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Seed mass and emergence time may influence fitness of plants. The experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of seed mass and emergence time on the performance of seedlings of Castanopsis chinensis, a large evergreen tree species with limited tolerance of shade. The treatment consisted of three light regimes: 100%, 15% and 2% of full sunlight. Germination rate and germination time showed a significant correlation with seed mass. Germination rate differed among the three light regimes. Early-emerging large-seeded seedlings in 100% light produced the heaviest seedlings, while those resulting from smaller late-emerging seeds and grown under 2% light regime produced the lightest seedlings. Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased with seed mass in all three light regimes, and seedlings of C. chinensis have a higher RGR in high and intermediate light levels compared to low light. In contrast, the effect of emergence time on RGR was not significant. The growth of C. chinensis seedlings were significantly influenced by seed size, emergence time, and light conditions. For each month, the mean height of seedlings was significantly greatest for large-seeded seedlings and significantly lowest for small-seeded ones, irrespective of emergence time and light conditions. Regeneration success of C. chinensis appears to be regulated by the interactive effect of seed mass, emergence time and light regime.  相似文献   

To improve the restoration of tropical rain forests, we tested the germination of seeds of Omphalea oleifera collected from soil (S) and from trees (T) in the 2001 dry season (Spring), at the beginning of a dry season (2005a, winter) and in the rainy season (2005b, winter). All seeds had high water content (WC, 31–33%), and the lipid content varied from 14 to 46%. Seedlings from seeds collected in 2001 were subjected to moderate water stress as a preconditioning treatment for severe stress. T-seeds collected in the dry season had high WC, rapid and high germination percentage; S and T-seeds collected in winter (2005) had also high WC but were dormant. GA3 (250 ppm) broke this dormancy. S-seeds collected in the dry season or at the beginning of it had relatively low WC and low and delayed germination. Some 2001 S-seeds produced albino seedlings. The critical water content for maintaining ecological longevity in these seeds was ∼15%. Seeds collected in 2005b that were dehydrated for 20 days in a moist and fresh atmosphere lost their viability, showing recalcitrant behavior. T-seeds with the lowest lipid content (2005a) after dehydration maintained low germination (15 ± 18%). In all samples the seed size varied widely and was not predictive of seed WC. Embryos taken from dehydrated seeds had two to four times higher WC than the seeds, but germination did not take place. Laboratory and field germination of dormant seeds showed that viability may be maintained for at least 2–3 months on a moist substrate (soil or agar). Moderate water stress at the seedling stage reduced the efficiency of biomass production. Response to this water stress was expressed more in physiological traits than in morphological characters, consequently biomass allocation was maintained and plants retained most of their morphological characteristics (root:shoot ratio, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight ratio). Moderate water stress did not increase the tolerance of seedlings to severe stress, causing leaf shedding and plant death. For restoration purposes we recommend that T-seeds be germinated immediately avoiding dehydration. The use of S-seeds could result in unhealthy seedlings. Seed recalcitrance and the response to moderate water stress restrict germination and establishment to small gaps, where this species naturally grows. We suggest that before introducing O. oleifera in restoration programs, a plant cover should be built to reduce soil water deficit. It is necessary to improve methods to increase potential seed longevity in storage.  相似文献   

