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Stronger collaboration between government organizations (GOs), NGOs, and rural people has long been advocated as a means of enhancing the responsiveness, efficiency, and accountability of GOs and NGOs. This paper reviews the arguments and evidence for specific types of collaboration for sustainable agricultural development, setting it into the context of Korten's (1980) concept of “learning process.” Taking recent examples from Udaipur District in India, it reviews the experiences and potential of collaboration, arguing that, while informal interaction increases and enriches the fabric of pluralist development, certain strategic decisions often require a degree of formality. These include decisions on the development of human resources — here both the users and providers of services. Moreover, human resource development (HRD) must be viewed in the context of the mandates, aspirations, and systems of accountability and rewards of the institutions concerned. These determine whether institutions develop and expand their own human resources or draw upon those of others by collaborating with them. Individuals engaged in these organizations can be more effectively induced to collaborate with others by combinations of flexibility and appropriate reward systems than they can be forced to do so by instructions or commands. Several conclusions follow: decisions to act together are unlikely to progress unless translated into concrete actions; authority to take local-level decisions in GOs needs strengthening if they are to provide the necessary flexibility; and, although collaboration should in principle be built on the comparative advantage of different types of organization, in practice, each will have to incorporate the skills of the other, at least to some level, if they are to communicate effectively. NGOs and GOs must also enhance their understanding of farmers' ability to make demands on external organizations. Edging towards collaboration is a delicate and painstaking process. Only if many of the above conditions are given due priority will early examples have something to offer to the numerous NGOs, GOs and international agencies wishing to learn from them.  相似文献   

高校教育问责制实施途径研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育问责制是政府部门及社会机构或个人监督高校的一项重要手段,它在高校的改革和发展中扮演着重要角色。本文认为,高校可以通过明确责任主体、健全问责体系、明晰责任内容、确定科学问责方法等途径实施教育问责制。  相似文献   

从高校党的组织结构看,党委、基层党组织和党员三者的地位、作用和职能既有区别,又存在有机联系,共同构成党内监督的完整体系。加强党内监督应该从高校党的组织结构特点入手,针对高校党委权力之重,加强权力运行的监督;针对高校基层党组织责任之实,加强对其政治核心和战斗堡垒作用发挥的监督;针对高校党员主体地位之要,加强保持共产党员先进性的监督,从而构建起科学完善、结构明晰、重点突出、功能互补的高校党内监督工作模式。  相似文献   

The transnational agrarian movement La Via Campesina (LVC) seeks to reestablish food sovereignty authority within national borders by removing agriculture from the WTO system. The WTO is a membership organization of participating nation-states that have agreed to abide by the rules of the WTO governance regime. Nominally, at least, changes in these governance rules must be approved by the nation-state members. This paper examines the extent to which South Korean affiliate organizations of LVC, the Korean Peasant League and the Korean Women Peasants Association, have been successful in placing food sovereignty issues on the national agri-food policy agenda in South Korea that challenge the WTO??s neoliberal global governance regime for agriculture. In effect, the success of transnational movements like LVC in challenging global institutions may rest on how well their member affiliates are able to play domestic agri-food politics.  相似文献   

成员满意度是衡量农民专业合作社发展好坏的重要指标。研究组织公平对合作社成员满意度的影响,可为合作社内部制度规范化提供决策依据。本文以云南省为例,利用合作社成员样本调研数据,运用Oprobit模型和中介效应模型,分析组织公平对合作社成员满意度的影响,并探讨其作用机制和异质性。结果表明,35.51%的合作社成员感到比较满意或非常满意,合作社成员整体满意度仍有较大提升空间。核心成员感到满意的比例高于非核心成员,示范社成员感到满意的比例高于非示范社成员。组织公平有助于提升合作社成员的满意度。从作用机制来看,组织公平通过组织认同和信任正向影响成员满意度。进一步的异质性分析表明,组织公平能够显著提升合作社非核心成员满意度,但对核心成员满意度的影响不显著;组织公平对非示范社成员满意度的影响显著高于示范社成员。因此,为进一步提升合作社成员满意度,提出完善合作社制度建设,鼓励成员参与内部事务,规范合作社发展,加强成员交流沟通,增强示范社带动能力等对策建议。  相似文献   

