影响,尤其是S4处理。研究结果可为丰富棉花咸水灌溉技术体系提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken at CCS Haryana Agricultural University Farm, Sirsa (India) to estimate the optimum irrigation schedule for cotton resulting in minimum percolation losses. The sprinkler line source technique was adopted for creating various irrigation regimes at different crop growth stages. The SWASALT (Simulation of Water And SALT) model after calibration and validation provided water balance components. The wa-ter management response indicators (WMRI's) such as transpiration efficiency Et/(Irr + P), relative transpiration Et/Etp, evapotranspiration efficiency ET/(Irr + P), soil moisture storage change ΔW/Wint (deficit/excess) and percolation loss Perc/(Irr. + P) were evaluated using water balance components as estimated by the simulation study. Under limited water supply conditions, the optimum irrigation depth was found to be 57 mm at crop growth stages with pre-sowing and 1st irrigation of 120 mm and 80 mm respectively for sandy clay loam underlain by sandy loam soil (Type I). The corresponding values of relative transpiration, transpiration efficiency and evapotranspiration efficiency were 0.65, 0.65 and 0.89 respectively. The crop yield varied linearly with increasing irrigation depth which was evident from increase in relative transpiration with increasing depth of water application. However, increased depth of irrigation resulted in less moisture utilisation from soil storage (20% depletion at 40 mm depth and 4.4% moisture built up at 100 mm depth). The extended simulation study for sandy soil underlain by loamy sand (Type II) indicated that two pre-sowing irrigations each 40 mm and subsequent irrigations of 40 mm at an interval of 20 days depending upon rainfall were optimum. This irrigation scenario resulted in zero percolation loss accompanied by 74% relative transpiration and 14 per cent soil moisture depletion. Received: 20 November 1995  相似文献   

The effects of deficit irrigation (DI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD) on apple (Malus domestica Borkh. Cv. ‘Fuji’) yield, fruit size, and quality were evaluated from 2001 to 2003 in the semi-arid climate of Washington State. PRD and DI were applied from about 40 days after full bloom until just before (2001, 2002) or after (2003) harvest and compared to a control irrigation (CI). Irrigation was applied once a week using two micro-sprinklers per tree. Soil-water content in CI was maintained above 80% of field capacity using micro-sprinklers on both sides of a tree. The DI and PRD were irrigated at about 50% (2001–2002) and 60% (2003) of the CI, but differed in placement of irrigation. For DI both micro-sprinklers were operated whereas PRD was irrigated using only one micro-sprinkler wetting half the rootzone compared to CI and DI. Wetting/drying sides of PRD trees were alternated every 2–4 weeks (2001, 2002) or when soil-water content on the drying side had reached a threshold value (2003). Seasonal (1 May–31 October) potential evapotranspiration (ET0) was 967, 1002, and 1005 mm for 2001, 2002, and 2003, and rainfall totaled 58, 39, and 21 mm, respectively. Irrigation amounts applied were 596, 839, and 685 mm in the CI; 374, 763, and 575 mm in the DI; and 337, 684, and 513 mm in the PRD for the 2001, 2002, and 2003 seasons. Higher irrigation volumes in 2002 were due to excessive (177–324 mm) irrigations after harvest. No significant differences were found in yield and fruit size among treatments in 2001 and 2003. In 2002, DI had significantly lower yield than CI, while the yield of PRD did not differ from CI and DI. Fruit from DI and PRD were firmer and had higher concentrations of soluble solids than fruit from CI, both at harvest and following short-term storage at 20°C, but differences to CI were significant in 2002 only. Treatment effects on fruit titratable acidity were inconsistent. Additional water was preserved in the soil profile under PRD compared to DI in 2001 and 2003, but no statistical differences were found between PRD and DI in 2002. Approximately 45–50% of irrigation water was saved by implementing newly developed DI and PRD irrigation strategies without any significant impact on fruit yield and size with PRD. However, apple yield was reduced by DI compared to CI in the second year.  相似文献   