Uma Shankar 《New Forests》2006,31(2):305-320
In species with seeds losing viability shortly after dispersal and exhibiting inherently low germination, quick decisions are required with respect to seeds that should be selected to maximize germination success and vigorous growth of seedlings. In ‘hollong’ (Dipterocarpus macrocarpus Vesque), I address the following questions: (a) are seeds that germinate randomly distributed within a seed population, (b) are subpopulations of viable and non-viable seeds separable, (c) does seed size predict which seeds germinate and (d) does seed size predict time required for germination and seedling vigour? Two estimators of seed size, diameter and weight, demonstrated a significant positive linear relationship endorsing assumption that accumulation of mass increases with increase in diameter of seeds. A threshold for selection of potential seeds for germination could not be derived from diameter measurements since seeds in an entire range of diameter did or did not germinate. All seeds <11 g did not germinate, but this threshold lies at the far lower end of the weight range and allows rejection of only a few seeds and acceptance of many seeds that will not germinate. A risk of potential seeds being rejected or non-viable seeds being picked exists if selection was derived from either diameter or weight. However, viable seeds could be better predicted from a scatter-plot of diameter on x-axis and weight on y-axis. Seeds showed a fan-shaped scatter and those developing the lower blade of the fan did not germinate while those following the handle were successful. Hence, two subpopulations segregated, but with a fuzzy edge. Mean diameter and mean weight of germinated seeds were significantly greater than those of ungerminated seeds. Most ungerminated seeds were those that had relatively smaller weight compared to their diameter. Although some large diameter seeds with small weight did germinate, but failed to develop into seedlings. Germination time and seedling vigour parameters (height, leaf number and collar diameter) were correlated both with diameter and weight. However, weight appears to have mattered more than diameter in germination success and early seedling growth.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated interacting effects of canopy gaps, understory vegetation and leaf litter on recruitment and mortality of tree seedlings at the community level in a 20-year-old lowland forest in Costa Rica, and tested several predictions based on results of previous studies. We predicted that experimental canopy gaps would greatly enhance tree seedling recruitment, and that leaf litter removal would further enhance recruitment of small-seeded, shade-intolerant seedlings in gaps. We created a large (320–540 m2) gap in the center of 5 out of 10 40 m × 40 m experimental plots, and applied the following treatments bimonthly over a 14-month-period in a factorial, split–split plot design: clipping of understory vegetation (cut, uncut), and leaf litter manipulations (removal, addition, control). As expected, experimental gaps dramatically increased tree seedling recruitment, but gap effects varied among litter treatments. Litter addition reduced recruitment in gaps, but enhanced recruitment under intact canopy. Species composition of recruits also differed markedly between gap treatments: several small-seeded pioneer and long-lived pioneer species recruited almost exclusively in gaps. In contrast, a few medium-to-large-seeded shade-tolerant species recruited predominantly under intact canopy. Leaf litter represents a major barrier for seedling emergence and establishment of small-seeded, shade-intolerant species, but enhances emergence and establishment of large-seeded, shade-tolerant species, possibly through increased humidity and reduced detection by predators. Periodic clipping of the understory vegetation marginally reduced tree seedling mortality, but only in experimental gaps, where understory vegetation cover was greatly enhanced compared to intact canopy conditions. Successful regeneration of commercially valuable long-lived pioneer trees that dominate the forest canopy may require clear-cutting, as well as weeding and site preparation (litter removal) treatments in felling clearings. Management systems that mimic natural canopy gaps (reduced-impact selective logging) could favor the regeneration of shade-tolerant tree species, potentially accelerating convergence to old-growth forest composition. In contrast, systems that produce large canopy openings (clear-cutting) may re-initiate succession, potentially leading to less diverse but perhaps more easily managed “natural plantations” of long-lived pioneer tree species.  相似文献   

In this study three species of the genus Quercus section Erythrobalanus (Quercus coccinea, Quercus rubra, Quercus velutina) were investigated. All occur together as canopy trees in forests of southern New England. Acorns of each Quercus species were planted in plots located in five zones that represent a range of forest gap/canopy conditions that can occur within a southern New England forest. These five zones were demarcated adjacent to and across large openings of two physiographic sites—valley and ridgetop. Experiments were designed to monitor germination and initial growth of seedlings for the first three growing seasons. During the start of the first growing season germination was monitored. At the end of the first growing season measurements of height and number of flushes were taken and destructive samples of seedlings made for dry mass of root, stem and leaves. At the end of the third growing season height was recorded for surviving seedlings. Comparisons were made of germination and growth of seedlings located in the different gap/canopy conditions.

Results demonstrated clear differences in patterns of germination and early growth among species and among gap/canopy conditions of the sites. All species showed an increased lag in germination with reduced amounts of light. Highest growth and flushing rate were in the center conditions of the openings for all species during the first growing season. Quercus rubra had the greatest height growth the first growing season but a lower number of flushes than Q. velutina and Q. coccinea. In comparison with the other species, Q. rubra had the greatest total dry mass in most gap/canopy conditions after the first growing season. However, Q. velutina had the greatest total dry mass in the center of the ridgetop opening. In almost all gap/canopy conditions Q. velutina had greater proportions of dry mass allocated to roots compared with the other species.

