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Poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) is an acute, transmissible, infectious intestinal disease associated with high mortality and morbidity in turkey poults. Earlier studies demonstrated immune dysfunction, involving both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, associated with PEMS. The current study examined cytokines and metabolites produced by macrophages from poults exposed to PEMS agent(s). Six trials were conducted with six separate hatches of poults. Poults in the PEMS group were exposed to PEMS agent(s) via contact exposure at 7 days of age whereas uninfected poults served as control poults. Abdominal macrophages were harvested from control (uninfected) and PEMS poults at various times postexposure and cultured for 18-24 hr in the presence of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide. Interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) bioactivities and nitrite levels in macrophage culture supernatants were quantified. Macrophage supernatants from PEMS poults had greater IL-1-mediated stimulation index compared with the macrophage supernatants from uninfected control poults in both trials. However, this increase was significant only in trial 1. IL-6 activity tested in three separate trials was significantly higher in PEMS macrophage supernatants over the controls. On the contrary, TNF-alpha production by macrophages was decreased in PEMS macrophage culture supernatants. Nitrite levels in PEMS macrophage culture supernatants were significantly higher in two out of three trials. These findings suggest that the enhanced production of proinflammatory cytokine/metabolites by activated macrophages in PEMS poults may be responsible, at least in part, for the physiological intestinal inflammation, gut motility, and anorexia that characterize this disease.  相似文献   

Poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS) has been an economically devastating disease in North Carolina since the early 1990s. Though much is known about the disease, many questions remain unanswered about the syndrome, including its cause, transmission of causative agent(s), and control methods. This study was designed to investigate the association between PEMS and farm management factors. A prospective longitudinal study was conducted by collecting farm data and monitoring weekly mortality in 54 commercial turkey flocks raised in PEMS-affected regions. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses revealed that enhancing rodent control methods was negatively associated (P = 0.0228) with PEMS.  相似文献   

Poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS), a highly infectious disease of young turkeys, causes serious financial losses to the turkey industry. Clinically, PEMS is defined by mortality profiles, diarrhea, growth depression, and immunosuppression. Although many viruses, bacteria, and parasites are found in PEMS-infected birds, the inciting agent remains unknown. Experimentally, PEMS can be reproduced by exposing na?ve poults to the intestinal contents from infected birds. Previous reports suggest that extraintestinal tissues fail to reproduce the disease. Histopathologic examination of tissues from PEMS-infected poults suggested that the thymus exhibited the earliest signs of pathology. On the basis of these observations, we hypothesized that the thymus harbors an agent(s) involved in PEMS. In these studies, na?ve turkey poults were orally inoculated with a bacteria-free filtrate composed of either the intestines and feces or the thymus from PEMS-infected birds and were monitored for clinical signs of PEMS. Poults exposed to a filtrate composed solely of the thymus from PEMS-infected birds exhibited diarrhea, growth depression, mortality, pathology, and, most importantly, immunosuppression similar to poults exposed to the intestinal filtrate. The results of this study suggest that the thymus of infected birds harbors the agent(s) that can reproduce a PEMS-like disease in turkey poults.  相似文献   

The interaction of a poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS)-turkey astrovirus-Ohio State University (TAst-OSU) with the mononuclear phagocytic system cells, namely macrophages, was examined after in vitro and in vivo exposure. In vitro exposures were performed by incubating adherent turkey macrophages with various volumes of 10(6) 50% embryo infective dose (EID50)/ml TAst-OSU stock, whereas for in vivo challenge, poults were given a 200 microl inoculum of 10(6) EID50/ml TAst-OSU stock at 7 days of age. Results show that TAst-OSU in vitro exposure reduced macrophage viability relative to controls (P < 0.05) and decreased phagocytosis (P < 0.05) and intracytoplasmic killing of Escherichia coli (P < 0.05) after a 42-48-hr exposure. Poults challenged with TAst-OSU in vivo recruited almost 50% fewer Sephadex-elicited inflammatory cells in the abdominal cavity (P < 0.05) as compared with the sham controls. Similar to in vitro exposure, macrophages isolated from in vivo TAst-OSU-challenged poults exhibited reduced percentage of phagocytic macrophages (P < 0.05) as well as fewer intracytoplasmic E. coli per phagocytic macrophage (P < 0.05). TAst-OSU-challenged poults had a greater number of viable E. coli in their spleens (P < 0.05) after an intravenous E. coli challenge as compared with the non-TAst-OSU-challenged control poults. Macrophage-mediated cytokines and metabolites were also examined during this study. Both in vitro and in vivo TAst-OSU challenge resulted in reduced interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 activity. On the contrary, nitrite levels in macrophage culture supernatant fraction of TAst-OSU-challenged macrophages were significantly higher (P < or = 0.05). The findings of these studies indicated that TAst-OSU challenge induced defects in macrophage effector functions, implying that PEMS-turkey astrovirus can potentially impair the immune response of turkeys, thereby leading to enhanced susceptibility of turkeys to secondary, perhaps even fatal, bacterial infections.  相似文献   

Poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS) is an economically devastating disease. To date, many questions about the syndrome remain unanswered, including its cause, transmission of causative agent(s), and control methods. Turkey coronavirus (TCV) infection has been associated with some outbreaks of PEMS, with areas having a higher prevalence of TCV infection also experiencing an increased incidence of PEMS. This study was designed to establish mortality patterns for flocks experiencing excess mortality and TCV infection in PEMS-affected regions and to delineate the possible role of TCV in PEMS-affected flocks. Fifty-four commercial turkey flocks on farms in areas with and without a history of TCV infection were monitored for weekly mortality and for antibodies to TCV. Flocks were chosen on the basis of placement dates and were monitored from day of placement until processing. All flocks were tested for TCV by an indirect fluorescent antibody assay. PEMS status was determined with the use of the clinical definition of mortality greater than 2% during any 3-wk period from 2 wk of age through the end of brooding due to unknown cause. Of the 54 flocks, 24 remained healthy, 23 experienced PEMS, and 7 tested positive for TCV but did not experience PEMS. Ten flocks experienced PEMS and tested positive for TCV, whereas 13 flocks experienced PEMS and did not test positive for TCV. Four health status groups were evident: healthy, PEMS positive, TCV positive, and PEMS + TCV positive. Distinct mortality patterns were seen for each of the four health status groups. Whereas TCV was associated with PEMS in 43% of PEMS cases, 13 cases (57%) of PEMS did not involve TCV. Additionally, 7 out of 17 cases of TCV (41%) did not experience excess mortality (PEMS) at any time during brooding of the flock. The results of this study indicate that TCV can be associated with PEMS but is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause PEMS.  相似文献   

Qureshi MA  Yu M  Saif YM 《Avian diseases》2000,44(2):275-283
The role of a novel "small round virus" (SRV) isolated from poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) cases in inducing PEMS and associated immune alterations was examined in this study. Specific-pathogen-free and conventional poults were orally challenged with SRV and/or turkey coronavirus and monitored for clinical signs. Intestines, thymus, bursa, and spleens were examined for SRV antigen at various days postinoculation (DPI). Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), thymocytes, and splenic lymphocytes from inoculated poults or lymphocytes isolated from healthy poults after incubation with SRV in vitro were examined for lymphoproliferative potential against concanavalin A (Con A). The incidence of lymphocyte subpopulations in the peripheral blood and thymic lymphocytes of SRV-challenged poults was examined by flow cytometry. The results of these studies showed that the SRV challenge induced diarrhea, growth suppression, and atrophy of thymus and bursa resembling those of PEMS in field and/or experimental infections. The SRV antigen was detected in intestinal tissues soon after infection (i.e., at 2 and 4 DPI), whereas lymphoid tissues such as thymus, bursa, and spleen were positive for SRV antigen starting at 4 DPI until 8 DPI, suggesting virus translocation to lymphoid organs. The responsiveness of PBLs to Con A at 2 DPI was significantly reduced in all virus challenge groups (e.g., 28% and 22% in the SRV-alone group in studies 1 and 2, respectively) below the uninfected group. However, this suppressed response was no longer evident in the SRV group by 7 DPI. The SRV incubation with normal thymocytes and splenocytes in vitro resulted in significantly reduced lymphoproliferative response against Con A (41.2% and 10.49% reductions at 1:50 SRV dilution vs. controls in thymocytes and splenocytes, respectively). Flow cytometry analysis revealed a sudden decline at 2 DPI in the numbers of CD4- CD8+ lymphocyte subset in PBLs of SRV-infected poults. However, by 8 DPI, SRV-challenged poults had relatively higher CD4- CD8+ lymphocytes in PBLs. On the contrary, thymocytes had higher percentages of CD4- CD8+ lymphocytes at 2 and 4 DPI and reached comparable levels at 8 DPI in controls and SRV-infected poults. No differences were observed in CD4+ CD8- lymphocyte numbers in controls vs. SRV-infected poults. The findings of these studies imply that SRV may be a promising primary etiologic agent of PEMS. Furthermore, the SRV infection may compromise the lymphocyte-mediated immune defenses by reducing lymphoproliferation and the CD4- CD8+ (presumably T-cytotoxic cells) lymphocytes during the acute stage of SRV infection.  相似文献   