【目的】揭示不同降水年型下东北寒区水稻需水对地下水埋深变动与灌溉的响应规律,进一步优化寒区水稻灌溉制度。【方法】以黑龙江庆安和平灌区灌溉试验站多年水稻灌溉试验及2017年地下水动态观测数据为依据,分析不同灌水模式下水稻耗水及地下水变化动态,验证AquaCrop模型在东北寒区水稻生长模拟中的适用性,并用于模拟分析25%、50%、75%降水年型下水稻需水与不同地下水埋深的相互关系及灌水量的响应规律,提出适宜该地区水稻高产的地下水埋深范围及其生育期净灌水量。【结果】①水稻生育期内,地下水埋深先浅后深,其中,分蘖期、拔节孕穗期和抽穗开花期耗水量大,灌溉和降雨较多,地下水埋深较浅;②构建了3种降水年型下ET与GD、I的多元回归方程,综合考虑了水稻需水量与地下水埋深、生育期灌水量之间的相关关系,可用于稻田高效耗用水管理和地下水资源持续利用;③为实现东北寒区水稻高产和地下水埋深基本稳定的双重目标,地下水埋深应控制在2.0~2.5 m之间,水稻生育期净灌水量为:枯水年不宜低于现状灌水量,即300 mm;丰水年和平水年净灌水量可适当减少至现状灌水量的0.8倍,即240 mm。【结论】提出了适宜该地区水稻高产的地下水埋深范围及生育期净灌水量,为促进我国东北地区节水增粮,保护湿地生态环境,提高农业用水效率提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 10 years in the Nile Delta of Egypt to quantify the benefit of subsurface drainage on crop yield. During three crop rotations, subsurface drains at a spacing of 20 m and a depth of 1.5 m doubled the yield of cotton and rice and increased the yield of wheat and clover by 50%. No significant enhancement in crop yield was found from placing various envelope materials around the drains compared to no envelope. Drains of 75 mm diameter resulted in significantly lower yields (20% less) for cotton and rice than drains of 100 mm diameter but there were no yield differences for wheat and clover. Applying 10 Mg/ha of gypsum and deep plowing (25 cm deep) improved yields from 5 to 19% for all crops, cotton and clover having the largest yield improvement. Soil salinity to a depth of 1.5 m was reduced from an average 5.3–2.2 dS/m after 1 year of drainage without additional water being applied beyond the normal irrigation amounts and rainfall.  相似文献   

咸水灌溉对棉花耗水特性和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用田间对比试验,连续3 a研究了1、3、5、7 g/L 4个矿化度咸水(记作S1、S2、S3、S4)灌溉对棉田土壤水盐、土壤蒸发、棉花阶段耗水量、籽棉产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,棉花生育期内根系层土壤含水率和电导率有随灌溉水矿化度的增加而增大的趋势,土壤电导率增加尤为明显;年际间,各处理土壤含水率和电导率差异非常大,经过连续3 a灌溉,根系层土壤电导率均未逐年增加。S3和S4处理的平均土壤蒸发强度大于S1处理,S2与S1处理间的差异很小;7 g/L以下咸水灌溉对棉花耗水过程产生了一定影响,但对总耗水量影响并不明显。3 a的平均籽棉产量和水分利用效率由大到小顺序均为:S2、S1、S3、S4,S2比S1处理增产2.43%,水分利用效率增加1.15%,S3和S4比S1处理减产1.67%和8.88%,水分利用效率降低0.25%和7.31%,其中,S2和S3与S1处理间差异不显著,S4处理产量和水分利用效率降低显著。  相似文献   

基于随机降雨的水稻优化灌溉制度   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了确定合理的水稻灌溉制度,在水稻灌溉试验资料的基础上,建立了以旬灌溉水量为决策变量的水稻灌溉制度优化模型,采用了蒙特卡罗方法和漳河灌区30 a实际降雨资料模拟出500 a的旬降雨,运用遗传算法解决以模拟降雨作为输入的优化模型,求得了每个模拟年份各旬在5种设定的灌溉定额条件下的灌溉水量,并通过对结果的统计分析,得到了不同灌溉定额条件下作物生长情况和各旬灌水量的概率分布。结果表明,漳河灌区30 a长序列旬降水服从伽玛分布。灌溉定额为120 mm时,中稻不发生枯萎;灌溉定额为180 mm时,基本保证中稻生长良好。以30 mm为灌水定额步长,灌溉定额为180 mm时,6月上旬和8月上旬各灌30 mm,6月中旬和7月下旬各灌60 mm。6月中旬、7月下旬和8月上旬缺水对产量的影响较大,其需水量应优先被满足。  相似文献   

Summary Standard local practice in Northern India is to continue irrigation of winter wheat crop almost up to harvest, based on the farmer's belief that this treatment increases grain weight and yield. The effect of an early cut-off of irrigation on the water use was studied in a three-year experiment on a deep, sandy-loam soil.Wheat, sown during the second or third week of November, received its first irrigation four weeks later. Subsequently treatments included irrigations of 7.5 cm water depth applied after 10 cm of cumulative pan evaporation minus rainfall had elapsed since the previous irrigation up till mid-April; irrigations of 7.5 cm up till mid-February and thereafter irrigation equal to 75 and 100% soil-water deficit in the 0–180 cm profile around March 10 with no later irrigation; and a similar treatment with one additional irrigation after making up the water deficit.Least irrigation water was used from the treatment in which 75% water deficit was restored around March 10 and no further irrigation was applied. This treatment increased the average extraction of profile water by 4 cm compared to treatments in which irrigation was continued until mid-April. Profile water depletion was inversely related to the amount of irrigation. Grain weight and yields from the various treatments harvested in the last week of April were unaffected by the treatments.The authors are grateful to the ICAR for financing this research  相似文献   