After 3 years, greatest height growth in any of the gap/canopy conditions was recorded for all three species in the center of the valley site. Under this condition Q. rubra had significantly greater growth than Q. velutina and Q. coccinea. Quercus rubra also had significantly greater height growth and survival beneath the canopy conditions of the valley site than the other species. On the ridgetop site regeneration failed to establish beneath canopy conditions that provided low amounts of light. Quercus velutina showed greatest height growth after three years in the center and edge conditions of the ridgetop opening compared with the other species. Environmental influences that determine species germination and growth performance are suggested.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to quantify the effects of roe deer browsing relative to the effects of soil preparation, shelterwood density (light) and seed fall. Ultimately, the goal was better silvicultural guidelines to support the use of natural beech regeneration in the close-to-nature forestry context. In spring 1995, an experiment on natural regeneration with three experimental stands (0.28–0.6 ha) was installed in a beech (Fagus sylvatica) dominated broadleaved forest inhabited by a dense roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population (24 deer km−2). The autumn of 1995 offered a large beech mast (stand average 307–1168 beechnuts m−2).Treatments installed included fencing to exclude deer, soil preparation, shelterwood thinning, and the relevant control treatments. Roe deer and soil preparation had dramatic effects on regeneration from the moment the seedlings sprouted in the spring 1996. The regeneration sprouted only sparsely in the unprepared seedbed producing only 5 seedlings m−2 (average across fence treatments) after 2 months, which was reduced to 1 sapling m−2 8 years later. Deer had no significant effect on the regeneration density of the unprepared seedbed. In contrast, the cultivated seedbeds produced initially (after 2 months) up to 191 seedlings m−2 protected by fence, whereas the densities in the unfenced treatments peaked by 22 seedlings m−2. By the end of the study, these densities were reduced to 22 saplings m−2 in the permanently fenced mineral soil seedbed and to 2 saplings m−2 in the unfenced mineral soil seedbed. Regeneration height outside the permanent fence was generally only half the height of the regeneration inside. Additionally, we found significantly positive effects of increasing light and seed fall on regeneration density and of light on regeneration growth.We conclude that the roe deer only reduced the regeneration density of the dense regenerations established in the cultivated seedbeds. However, the regeneration density of the unprepared seedbed was not sufficient to support a future high quality stand. We found no treatment that within the timeframe of this study could support successful regeneration establishment outside the permanent fences. Whether this will change in the future with more time given for the regeneration to establish is yet to be revealed.  相似文献   

Research into the mechanisms underlying edaphic associations reported for many tropical forest tree species, including those in the Meliaceae, has paid little attention to the earliest post-dispersal life stages. We conducted a reciprocal sowing experiment to examine germination and establishment rates of big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) during the first seedling growing season in two local edaphic habitats in southeastern Amazonia. In this region, adult populations are restricted primarily to low-ground soils associated with seasonal streams, but rarely are found on high-ground soils. Soil analyses revealed that low-ground soils at the study site were silty loams whereas high-ground soils were clays. High-ground soils were less acidic and more fertile than low-ground soils, especially with respect to total nitrogen, Mg, and sum of basic cations.  相似文献   

