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农业现代化是中国式现代化的重要组成部分。高质量发展阶段,日益严峻的农业生态问题迫切需要农业生态化转型,生态农业日益成为农业现代化变革的重要载体。就理论契合度而言,生态农业与我国绿色发展理念、高质量发展需求、赓续农耕文明、弥合城乡差距等现实农业发展要求具有内在一致性,蕴藏着赋能中国式农业现代化的深层理论逻辑。就实践经验而言,生态农业在推动农业发展绿色转型、加快生态化食物体系完善、构建立体循环农业产业体系等方面取得了一定成效,为我国建设中国特色社会主义农业强国提供了更多路径选择,彰显了其对中国式农业现代化的赋能作用。  相似文献   

绿色食品发展的理念和宗旨完全符合现代农业发展的要求。20多年来,绿色食品在中国开辟了一片新天地,与无公害农产品、有机食品、农产品地理标志并称为"三品一标",成为中国优质、安全农产品的示范性品牌。介绍了目前中国绿色食品产业发展状况,分析了绿色食品在现代农业发展进程中的贡献,并对如何进一步拓展其作用提出了建议。  相似文献   

Community food security and environmental justice are parallel social movements interested in equity and justice and system-wide factors. They share a concern for issues of daily life and the need to establish community empowerment strategies. Both movements have also begun to reshape the discourse of sustainable agriculture, environmentalism and social welfare advocacy. However, community food security and environmental justice remain separate movements, indicating an incomplete process in reshaping agendas and discourse. Joining these movements through a common language of empowerment and systems analysis would strongly enhance the development of a more powerful, integrated approach. That opportunity can be located in the efforts to incorporate community food security and environmental justice approaches in current Farm Bill legislation; in particular, provisions addressing community food production, direct marketing, community development, and community food planning.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的腾飞,城镇化建设步伐越来越快,环境恶化,农田面积大幅缩水,食物供给也 面临挑战,符合可持续发展战略的都市农业概念应运而生。本文通过对“都市农业”的研究,探讨都市 农业理念下城市建筑的农业生态设计策略。  相似文献   

通过对现代农业概念和特征的阐述,分析了中国现阶段必须发展现代农业的3个主要原因,即只有发展现代农业才能保障中国的粮食安全、只有发展现代农业才能提高中国农业的国际竞争力、只有发展现代农业才能不断地增加农民收入。结论为中国发展现代农业需要处理好的四大关系、发展现代农业需要有现代农业制度的支撑、发展现代农业需要相关产业和科技的支撑、中国发展现代农业需走内涵式规模经营道路。  相似文献   

社区支持农业(Community Supported Agriculture,CSA)模式在我国是一种新型的农业发展模式.由于其注重食品安全、关注环境保护、支持农业的可持续发展等先进理念,在我国发展迅速,并引起学者们的关注.从社区支持农业的概念、产生原因、分类和作用、研究现状、存在问题以及发展前景等方面对近年学者们关于社区支持农业的研究进行了述评,并为今后的研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

有机农业及有机葡萄病虫害防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有机农业和有机食品生产在世界上迅速发展,但大众对有机食品的概念、实质内容等的认识上还有许多分歧。在查阅有关资料的基础上,对有机食品的形成过程、有机食品的概念、有机食品在国内外的发展等进行了简单介绍,并对有机食品与绿色食品、无公害食品等进行了比较,同时对有机食品的理解进行了剖析,介绍了我国有机农业中葡萄病虫害的防控经验与实践。  相似文献   

The emerging concept of food sovereignty refers to the right of communities, peoples, and states to independently determine their own food and agricultural policies. It raises the question of which type of food production, agriculture and rural development should be pursued to guarantee food security for the world population. Social movements and non-governmental organizations have readily integrated the concept into their terminology. The concept is also beginning to find its way into the debates and policies of UN organizations and national governments in both developing and industrialized countries. Beyond its relation to civil society movements little academic attention has been paid to the concept of food sovereignty and its appropriateness for international development policies aimed at reducing hunger and poverty, especially in comparison to the human right to adequate food (RtAF). We analyze, on the basis of an extensive literature review, the concept of food sovereignty with regard to its ability to contribute to hunger and poverty reduction worldwide as well as the challenges attached to this concept. Then, we compare the concept of food sovereignty with the RtAF and discuss the appropriateness of both concepts for national public sector policy makers and international development policies. We conclude that the impact on global food security is likely to be much greater if the RtAF approach predominated public policies. While the concept of food sovereignty may be appropriate for civil society movements, we recommend that the RtAF should obtain highest priority in national and international agricultural, trade and development policies.  相似文献   

气候变暖对粮食生产、农产品安全及农业可持续发展提出了挑战,发展低碳农业是全球应对日益严峻气候变化的必然选择。文章总结了国外发展低碳农业的有效做法及经验,提出了助推宁夏沿黄经济区低碳农业发展的思路,如提高对低碳农业理念的认知水平、实施低碳化的激励政策工具、完善低碳农业技术规范和标准等。  相似文献   

水稻覆膜节水高产技术探讨与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展现代农业最重要的是发展粮食生产,提高粮食产量,这不仅是建设社会主义新农村的关键,而且是科学发展观关于农村工作的基本要求。  相似文献   

中国是一个农业大国,农业经济状况在很大程度上决定了整体经济的发展态势。对中国当前农业发展现状中的主要问题进行分析,认为只有积极进行城市化建设才能解决中国农业发展的根本问题,同时,就中国城市化的路径选择与城市化发展的中短期目标提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

