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The Hedley fractionation has become the preeminent measure for estimating the bioavailability of phosphorus (P) in soils. However, mechanisms underlying P extractability have never been tested. We hypothesize that P sequentially extracted by individual steps can either be referred to a specific mineral source (Hypothesis 1) or to its binding strength to minerals (Hypothesis 2). We prepared mineral‐P associations in the laboratory using various secondary mineral phases and P forms (orthophosphate, phytic acid, ribonucleic acid), which were then subject to the Hedley sequential extraction scheme (anion exchange resin in form, 0.5 M NaHCO3, 0.1 M NaOH, 1 M HCl, and concentrated HCl at 80°C). Extracts were analyzed for P as well as for the main mineral‐borne elements by inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy (ICP–OES). In order to test if the observed mineral dissolution patterns match those of natural soils, we applied the Hedley fractionation to forest soils comprising various P stocks and measured in addition to extracted P also iron, aluminum, and calcium by ICP – OES. Phosphorus extractability from mineral‐P associations differed between P forms and mineral phases. Adsorbed P always contributed to several or all extracts, Hypothesis 1 was thus not tenable. Aluminum hydroxide, allophane, ferrihydrite, and goethite completely dissolved during Hedley fractionation from the third extraction step onwards. Successive mineral dissolution also occurred for the soil samples. Thus, extracted P represents partly desorbed P from various soil constituents and partly P co‐released upon dissolution of various minerals. Consequently, also Hypothesis 2 could not be confirmed, i.e., the sequential extraction is not suitable to assess different binding strengths between P forms and minerals. We conclude that the method hardly provides information for studies aiming at the mechanistic understanding of P bioavailability in soil.  相似文献   

Isolierung und Kennzeichnung des labilen organischen Phosphor‐Pools in Böden des Langzeitdüngungsexperimentes Askov Labiler organischer Phosphor (Po) im Boden spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der P‐Ernährung der Pflanzen und ist bedeutend hinsichtlich der Gewässereutrophierung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden neuere Ergebnisse zu den Eigenschaften des labilen Po und seiner Reaktion auf unterschiedliche Düngungssysteme diskutiert. Die Untersuchungen fanden an Böden des Langzeitexperimentes zur organischen und anorganischen Düngung in Askov statt. Unser analytischer Ansatz basierte auf einer Kombination der Extraktion von labilem Po mittels makroporösem Anionenaustauscher‐Harz und der Kennzeichnung von Struktur und Herkunft des NaOH‐extrahierbaren Po mittels 31P‐NMR‐Spektroskopie. Die Analysen wurden an der Feinerde und an Korngrößenfraktionen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Harz‐Extraktion einen aktiven Pool an Po isoliert, welcher v.a. aus mikrobiell synthetisierten Strukturen besteht. Die Größe dieses Pools variiert im Jahresgang und hängt von der P‐Düngung ab. Die Art des Düngers (NPK gegenüber Stallmist und Gülle) scheint demgegenüber den labilen Po kaum zu beeinflussen. Der größte Teil des leicht verfügbaren Po ist in der Tonfraktion lokalisiert. Es ist daher zu schließen, dass diese Fraktion wichtig im kurzfristigen Umsatz von Po ist.  相似文献   