To insure adequate regeneration and future timber yields of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King), many logged forests will have to be restocked through enrichment planting and managed using silvicultural techniques that maintain this species’ long-term survival and growth. This study compared the effects of planting method and two silvicultural treatments on the survival and growth of mahogany seedlings in logging gaps in Bolivia. We tested the hypotheses that survival and growth will be higher among transplanted seedlings than seedlings established from sown seeds and higher in silvicultural treatments that reduce competing vegetation and increase light. The first silvicultural treatment consisted of gaps logged 6 months prior to planting, gaps logged just prior to planting, and gaps treated with herbicide prior to planting. The second treatment, applied 12 months after planting, consisted of manual vegetation cleaning around mahogany seedlings in half of the gaps. The first hypothesis was supported in terms of initial seedling growth but not survival, which was similar between planting methods during the 12-92 months after planting. Transplanted seedlings grew significantly faster than those established from sown seeds during the first year, but this growth advantage disappeared by the second year. Although transplants were 84 cm taller than seed-sown seedlings by the end of the study, this height gain was probably not worth the cost of growing and transplanting seedlings. The second hypothesis was supported in terms of both survival and growth. A significantly greater proportion of seedlings survived in herbicide (62%) compared to 6-month-old (46%) and recent gaps (18%) and in cleaned (51%) versus control gaps (39%). Seedlings initially grew faster in herbicide and recent gaps than in 6-month-old gaps. These differences among silvicultural treatments were largely explained by canopy cover, which, throughout the study, was at least 14% lower in herbicide gaps and 9% lower in cleaned gaps relative to their respective alternatives. By 64 months growth diminished to near zero and no longer differed among gap treatments, despite lower canopy cover in herbicide gaps. By 92 months, saplings in herbicide gaps were only 145 and 77 cm taller than those in recent and 6-month-old gaps, respectively. To maximize survival and growth of mahogany seedlings in logging gaps while minimizing costs, silvicultural strategies should focus on direct seed sowing and appropriately timed interventions (i.e. manual cleaning) to control competing vegetation.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-four jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and 85 marri (Corymbia calophylla) trees were measured and assessed, and the numbers and sizes of hollows in these trees were determined by destructive sampling; 665 hollows were located and measured. The relationship between tree diameter and tree age was determined from counts of annual growth rings on 162 of these trees. Large trees and trees with moderately senescent crowns individually bear the most hollows. Although the number of hollows found in individual trees increased with tree diameter, the distribution of tree diameters in the forest is skewed and the large number of small trees with diameters between 40 and 80 cm contribute approximately 50% of all hollows in the jarrah forest. The distributions of entry size, and of hollow depth, are highly skewed, with small hollows occurring more frequently than large hollows. Although jarrah trees bear more hollows than marri trees and the distribution of entry sizes is similar for both tree species, the hollows in jarrah are significantly smaller than the hollows in marri. Most hollows are cylindrical in shape, vertically oriented and occur in dead wood in the tree crown. Relatively few hollows (14%) occur in the tree bole or at crown break. Counts of hollows made from ground level are inaccurate as estimates of the actual number of hollows in trees.  相似文献   

The effects of competition from red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) and northern hardwood tree species on white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings were examined on a clearcut site of the boreal mixedwood forest of the Bas-Saint-Laurent region of Quebec, Canada. A controlled experiment involving a gradient of five vegetation densities on the basis of the leaf area index (LAI) was established in a completely randomized plot design with six replications. Each of the five levels of vegetation cover (including vegetation-free plots) were examined to evaluate how they affected environmental factors (quantity and quality of light reaching the spruce seedlings, and soil temperature), spruce growth (height, basal diameter, volume index, and above-ground biomass), spruce mortality, browsing damage, spruce foliar mineral nutrition, as well as the stand structural development, during the first 5 years after seedling planting.

Each spruce growth variable analyzed in this study, according to a RMANOVA procedure, followed a negative hyperbolic form of density dependence of competitive effects. Loss of growth in young white spruce plantations in competition with northern hardwoods is likely to occur with the first few competitors. In cases where higher levels of competing vegetation were maintained over time, loss of spruce growth was extremely severe, to an extent where the exponential growth character of the young trees has been lost. At the end of the fifth year, spruce growing with no interference were larger in mean total above-ground biomass by a factor of 9.7 than those growing with the highest level of vegetation cover. Spruce did not develop a strategy of shade avoidance by increasing tree height, on the contrary. Spruce mortality differed among treatments only in the fifth year, indicating that early evaluation of spruce survival is not a strong indicator of competitive effects, when compared to diameter growth. Spruce foliar N and Ca contents were significantly reduced by the first level of competing vegetation cover, while K increased with the density of the vegetation cover, and P and Mg were not affected. Nitrogen nutrition of young white spruce planted on recently disturbed sites is discussed in relation to the potential root discrimination of this species against soil nitrate, a reaction observed by Kronzucker et al. [Kronzucker, H.J., Siddiqi, M.Y., Glass, A.D.M., 1997. Conifer root discrimination against soil nitrate and the ecology of forest succession. Nature London 385, 59–61]. The effects of hardwood competition indicate a prevalence of competition for light over a competition for nutrients, as revealed by the substantial increase in the h/d ratio of white spruce. Two indicators, h/d ratio and the quantity of light received at the tree seedling level, are suggested as a basis for the management of hardwood competition in a white spruce plantation.