论述了发展有机农业和开发有机食品的战略意义,分析了黑龙江省发展有机农业的优势和存在的问题,并对其发展提出了对策建议,即加强示范区建设、壮大"龙头"企业、培育知名品牌、进一步扩大国内外市场占有率、提高质量安全意识、切实抓好监管和加大扶持力度.  相似文献   

韩国有机农业的发展与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘权政  强百发 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(14):6805-6806
现代农业造成了环境污染,人们开始注重食品安全,有机农业也应运而生。韩国有机农业从20世纪70年代兴起以来,随着环境友好型农业的发展,有机农业成为环境友好型农业重要的组成部分。韩国通过对有机农业的政策支持、认证管理、法规建设及政府和非政府对有机农业的推动作用等措施,使其国内有机农业发展迅猛,但韩国在发展有机农业的过程中也存在技术和推广等诸多问题。我国有机农业起步较晚,可借鉴韩国发展有机农业的经验,解决好我国发展有机农业和粮食自给的矛盾,加强有机产品的认证,引进农业直接支付制度等措施,使我国有机农业得到健康、稳步地发展。  相似文献   

低碳农业:从理论构想到科学实践的若干问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球气候变化背景下,“低碳经济”已成为全球热点,被誉为人类第四次“技术革命”,温室气体排放已经深度触及了农业和粮食安全.低碳农业成为经济社会发展的必然趋势.当前,低碳农业已由理论构想转向了科学实践,其发展途径主要包括:(1)发展新型能源,推广清洁技术;(2)优化耕作制度,提高复种指数;(3)培育优良品种,延长减排链条;...  相似文献   

都市农业是城市可持续发展的一个永久性重要元素,都市农业不仅是城市食物供应系统的一部分,而且是创造绿色城市环境的一个重要因素,它对城市的可持续发展具有重要作用.应通过以下四种方式促进城乡和谐发展:第一,通过补助金制度促进农业的正外部性;第二,将都市农业纳入城市发展总体规划;第三,培育分散的、多渠道的销售市场;第四,将都市农业融入城市环境政策.  相似文献   

世界创意产业的兴起也促进了中国创意产业的发展,创意农业是创意产业的重要组成部分;在参照创意产业概念的基础上,结合农业的特点,研究提出了创意农业的概念,并阐述了创意农业的属性、所具有的四个显著特征;根据创意农业的内容,将其划分为规划设计型、废弃物利用型、用途转化型和文化开发型等四个类型;从研究和制订创意农业发展规划、定期举办中国农业创意大赛和出台相关鼓励政策等方面提出了中国发展创意农业的对策建议。  相似文献   

[目的]对我国地方政府发展低碳农业的定位进行分析。[方法]通过农业中的温室气体排放、低碳农业的内涵及其特点、发展低碳农业的必要性等方面进行分析,得到地方政府在发展低碳农业中的定位和举措。[结果]政府在发展低碳农业中应起主导作用,通过制定科学的低碳农业发展规划、培养低碳农业人才、大力推广低碳农业技术、建立低碳农业的风险防范机制等措施来推动低碳农业的发展。[结论]只有将经济、环境、资源相协调,在科学发展观的统领下,走可持续发展之路,才是我国农业发展的前途所在。  相似文献   

Agricultural development programs have so far been largely unable to meet the food needs of the world's poorest. Increased food production can be achieved only from more intensive agriculture, which requires greater energy inputs per farm worker. Problems of technological infrastructure and escalating oil prices appear to preclude the spread of mechanization to Third World agriculture at this time. Efficient utilization of grazing animals in specific integrated farming systems could not only increase energy inputs through draft and transportation but also increase the yield of high-grade products and by-products from the renewable energy of biomass. An approach to development based on animal agriculture systems is suggested that might initiate a self-sustaining, more productive agriculture requiring only small inputs of fossil-fuel energy.  相似文献   

党的十九大更是把生态文明建设摆到一个更为凸显的国家战略位置上,但是生态文明建设 在农业领域的实践中所面临的资源与环境、数量与质量双重约束也日益突出。那么如何在生态环境 建设“四个一”的理念指导下,实现农业的绿色转型发展,确保粮食安全与有效供给、食品安全与满足 需求、生态安全与持续发展,是必须重视与解决的现实问题。因此本文对生态文明建设于高效生态农 业的实践路径做几点探索。  相似文献   

Realizing sustainable development has become a global priority. This holds, in particular, for agriculture. Recently, the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Nineteenth National People’s Congress has delivered a national strategy for sustainable development in China—realizing green development. The overall objective of Agriculture Green Development (AGD) is to coordinate “green” with “development” to realize the transformation of current agriculture with high resource consumption and high environmental costs into a green agriculture and countryside with high productivity, high resource use efficiency and low environmental impact. This is a formidable task, requiring joint efforts of government, farmers, industry, educators and researchers. The innovative concept for AGD will focus on reconstructing the whole crop-animal production and food production-consumption system, with the emphasis on high thresholds for environmental standards and food quality as well as enhanced human well-being. This paper addresses the significance, challenges, framework, pathways and potential solutions for realizing AGD in China, and highlights the potential changes that will lead to a more sustainable agriculture in the future. Proposals include interdisciplinary innovations, whole food chain improvement and regional solutions. The implementation of AGD in China will provide important implications for the countries in developmental transition, and contribute to global sustainable development.  相似文献   

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