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Summary The correlation between camels' milk samples collected from abnormal inflamed udders and samples positive in the California Mastitis Test (CMT) was +0·803 (P<0·01). The bacterial count ranges of milk samples differed significantly (P<0·05) for those with a negative CMT and those with a positive CMT. Infection with many but not all bacterial species was associated with positive CMT results. The highest percentage of camel milk samples was included in the bacterial count range of 3·0×102 to 3·0×103 cfu/ml rather than in the >3·0×103 cfu/ml range for most of the bacterial species. The most predominant bacterial isolates wereMicrococcus spp.,Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp. andCorynebacterium spp. followed by eight other flora. Chloramphenicol was the most effective antimicrobial agent of six tested against 118 bacterial isolates. Preliminary observations are made on chemotherapy of mastitis cases in camels.
Resumen Le correlación entre las muestras de leche de camello colectadas de ubres iflamadas, y las muestras positivas según la prueba California para mastitis (PCM) fue +0.803 (P<0.01). El conteo bacterial en las mucotras difirió significativamente (P<0.05) para aquellas con una prueba California negativa y aquellas con una positiva. Se asociaba la infección con muchas, pero notodas los tipos de bacteria con resultados PMC positivos. El porcentaje más alto de muestras de leche de camello se incluyó en el rango del conteo bacterial de 3.0×102−3.0×103 cfu/ml, más bien que en el rango >3.0×103 cfu/ml para la mayoría de especies bacteriales. Las bacterias aisladas fueronMicrococcus sp.,Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp. yCorynebacterium sp. seguidas por otras bacterias menos importantes. El agente antimicrobiano más efectivo fue el cloranfenicol, de seis ensayados contra 118 aislamientos bacteriales. Se hacen observaciones preliminares, sobre quimioterápia de casos de mastitis en camellos.

Résumé Le corrélation entre les échantillons de lait de chamelle recueillis de mamelles anormalement enflammées et les échantillons entrant dans la gamme subclinique du California Mastitis Test (CMT) était de +0,803 (P<0,01). Le dénombrement total de bactéries en les échantillons différaient de fa?on significative (P<0,05) pour les échantillons avec un CMT négatif et ceux avec un CMT positif. Infection avec de nombreuses mais pas toutes espèces bactériennes était associée avec des CMT positifs. Le pour-centage le pluys élevé d'échantillons de lait de chamelle se situait dans une gramme de nombre de bactéries allant de 30×102 à 3,0×103 Unités/colonie/ml plut?t que dans une gamme supérieure à 3,0×103 Unités/colonie/ml en ce qui concerne la majorité des espèces de bactéries. Les bactéries isolées le plus souvent étaientMicrococcus sp.,Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp. etCorynebacterium sp. suivies de huit autres espèces de bactéries. Le Chloramphenicol était l'agent antibactérien le plus efficace parmi les six testés sur cent dix huit isolats bactériens. Des observations préliminaires sur la chimiothérapie des cas de mammites chez les chamelles sont faites.

The correlation between camels' milk samples collected from abnormal inflamed udders and samples positive in the California Mastitis Test (CMT) was +0.803 (P less than 0.01). The bacterial count ranges of milk samples differed significantly (P less than 0.05) for those with a negative CMT and those with a positive CMT. Infection with many but not all bacterial species was associated with positive CMT results. The highest percentage of camel milk samples was included in the bacterial count range of 3.0 x 10(2) to 3.0 x 10(3) cfu/ml rather than in the greater than 3.0 x 10(3) cfu/ml range for most of the bacterial species. The most predominant bacterial isolates were Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp. and Corynebacterium spp. followed by eight other flora. Chloramphenicol was the most effective antimicrobial agent of six tested against 118 bacterial isolates. Preliminary observations are made on chemotherapy of mastitis cases in camels.  相似文献   