Soil P availability has been identified as one of the key factors controlling wetland productivity, structure, and function. Soil P fractions at different depths in newly formed wetlands along a salinity gradient in Yellow River Delta (China) were studied using a modified Hedley fraction method. The total P (Pt) content ranged from 471.1 to 694.9 mg kg–1, and diluted HCl‐extractable inorganic P (Dil‐HCl‐Pi) ranged from 324 to 524.2 mg kg–1. The Dil‐HCl‐Pi is the predominant P form in all profiles, with on average 70% of the Pt extracted as Pi. Organic P (Po) comprised (4.2 ± 2.0)% (mean ± SD) of the Pt, due to low organic‐matter content in coastal salt marsh ecosystems. The labile P (resin‐P, NaHCO3‐Pi, and NaHCO3‐Po) and moderately labile P (NaOH‐Pi and NaOH‐Po) concentrations were both low, ranged from 11.6 to 38.1 and 2.8 to 21.3 mg kg–1, respectively, constituting (3.7 ± 1.1)% and (2.0 ± 0.7)%, respectively, of Pt, suggesting low availability of P to plants in these soils. Our results suggested that vegetation cover significantly influenced soil P dynamics and availability. In particular, the labile P content under Tamarix chinensis increased significantly by 23.2%–145.5% compared with adjacent soils. These findings have important implications for wetland conservation or restoration and long‐term sustainable management of newly formed wetland ecosystems in the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

PH对红壤微生物生物量碳和生物量磷的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
The impact of pH changes on microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and microbial biomass phosphorus (Pmic) were examined for 3 red soils under citrus production with different lengths of cultivation. Soil pH significantly affected Cmic and Pmic. The Cmie and Pmic changes, as a function of soil pH, appeared to follow a normal distribution with the original soil pH value at the apex and as pH increased or decreased compared to the original soil pH, Cmic and Pmic declined. Moreover, there were critical pH values at both extremes (3.0 on the acidic side and 8.0 to 8.5 on the alkaline side), beyond which most of microorganisms could never survive. The effect of pH on Cmic and Pmic was also related to the original soil pH. The higher the original soil pH was, the less Cmic or Pmic were affected by pH change. It is suggested that soil microorganisms that grow in a soil environment with a more neutral soil pH range (i.e. pH 5.5-7.5) may have a greater tolerance to pH changes than those growing in more acidic or more alkaline soil pH conditions.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) forms were sequentially extracted from peat derived soils (Eutric Histosols and Gleysols) at eight sites in Saxony‐Anhalt (Germany) to disclose general differences in P pools between mineral and organic soils and to investigate effects of peat humification and oxidation in conjunction with land use and soil management on the P status of soils. Overall 29 samples providing a wide variety of basic chemical properties were subjected to the Hedley fractionation. The Histosol topsoils contained more total P (Pt) (1345 ± 666 mg kg—1) than the Gleysol topsoils (648 ± 237 mg kg—1). The predominant extractable fractions were H2SO4‐P (36—63 % of Pt) in calcareous and NaOH‐Po (0—46 % of Pt) in non‐calcareous Histosols. These soils had large pools of residual P (13—93 % of Pt). Larger contents and proportions of Po and of labile P fractions generally distinguished organic from mineral soils. Regression analyses indicated that poorly crystalline pedogenic oxides and organic matter were binding partners for extractable and non‐extractable P. Intensive management that promotes peat humification and oxidation results in disproportional enrichments of labile P fractions (resin‐P, NaHCO3‐Pi, and NaHCO3‐Po). These changes in P chemistry must be considered for a sustainable management of landscapes with Histosols and associated peat derived soils.  相似文献   

为了研究增施解磷菌肥对土壤供磷状况的改善和土壤中磷有效性的提高状况,通过田间小区试验研究了连续施用解磷菌肥对复垦5年土壤碱性磷酸酶活性及Hedley磷形态的影响。结果表明:施用无机肥+有机肥+解磷菌肥处理的土壤碱性磷酸酶活性最高,为30.65μg/(g·h),比对照提高了83.86%。本试验年与第3年复垦土壤相比,土壤中Hedley磷形态的含量都有不同程度的增加,H_2O-Po含量以无机肥+有机肥+解磷菌肥处理为最高,比对照提高了93.90%;NaOH-Pi、HCl-Pi、HCl-Po含量以无机肥+解磷菌肥处理最大,分别比对照提高了194.2%、61.87%、105.8%;残渣态磷含量以无机肥处理影响最大,比对照提高了22.87%;H_2O-Pi、NaHCO_3-Po含量以有机肥处理最大,比对照提高了129.2%、85.89%;NaHCO_3-Pi、NaOH-Po含量以有机肥+解磷菌肥处理提高最大,分别提高了176.9%、114.4%。可以得出:施用解磷菌肥的处理增加复垦土壤中H_2O-Po、NaHCO_3-Pi、NaOH-Pi、NaOH-Po、HCl-Pi、HCl-Po含量的效果较好。H_2O-Pi、H_2O-Po、NaHCO_3-Pi、NaHCO_3-Po、NaOH-Pi、NaOH-Po、HCl-Pi与碱性磷酸酶均呈极显著相关。解磷菌肥在一定程度上增强了复垦土壤碱性磷酸酶活性,影响土壤中Hedley磷分级的各形态磷素含量,从而提高磷的有效性。  相似文献   

