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臭氧是一种可广泛运用的消毒剂,除用于有机物与无机物的杂质外,还可消灭细菌、病毒及病原体。虽然人类应用臭氧已有很长时间,但直至今日才真正在食品加工业中受到青睐。 臭氧的自然产生是随着闪电暴风雨或强烈电流发生时产生的。由于臭氧的氧化能力比现在广泛运用的氯气效果要好很多,所以自荷兰于1883年兴建第一座利用臭氧处理饮用水加工厂后,数以千计的臭氧处理设备遍布于欧洲、俄国、日本与美国各地。  相似文献   

水产品自身带有或贮运期间污染的微生物是导致其腐败变质的主因。为减少微生物对水产品品质影响,延长其货架期,减菌化前处理是减少其加工贮藏过程中微生物污染的关键技术。本文在分析比较水产品常用减菌化处理水的作用机理与主要特点的基础上,重点介绍了臭氧水在水产品杀菌保鲜中的应用研究进展,提出其存在问题与解决办法,阐明将臭氧水与流化冰、气调保鲜及其他保鲜处理技术相结合的优势,并对臭氧水在水产品贮藏加工中的应用前景予以展望。  相似文献   

臭氧设备在水产品加工中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1臭氧在水产品加工车间中的应用水产品加工车间一般是高湿环境,此时环境中的病毒和细菌的细胞壁较疏松,易被臭氧穿透杀灭,相对湿度为80%~90%,臭氧具有很强的杀菌作用。要达到杀菌效果,根据卫生部《消毒技术规范》和实际应用经验,三十万级取2.5 mg/L,十万级取5 mg/L,万级取15 mg  相似文献   

臭氧消毒杀菌技术在工厂化水产养殖中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

野生淡水小龙虾(Crayfish)是一种珍贵的水生经济动物,盛产于长江流域的江河湖泊、池塘水荡。其肉质鲜美、风味独特,蛋白质含量高、脂肪含量低,虾黄具有蟹黄味,尤其钙、磷、铁含量丰富,是营养和食疗价  相似文献   

近年来,臭氧灭菌已广泛应用于海水观赏鱼的养殖中,且效果良好。臭氧是氧的同素异形体。臭氧无色.具辛辣刺鼻的气味,有毒。臭氧在气态时极不稳定,会逐渐分解成氧。臭氧溶于水,会与水发生一连串的反应.它可杀灭水中的细菌及某些原生动物,但对杀灭鱼体的寄生虫却效果甚微。一、臭氧杀菌的机制臭氧在水中会发生分解,分解产物包括氢氧根(OH-)及氧分子等。而其中最重要的产物是氢氧离子,Baxendale曾报道;OH-的氧化能为-2SV(H-=1M),这个值比臭氧本身的氧化能都大,臭氧最高的氧化能在酸性溶液中为-2.07V.在碱性溶液中只有…  相似文献   

淡水小龙虾加工及产品质量控制工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淡水小龙虾,学名克氏螯虾,原产于北美,后移植日本,再移植到我国江苏,现已广泛养殖于长江流域、淮河流域,其肉鲜美,蛋白质含量高。将淡水小龙虾经特殊工艺加工成冻熟龙虾仁和冻熟整只龙虾,销往国际市场,效益十分可观,已成为我省农产品出口创汇的拳头产品。现将淡水小龙虾生产及其产品质量控制工艺简述如下,以供龙虾加工企业参考。  相似文献   

臭氧在水产品加工中应用综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
臭氧(O3)作为一种高效的抑菌剂已广泛应用于食品工业中,具有高反应性、强渗透性、低残留性等优点。臭氧在水产品加工中主要用于产品保鲜、去异味、漂白脱色及加工设备清洗消毒等方面。文章概述了臭氧的产生原理、基本性质及其应用发展史,并对臭氧在水产品加工领域中的应用研究进行综述与展望。  相似文献   

综述了出口淡水小龙虾的加工工艺、操作要点及质量指标,对微生物和药物残留危害进行了分析,提出通过有效蒸煮及加强员工和环境卫生管理控制微生物污染,通过实施原料基地备案、源头管理和良好的员工操作行为等有效预防药物残留,在质量安全控制方面为加工企业提供参考依据.  相似文献   

