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Abstract – The timing of the smolt migration of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was investigated during 1972–2002 in the Simojoki, a river flowing into the northern Baltic Sea. The onset of the smolt run was positively correlated with the river water temperature; a rise in water temperature above 10 °C being the main proximate environmental triggering factor. There was also a weaker correlation between the decreasing river discharge in the spring and the onset of the smolt migration. The duration of the main run was shorter in the years when the onset of the smolt run was delayed. No differences were found in the onset timing or in the duration of the smolt run between wild smolts and semi-wild smolts released into the river as parr. A polynomial equation fitted to the annual data on the survival of Carlin-tagged wild smolts and the sea surface temperature (SST) in June off the river mouth appeared to follow a dome-shaped pattern. Survival was lower in cold early summers (SST <9 °C) than in those with an average SST (9–11.9 °C), and lower again, although not significantly, in warm early summers (SST ≥12 °C). Too low and probably also too a high water temperature in early summer could thus be one of the underlying reasons for the fluctuations observed in postsmolt survival in the Baltic Sea. 相似文献
M.J. FELTHAM 《Fisheries Management and Ecology》1995,2(4):289-298
Abstract Current models estimating the impact of red-breasted mergansers, Mergus serrator L., on salmon, Salmo salar L., fisheries in Scotland fail to take account of any annual variation in the proportion of the diet that is smolts. During the 1987–1990 smolt runs, the annual variation in the diet of mergansers was estimated from the stomach contents of birds shot on two Scottish rivers. The proportion of salmon in the diet was greatest early in the smolt run (76–91% by weight), and contained proportionately more smolts than later in the run, when coarse fish were more prominent. There was little annual variation in the proportion of the diet that was juvenile salmon. However, the proportion of these fish that were smolts, was twice as great in some years than in others and this appeared to be independent of estimated annual smolt production in the rivers. 相似文献
J. Erkinaro 《Ecology of Freshwater Fish》1995,4(2):53-61
Parr of the Atlantic salmon in subarctic River Teno, northern Finland (70°N, 28°E), are found to migrate to small tributaries that are not spawning areas for the adult salmon. The age distribution of the salmon differs significantly between these brooks and the natal rivers, the parr in the brooks being typically 2–4 years old, whereas those in the main rivers were mostly of age 0–2 years. The older fish were found in the uppermost regions of the brooks. The ratio of salmon to brown trout decreases towards the upper reaches of the brooks. At least some of the young salmon overwinter in the brooks. However, the number of fish and the area inhabited diminished towards the autumn in some occasions. It is suggested that this migratory behavior may be an adaptational phenomenon that could cause variation in survival among young salmon in the River Teno. 相似文献
Growth of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. smolt is poor in the period immediately following transfer to seawater, and the fish may use endogenous reserves to meet metabolic requirements at this time. Fat dynamics of smolt that differed in ‘fat status’ (10–12 versus 5–7% body fat) at the time of transfer to seawater were examined in fish fed either high‐(31% fat, 41% protein) or low‐fat (18% fat, 49% protein) feeds during seawater rearing. Samples were taken at intervals over 14 weeks to monitor changes in fat of the fillet, viscera and remaining carcass (head, skeleton, skin and ‘belly flap’). Growth rates (SGRs) were low during the first 3–6 weeks, but improved with time and SGRs for the 14 weeks were approximately 1% d?1. Fat status of the smolt appeared to influence growth in seawater, because the fish that had been held on the high‐fat feed in fresh water grew less well than those given low‐fat feed at that time. At transfer to seawater, the fillet housed 20–25% of the body fat, and the carcass over 50%. After 14 weeks, the fillet held 32–35% of the body fat, and viscera 19–26%, but the carcass, with 40–49%, was still the major fat depot irrespective of dietary treatment. Thus, the carcass is a major fat storage depot in Atlantic salmon smolt, but the fillet appears to become more important as the fish increase in size. 相似文献