In order to analyze the N mineralization process under shifting cultivation in northern Thailand, labile pools of soil organic matter were studied, which were considered to be the factors contributing to the N mineralization process. Organic C, (organic + NH4 +)-N, and hexose-C were extracted from fresh soils in the surface 0–5 cm layers with a 0.5 M K2S0. solution at 110°C in an autoclave (fraction A) or at room temperature with a reciprocal shaker (fraction B), and analyzed as labile pools of organic matter. In the traditional shifting cultivation system, the content of organic C in fraction A in the fallow fields for 8 to 15 y was 3,710 mg kg-1 while that in the fallow fields for 1 y and 3 to 5 y was 2,640 and 2,600 mg kg-1, respectively. A high correlation was observed between the contents of the labile pool in fraction A and total soil organic matter. The ratio of the pool in fraction A to total soil organic matter apparently remained constant through the input-output balance in the pool. The content of the labile pool in fraction B was the highest among the fields cultivated for 1 y after the slash and burn practice and it decreased in the course of the fallow period. The content of organic C was 548 mg kg-1 in the fields cultivated for 1 y and 235 mg kg-1 in the fallow fields for 8-15 y, respectively. There was a reverse relation between the contents of the pool in fraction B and microbial biomass. Therefore, the origin of the pool in fraction B was attributed to the microbial debris associated mainly with a decrease in the soil moisture content in the dry season. On the other hand, in the relatively intensive cultivation system, there was no significant difference in the contents of the labile pools both in fractions A and B among the land use stages, suggesting that the preservation mechanism of these pools, which was observed in the traditional cultivation system, did not operate well in the intensive system. In alternative farming systems in future, it will be essential to apply organic materials to soils to supply organic matter and to maintain the microbial biomass.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the effects of tillage and cattle slurry application on organic C dynamics in grassland soils. Treatments included long‐term grassland and reinstalled grassland (after tillage and winter wheat cropping) with and without cattle slurry application (240 kg N ha–1 y–1). A period of 4 y slurry application sufficed to increase microbial activity 1.6‐fold in surface soil (0–10 cm). Tillage affected aggregate distribution and basal respiration in the surface soil.  相似文献   

Drying–rewetting cycles (D/W) occur frequently in topsoils and may mobilize phosphorus (P). We investigated the effect of repeated D/W on the release of dissolved inorganic (DIP) and organic P (DOP) from forest floors and A horizons. Samples were taken from 3 European beech sites and from 3 Norway spruce sites. Soils were desiccated up to pF 6 (–100 MPa) in three D/W cycles in the laboratory, while the controls were kept permanently at 50% water holding capacity. After each drying, P was extracted from the soils in water. D/W caused the release of DIP and DOP especially from O layers. There was no general difference in response to D/W between samples from beech and spruce. The net release of DIP after D/W was largest from the Oe horizons (average 50–60 mg P kg?1) for both beech and spruce forest soils. The net release of DIP from Oi layers was on average 7.8 mg P kg?1 and from spruce Oa layers 21.1 mg P kg?1. In the A horizons, net DIP release was similar in beech and spruce soils with 0.4 mg P kg?1. The release of DOP was less than the release of DIP except for the A horizons. Repeated cycles did not increase the release of DIP and DOP. The release of DIP and DOP was positively correlated with the microbial biomass in Oe and Oa layers but not in Oi layers. Our results suggest that D/W may significantly influence the short term availability of dissolved P in both beech and spruce forest soils.  相似文献   

