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对巴西盾柱木(Peltophorum dubium)种子进行了4种处理的吸胀实验,即将种子分别置于10℃和27℃下0.2% Captan溶液中和-1.0MPa的PEG6000溶液中,每个处理有四个重复,40粒种子,置于培养皿中浸满实验溶液的双层过滤纸上,覆以透气良好的薄膜.种子在实验前均用98%的浓硫酸处理15分钟以打破机械休眠.吸胀曲线显示,种子在吸胀过程中最终重量的增加值为70%-150%,以后进入一个停滞期.在5种处理下(对照组,PEG6000溶液中10℃和27℃下预处理,Captan溶液中10℃和27℃下预处理),对种子萌发所受到的影响进行了实验.每一个处理分别进行3个次级处理,即在实验前,将种子用蒸馏水分别浸泡12、24和36小时.萌发率最高的是经过蒸馏水浸泡12小时对照组种子和PEG 27℃组的种子,萌发率达到100%;萌发率最低的是蒸馏水中浸泡36小时的PEG 27℃组的种子,萌发率为52%;经过蒸馏水浸泡24小时的PEG 10℃组种子的平均萌发时间为1.08天.蒸馏水中浸泡12小时的PEG 27℃组种子平均萌发时间为2.42天,其它处理的萌发时间值介于两者之间.对预处理和未经预处理种子通过加速老化实验,对其活力和生存力进行了测试.经72小时加速老化,种子萌发率低或没有萌发力.对照组种子在培养皿(27℃)和室温条件下蛭石中的萌发率都比处理组高,表现了对老化更强的抗性.  相似文献   

Peltophorum dubium seeds provided by Anhembi, SP were scarified in 98% H2SO4 for 15 rain to overcome mechanical dormancy. Seeds were primed in solutions of 0.2% Captan at 10℃ and 27℃, PEG 6000 -1.0 MPa at 10℃ and 27℃, 0.5 mol KNO3, 0.75 Mol KNO3, 1.0 Mol KNO3. Eight treatments including the primed seeds and nonprimed seeds, five replicates with 100 seeds for each treatment, were set to 15-cm-Petri dish with double filter paper moistened with testing solution PEG in refrigerator at 27℃. For the experiments of all the groups, osmotic potential were 0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8, -1.0, -1.2, and -1.4 MPa. P. dubium seeds were also set to water stress experiment in rolled paper with PEG solutions from 0.0 to -1.0 MPa.Germination percentage decreased with the increase of PEG concentration. Control group had a better germination percentage than other groups. Germination hardly occurred in PEG -1.4 MPa.  相似文献   

采用不同质量浓度的IAA和不同浸种时间处理色木槭种子,进行种子发芽率、发芽指数及活力指数测定试验.结果表明:随IAA质量浓度、浸种时间的增加,种子发芽率、发芽指数及活力指数呈先上升后下降的趋势,最适的IAA质量浓度为150 mg·L-1,最佳的浸种时间为21 h,此时的发芽率、发芽指数及活力指数分别为85%、9.6、1...  相似文献   

通过采用不同温度处理、预先浸泡处理、不同浓度GA3处理等3种种子预处理方法进行柳叶水甘草种子萌发试验,结果表明:柳叶水甘草能够萌发的温度范围为15~30℃,最适萌发温度为25℃;预先浸泡处理对种子萌发率影响不显著,但显著提高种子发芽指数,浸泡时间为24时,种子发芽指数最高;预先用GA3浸泡有利于柳叶水甘草种子快速、整齐发芽,最适浓度为1 500×10~(-6)。  相似文献   

采用国际种子检验规程(ISTA,1985)对红花檵木(Loropetalum chinense var.rubrum)种子特性及萌发影响因素进行了初步研究,结果表明:(1)自然成熟的种子有生理休眠现象,湿沙层积贮藏90 d可解除生理休眠;(2)利用室内湿沙层积90 d和60℃温水间歇浸泡24 h后的种子,萌发时不需要光,且在10~40℃均能萌发,而在黑暗20 ~40℃和室温(18~32℃)下,发芽率达40%以上;(3)种子在4℃低温贮藏3~4个月为最佳,但4℃低温贮藏6个月,发芽率仍可达48.9%;(4)种子出苗率与埋藏深度呈负相关,回归方程为y=103.36-14.59x(| r |=0.97);(5)种子在沙壤中适宜萌发湿度为19.35% ~28.75%,土壤含水量高于32.43%或低于7.41%时,种子出苗率都在30%以下,但含水量分别为24.24%、19.35%、28.57%的种子出苗率间无显著差异.生产实践上当红花檵木播种时控制土壤含水量非常关键,不仅影响红花檵木的出苗率,而且是控制幼苗猝倒病的重要方法和环节之一.  相似文献   

以水曲柳种子为材料,探索药剂处理对种子层积催芽萌发的效果。结果表明:水曲柳种子层积处理前应用适当的外源激素处理会取得很好的效果;GA3在100 mg/L浓度时对提高种子萌发率有一定的效果;而BA则在1 mg/L浓度时对种胚的发育和种子萌发均有明显的促进作用;当使用GA3处理种子时,在低温或暖温层积前分别使用,可以获得较好的萌发效果。  相似文献   