One-day-old poults were placed on contaminated litter on which poults previously had developed an enteric disease characterized by diarrhea, increased mortality, and stunting. These exposed birds were examined for clinical signs and pathologic changes in bone and parathyroid glands compared with controls. Intestinal and fecal samples were examined for potential pathogens. Exposed poults varied in size as early as day 8 and had significantly decreased weight gains and reduced shank lengths on days 8, 12, 16, and 21. The proximal tibial growth plate was narrowed. The mineralized hypertrophy zone was decreased in length and contained multiple non-mineralized bands on days 8, 12, 16, and 21. Metaphyseal trabeculae were reduced in amount on days 16 and 21. Parathyroid glands were hyperplastic on days 16 and 21. The bone and parathyroid gland lesions indicated that mineral homeostasis was being maintained at the expense of the skeleton during the enteric disease. A specific etiology for the enteric disease was not determined. Cryptosporidium, rotavirus, paramyxovirus, and Salmonella were identified in the exposed poults, and paramyxovirus and Salmonella were identified in the controls.  相似文献   

Intestinal samples from turkey poults affected with poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) were examined for viruses by immune electron microscopy and double-stranded RNA virus genome electropherotyping. Turkey coronavirus (TCV), avian rotaviruses, reovirus, and a yet undefined small round virus (SRV) were detected. The SRV and TCV were isolated and propagated in turkey embryos. Challenge of specific-pathogen-free turkey poults with SRV, TCV, or both resulted in mortality and clinical responses similar to those of natural PEMS. Our experiments indicate that SRV and TCV are possibly important agents in the etiology of PEMS and the combination of these infections might result in outbreaks with high mortality. The severity of clinical signs and mortality of PEMS are postulated to be partly related to the virus agents involved in individual outbreaks.  相似文献   

Poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) is an acute, infectious intestinal disease of turkey poults, characterized by high mortality and 100% morbidity, that decimated the turkey industry in the mid-1990s. The etiology of PEMS is not completely understood. This report describes the testing of various filtrates of fecal material from control and PEMS-affected poults by oral inoculation into poults under experimental conditions, the subsequent isolation of a reovirus, ARV-CU98, from one of the PEMS fecal filtrates, and in vivo and in vitro studies conducted to determine the pathogenicity of ARV-CU98 in turkey poults. In order to identify a filtrate fraction of fecal material containing a putative etiologic agent, poults were challenged in two independent experiments with 220- and 100-nm filtrates of fecal material from PEMS-negative and PEMS-positive poults. The 100-nm filtrate was chosen for further evaluation because poults inoculated with this filtrate exhibited mortality and significantly lower (P < or = 0.05) body weight and relative bursa weight, three clinical signs associated with PEMS. These results were confirmed in a third experiment with 100-nm fecal filtrates from a separate batch of PEMS fecal material. In Experiment 3, body weight and relative bursa and thymus weights were significantly lower (P < or = 0.05) in poults inoculated with 100-nm filtrate of PEMS fecal material as compared with poults inoculated with 100-nm filtrate of control fecal material. Subsequently, a virus was isolated from the 100-nm PEMS fecal filtrate and propagated in liver cells. This virus was identified as a reovirus on the basis of cross-reaction with antisera against avian reovirus (FDO strain) as well as by electrophoretic analysis and was designated ARV-CU98. When inoculated orally into poults reared under controlled environmental conditions in isolators, ARV-CU98 was associated with a higher incidence of thymic hemorrhaging and gaseous intestines. In addition, relative bursa and liver weights were significantly lower (P < or = 0.05) in virus-inoculated poults as compared with controls. Virus was successfully reisolated from virus-challenged poults but not from control birds. Furthermore, viral antigen was detected by immunofluorescence in liver sections from virus-challenged poults at 3 and 6 days postinfection and virus was isolated from liver at 6 days postinfection, suggesting that ARV-CU98 replicates in the liver. In addition to a decrease in liver weight, there was a functional degeneration as indicated by altered plasma alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities in virus poults as compared with controls. Although this reovirus does not induce fulminating PEMS, our results demonstrated that ARV-CU98 does cause some of the clinical signs in PEMS, including intestinal alterations and significantly lower relative bursa and liver weights. ARV-CU98 may contribute directly to PEMS by affecting the intestine, bursa, and liver and may contribute indirectly by increasing susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens that facilitate development of clinical PEMS.  相似文献   