磷肥减施对玉米根系生长及根际土壤磷组分的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】 我国农业过量和不合理施用磷肥现象普遍存在,导致磷资源的浪费,对环境也造成潜在威胁。研究减少磷肥用量对玉米产量、根系形态及根际中磷转化特征的影响,为集约化农业生产体系中磷肥合理施用提供技术基础。 【方法】 在河北省衡水小麦玉米轮作体系下连续三年进行了田间试验,在冬小麦季设置4个P2O5用量处理:0、112.5、150.0、187.5 kg/hm2,收获后在原处理小区免耕播种夏玉米。利用WinRHIZO根系分析系统分析获取根长、直径等数据,测定玉米籽粒产量、生物量和地上部磷含量及根际土壤中磷形态等指标。 【结果】 与农民习惯磷肥用量(P2O5187.5 kg/hm2)相比,3年磷肥用量减施20%~40%处理(P2O5150和112.5 kg/hm2),玉米籽粒产量、根系长度与直径和土壤有效磷含量尚未发生明显变化。但3年不施磷处理,根际土壤有效形态磷含量和玉米籽粒产量开始出现下降趋势。2009年和2010年玉米收获期,不施磷肥处理根际土壤有机磷含量低于非根际土壤。2008年玉米苗期和收获期土壤有机磷分组中,中等活性有机磷含量最高;磷肥减施20%~40%处理苗期根际中中等活性有机磷含量显著低于非根际土壤。土壤无机磷形态分组研究发现:从玉米苗期到收获期,各磷肥处理根际和非根际土壤中Ca2-P下降明显;而不同磷肥处理间土壤中Ca10-P、Ca8-P、O-P (闭蓄态磷)、Al-P和Fe-P含量差异不显著。减施磷肥处理2008年玉米苗期根际土壤微生物量P含量较非根际土壤高;与习惯施肥量相比,磷肥减施未明显降低根际土壤微生物量磷。 【结论】 在华北小麦玉米轮作种植体系下,在土壤肥力水平较高地区,连续3年将小麦季磷肥的习惯用量减少20%~40%,对夏玉米产量、根系形态以及根际土壤无机磷、有机磷、微生物量磷含量影响尚不明显,因此,该地区磷肥施用量可从习惯用量的P2O5180 kg/hm2减至112.5 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

The Hedley sequential‐phosphorus (P)‐fractionation method has been used in many countries to study the effects of land‐use and management systems on soil P. Many data sets have been obtained but collectively never have been considered or to goal topic reviewed. Therefore, the objectives of this review were to compile and systematically evaluate these data. The data generated over many years were grouped into temperate, and subtropical and tropical soils of different land use and duration of soil‐management studies. In natural ecosystems, vegetation types and composition and percent of vegetation covers substantially affected all P fractions with pronounced impacts on the labile and moderately labile P. In short‐term studies (≤ 10 y), changes in the labile and moderately labile inorganic P (Pi) fractions were detected when more P (e.g., by factor 5) was applied than commonly recommended for agricultural crops. However, without P application the changes in all P fractions were subtle in temperate soils, but declines were significant in labile and moderately labile P in subtropical and tropical soils. In both temperate and tropical climates, medium (10–25 y) and long‐term (>25 y) cultivation without P application depleted all P fractions, whereas most of P fractions increased with continuous P application, regardless of the amount and source of P. Synthesis of data resulted in multiple‐regression functions which described differences in labile and moderately labile P fractions as function of differences in amount of P application and duration of the experiments. Moreover, the correlation analysis also showed strong association among most of the P fractions. Current limitations in data interpretation of Hedley fractionation can be overcome by the application of 31P nuclear–magnetic resonance (NMR) and X‐ray absorption near‐edge fine‐structure (XANES) spectroscopy.  相似文献   