翅荚木种子萌发特性初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翅荚木(Zenia Insignis)苏木科任豆属,是我国南方新近发掘的特有珍稀树种,现被列为国家重点保护植物。翅荚术根系发达,具根瘤,适应性强,生长迅速,其叶含丰富的蛋白质,易腐烂,既是保持水土、改良土壤、饲料肥料兼用的好树种,又是优良的用材和薪柴,极具开发利用的价值。但其母树需15一20年进入结实盛年,且3—4年才有一个丰年,故目前推  相似文献   

以哥伦比亚、波邦、卡杜埃、卡蒂姆7963等为材料,以25℃处理为对照,4℃低温条件下经历2d后,测量咖啡种子的露白率、发芽势、发芽率以及幼苗形态等指标,探究咖啡种子萌发期对低温胁迫的适应性。结果表明:在4℃低温胁迫条件下,品种1的发芽率高于对照,其他品种的发芽率低于对照;种苗生长过程中,弯钩期幼苗株数,品种1、2、5和7高于对照,其他品种低于对照;豆芽期幼苗株数,品种1和3高于对照,其他品种低于对照;两叶苗期幼苗株数和两叶一心苗期株数,所有品种均低于对照。品种1受低温胁迫后,种子活力提高,咖啡幼苗生长受到影响,其耐寒性较好。  相似文献   

文章以山皂角、刺槐为试材,研究不同浓度铅处理对种子萌发、胚生长的影响。结果表明,不同浓度铅处理对刺槐种子的萌发表现出不同程度的抑制作用,当铅浓度为200mg.L-1、400mg.L-1时,刺槐种子能正常发芽;当浓度大于800mg.L-1时,发芽率与对照差异极显著。不同浓度铅处理对山皂角种子萌发几乎无影响。随着浓度的升高,铅对山皂角、刺槐胚根、胚轴的伸长抑制作用增强,对胚根伸长的抑制大于对胚轴;山皂角在铅浓度为200mg.L-1以内可以正常生长。刺槐对铅的反应极为敏感,在最低浓度200mg.L-1时,鲜重就与对照形成显著差异。山皂角、刺槐胚根POD活性随铅浓度的增加有逐渐增加的趋势。山皂角胚轴POD活性随铅浓度的增加而降低。刺槐胚轴POD活性在200mg.L-14、00mg.L-1时较对照升高,在800mg.L-1时酶的活性达到峰值,之后降低。  相似文献   

Peltophorum dubium seeds were set to imbibe with four treatments, soaked with solution Captan 0.2% under 10and 27℃,PEG 6000 -1.0 MPa under 10 and 27℃. For each treatment there were four replicates with 40 seeds incubated in 9-cm Petri dishes with double filter paper moistened with testing solution. The imbibition curves showed that the final weight increase were from 70% to 150% in the treatments when imbibition entered a lag phase. Seeds were tested for effects on germination of five treatments: control group (nonprimed), primed with PEG6000 -1.0 MPa at 10 and 27℃, primed with Captan 0.2% at 10 and 27℃. For each treatment, there were three sub-treatments: seeds were soaked in distilled water for 12, 24 and 36h before the energy test. Germination percentages of nonprimed seeds and primed in PEG 27℃ soaked in distilled water during 12 h were the highest, reaching 100%. The lowest germination percentage occurred primed seeds with PEG6000 27℃ and soaked in distilled water during 36 h, which was only 52%. Germination mean time of primed seeds in PEG at 10℃, soaked 24 h was 1.08 days, mean time of primed seeds in PEG at 27℃ soaked 12 h was 2.42 days. Accelerated ageing results showed low or no germination after ageing 72 h. Control group had a higher germination percentage and seeds were more resistant to deterioration than those in primed groups, both in Petri dish (27℃) and vermiculate (room temperature).  相似文献   

Ma  Yilun  Feurtado  J. Allan  Kermode  Allison R. 《New Forests》2003,25(1):67-81
The ability of solid matrix priming (SMP) to overcome seed dormancy ofseeds of four fir species (Pacific silver fir, subalpine fir, grand fir andnoble fir), was examined. Seeds were subjected to treatments that combinedmoistchilling and SMP (SMP-chilling) and their germination compared to that elicitedby traditional moist chilling. For the SMP-chilling, six solid matrices withdifferent water holding capacities were tested (sphagnum, cat litter, peatmoss,Agro-Lig Greens Grade, Agro-Lig Micro Fine and sand). For each of the speciestested, germination performance was significantly improved by SMP-chilling; theresults were dependent on the type of solid matrix, the matrix water contentandthe treatment duration. SMP-chilling, using the best solid matrices for each ofthe species tested, resulted in germination percentages and rates that were24–35% and 8–21% higher, respectively, as compared with thatyieldedfrom control moist-chilling. High germination percentages (79% or greater) ofthree of the four species (Pacific silver fir, subalpine fir, and grand fir)were promoted after just four weeks (grand fir in sand) or eight weeks oftreatment (Pacific silver fir in peat moss and subalpine fir in Agro-Lig GreensGrade). The germination rate of grand fir seeds benefited from SMP-chillingperiods longer than four weeks, but this resulted in germination during thedormancy-breaking treatment. The water contents of the solid matrices that wereoptimal in terms of eliciting the best germination performance were 320% (w/w)for peat moss, 40% for Agro-Lig Greens Grade and 5–15% for sand.Conducting SMP at chilling temperatures (4 °C) is a practicalapproach to shorten the time required for effective dormancy termination ofAbies seeds; treatment times were shortened by 27 days forPacific silver fir and subalpine fir and more vigorous seedling growth wasexhibited by grand fir and noble fir.  相似文献   