Analysis of the stand structural development indicates that spruce height distribution was affected only by moderate or dense cover of vegetation, while diameter distribution, when compared to competing vegetation-free plots, was affected by the lowest level of vegetation cover. This study shows that competition influenced the stand structural development in the same way as genetic and micro-site factors by aggravating the amplitude of size inequality. The impact of hardwood competition is discussed in view of reaching an equilibrium between optimal spruce plantation growth and benefits from further silvicultural treatments, and maintaining hardwood species known to improve long term site quality, within a white spruce plantation.  相似文献   

Using nine microsatellite loci, we studied the effects of selective logging on genetic diversity, mating system and pollen dispersal in a population of the tree species Hymenaea courbaril, located in a 546 ha plot in the Tapajós National Forest, Pará State, Brazil. We analyzed 250 offspring (nursery reared seedlings) collected after a logging episode from 14 open-pollinated seed trees. These were compared to 367 seedlings from 20 open-pollinated seed trees previously collected from the pre-logging primary forest. The genetic diversity was significantly lower in the post-logging seed cohort. In contrast to the pre-logging population, significant levels of selfing were detected in the post-logging population (tm = 0.962, P < 0.05). However, correlated matings were reduced and the effective number of pollen donors almost doubled after harvesting (3.8 against 7.2). Logging also reduced pollen immigration into the plot (from 55% to 38%) and we found no significant correlation between the size of the pollen donors and the number of seeds fathered. Inside the plot, pollen dispersal distance was shorter before logging than after (827 and 952 m, respectively) and the reproductive pollination neighbor area (Aep) was larger (average of 178 ha). The individual and average variance effective population size within families (ranged from 1.80 to 3.21, average of 2.47) was lower than expected in panmictic populations (Ne = 4). The results indicate that while logging greatly reduced the levels of genetic diversity after logging, it also increased genetic recombination within the population and constrained crossing among related individuals. The results show that low-density tropical tree species such as H. courbaril, when harvested in moderate levels may be resilient to a reduction in the reproductive population and may maintain similar levels of outcrossing and pollen dispersal after logging.  相似文献   

[目的]为了探明补充营养是否对白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂雌蜂的寄生效率、生殖能力和寿命有显著影响。[方法]本文通过在白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂搜寻到寄主前期为其提供寄主血淋巴和蜂蜜补充营养,调查有前期补充营养经历的肿腿蜂对寄主麻天牛的寄生率、母蜂生殖能力和子代蜂发育进程的变化。同时,给予刚羽化的肿腿蜂雌蜂短期的补充营养的过程,调查其寿命长短的变化情况。[结果]研究结果表明,寄主血淋巴和糖类物质均可以作为供肿腿蜂补充营养的潜在食物源。寄生前期取食寄主血淋巴和蜂蜜的肿腿蜂寄生率显著高于前期仅补充蒸馏水的个体。补充营养后可促使寄生蜂卵的成熟,可以使肿腿蜂更快的开始产卵进程。前期取食寄主血淋巴的肿腿蜂生殖能力显著高于寄生前期仅补充蒸馏水的个体,取食蜂蜜的肿腿蜂产卵量较前2组均无显著差异。寄生蜂母蜂是否补充营养对其子代的发育过程和性比无显著影响。此外,生存分析结果表明,刚羽化的肿腿蜂补充营养后,其寿命显著延长。取食寄主血淋巴或蜂蜜的寄生蜂寿命均约为羽化后无营养补充经历雌蜂个体的2倍。[结论]以上结果表明,白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂在寄生过程开始前期的补充营养过程可以显著的增强其对寄主害虫的控制作用和延长其寿命。取食蜂蜜或寄主血淋巴对肿腿蜂生殖和寿命的增强作用相近。建议在害虫的生物防治中,可以通过在天敌释放区周边配植一定的蜜源植物以此实现对天敌昆虫资源更有效的利用和保护。  相似文献   

