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The persistence of the acaricide tau-fluvalinate with time and the factors that can affect its degradation in honey were investigated. Two honey types of extreme pH values (3.85 and 5.40) were spiked with tau-fluvalinate at two levels (50 and 200 micrograms kg-1) and incubated at 35 degrees C. Samples were analyzed in duplicate at various time intervals for up to 248 days. A simple, rapid and accurate method for the determination of tau-fluvalinate residues in honey is proposed. Tau-fluvalinate extraction and sample cleanup was carried out using C8 SPE cartridges with dichloromethane as the elution solvent. Analysis of samples was accomplished using gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD). The overall recovery of the method was 90.25 (+/- 0.85)% and the limit of determination 1 microgram kg-1. The results showed that tau-fluvalinate stays stable in honey for more than 8 months, even at 35 degrees C. The effect of higher temperatures, similar to those used for honey packing, on tau-fluvalinate persistence in honey was also studied. Honey samples fortified with 20 and 200 micrograms kg-1 tau-fluvalinate were subjected to heat treatment similar to that in the honey blending and packing process. No degradation of tau-fluvalinate due to the heat treatment was recorded. This long persistence increases the risk of honey contamination due to repeated and/or extended tau-fluvalinate applications.  相似文献   

Insecticide wastes generated from livestock dipping operations are well suited for biodegradation processes since these wastes are concentrated, contained, and have no other significant toxic components. A field-scale biofilter capable of treating 15000-litre batches of dip waste containing the acaricide coumaphos was used to reduce the coumaphos concentration in two successive 11000-litre batch trials from 2000 mg litre-1 to 10 mg litre-1 in approximately 14 days at 25–29°C. Removal of coumaphos from the biofilter effluent is a function of both physical filtration and biodegradation by the biofilter. However, stoichiometric increases in chloride levels in the effluent as coumaphos concentrations decreased confirmed that coumaphos was being degraded by the biofilter rather than just being filtered out. In subsequent 5500-litre batch experiments, the addition of a vitamin supplement to the biofilter-treated dip resulted in a further decrease in coumaphos concentration to approximately 1 mg litre-1. Results from incubations of two representative Texas soils with biofilter-treated dip spiked with [benzo-U-14C] coumaphos revealed that 32–36% of the spiked [14C] coumaphos was mineralized in the soils after 110 days at 30°C. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

A new in vitro method was devised to assess the effects of pesticides on honey bee brood. The method allowed the quantification of doses ingested by larvae and the assessment of larval and pupal mortality. Larval mortality in control samples was lower than 10%. Two active substances were tested: dimethoate and fenoxycarb. The LD(50) of dimethoate was 1.9 microg larva(-1) 48 h after oral exposure of larvae at day 4. Additional dose-related effects on pupal mortality were noted. After a chronic intoxication, the NOAEC (No Observed Adverse Effect Concentration) for larval mortality at day 7 was 2.5 mg kg(-1), whereas a NOAEC of 5 mg kg(-1) was found at day 22 for delayed effects on the reduction of adult emergence. Fenoxycarb applied at day 4 showed no effect on larvae, whereas emergence of adults was affected at doses higher than 6 ng larva(-1).  相似文献   

Two 10-day field residue studies were conducted to measure the amount of chlorpyrifos residue found in typical avian food following applications of a commercial 480 g liter(-1) EC (Lorsban 4E) at 1.1 kg AI ha(-1) (1 lb AI acre(-1)) to alfalfa and at 2.3 kg Al ha(-1) (2.0 lb AI acre(-1)) to citrus. Avian food items used in these studies included: crickets (Acheta domestica (L)), earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L), darkling ground beetle larvae (Tenebrio molitor L), seed heads (Triticum sp), and naturally occurring flying and ground-dwelling insects. The studies incorporated a design involving three main study plots placed within larger treated areas of an alfalfa crop and a mature orange grove. The three main study plots represented three replications and each contained four sub-plots. One sub-plot, on each study plot, was sampled on day 0 (2-h post-application), day 1, day 5 and day 10 post-application. Chlorpyrifos residues were present in all avian food sampled following the application; however, residue levels were lower than estimated residue values typically used by the US EPA to establish expected environmental concentration (EEC) used in screening assessments of risk to terrestrial wildlife.  相似文献   