We analyzed the germination traits (germination rate, germination potential, and germination index) of seeds from 23 half-sib families of birch (Betula platyphylla). The germination rates of the 23 families ranged from 38.57 to 76.50%. Seeds from the eight families germinating at the highest rates were then used for germination experiments under salt stress. Germination rate, germination potential, and germination index of these eight half-sib families decreased with increasing salt concentrations. The effects of four different hormones (6-benzylaminopurine, 6BA;gibberellin, GA3;naphthalene acetic acid, NAA;and melatonin) at various concentrations on the germination of seeds from the eight half-sib birch families under salt stress were investigated. Treatments with 6BA and GA3 alleviated the effects of salt stress on seed germination, whereas treatments with NAA and melatonin aggravated the effects of salt stress. The most effective treatments for alleviating the effects of salt stress on birch seed germination were 10 mg/L 6BA and 300 mg/L GA3. This study provides practical information for screening birch families for salt tolerance at the seed germination stage, and for cultivation of birch in saline environments.  相似文献   

This paper dealt with the studying the germination percentage, germination potential and analyzing the germination of the seeds with different treatments by systematic statistics method. Seeds were collected from 14 provenances in September 1994. The results indicated that the germination percentage and germination potential of the seeds in various provenances were different. Both indexes in Nanchang, area was much lower than those in the rest provenances. The germination percentage and germination potential of the seeds in different provenance declined after the seeds were treated with aging for one year. The light treatment might promotes the germination percentage more effectively than the germination potential. In addition, fuzzy cluster may reflect the relationship among germination in different provenances. (Responsible Editor: Dai Fangtian)  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of seed priming on the germination and physiology of Pinus bungeana seeds.Seeds were treated by hydropriming with distilled water,halopriming with potassium nitrate (KNO 3) at 0.3,0.6,1.2 MPa respectively (untreated dry seeds were taken as control).Properties of seed germination and physiology were determined and the effect of hydro-and halopriming on germination and physiology of P.bungeana seeds were investigated.The results showed that,compared with control,each priming treatment had increased the germination percentage (GP) and germination index (GI),shortened the mean germination time (MGT) and the time required for 50% of the seeds to germinate (G 50).Primed P.bungeana seeds significantly decreased the relative conductivity and the amount of malondialdehyde (MDA).Of all the treatments applied to seeds of P.bungeana,halopriming at 0.3 MPa KNO 3 produced the highest GP (65.0%) and the shortest MGT (18.8 d) and G 50 (18.2 d).  相似文献   

为明确鼠尾草种子在逆境条件下的萌发特性,通过试验模拟研究不同浓度的氯化钠(NaCl)和聚乙二醇(PEG6000)溶液对鼠尾草种子萌发的影响,结果表明:NaCl和PEG6000对鼠尾草种子萌发有不同程度的抑制作用,发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均有所下降;在0.10mol/L NaCl溶液胁迫中,发芽率、发芽势最高,分别为88.33%和66.67%,0.40mol/L时种子不能萌发;在4%PEG6000溶液胁迫中,发芽率、发芽势最高,分别为81.67%、66.89%。由此可知,鼠尾草种子在中轻度盐土壤中能较正常萌发,在重度盐土壤中则丧失萌发能力。  相似文献   

虎皮楠等珍稀树种种子萌发温度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了虎皮楠等10个珍稀树种种子的萌发适宜温度.结果发现,10个树种种子的萌发温度差异较大.其中适于在较低温度(15-20℃)下萌发的种子有尖萼厚皮香、香港四照花、金叶含笑和八月桂;适于在较高温度(25-30℃)下萌发的种子有香花崖豆藤、虎皮楠和东京白克木;对发芽温度要求较宽的树种有伯乐树、椤木石楠和蓝果树.  相似文献   

采用21种不同的方法对德昌杉种子进行对比处理,结果表明,用25℃温水浸种1h发芽率最高,为28.67%,其次为用40℃温水浸种1d,发芽率达27.67%,用100℃沸腾水处理5 min钟的发芽率最低,为12.33%,整体来看,用40℃温水浸种1d,发芽较快,出芽整齐,是德昌杉育苗前进行种子预处理的最佳方法.  相似文献   

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