Genital bovine papillomavirus infection was observed for the first time in the Al-Ahsa region of Saudi Arabia. The disease involved 1 female and 2 male 2-4-year-old crossbred cattle. Fibropapillomas (warts) were limited to the prepuce and vulva. Electron micrographs of thin sections of the lesions revealed the presence of intranuclear viruslike particles. Using a broadly cross-reactive rabbit polyclonal antiserum directed against papillomavirus group-specific antigens, the infection was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of paraffin-embedded tissues to be due to a papillomavirus. Staining with a series of monoclonal antibodies of various specificities indicated that the virus was bovine papillomavirus type 1. Attempts to propagate the virus by inoculation of tumor homogenates onto chorioallantoic membranes of chicken embryos were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is a widespread tickborne infection of canids caused by Ehrlichia canis, a gram-negative obligatory intracellular bacteria belonging to the family Anaplasmataceae. CME is reported to have worldwide distribution, but its presence in a region requires the presence of the vector, the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. OBJECTIVE: This purpose of this report was to describe an outbreak of CME in a colony of dogs resident in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. METHODS: History, presenting clinical signs, and the results of a CBC, biochemical panel, and serology (using a commercial test for E canis antibodies) were evaluated in 9 male Labrador Retrievers between October and December 2006. RESULTS: The majority of dogs presented with severe lethargy (7/9) and acute anorexia (5/9), and had fever (7/9) and generalized lymphadenopathy (7/9). The most common laboratory abnormalities were anemia (8/9), leukopenia (7/9), and hypoalbuminemia (6/9). Thrombocytopenia was found in only 2 dogs, 1 of which had increased bleeding tendency. Ehrlichia morulae were identified in blood films from 4/9 dogs and serologic test results were positive in 7/9 dogs. Confirmation of Ehrlichia sp infection was obtained in 1 dog by using a genus-specific real-time PCR assay. Four dogs had tick infestation; the ticks on 1 dog were identified as R sanguineus. All of the dogs had a rapid clinical response to doxycycline hyclate. CONCLUSIONS: This report, to our knowledge, is the first to describe the presence of a pathogenic Ehrlichia organism affecting dogs in Saudi Arabia. Additional molecular studies are necessary to confirm E canis infection, and to identify the strain of the organism.  相似文献   

A serological survey was conducted in indigenous sheep from Saudi Arabia for detection of antibodies against the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus. Only 0.8% of the sera examined were positive. Epizootiological considerations of the disease in the country are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The results of an extensive serological survey for brucellosis antibodies using the standard plate agglutination procedure on 14,000 serum samples from native domestic animals and imported livestock over a five year period are reported. The incidence of brucellosis was highest (11.6%) in small ruminants reared intensively in breeding establishments, next highest (2.6%) in imported animals sacrificed during the Hajj season of 1977 and somewhat lower (1.5%) in local livestock sacrificed during the same Hajj season. The incidence was very low among the following groups of livestock: small ruminants raised on desert ranges (0.5%), small ruminants raised in small groups around individual homes (0.4%) and in commercial dairy herds (0.2%).
Incidencia De Brucelosis En Animales Domesticos En Arabia Saudita
Resumen Se describen los resultados de un extenso estudio sobre brucelosis, utilizando la prueba de aglutinación en placa, en 14,000 muestras de suero proveniente de animales nativos e importados, estudio que duró cinco años. La prevalencia de brucelosis fue alta (11.6%) en pequeños rumiantes criados intensivamente, menor (2.6%) en animales importados sacrificados durante la estación Hajj de 1.977 y baja (1.5%) en animales locales sacrificados durante la misma estación. La prevalencia fué muy baja en los siguientes grupos de ganado: pequeños rumiantes criados en el desierto (0.5%), pequenos rumiantes criados cerca de las casas de habitación (0.4%) y en hatos lecheros comerciales (0.2%).

Incidence De La Brucellose Chez Le Cheptel Domestique D'Arabie Saoudite
Résumé Sont présentés les résultats d'une vaste enquête sérologique sur la brucellose portant sur 14000 échantillons de sérum prélevés sur des animaux domestiques et du bétail importé pendante une période de 5 ans. La méthode standard d'agglutination sur lame a été utilisée. L'incidence de la brucellose était la plus élevée (11,6 p. 100) chez les petits ruminants des Centres d'Elevage intensif. Ensuite venaient les animaux importés (2,6 p. 100) sacrifiés pendant la période du Hajj 1977. Enfin, on a trouvé une incidence quelque peu plus faible chez le bétail local (1,5 p. 100) sacrifié la même période du Hajj. L'incidence était très faible parmi les groupes suivants de bétail: petits ruminants élevés sur des parcours désertiques (0,5 p. 100), petits ruminants élevés en petit groupe autour de maisons individuelles (0,4 p. 100) et dans les troupeaux laitiers industriels (0,2 p. 100).