The depletion of zeta‐cypermethrin residues in bovine tissues and milk was studied. Beef cattle were treated three times at 3‐week intervals with 1 ml 10 kg?1 body weight of a 25 g litre?1 or 50 g litre?1 pour‐on formulation (2.5 and 5.0 mg zeta‐cypermethrin kg?1 body weight) or 100 mg kg?1 spray to simulate a likely worst‐case treatment regime. Friesian and Jersey dairy cows were treated once with 2.5 mg zeta‐cypermethrin kg?1 in a pour‐on formulation. Muscle, liver and kidney residue concentrations were generally less than the limit of detection (LOD = 0.01 mg kg?1). Residues in renal‐fat and back‐fat samples from animals treated with 2.5 mg kg?1 all exceeded the limit of quantitation (LOQ = 0.05 mg kg?1), peaking at 10 days after treatment. Only two of five kidney fat samples were above the LOQ after 34 days, but none of the back‐fat samples exceeded the LOQ at 28 days after treatment. Following spray treatments, fat residues were detectable in some animals but were below the LOQ at all sampling intervals. Zeta‐cypermethrin was quantifiable (LOQ = 0.01 mg kg?1) in only one whole‐milk sample from the Friesian cows (0.015 mg kg?1, 2 days after treatment). In whole milk from Jersey cows, the mean concentration of zeta‐cypermethrin peaked 1 day after treatment, at 0.015 mg kg?1, and the highest individual sample concentration was 0.025 mg kg?1 at 3 days after treatment. Residues in milk were not quantifiable beginning 4 days after treatment. The mean concentrations of zeta‐cypermethrin in milk fat from Friesian and Jersey cows peaked two days after treatment at 0.197 mg kg?1 and 0.377 mg kg?1, respectively, and the highest individual sample concentrations were 2 days after treatment at 0.47 mg kg?1 and 0.98 mg kg?1, respectively. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Two groups of eight honey bee colonies were fed with two different concentrations of imidacloprid in saccharose syrup during summer (each colony was given 1 litre of saccharose syrup containing 0.5 microg litre(-1) or 5 microg litre(-1) of imidacloprid on 13 occasions). Their development and survival were followed in parallel with control hives (unfed or fed with saccharose syrup) until the end of the following winter. The parameters followed were: adult bee activity (number of bee entering the hive and pollen carrying activity), adult bee population level, capped brood area, frequency of parasitic and other diseases, mortality, number of frames with brood after wintering and a global score of colonies after wintering. The only parameters linked to feeding with imidacloprid-supplemented saccharose syrup when compared with feeding with non-supplemented syrup were: a statistically non-significant higher activity index of adult bees, a significantly higher frequency of pollen carrying during the feeding period and a larger number of capped brood cells. When imidacloprid was no longer applied, activity and pollen carrying were re-established at a similar level for all groups. Repeated feeding with syrup supplemented with imidacloprid did not provoke any immediate or any delayed mortality before, during or following the next winter, whereas such severe effects are described by several French bee keepers as a consequence of imidacloprid use for seed dressing in neighbouring cultures. In any case, during the whole study, mortality was very low in all groups, with no difference between imidacloprid-fed and control colonies. Further research should now address several hypotheses: the troubles described by bee keepers have causes other than imidacloprid; if such troubles are really due to this insecticide, they may only be observed either when bees consume contaminated pollen, when no other sources of food are available, in the presence of synergic factors (that still need to be identified), with some particular races of bees or when colonies are not strong and healthy.  相似文献   

本文研究了多菌灵、吡虫啉、嘧霉胺、除虫脲、灭幼脲、辛硫磷和阿维菌素在韭菜上的残留量,建立了使用液质联用仪同时检测的方法,样品提取液中加入N-丙基乙二胺和石墨化炭黑离心后再经过氨基柱净化,大大降低了干扰,提高了检测的灵敏度该方法操作简单、快速、灵敏度高。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the indoxacarb 300 g kg(-1) WG, Steward 30WDG, on the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in apple orchards, a monitoring study was conducted in Dutch apple orchards in April/May 2004. Before apple flowering began, two honey bee colonies were placed in each orchard to investigate honey bee mortality. Each hive was provided with a Münster dead bee trap to collect dead honey bees. The numbers of dead bees found in these Münster dead traps were counted every 3-4 days for about 2 weeks before and after the period of the insecticide treatment. In nine flowering orchards no indoxacarb was applied during the flowering period, which served as control sites. In 30 flowering orchards indoxacarb was sprayed by the fruit growers according to local practice at 170-260 g formulated product ha(-1) (51-78 g AI ha(-1)). In the control orchards the average mortality was 8 honey bees colony(-1) day(-1). The average daily honey bee mortality before and after indoxacarb application was 8 and 10 honey bees colony(-1) day(-1) respectively. At one test site, indoxacarb was mixed with other plant protection products plus plant nutrients, and in this orchard a slight but biologically non-significant increase in acute honey bee mortality was recorded. It was concluded that the application of indoxacarb caused no effects on honey bee mortality, and that the number of dead honey bees counted in the Münster traps in the orchard treated with indoxacarb was comparable with those determined in control orchards.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is great concern about the high losses and strong depopulation of honey bee colonies in some areas of Spain. Some beekeepers have suggested that sunflower seeds treated with the insecticide fipronil could be an important factor in causing those losses. Therefore, an in‐depth field study has been carried out in two regions of Spain where sunflower production is intense (Cuenca and Andalucía) and where, for some crops and varieties, fipronil has been used as seed insecticide. RESULTS: Samples of adult bees and pollen were analysed for bee pathogens and pesticide residues respectively. Neither fipronil residues nor its metabolites were detected in any of the samples analysed, indicating that short‐term or chronic exposure of bees to fipronil and/or its metabolites can be ruled out in the apiaries surveyed. Varroa destructor and Nosema ceranae were found to be very prevalent. CONCLUSION: The combination of the two pathogens could augment the risk of colony death in infected colonies, without fipronil residues exerting a significant effect in the given field conditions. Indeed, in this study the losses observed in apiaries located close to sunflower crops were similar to those in apiaries situated in forested areas with wild vegetation. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