Annual variability in survival of sea-ranched Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L: significance of smolt size and marine conditions 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Abstract Carlin tagging data for 1980–1991 were used to examine the influence of smolt size and feeding conditions on the post-smolt survival of ranched River Neva salmon, ( Salmo salar L.), in the the Gulf of Finland, which is the native feeding area of the stock, and in the Bothnian Sea, where the stock has been introduced. Because of better feeding conditions, the survival rates were higher and less variable in the Gulf of Finland than in the Bothnian Sea. In the Bothnian Sea, the annual variability in survival decreased and the mean value increased with increasing smolt size from the smallest (14–16 cm) to the largest (28–30 cm) size classes. The survival was positively correlated with growth rates, food resources and sea-surface temperatures. This suggests that in the Bothnian Sea the annual variability in survival is mainly because variable marine conditions affect growth rates, and, thus, the vulnerability of the post-smolts to size-dependent predation. In the Gulf of Finland, the survival advantage of large initial size and rapid growth was counteracted by size-selective post-smolt mortality from fishing. The increase in the survival rate with increasing smolt size levelled off at 22 cm, and the correlations between survival, growth and the indices of feeding conditions were mostly insignificant. For large smolts, some negative correlations were recorded, suggesting that the relative significance of mortality from fishing may even exceed that of size-dependent natural mortality. The implications of the results for management are discussed. 相似文献
R. A. Cunjak 《Ecology of Freshwater Fish》1992,1(1):26-34
Abstract– The diet composition, movcments and growth of Atlantic salmon parr rearing in the estuary of Western Arm Brook, Newfoundland were compared with those of parr from riverine habitats over 2 years. Estuarine parr consumed a variety of prey, including many freshwater taxa (mainly insects), which indicated a dependence on freshwater drift from the river. Prey of estuarine origin (amphipods and sticklebacks) were increasingly consumed between spring and autumn. Prey volume per fish and number of prey per fish increased significantly for estuarine parr between spring and autumn, suggesting an improvement in food availability. Riverine parr, however, realized a general decrease in both parameters between spring and autumn. The recapture of 16% ( n = 131) of the 829 parr marked in the estuary in 1987 and 1988 indicated a directed movement toward the head of the estuary and river mouth, as also suggested by the diet analysis. Parr from outer estuary sites were very mobile compared with parr from the estuary site closest to the river mouth, which behaved more like parr in the river proper in displaying strong site fidelity. Movement patterns of parr were primarily along the shoreline. Individual growth rates were highly variable in both environments but especially in the estuary. The mean growth of estuarine parr was 0.23 mm. d−1 between May and October with some evidence of fastest growth having occurred in late spring and early summer (approx. 0.4 mm. d−1 ); mean growth rate of riverine parr was slower, at 0.12 mm. d−1 . The results are discussed in the context that estuarine rearing by salmon parr represents an alternative life-history tactic for the species in river systems in eastern Canada. 相似文献
Abstract Variations in the age structure and number of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., running into the River Eo in northern Spain were assessed from catch records of sport fisheries for the period 1949 to 1991. The analysis focused on two periods (1951–1960 and 1981–1991) for which more complete data on fish number, size and age were available. Over the whole period, no evidence for a decline in the total salmon run was found, but the last few years revealed significant changes in both the number and age structure of salmon caught. The catches were mainly composed of multi-sea-winter salmon, and this did not change from the 1950s to the 1980s as the proportion of grilse remained unchanged. However, since 1980, there was a marked decline in both the proportion of 3-sea-winter salmon (versus 2-sea-winter fish) and the frequency of previous spawners among the multi-sea-winter salmon. These changes were probably linked because most of the previous spawners re-entered the river as 3-sea-winter or older salmon. River age of salmon caught in the 1950s was low and constant (about 90% of the catch had smolted at one year) but the mean age of smolting increased in the 1980s. 相似文献
Target spawning requirements for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Newfoundland rivers 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing pressure from user groups in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, to manage Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., on a river-specific basis. The requirement to maximize benefits to users while ensuring that conservation goals are met has resulted in an initiative to develop river-specific target spawning requirements. In Newfoundland, anadromous juvenile Atlantic salmon make widespread use of lacustrine habitat for rearing. Depending on the river, lacustrine habitat can account for a substantial proportion of total production. Therefore, target spawning requirements for a number of rivers in several management areas were derived in terms of the contribution of both riverine and lacustrine habitats. The approach adopted, and derivations of associated parameter values, are reviewed, and limitations and research needs are discussed. 相似文献