Squamous cell carcinoma was recorded in 22 Nadji and 3 Maeimi sheep aged 3-6 years, of which 22 were females. Sixteen tumours involved the eyes, 7 occurred in the skin at different body sites, one developed in the ear and another in the rectum. In five cases secondary deposits were seen in the lymph nodes, nasal passages and upper lip. Surgical treatment was successful in the early stages of tumour development, but in advanced cases recurrences were noted. Histologically the tumours were typical for squamous cell carcinoma and most of them were well differentiated. Solar radiation was pointed out as a possible factor in the aetioloy of the tumour.  相似文献   

A virus was isolated from the brains of pigeons suffering from nervous disorders in different localities of the Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The new isolate caused a high morbidity, ranging from 33% to 50%, and a mortality rate which reached 40%. The virus produced pinpoint greyish pock lesions on the chorioallantoic membrane of embryonated hens' eggs and induced syncytial formation followed by rounding and lysis of the cells in chicken embryo fibroblast cultures. Virus infectivity was significantly reduced following treatment by 20% ether or chloroform. The isolated virus was identified as pigeon herpes encephalomyelitis virus by serum-neutralization, agar gel diffusion and fluorescent antibody staining techniques.  相似文献   

A virus was isolated from the brains of pigeons suffering from nervous disorders in different localities of the Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The new isolate caused a high morbidity, ranging from 33% to 50%, and a mortality rate which reached 40%.The virus produced pinpoint greyish pock lesions on the chorioallantoic membrane of embryonated hens' eggs and induced syncytial formation followed by rounding and lysis of the cells in chicken embryo fibroblast cultures. Virus infectivity was significantly reduced following treatment by 20% ether or chloroform. The isolated virus was identified as pigeon herpes encephalomyelitis virus by serum-neutralization, agar gel diffusion and fluorescent antibody staining techniques.  相似文献   

The faeces of 205 domestic cattle (Bos taurus) from 5 regions of Saudi Arabia were examined for the presence of coccidian parasites. The following species of Eimeria were recovered: Eimeria auburnensis, E. bovis, E. cylindrica, E. ellipsoidalis, E. subspherica, E. wyomingensis and E. zuerni. A total of 34.1% of the individual faecal samples were positive for the presence of coccidial oocysts. Mixed infections of 2-4 species were found in 15.7% of the specimens. E. zuerni and E. bovis occurred most frequently and were generally the most predominant species. The incidence of coccidia-infected cattle was higher in the eastern region.  相似文献   

Thirteen parasite species, three trematodes, five cestodes, one nematode, and four arthropods, have been reported in livestock in Asir, southwestern Saudi Arabia. The occurrence of Dicrocoelium dendriticum in imported sheep and Paramphistomum cervi in indigenous cattle is recorded for the first time in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   


A survey of 7122 dromedary camels in 115 herds in Saudi Arabia was used to estimate the effects of herd size (HZ; <?25 vs. 25–49 vs. 50–100 vs. >?100 camels), herder/camels ratio (H/C; 1:<?25 vs. 1:25–50 vs. 1:>?50), manager experience (ME; <?5 vs. 5–10 vs. >?10 years), male/females ratio (M/F), housing system (HS; free vs. closed vs. mixed), length of the breeding season (winter vs. winter and spring vs. fall, winter and spring), age at first mating (3 vs. >?3 years), and time of mating after parturition (≤?3 vs. >?3 months) and their interactions on the overall pregnancy rate. Barren females of these herds (n?=?886) were examined for the causes of infertility. Results showed that herds with H/C of 1:<?25 had higher overall pregnancy rate (95.29%) than herds with H/C of 1:25–50 (79.84%) and those with H/C of 1:>?50 (72.79%) (p?=?0.003). Herds having ME of >?10 years revealed greater overall pregnancy rate (94.89%) than herds with ME of 5–10 years (80.54%) and those with ME of <?5 years (72.5%) (p?=?0.001). There were significant interactions between H/C × HZ (p?=?0.003), H/C × HS (p?=?0.006), and ME × HS (p?=?0.02). The overall pregnancy rate did not significantly differ between herds bred females by age of 3 years and those bred females by age >?3 years and in females bred within 3 months after parturition and in those bred after 3 months. The mean calving interval was shorter (p?=?0.008) in camels mated within 3 months of parturition (15.25?±?2.8 months) than in those mated after that time (24.33?±?6.5 months). Clinical endometritis, ovarian hydrobursitis, and vaginal adhesions were the common clinical findings in barren females. Thus, efforts to reduce the age at first mating and the interval after calving, increase the number of herders/camels, and control reproductive disorders could improve the reproductive performance and quality of camel herds in Saudi Arabia.


A survey was carried out on Saudi sheep and goats during 1995, at the Veterinary Diagnostic laboratory, Jeddah, to study Setaria infection in small ruminants in Saudi Arabia. Setaria digitata worms were detected in the abdominal cavity of 5 out of 48 goats (10.4%). Sheep were not found to be infected. All infected goats were adults of 2-4 years of age and originating from the Jeddah, Mecca and Al-Leith areas. Four cases were recorded during January-March and one during August. No lesions due to S. digitata were found in the visceral organs and brains of the infected goats. This is the first record of patent infection with S. digitata in goats.  相似文献   

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