In rice-wheat rotation systems, changes in soil phosphorus(P) pools and microorganisms in rice-growing seasons have been studied;however, further investigations are required to test whether these indexes exhibit different responses in wheat-growing seasons. Additionally, such studies need to include potential variations in soil carbon(C) structure and microbial community composition. In this study, a long-term rice-wheat rotation P-input reduction experiment was conducted to observe the variations in soil P pools and C composition in the 7th wheat season and to investigate the responses of soil enzyme activity and microbial communities. Four P fertilization treatments were included in the experiment, i.e., P application for rice season only(PR), for wheat season only(PW), and for both rice and wheat seasons(PR+W) and no P application in either season(Pzero). Compared with PR+W treatment, Pzero treatment significantly decreased(P < 0.05) labile and stable P pools. Different P fertilization regimes altered soil microbial community composition and enzyme activity, whereas C composition did not vary. However, PW treatment resulted in relatively more O-alkyl-C than PR treatment and the highest number of microorganisms. Besides, the higher ratios of fungi/bacteria and Gram-positive bactetia/Gram-negative bactetia were related to labile C pools, particularly O-alkyl-C, as opposed to recalcitrant C. Our results clarified the status of soil P pools, C chemistry, and the response of microorganisms under dry-farming conditions in the P input-reduced rice-wheat rotation system.  相似文献   

 The amount, quality and turnover of soil P is heavily influenced by changes in soil management. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of deforestation and pasture establishment on the concentrations, forms and turnover rate of soil P in mountain soils of the Alay Range, Khyrgyzia. A sequential extraction was applied to distinguish soil P pools. We used particle-size fractionation to follow the dynamics of different P pools in soils under forest and pasture and 31P-NMR spectroscopy to investigate the structure of alkali-soluble P forms. In the A horizons of the forest soils, total soil P concentration was 1093 mg kg–1, organic P (Po) representing 46% of the total P. Deforestation followed by pasture establishment not only increased significantly (P<0.01) the total P concentration (1560 mg kg–1) but also the contribution of Po to total P was increased by 17%. Pasture soils had significantly higher P pools than forest soils except highly labile inorganic P (Pi NaHCO3) and primary Pi (Pi HCldil). Both in forest and pasture soils stable P increased with decreasing particle size (coarse sand 50%, clay 80% of total P) and primary P decreased with decreasing particle size. Phosphate monoesters and diesters represented 80% of P identified by 31P NMR. Low monoester to diester ratios in the alkali extracts of forest and pasture soils indicate low microbial activity. This is consistent with high C/Po ratios and high stable Po concentrations in the fine earth of forest and pasture. Received: 10 March 1999  相似文献   


The relationship between plant phosphorus (P) uptake and soil microbial biomass phosphorus (biomass P) or available phosphorus (Truog P) was estimated in a Gleyic Andosol in Sapporo, Hokkaido, in a 4-year field trial (2004–2007). Every year, the soil was treated in duplicate (each plot 36?m2) or triplicate (each plot 24?m2) with chemical fertilizer, cow manure compost or sewage sludge compost, and then kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were planted. Pooled data of the shoot content of P at harvest over the 4?years was significantly correlated with biomass P determined 1?month after the application of fertilizer (P?<?0.01). A multivariate analysis revealed that the grain yield was significantly positively correlated with the shoot content of P (P?<?0.01) and significantly negatively correlated with the shoot content of calcium (P?<?0.05), but not correlated with the shoot content of either nitrogen or potassium. These results suggest that P is the most limiting element to affect the productivity of kidney bean plants in this trial and that biomass P is an important P source that explains the differences in P availability among soil amendments. Biomass P is a better indicator of P availability for kidney beans grown in Gleyic Andosols compared with Truog P, which is widely used in Japan.  相似文献   