Abstract Seasonal differences in smolt traits and the post-smolt survival of wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were investigated by smolt trapping and Carlin-tagging in the River Simojoki, northern Finland between 1991 and 2004. The annual trapping season was divided into two halves based on the median catch date. Smolt length was significantly higher during the first half of the season, while differences in smolt weight were typically small. Smolt age was always significantly higher during the first half of the season because older smolts tended to migrate earlier in the season. Many smolts migrating during the early season and almost all smolts migrating later had started their new growth, indicating that smolts grow in the spring before sea entry. The differences in recaptures between smolts tagged during the first and second halves were insignificant. Although variations in smolt traits and environmental conditions can produce inter-annual variation in post-smolt survival, their seasonal differences seem to be too small to have an effect. 相似文献
The number and the size of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., using the Isohaara fishway was elevated by increasing the fishway discharge and by changing the type of the pass entrance. The fishway is intended to help fish bypass a hydroelectric station located close to the mouth of the large, regulated River Kemijoki, in northern Finland. Multi-sea-winter (MSW) salmon returned to the river mouth during peak flows in early June but did not use the fishway until 1 month later. Their number in the fishway was positively correlated with the tailwater level. One-sea winter (1-SW) salmon, which arrived approximately one month later, started to enter the fishway without corresponding delays. In autumn, a high tailwater level and a small drop at the fish entrance seemed to be needed for the successful passage of these small-sized salmon and sea trout, Salmo trutta L. 相似文献
Abstract – The effect of pike Esox lucius predation on the mortality of newly stocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts was investigated in the Pyhäjoki River, Finland. The number of smolts eaten by pike was assessed by estimating the size of the pike population (mark–recapture experiment) and studying the stomach contents of pike. Before recapturing the pike, approximately 39,700 smolts were stocked upstream of the 2.5-km-long (89-ha) research area. The estimated size of the >40-cm pike population was 1507 (95% CL 1012–4731) individuals (17 pike and 29.8 kg·ha−1 ). Pike were estimated to eat 29% of the released smolts during 1 week. The diet of the pike in the research area consisted almost entirely of smolts, whereas in the reference area with no stocked smolts, the meal sizes were significantly smaller and the importance of smolts as prey was substantially lower. Pike <40 cm had not eaten any smolts, probably indicating a size refuge for the smolts, or alternatively fear of intraspecific interactions or cannibalism of pike. 相似文献
Abstract – The survival of brown trout and Atlantic salmon smolts during passage over small weirs was estimated in two small Danish rivers during the spring of 1998. Parallel groups of smolts were released upstream and downstream of the weirs and recaptured in traps further downstream. The results showed a smolt loss varying from 18 to 71% for trout and 53% for salmon. Furthermore, the surviving smolts from the upstream groups were delayed for up to 9 days compared to downstream groups. The study demonstrated that an increased proportion of total river discharge allocated to fish passage increased the smolt survival. Losses may be because of fish penetrating grids erected at fish farm inlets, predation and delays, which may lead to desmoltification. The low survival may seriously threat both the long-term viability of wild populations of anadromous salmonids and the outcome of the intensive stocking programme in Denmark. 相似文献
Relationships between marine growth and marine survival of one sea winter Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from the River Bush, Northern Ireland 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
An examination of marine growth/marine survival relationships in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was carried out, based on scale growth measurements in relation to two indices of marine survival in wild fish from the River Bush, Northern Ireland. The survival of cohorts to the Irish/Northern Irish coast (prefishery) and to fresh water was statistically unrelated to variation in growth from smolt migration to the end of the first winter at sea ( P > 0.1; – P > 0.7). Marine growth of 1+ smolts decreased significantly during the period of the study ( P < 0.05), but growth of 2+ smolts did not change ( P > 0.05). The variability in marine growth was much less than the variation in natural survival at sea, suggesting that factors instead of or in addition to, growth influence natural survival in the marine environment. Survival to fresh water was not related to survival to the coast ( P > 0.4), although it was inversely correlated with exploitation rate ( P < 0.01). These results are discussed in relation to the use of freshwater returns to assess marine survival and the potential for the variation in natural marine mortality to influence total life-cycle variation. 相似文献
Sirkka Heinimaa 《Aquaculture Research》2003,34(15):1413-1415
The liver glycogen content of hatchery‐reared salmon parr increased in summer and decreased in winter in conditions where the carbohydrate concentration of the dry feed remained stable but water temperature varied between 0.1 and 20°C. 相似文献
M. A. Matthews & W. R. Poole C. E. Thompson J. McKillen & A. Ferguson K. Hindar K. F. Wheelan 《Fisheries Management and Ecology》2000,7(4):337-347