为开发基于小龙虾(学名克氏原螯虾,Procambarus clarkii)的深加工产品,以质构、菌落总数、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、pH、色差为评价指标,探讨两种不同杀菌方式(巴氏杀菌80℃/15 min;超高压杀菌300 MPa/15 min)对4℃贮藏温度下真空包装即食小龙虾品质的影响。研究显示:巴氏杀菌组的菌落总数和TVB-N分别在第13天(5.5 log(CFU/g))和第14天(20.94 mg/100 g)超过国家水产限量标准(分别为5.0 log(CFU/g)和20 mg/100 g),而超高压杀菌组,分别在第15天(5.15 log(CFU/g))和第16天(21.26 mg/100 g)超过国家水产限量标准;且超高压杀菌组即食小龙虾硬度(1 358.33 g)、粘着性(987.66)、咀嚼性(840.84)均显著(P0.05)高于巴氏杀菌组(分别为1 188.42 g、769.00和551.07);两组即食小龙虾pH均呈先下降后上升趋势,且无显著性差异(P0.05);此外,经超高压杀菌处理的即食小龙虾色泽也略优于巴氏杀菌组,但无显著性差异(P0.05)。结果表明:在4℃的贮藏条件下,超高压杀菌处理的即食小龙虾货架期为14 d,相比80℃巴氏杀菌处理组,延长了约2 d的货架期,但两种杀菌方式处理的即食小龙虾产品的理化性质和菌落总数差距不大。  相似文献   

龙虾尾软罐头加工及危害分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了龙虾尾软罐头加工生产工艺流程并对其操作要点及主要技术参数进行了说明。通过利用HACCP的原理,对加工工艺环节进行卫生管理及监控,以确定加工过程中防范微生物危害的关键控制点。  相似文献   

HACCP在冻熟龙虾仁质量控制中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical ControlPoint)的中文译称是:危害分析及其关键控制点的确定。这是建立在食品生产中保证食品安全卫生的预防性品质控制系统,它能够较好地提高产品的质量,目前主要应用于水产品加工上。本文探讨了HACCP在冻熟水洗龙虾仁加工中应用的一般过程。  相似文献   

Motivated by the need for additional tools to disinfect discharge water from well boats, and to prevent distribution of salmon lice, the effect of ultrasonic cavitation on the planktonic stages of the salmon louse, nauplii and copepodids, as well as marine heterotrophic bacteria, and the marine green microalgae Tetraselmis suecica, has been investigated. Survival and morphology were registered after different exposure times. Efficacy of the ultrasonic cavitation treatments varied with exposure time. A reduction in survival was registered even for the shortest exposure time (5 seconds) for both naupliar and copepodid stages of the salmon louse (36.7 ± 11.5 and 67.20 ± 7.2% survival respectively). Survival reached zero after exposure times of 20 and 60 seconds for the nauplii and copepodid stages, respectively. A reduction in 70% was observed for bacteria at all exposure times (5 to 300 s), while a reduction of 95% was observed after 300 s for algal cells. The logged energy transfer to the samples was on average 17.5 J/s. In conclusion, cavitation treatment is destructive for the planktonic stages of salmon lice, and may contribute to reduce discharge of pathogens and parasites from well boats when adapted for this purpose and combined with existing water disinfection methods.  相似文献   

A bio‐physical semi‐Langrangian model was developed to follow the drift and abundance of lobster larvae from hatching to settlement as post‐larvae. The geographic domain encompasses Northumberland Strait and the areas surrounding Prince Edward Island in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The model was run for ten larval seasons, 1983–87 and 1997–2001, representing two periods of egg production. The model was forced with tides, winds, heat fluxes, and marine and freshwater fluxes at open boundaries. Biological inputs were location, date, and density of larvae at hatching, development rates, a time window and a minimum bottom temperature required for successful settlement, and two scenarios of daily mortality. Net drift was west to east but stronger on the north than the south side of Prince Edward Island. The hatch was greater in the second 5‐yr period, but the spatial patterns of settlement were similar. For both mortality scenarios, the same five of the 24 larval source areas were important in providing settlers. Horizontal shear of larval distribution indicates fishing communities were dependent on the hatch from fishing grounds of multiple upstream communities. Variation in daily and annual post‐larval settlement was greatest north of Prince Edward Island. From the 24 source areas there was an eightfold range in the fraction of larvae surviving to settlement, with advection into deep water an important cause of mortality. Four to five possible fishery management areas were identified using multidimensional scaling to group sink areas having shared source areas. We hypothesize leaky discontinuity in connectivity between these groups.  相似文献   

探讨了海链藻对四种抗生素(头孢唑林钠、哌拉西林钠、盐酸林可霉素、硫酸阿米卡星)的敏感性研究。研究表明,盐酸林可霉素促进海链藻生长的最佳浓度应该为5 mg/L,哌拉西林钠促进海链藻生长的最佳浓度应该为1 mg/L,而硫酸阿米卡星、头孢唑林钠促进海链藻生长的最佳浓度则都为10 mg/L。  相似文献   