[目的]松材线虫病是我国对森林危害和威胁最严重的病害,控制其传播媒介昆虫松褐天牛是防治松材线虫病的主要手段。作者发现的松褐天牛深沟茧蜂(Iphiaulax monochamusi Yang)是寄生松褐天牛中老龄幼虫的重要天敌。为明确松褐天牛深沟茧蜂的寄生率与寄主树木、寄主和环境因子的关系,开展了本研究。[方法]通过解剖46株松褐天牛危害致死的马尾松,调查了松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率与马尾松、松褐天牛和环境因子之间的关系。[结果]调查研究表明:寄主树木的高度、胸径和树龄对松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率没有显著影响,松褐天牛的数量对松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率亦没有显著影响,而松褐天牛幼虫龄期和松褐天牛幼虫在树干上的位置显著影响松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率。松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率与松褐天牛龄期呈显著正相关,其偏好寄生3~5龄幼虫;就天牛在其危害寄主树木上的位置而言,松褐天牛深沟茧蜂偏好寄生马尾松主干上部和在韧皮部危害的松褐天牛幼虫,其对位于马尾松树干上部的寄主幼虫寄生率最高,达27.38%,对在韧皮部生活、危害的寄主幼虫寄生率为20.18%,显著高于位于木质部生活的寄主幼虫寄生率(5.46%)。逐步回归分析表明:影响松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率的关键环境因子是寄主树木的坡位和其它天敌寄生率,其中,坡位与松褐天牛深沟茧蜂呈显著正相关,其它天敌寄生率与松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率呈显著负相关。[结论]以上研究初步明确了松褐天牛深沟茧蜂的寄生率与寄主树木、寄主害虫和天敌之间的关系,为今后利用该重要天敌控制松褐天牛打下了基础。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with C and N storage in soil and vegetation, litter fall and CO2 efflux from the soil 32–33 years after early thinning in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in order to evaluate the effect of thinning regime on C sequestration. At 22 years old, the stand was reduced from 3190 to 2070, 1100 and 820 trees per hectare in four replicates. The N2070 treatment represents the recommended start density in practical forestry, while the other represent a moderate to large reduction in tree number at the present stand age. Aboveground biomass was estimated from single tree measurements of diameter and height based on allometric functions. Litter fall was collected during one and a half years and soil respiration was measured on five occasions during one summer. Ground vegetation was mapped and sampled for biomass, C and N determination. A significant decrease in aboveground tree (including stump-root system) C storage of 27% and 22% due to thinning was found in the N820 and N1100 treatments, respectively, compared to the N2070 treatment. Ground vegetation C storage was little affected by treatment, while litter fall C showed a non-significant decrease in the N820 and N1100 treatments compared to the N2070 treatment. Soil respiration was significantly lower in parts of the summer in the N2070 treatment compared to the N820 treatment. The reason for this is still unexplained since no differences in soil temperature, soil moisture or litter fall chemistry was found between the treatments. No significant treatment effects on humus and mineral soil C storage could be detected. With the present soil variability, the time period of 32 years is probably too short to detect soil C differences due to thinning. The N storage followed the same pattern as for C.  相似文献   

We investigated the mortality of post-dispersal seeds and current-year seedlings of a beech species (Fagus crenata Blume) at the northernmost extent of its geographical range at Utasai (Kuromatsunai), Hokkaido, Japan. Introduced seeds that were protected from rodent predation by wire cages had a higher survival rate from winter to the following spring (mean ± SD: 84 ± 16.7%,n = 10) than controls without cages (mean ± SD: 12 ± 17.9%,n = 10). Unprotected transplanted current-year seedlings with almost fully opened primary leaves never survived more than three days (0%,n = 30), while more than 80% (n = 30) of seedlings within cages survived to the end of the growing season. These results indicate that rodent herbivory is a major mortality factor that strongly prevents the establishment of beech seedlings. In a natural population, we observed that 90% of seedlings (n = 197) disappeared within 10 days after their emergence and rodent herbivory caused this heavy mortality. A herbivorous rodent, the gray-backed vole,Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, was remarkably abundant in late June (101.5 voles/ha), suggesting that this species strongly affects the formation of the seedling bank. The presence ofC. rufocanus bedfordiae may be one of the reasons for the scarcity of beech seedlings and saplings and the rarity of recruitment in this northernmost beech forest.  相似文献   