Sustainable food production includes mitigating environmental pollution and avoiding unnecessary use of non-renewable mineral phosphate resources. Efficient phosphorus (P) utilization from organic wastes is crucial for alternative P sources to be adopted as fertilizers. There must be predictable plant responses in terms of P uptake and plant growth. An 18-week pot experiment was conducted to assess corn (Zea mays L.) plant growth, P uptake, soil test P and P fractionation in response to application of organic P fertilizer versus inorganic P fertilizer in five soils. Fertilizers were applied at a single P rate using: mono-ammonium phosphate, anaerobically digested dairy manure, composted chicken manure, vegetable compost and a no-P control. Five soils used varied in soil texture and pH. Corn biomass and tissue P concentrations were different among P fertilizers in two soils (Warden and Quincy), with greater shoot biomass for composted chicken manure and higher tissue P concentration for MAP. Plant dry biomass ranged from highest to lowest with fertilizer treatment as follows: composted chicken manure?>?AD dairy?=?MAP?=?no-P control?=?vegetable compost. Soil test P was higher in soils with any P fertilizer treatment versus the no-P control. The loosely bound and soluble P (2.7?mg P kg?1) accounted for the smallest pool of inorganic P fractions, followed by iron bound P (13.7?mg P kg?1), aluminum bound P (43.4?mg P kg?1) and reductant soluble P (67.9?mg P kg?1) while calcium bound P (584.6?mg P kg?1) represented the largest pool of inorganic P.  相似文献   

In non-flooded lowland rain forests with low soil phosphorus (P) in parts of Amazonia, P cycling largely occurs via leaf litter recycling by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal symbionts. Occasional high input of P into these ecosystems occurs during drought years with increased litterfall. As the length and frequency of drought events are projected to increase in the region, a single-dose nutrient addition experiment was carried out to test how this would impact P cycling. An application rate of 4 kg P ha-1 was used, which corresponds to twice the amount of litter-derived P in an average year. It was hypothesized that i) the added mineral P would be immobilized by soil microorganisms, leading to measurable increase in soil microbial biomass carbon (C) and P and ii) AM colonization rate would be reduced by the pulse in mineral P available for plant uptake. The results did not support either of our hypotheses. The addition of P did not have an effect on AM root colonization, nor was P immobilized by soil microbiota during the experimental period. The lack of a difference between the control and treatment at our study site could be attributed to the relatively low one-off dose of P applied that did not change either the colonization rate of roots by AM fungi or the amount of soil available labile P. To obtain a mechanistic understanding of the availability, capture, and use of P by plant-symbiont associations in tropical rain forest ecosystems, further integrated studies of the soil-plant system combining long-term nutrient manipulations, modeling, and experimental approaches are required.  相似文献   

Microorganisms play a key role in the response of soil ecosystems to the rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) as they mineralize organic matter and drive nutrient cycling. To assess the effects of elevated CO2 on soil microbial C and N immobilization and on soil enzyme activities, in years 8 (2006) and 9 (2007) of an open-top chamber experiment that begun in spring of 1999, soil was sampled in summer, and microbial biomass and enzyme activity related to the carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycling were measured. Although no effects on microbial biomass C were detected, changes in microbial biomass N and metabolic activity involving C, N and P were observed under elevated CO2. Invertase and dehydrogenase activities were significantly enhanced by different degrees of elevated CO2. Nitrifying enzyme activity was significantly (P < 0.01) increased in the August 2006 samples that received the elevated CO2 treatment, as compared to the samples that received the ambient treatment. Denitrifying enzyme activity was significantly (P < 0.04) decreased by elevated CO2 treatments in the August 2006 and June 2007 (P < 0.09) samples. β-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity was increased under elevated CO2 by 7% and 25% in June and August 2006, respectively, compared to those under ambient CO2. The results of June 2006 samples showed that acid phosphatase activity was significantly enhanced under elevated CO2. Overall, these results suggested that elevated CO2 might cause changes in the belowground C, N and P cycling in temperate forest soils.  相似文献   