One-day-old poults were placed on littler on which poults had previously developed diarrhea, increased mortality, and stunting. Small intestines, pancreas, and liver were evaluated histologically. Morphometric evaluations were conducted to determine villous length and crypt depth. Poults were evaluated for malabsorption utilizing D-xylose and lipid absorption tests. Compared with controls, the gastrointestinal tract of affected birds was grossly distended, was fluid-filled, and had thin, flaccid walls on days 5 and 8. Ceca were distended with brown watery fluid and gas on days 5, 8, and 12. No histologic lesions were present in the liver, pancreas, or pancreatic ducts, and only mild inflammatory changes were present in the small intestine. Villous atrophy and crypt hypertrophy were present in the small intestine on days 5, 8, 12, 16, and 21. Morphometry revealed significant decreases in villous lengths and increases in crypt depth throughout the trial. D-Xylose and lipid absorption were significantly decreased on days 8 and 11. Intestinal epithelial damage by infectious agents with subsequent villous atrophy is postulated to have produced malabsorptive diarrhea.  相似文献   

Poult enteritis (PE) is one of the most common diseases seen in young turkey flocks. Since 1993, more than 1800 cases of suspected PE have been submitted for examination by negative stain electron microscopy; this has involved more than 2400 individual results, because in many cases more than one virus was identified; at least 1500 individual results were positive for viruses. Viruses have been identified in poults as young as 3 days and up to 9 wk of age. The most commonly found viruses are rotavirus-like viruses and small round viruses ranging from 15 nm to 30 nm, either alone or in combination. Reovirus, birnavirus, and adenovirus have also been detected. There has been no evidence to suggest the presence of coronaviruses. This report summarizes our findings.  相似文献   

Yersiniosis was prevalent among a caprine herd during the late autumn of 2003 in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. The disease affected 29 of about 100 lactating goats, but not dried or nonparous goats, mature male goats or kids. Four animals died within an epidemic period of 20 days. Affected animals developed decreased milk production with subsequent watery diarrhea, neutrophilia with increased band forms and multiple microabscesses characteristic of yersiniosis in the intestinal mucosa from the jejunum to caecum as well as in the mesenteric lymph nodes. Y. pseudotuberculosis serotype III was isolated from intestinal contents and mesenteric lymph nodes. The organism was also cultured from clinically normal dried animals. The outbreak might have been precipitated by multiple stress factors, such as lactation, cold weather, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection resulting in abscess formation and tapeworm and coccidium parasitisms.  相似文献   

Several muscovy ducks from a free-roaming flock of 65 muscovy and mallard ducks died over a 3-week period. Three muscovy ducks were necropsied. Gross and microscopic changes were compatible with duck virus enteritis, and the virus was isolated. In addition to intranuclear viral inclusion bodies in several tissues, intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies were present in esophageal and cloacal epithelium. By electron microscopy, the membrane-bound intracytoplasmic inclusions were found to contain enveloped herpesvirus, and nuclei contained herpes viral nucleocapsids.  相似文献   

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