Macrotermes termitaria are conspicuous features of savannah ecosystems in the Sudanian and Sahelian zones of West Africa. The mounds, alive or abandoned, are a major source of heterogeneity in the landscape. The purpose of the present study was to assess the impact of termitaria on tree community in a state forest of the Sudanian regional centre (Tiogo forest, Burkina Faso), under controlled burning and grazing experiments. A comparative inventory was carried out in a split-plot experiment (16 subplots of 2500 m2): 8 subplots where fire regime and grazing were controlled and 8 subplots exposed to grazing and with annual prescribed fire since 1992. All tree individuals (≥1.5 m) were recorded, both on termitaria and outside and their basal area at stump level was measured. A total of 61 observed (or 65.7 ± 2.4 estimated) tree species were recorded on 28 Macrotermes subhyalinus mounds (54 observed species or 60.8 ± 3.3 estimated), the immediate surroundings (44 observed and 59.0 ± 0.0 estimated species) and the rest of subplots (56 observed and 63.6 ± 0.0 estimated). Specific density was higher on mounds in comparison with the surroundings (P < 0.05). Results showed that termitaria played a key role in maintaining higher species diversity as compared to their surroundings (P < 0.05). Differences in species diversity between termitaria and immediate surroundings appeared more pronounced in disturbed plots (submitted to both fire and grazing). Some species, such as Tamarindus indica, Boscia senegalensis, Cadaba farinosa, Capparis sepiaria and Maerua angolensis are found solely on termitaria. Besides, the density of trees was significantly higher on termitaria compared to the surrounding (P < 0.05), as well as total basal area per unit of 100 m2 area (P < 0.05). We concluded that Macrotermes termitaria play an important role as a source of heterogeneity in this Sudanian savannah woodland ecosystem. This role is particularly important in ecosystems under stresses. Termitaria acted as refuge for tree vegetation. The density and dynamics of M. subhyalinus termitaria should, therefore, be taken into account in the global strategy of the forest resources management and conservation.  相似文献   

After more than 50 years of research and selective breeding, blight-resistant American chestnut (Castanea dentata) trees will soon be available for planting into the species’ pre-blight range. Increased understanding of the regeneration requirements of pure American chestnut (C. dentata [Marsh.] Borkh.) will increase the success of future efforts to establish blight-resistant chestnut. We quantified survival and initial growth of bare-root American chestnut seedlings at five locations in eastern Kentucky, USA. We used a split-plot design to compare seedlings planted within adjacent mesic and xeric sites treated with either a two-age shelterwood overstory treatment or a midstory removal treatment. The silvicultural treatments and topographic settings allowed us to evaluate chestnut seedling performance under four light and site productivity combinations. Seedling survival was 57% and seedling height averaged 94 cm following two growing seasons. Seedling survival was negatively related to sand and coarse fragment content, but was unrelated to silviculture treatment or topographic position. Chestnut seedlings grew best in shelterwood overstory treatments areas on mesic sites. Seedlings growing in shelterwood overstory treatment areas added 3- and 3.5-times more height and stem increment compared to seedlings planted after midstory removal. Seedling leaf mass and foliar nitrogen (N) content were also greatest in shelterwood plantings on mesic sites. The high-light environment created by shelterwood overstory removal resulted in better initial seedling growth, but the moderate-light of the midstory removal treatment may ultimately provide chestnut seedlings a greater advantage over competing vegetation.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) strongly contribute to livelihood security in the semi-arid tropics. There is increasing concern about the population status of NTFP-providing trees and therefore a need for their sustainable use. Thus, this study examines the impact of land-use type on the multipurpose baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) in Burkina Faso, combined with rates and patterns of bark- and leaf-harvesting, and their impact on fruit production. We compared stands in a protected area (W National Park of Burkina Faso) with those of surrounding communal area (fallows, croplands and villages) to obtain an indication on the status of the baobab population, to assess its harvesting tolerance and to estimate to what extent their actual use is sustainable. Our results reveal that land-use type has an impact on the population structure of the baobab. The size class distribution curve of park stands was inverse J-shape which indicates good rejuvenation, while the curve of fallows, croplands and villages stands was bell-shaped, indicating a lack of recruitment. However, a high number of seedlings were recorded in villages. Nearly all baobabs were pruned and debarked in villages, croplands and fallows while half of the individuals were harvested in the park. Most of the trees were pruned and debarked moderately. Debarking and pruning were slightly size specific. Pruning in interaction with tree-size had a significant impact on fruit production. In contrast, debarking had no effect on fruit production. We conclude that despite the land-use impact and the intense harvesting, baobabs are still well preserved in the communal area due to their longevity, extremely low adult mortality rates and traditional management practices. However, land-use intensifications may lead to increasing pressure on baobab populations in the future. Therefore, adapted management strategies are needed to guarantee the persistence of this important species and to avoid a shortage of baobab products.  相似文献   

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