Summary Cotton was grown under sprinkler irrigation on a silty clay soil at Keiser, Arkansas, for the 1987, 1988 and 1989 growing seasons. Irrigation treatments consisted of maximum soil water deficits (SWD) of 25, 50 and 75 mm and a nonirrigated control. While the irrigated treatments were significantly different from the control for plant height and total seedcotton yield, significant differences among the three irrigated treatments were only observed for plant height. Yields were significantly lower in 1989 than in the other two years of the study, due in part to later planting. The 3-year averages for total seedcotton yield were 3280 and 2870 kg ha–1 for irrigated and nonirrigated, respectively, for an average increase corresponding to irrigation of 416 kg ha–1 or 14.5% of the nonirrigated yield. The maximum increase was observed in 1988 as 602 kg ha–1 or 20.6% of the nonirrigated yield for that year. The 75 mm allowable SWD was the most efficient treatment and resulted in a 3-year average of 3.85 kg ha–1 additional seedcotton (above the nonirrigated) harvested for each 1 mm of irrigation applied. Maintaining the SWD below a 75 mm maximum required an average of four irrigations and 110 mm of irrigation water per year.  相似文献   

灌溉水盐分和灌水量对温室气体排放与玉米生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示地下水与微咸水灌溉条件下灌水量对土壤CO2、N2O排放和春玉米生长的影响,设置2种灌溉水含盐量(1.1、5.0g/L)和3种灌水量(210、255、300mm),于2019年4—9月在内蒙古自治区河套灌区进行了春玉米田间试验。结果表明,不同灌水量下,微咸水(含盐量5.0g/L)灌溉比地下水(含盐量1.1g/L)灌溉土壤N2O累积排放量提高了19.86%~44.21%,但利用微咸水灌溉并不会影响土壤CO2累积排放量与全球增温潜势。在相同的灌溉水盐分条件下,灌水量为300mm时土壤CO2、N2O累积排放量和全球增温潜势均最大,灌水量为210mm和255mm时并不会对土壤CO2、N2O的累积排放量和全球增温潜势产生显著影响。相关性分析表明,土壤含水率和无机氮含量是影响土壤CO2、N2O排放的重要因素,灌溉水盐分通过促进土壤的硝化作用促进土壤N2O排放。在微咸水灌溉条件下,春玉米产量较地下水灌溉减少了30.88%~37.32%。随着灌水量的增大,春玉米产量呈增加趋势,但255mm和300mm灌水量条件下的春玉米产量差异不显著。在地下水与微咸水灌溉条件下,灌水量为255mm时,土壤盐分累积较小,春玉米产量较高,土壤CO2、N2O累积排放量和全球增温潜势相对较小,是灌区适宜采用的灌溉定额。  相似文献   

为系统分析不同气候条件、土壤基础条件和农田管理措施条件下施氮对棉花产量和水分利用效率的影响,收集了国内外已发表的103篇中英文文献,筛选其中37篇文献,共获得301组产量和127组水分利用效率数据。基于Meta分析方法定量分析了不同生产条件下施氮对棉花产量和水分利用效率的影响,同时利用偏相关分析找出施氮条件下棉花产量和水分利用效率的主要影响因素。结果表明,以不施氮为对照,施氮能够显著提高棉花的产量和水分利用率。在年均降水量200~500 mm的地区施氮对产量和水分利用率的提高作用最为明显,效应量分别为34.02%和54.15%;施氮对产量和水分利用率的提高作用均随着日照时数的增大而增大。当土壤pH值为6~8时,施氮对棉花产量和水分利用效率的提高作用最为明显,效应量分别为28.52%和24.59%;在不同土壤质地中施氮对产量和水分利用效率的提高作用均表现为在砂土中效应量最大,分别为46.71%和26.29%;随着施肥频次的增加,施氮对棉花产量和水分利用率的提高作用逐渐增大;施氮对产量的提高作用随灌水量的增加而增加,对水分利用率的提高作用随灌水量的增加呈先增加后降低趋势。当施氮量为300~...  相似文献   

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