The substantial growth of the farmed salmon industry in Europe since the 1970s has highlighted concerns regarding the genetic impact of escaped farmed salmon on wild salmonid stocks. High incidences of salmon × trout hybrids have been recorded in rivers situated near intensive salmon farming in Norway and Scotland, which may be indicative of a breakdown in reproductive isolation between salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L. In the present study, salmonid fry and 0+ parr were collected from rivers in western Ireland. Allozyme and minisatellite DNA analysis were carried out on fry to determine the frequency of F1 hybrids from 10 rivers located within 38 km of salmon farms and three rivers at least 80 km from salmon farms. A total of 49 hybrids were recorded from 4135 salmonid fry (frequency = 1.2%). Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that all hybrids arose from Atlantic salmon female × brown trout male crosses. Hybrid parr were recorded from one of the low-risk rivers (1.0%), but were present in seven out of the 10 catchments located within 38 km of salmon farms, with frequencies ranging from 0.7% to 3.1%. The results of the present survey, which represents the first extensive record of the levels of salmon-trout hybridization in Ireland, are discussed in relation to the continued growth of salmon farming in this country. 相似文献
S. Heinimaa 《Ecology of Freshwater Fish》2004,13(4):323-326
Abstract – Mean liver glycogen content of 1–4-year-old Atlantic salmon parr varied from 0.5 to 9.5% (of fresh liver mass) and condition factor (CF) from 0.66 to 0.85 in the sub-arctic River Teno system in northern Finland during 2 years of study. There were no significant differences in liver glycogen contents of different age groups as there were in CF. However, there were seasonal differences in liver glycogen content and CF of the wild parr. The lowest liver glycogen contents were observed in July and the highest in September and December whereas the lowest CFs were observed in May and the highest in July. 相似文献
Abstract – We compared timing of smolt migration for two populations of naturally spawned Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , originating from an upper catchment (River Tummel) and a lower catchment (River Almond) tributary of the River Tay, Scotland. Smolts from the upper tributary began migration earlier than those from the lower tributary. On both occasions when fry derived from River Isla (lower tributary) stock were transferred to a location in the upper catchment, smolt migration was later than for native fish. Similarly, when fry from Tummel and Isla stocks were stocked in a common, upper catchment location, Isla origin fish migrated at a later date, in both of the two following smolt years. These differences are indicative of a genetic basis for the timing of smolt migration and suggestive of local adaptation. Mounting evidence points towards local genetic adaptation for the timing of expression of behaviours associated with migration. These aspects of variation should be accommodated in management theory and practices. 相似文献
Abstract Twenty-seven years of daily salmon, Salmo salar L., rod catch and flow data from the River Derwent were analysed. Daily catch was standardized for each month between June and October and the mean value determined for each 2-cumec flow band. In June and July the mean standardized catch remained relatively low and stable for flows up to approximately 9 cumecs. Thereafter it increased steadily with increasing flow, reaching a peak at 21 cumecs and 41 cumecs for each month respectively. A linear model accounted for the greatest proportion of the variability in August and September with mean standardized catch increasing steadily up to a maximum value of 43 and 39 cumecs respectively. However, in October, a quadratic model was more appropriate, with mean standardized catch decreasing as flow increased up to 9 cumecs and thereafter increasing steadily with flow, reaching a maximum value at 21 cumecs. The pattern of the relationship at higher flows was not clear because of the paucity of data. These findings are discussed in relation to the management of the water resource for the maintenance of the fishery. 相似文献
This study documented the effect of cadmium on salmon parr and smolt gill morphology. Cadmium-induced changes in chloride cell (CC) cytoskeletal elements were investigated, as well as the modifications of CC surface area and density. In cadmium-treated parr (10 µg Cd l-1 for 2 days), immunofluorescent light microscopy revealed the appearance of an intense actin staining located in the CC apical part. Transmission electron microscopic observations revealed a change in the organization of the microfilaments at the CC apex, with the appearance of numerous aggregates of filamentous actin. Higher cadmium concentrations (30 and 50 µg l-1) and prolonged treatment times (7 to 14 days) did not modify such reorganisation. Microtubules were not significantly affected by similar treatments. Further, scanning electron microscopic analysis revealed that cadmium induces a significant increase of parr CC surface area as early as the second day of exposure. After 2 days, mature CC density had also increased. In smolt, a rise in CC surface area was observed, although CC density did not significantly increase. 相似文献