The phytoavailability of soil phosphorus (P) depends on the different forms in which it occurs and how these forms change after the application of P fertiliser to the soil. Forms of P in the A, B and C horizons of eleven pedons that developed on mafic rocks were characterised by a fractionation method before and after fertilisation with single superphosphate, and a micropot experiment was conducted to assess the short-term use of P fertiliser by rye (Secale cereale L.). The main sources of P to the crop were (i) phosphate adsorbed on mineral surfaces and pedogenic Fe, Al or Ca phosphates in the A horizon and (ii) Ca-phosphates in B and C horizons. In the C horizons, poor in Fe/Al phases and clay, the precipitated Ca-P showed low solubility, resulting in a reduction in shoot biomass. The apparent P recovery by rye was similar in the A (36%) and B (29%) but decreased in the C (15%) horizons. The partial factor productivity (g g?1) decreased from the A (58) to B (11) and C (5) horizons. P phytoavailability decreased with increasing profile depth because the transformation of P fertiliser to poorly soluble Ca-P forms increased with depth.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in agricultural soils is an important factor for soil quality and environmental protection. Understanding of P and its fractions in soils on a regional scale is imperative for effective management or utilization of P and the improvement of P availability in soils. To study spatial variability and changes of soil P and its fractions as affected by farming practices, soil samples were taken in Rugao County, Jiangsu Province of China, an intensive agricultural area in the Yangtze River Delta region, in years of 1982 (n = 1 514), 1997 (n = 1 651), and 2002 (n = 342). High spatial variabilities of Olsen P and total P (TP) were observed throughout the study area. Loamy Stagnic Anthrosols and clay or loamy Aquic Cambosols had significantly higher concentrations of Olsen P and TP than sandy Ustic Cambosols and Aquic Cambosols. Olsen P and TP were increased from 1982 to 2002. The accumulations of Olsen P and TP in the cultivated soils were likely related to the increased application of P fertilizer, organic input, and soil incorporation of crop residues as well as conversion of soil use. Accumulated soil P was dominantly in labile and semi-labile P fractions. These P fractions may be utilized by future crop production by adjusting management practices, but they also pose a serious threat to nearby water bodies. Future strategies should include decreasing P fertilization in soils and supporting sustainable management. The information from this study can be used to monitor changes in soil fertility and environmental risks so that the use of fertilizers can become more rational.  相似文献   

In the highly weathered soils of humid tropical forests, iron (Fe) plays a key role in ecosystem biogeochemical cycling through its interactions with carbon (C) and phosphorus (P). We used a laboratory study to explore the role of C quantity and quality in Fe reduction and associated P mobilization in tropical forest soils. Soils were incubated under an ambient atmosphere headspace (room air) with multiple levels of leaf litter leachate or acetate additions. Net Fe reduction occurred in all the treatments and at every time point. The more complex mixture of organic compounds in leaf litter leachate stimulated Fe reduction as much acetate, an easily fermentable C source. At the end of the experiment, Fe reduction was generally greater with higher C additions than in the low C additions and controls. The microbial biomass P had increased significantly suggesting rapid microbial uptake of P liberated from Fe. This occurred without increases in the available (NaHCO3) P pool. The immobilization of P by microbes during the incubation provides a P conservation mechanism in these soils with fluctuating redox potential, and may ultimately stimulate more C cycling in these highly productive ecosystems. Iron cycling appears to be an important source of P for the biota and can contribute significantly to C oxidation in upland tropical forest soils.  相似文献   

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