对目前中国主要蜜源作物上登记的农药品种进行了梳理,并采用现有的风险评估标准方法,对其中毒死蜱、吡虫啉等共61种杀虫剂对蜜蜂的风险进行了初级评估。结果表明:在58种喷雾施用的杀虫剂中,35种对蜜蜂的风险商值均大于1,风险为不可接受;其余23种的风险商值小于1,风险为可接受;所评估的6种土壤或种子处理内吸性杀虫剂中,5种对蜜蜂的风险商值大于1,风险为不可接受,仅氯虫苯甲酰胺的风险商值小于1,风险为可接受。但由于文中是以药剂在所登记作物上的单次最高施药剂量为暴露量进行的初级评估,并未考虑农药在花粉、花蜜中的降解及降雨引起的淋洗损耗,以及施药时间与作物花期之间的关系等影响因素,因而使得评估结果具有较大的保守性。研究结果一方面可为这些农药的合理使用和管理提供参考,另一方面提示了目前中国关于农药对蜜蜂的初级风险评估程序需进一步优化。  相似文献   

在黏虫板控制状态下温室白粉虱空间分布调查初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在利用黏虫板控制虫情的条件下,通过系统调查,初步明确了在冬、春季温室白粉虱具有向温室后部集中和趋向植株上部的特性,为该虫科学监测和防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

为明确燕麦孢囊线虫在田间的水平和垂直分布,分别在小麦收获后玉米播种前和小麦播种前土壤翻耕后进行水平和垂直取样调查。调查结果表明,燕麦孢囊线虫在田间水平分布主要为聚集分布,翻耕对其水平分布影响不大; 小麦收获后翻耕前燕麦孢囊线虫在田间垂直分布主要分布于5~10cm处,占取样深度土层孢囊总数量的35.8%,翻耕后燕麦孢囊线虫的垂直分布主要在0~15cm的土层发生变化,0~10cm的孢囊数量下降而10~15cm的孢囊数量增加。在0~20cm土壤中,翻耕前与翻耕后孢囊数量分别占孢囊总数量的89.4%和88.6%。  相似文献   

采用室内模拟试验方法,研究了施药剂量、稀释倍数、施药次数、剂型、施药时期对三唑磷在水稻上原始沉积的影响,并通过套袋处理探讨了穗期施药对糙米中三唑磷最终残留量的影响。结果表明,三唑磷的原始沉积量与施药剂量呈线性正相关关系,与稀释倍数呈线性负相关关系,线性方程分别为:y=0.883 1+0.352 7x( r=0.982 2)和y=110.21-0.200 5x(r=0.986 2),施药次数与三唑磷残留量呈正相关;于穗期施药后,未套袋处理糙米中三唑磷的残留量显著高于套袋处理。明确了田间施药过程中影响三唑磷在水稻上原始沉积量的主要因子为施药剂量、施药次数和稀释倍数,探明了套袋处理能有效降低糙米和谷壳中三唑磷的残留量,可为科学合理施药以有效降低农药残留提供参考。  相似文献   

传统的大型仪器检测及免疫检测等农药残留检测方法存在周期长、成本高、操作复杂等局限性。近年来随着分子印迹技术和微电子技术的发展,分子印迹传感技术作为一种新的农药残留检测方法,因其具有快速、实时、操作简便、灵敏度高及特异性好等优点,目前已被应用于多数种类杀虫剂及部分除草剂和植物生长调节剂的残留检测,显示出了广阔的发展前景。文章从原理和方法方面综述了分子印迹传感技术与电化学、光学以及质量敏感技术联用在农药残留检测领域的研究应用进展,并对该技术的未来发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

滴灌条件下施氮时段对土壤氮素分布的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用单点源滴灌试验模拟土壤入渗,并分不同时段施氮肥,灌水施氮肥结束后,在不同时间段和湿润体不同位置采集土样,并测定土壤中速效氮的含量,分析比对湿润体中不同位置硝态氮与铵态氮的时空分布,结果表明:滴灌全程施肥,土壤湿润体中高氮区始终分布在滴头附近;滴灌前1/2时段施肥,硝态氮含量的最大值(107.50 mg·kg~(-1))出现在距滴头水平距离15~20 cm,垂直距离15~30 cm范围内;后1/2时段施肥,高氮区始终也分布在滴头附近,但含量值表现极高(184.36 mg·kg~(-1));中间1/2时段施肥,硝态氮主要分布在距滴头水平距离为15 cm左右,垂直深度也为15 cm左右的土层范围内。随着时间的推移,土壤湿润体中NO3--N的含量均表现为到第5天前后达到最高值,此后又开始降低;NH4+-N在时间上转化速率相对较快,在灌水施肥结束后的第3天硝化作用最强,从第3天到第5天NH4+-N浓度急剧降低。  相似文献   

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