The lipid class and fatty acid (FA) composition of juvenile Artemia fed continuously on four diets—the microalga Tetraselmis suecica , a mix of oat bran-wheat germ-lecithin (OWL), OwL-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and OWL-EPA-arachidonic acid (AA)—were examined over a 9-d experiment in an attempt to approximate the FA profile of phyllosoma larvae of wild southern rock lobster Jasus edwardrii . The main difference in lipid class composition of Artemia fed the four diets was the relative level of polar lipid (PL) and triacylglycerol (TAG). By day 9, the algal-fed Artemia were highest in PL (95% of total lipid) and lowest in TAG (2%), whereas the remaining diets resulted in Artemia with 16–30% PL and 41–82% TAG. After 2 d, the relative FA composition of all Artemia treatments closely reflected those of the diets, with no marked change after further feeding (to day 9). In terms of the content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), by day 5 Artemia fed: 1) with the algal diet contained 7 mg/g FA dry mass (0.3% DHA, 6.3% EPA, 3.4% AA of total FA); 2) with the OWL diet contained 3 mg/g (0.3% DHA, 0.9% EPA, 0.7% AA); 3) with the OWL-EPA diet contained 55 mg/g (6.2% DHA, 11.6% EPA, 1.1% AA); and 4) with the OWL-EPA-AA contained 83 mg/g (3.8% DHA, 7.5% EPA, 17.4% AA). The PUFA profiles of Artemia using the OWL-oil diets were similar to wild rock lobster phyllmmata, although levels of doco-sahexaenoic acid (DHA) were lower (10% DHA) than in J. edwardsii larvae. On the basis of PUFA composition data alone, the results suggest the suitability of the OWL-oil mixed diets for consideration for feeding to Artemia used in the culture of southern rock lobster larvae, particularly if the level of DHA can be further enhanced.  相似文献   

对软烤扇贝加工过程中物料的细菌特性和有关理化特性进行了研究,并对细菌菌群进行了定性和定量分析。结果表明,实验室加工中,水分含量和水分活度(Aw)的降低都主要发生在调味腌制、焙干过程,最终产品水分含量为42%左右,Aw为0.902±0.003。工厂加工在焙干、烤制过程水分含量和Aw的降低较多,成品水分含量为42%左右,Aw为0.910±0.007,控制良好。实验室加工pH下降主要发生在调味腌制过程,产品pH为5.83左右,工厂产品pH没有明显下降,最终pH为6.70左右,不符合标准要求。实验室加工原料菌落总数是(4.47±1.59)×102cfu/g,在调味摆盘和包装过程分别上升到(1.35±0.83)×103cfu/g、(7.30±0.53)×102cfu/g,在焙干、烤制过程分别下降到(5.43±0.67)×102cfu/g、(2.90±0.75)×102cfu/g,二次杀菌冷却后产品菌落总数均小于300 cfu/g。工厂加工原料菌落总数为(9.08±0.20)×103cfu/g,焙干过程上升至(4.69±0.10)×105cfu/g,烤制过程下降到(1.12±0.40)×104cfu/g,包装过程上升至(2.58±0.20)×106cfu/g。二次杀菌冷却后3个产品中,有1个产品细菌总数为340 cfu/g,不符合企业标准要求。实验室烤制冷却后样品的主要菌群为芽孢杆菌,但仍含有小比例的葡萄球菌。二次杀菌冷却后,样品中仅残存芽孢杆菌,无球菌。工厂二次杀菌冷却后样品中主要菌群为芽孢杆菌,但仍含有相当数量的球菌,比例接近1/3,表明其生产过程不良,产品质量安全存在一定的问题。  相似文献   

Abstract— New-shell American lobsters Homarus americanus stored in tidal pounds or on-shore tank systems are fed to promote weight gain and shell hardness prior to shipping. Maintaining adequate dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the water is an important consideration in this process, and information on optimum DO levels is needed. In this study, 90 post-molt lobsters were weighed and tagged and held in a recirculating seawater system. Three DO treatments, 50%. 100%. and 250% saturation, were applied in three replicates; the lobsters were held for 35 d and fed daily. After this period they were re-weighed and shell hardness was measured. Results showed that increasing oxygen saturation above 100% did not increase weight gain or shell hardness and at lower levels (50%) there is only a trend to reduced shell hardness and weight gain.  相似文献   

HACCP体系在海参饮料加工过程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将HACCP体系应用于海参饮料生产过程,分析了海参饮料生产中各个环节的潜在危害,确定了影响产品质量安全的原料验收、解剖清洗、酶解、调配、灌装、灭菌等六个关键控制点,并制定了相应的预防措施、关键限值以及工作计划表和纠偏措施。  相似文献   

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