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A 6-yr-old female Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi) with a disseminated rhabditiform nematode infection is described. Antemortem clinical signs were limited to blindness and abnormal behavior believed to be caused by a recurrent nematode-induced uveitis. Histologic examination of the kidneys, heart, eyes, uterus, and lymph nodes revealed granulomas containing multiple sections of rhabditiform nematodes. Most of the recovered nematodes were larval stages with only a few adult females noted. The adults measured 243-297 microm x 11-16 microm (x = 269 x 14 microm). The distinctive rhabditiform esophagi had corpus:isthmus:bulb proportions of 19:11:5. On the basis of adult morphology, the nematode was identified as Halicephalobus gingivalis. This is the first report of this parasite in a zebra and indicates that this parasitic granulomatous disease should be considered in zebras with neurologic disease.  相似文献   

Equid herpes virus 1 (EHV-1) related isolates from a captive blackbuck (strain Ro-1) and Grevy's zebra (strain T965) behaved similarly to EHV-1 and EHV-9 in respect to their host cell range. Restriction enzyme analysis and a phylogenetic tree confirmed that Ro-1 and T965 were identical and more closely related to EHV-1 than to EHV-9. Differences from EHV-1 became obvious firstly, by amino acid alignments revealing two unique substitutions in the gB protein of Ro-1 and T965. Secondly, an EHV-1 type-specific monoclonal antibody did not detect its antigen on Ro-1, T965 or EHV-9 infected cells by immunohistochemistry. The results support the view that Ro-1 and T965 isolates represent a distinct, previously unrecognized species of equid herpesviruses.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old female dwarf lop rabbit was presented with dystocia after mis-mating. Abdominal palpation, vaginal examination, and radiography confirmed that the doe was carrying 3 kits. Treatment for the dystocia consisted of gentle manual extraction of the fetuses and fetal membranes, and administration of oxytocin and calcium borogluconate.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的不断发展,人们生活水平的提高,城市禁养大型犬的呼声提高,家庭结构的小型化,饲养小型犬的人越来越多.由于小型犬具有体格小,产道狭窄,胎儿较多、有的胎儿较大等特点,导致发生难产机会增大.以下就难产发生的病因、症状、诊断、治疗和预防作一简单介绍.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old female Rothschild giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi), weighing approximately 900 kg, at Longleat Safari Park, Wiltshire, UK was presented with dystocia in September 2005. This paper details the surgical and anaesthetic procedures carried out performing a caesarean section to remove a dead male calf and the successful recovery of the giraffe.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the various factors affecting dystocia in cattle. It is based mainly on the recent studies found in the literature of the subject but refers occasionally to some older papers as well. The factors are grouped into four main categories: direct factors, phenotypic factors related to calf and cow, non-genetic and genetic factors. The first group includes malpresentations and uterine torsion. The second one includes: calf birth weight, multiple calvings, perinatal mortality, cow pelvic area, cow body weight and body condition at calving, gestation length. The non-genetic factors are: cow age and parity, year and season of calving, place of calving, maintenance practises, disorders, calf sex and nutrition. Other non-genetic factors are the level of hormones in the periparturient period, in vitro production of embryos and embryo cloning. Finally, the genotypes of cow, bull and calf, inbreeding, muscular hypertrophy, selection and quantitative trait loci form the fourth group of genetic factors.  相似文献   

An 18-mo-old female Hartmann's Mountain zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae) died secondary to a traumatically induced cervical fracture. Microscopic examination of renal tissues revealed occasional coccidian sporocysts and budding sporonts containing sporoblasts encased within a bilaminated cell membrane within the renal tubules, compatible with a morphologic diagnosis of Klossiella equi, a coccidian parasite of renal parenchyma in equids. Repeated urinalyses of several Hartmann's Mountain zebra failed to reveal sporocysts, which are believed to be the infective stage of the parasite. The definitive life cycle of K. equi is unknown, although transmission is presumed to be via oral ingestion of sporocysts that are passed in the urine. Although generally considered an incidental finding, K. equi has been associated with nephrosis and nephritis in immune-compromised equids and should be considered when evaluating renal disease in equids, including zebras.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Dystocia in the mare is an emergency in which duration has a profound effect on survival of the foal. Specific examination of the effects of dystocia duration on foal survival provides information to enable horse care personnel and veterinarians to manage these cases more effectively and maximise the chances of obtaining a live foal. HYPOTHESIS: Dystocia duration would have a negative impact on foal survival while method of dystocia resolution would not have an effect on foal survival. Additionally, we were interested in determining the effects of dystocia on subsequent fertility. METHODS AND RESULTS: In the years 1986-1999, 247 dystocias were admitted. Of these, 91 % resulted in survival and discharge of the mare, 42% in delivery of a live foal, and 29% of foals survived to discharge. Period from hospital arrival to delivery for foals alive at discharge (23.0 +/- 14.1 mins) was not significantly different than for foals not surviving (24.8 +/- 10.6 mins) (P > 0.05); and from chorioallantoic rupture to delivery for foals alive at discharge (71.7 +/- 343 mins) was significantly less than for foals not surviving (853 +/- 37.4 mins) (P < 0.05). Average predystocia live foaling rates for all mares with available records was 84%. Overall post dystocia live foaling rates over the entire period of this study were 67%. Of mares bred in the year of the dystocia, 59% had a live foal in the year following. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these results, dystocia duration has a significant effect on foal survival and resolution methods should be chosen to minimise this time, as the difference between mean dystocia duration for foals that lived and those that did not in this study was 13.6 mins. Post dystocia foaling rates reported here are higher than previously reported for both same-season and overall breedings, indicating same-season breeding may be rewarding for select dystocia cases. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Dystocia resolution methods that minimise delivery time may maximise foal survival. Post dystoicia breeding may be rewarding in select cases.  相似文献   

A four-year old female Rottweiler presented with a 34-hour history of dystocia. Physical examination revealed a purple-black, fluid-filled sac protruding from vulva and suspended by a similar colored stalk. Digital vaginal examination indicated that the stalk of tissue extended up into the cervix and beyond. Due to the grossly necrotic appearance, the stalk of tissue was ligated, and the sac was removed. Three puppies were delivered vaginally, but a subsequent caesarian section was required due to uterine inertia likely secondary to exhaustion. Three more live puppies were delivered via the c-section. Further abdominal exploration revealed a tear in the left vaginal wall, one ligated ureter, and the second ureter free at its distal end and leaking urine into the abdomen. The surgical findings indicated that the bladder, ureters, and urethra had herniated through the vaginal tear and prolapsed through the vulva.  相似文献   

我场饲养奶牛4900头,其中成母牛2600头。每年大约有1%的奶牛发生难产。在助产过程中,经常发生牛子宫被污染的情况,采取剖腹产手术,也易造成子宫粘连和腹膜炎,导致奶牛终身不再孕。从2000年至2004年,我们对因胎儿与骨盆大小不相适应的难产病例,采取了截胎术,难产救治率达100%,收到满意的效果。现将方法介绍如下:1材料1.1器械产科器械、胎儿绞断器(沪红兽用器械厂生产)、20ml注射器,12号5cm注射针头。1.2药品3%普鲁卡因、来苏儿。2方法2.1难产牛清洗消毒用2%来苏儿清洗难产牛的外阴  相似文献   

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