当前,政府购买公共服务作为一项制度安排、一种改革工具历久弥新,在实践中得到了广泛的应用.从行政理念、组织结构、政府角色、公共服务的供给方式等多方面阐释了新时期政府购买公共服务的内涵及其价值,分析了政府购买涉及政府、市场、社会组织、公众及外部环境等多重影响因素,进而提出了优化政府的资源整合机制,引入政府购买的问责机制;促进服务市场的有序竞争,优化市场监管机制;加大政府购买的政策扶植力度,着力培育和提升社会组织的参与能力;全面公开政府购买信息,积极探索公众参与监管和评估的机制以及积累社会资本,建立社会信任、互惠规范、多元参与的服务供给机制等路径来提升政府购买公共服务的实践成效.  相似文献   

A recent study, using a perceptual task, indicated that two heads were better than one provided that the members could communicate freely, presumably sharing their confidence in their judgments. Capitalizing on recent work on subjective confidence, I replicated this effect in the absence of any dyadic interaction by selecting on each trial the decision of the more confident member of a virtual dyad. However, because subjective confidence monitors the consensuality rather than the accuracy of a decision, when most participants were in error, reliance on the more confident member yielded worse decisions than those of the better individual. Assuming that for each issue group decisions are dominated by the more confident member, these results help specify when groups will be more or less accurate than individuals.  相似文献   

中国农村合作金融的历史演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国农村合作金融的两种主要形式农村信用社和农村合作基金会的创办、发展都是由政府推动的,实践证明,这些带着浓厚“官办”色彩的农村合作金融组织都未能办成成功的合作金融。因此,分析中国农村合作金融的发展历程对于合作金融组织改革乃至多层次农村金融体系构建鄯具有极其重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

增强农村集体经济组织的活力,发挥集体经济的引领作用,对于实现乡村振兴战略具有积极意义。但是,过去的集体化遭遇挫折,现在新形势下的集体产权制度改革和发展新型集体经济组织又存在种种困难。因而,在发展农村集体经济过程中借鉴国外经验就具有一定的参考价值。本文根据2017年对以色列的实地调研,并结合已有研究文献,在回顾基布兹制度特征和"私有化"改革的宏观背景基础上,围绕20世纪90年代以来基布兹的改革内容、路径和影响,分析了基布兹改革的实质。研究认为,基布兹改革的本质是在坚持生产资料集体所有制的前提下,通过所有权与经营权分离,提高经营效率;通过大幅度缩小公共福利供给范围,降低组织运营成本。改革的目标是提高组织运行效率,而不是放弃集体所有制。同时,基布兹改革背后所蕴含的发展农村集体经济的经验和教训值得反思和参考。对于当下发展新型农村集体经济来说,其健康发展必须具备三个条件:成员的集体主义认同、新型集体经济组织运行的独立性和集体经济组织体系的完整性。  相似文献   

应用牧猫理论指出学会只有因势利导,顺应现状,目标坚定地实施"工作渐变",才能有效开展工作。目前,学会拥有众多会员和会员单位,已形成社会不可忽视的力量。随着我国民间学会团体的壮大,如何在国家和谐发展大形势下,依托民间学会团体力量,为广大会员及会员单位,实现信息资源推广与服务是一个值得思考和研究的问题。  相似文献   

行政问责制度作为建构责任政府的重要制度保障,其针对问责程序与问责机制的合理设计是关涉责任政府建设的重要问题。以行政问责制度为视角,通过对我国现行行政问责制度的文本解构和分析,描述、解释了我国现行行政问责制度的各个组成要素,着重讨论了行政问责制度的发展模式和制度设计,揭示了社会发展、危机管理和法制化建设的需要与行政问责制度的发展和变革关系,并探讨了由行政性问责向程序性问责转变的相关条件。针对我国各地方行政问责制度相互关联的各个核心要素,剖析各地方行政问责制相互之间的关系以及存在的问题。  相似文献   

郭怀亮  魏鑫 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(33):19111-19113
分析了农村合作经济组织的经济收益,表明农合组织可获得符合市场经济要求的经济组织收益;农合组织可以分享政府的优质服务而获得收益;农合组织能通过减少或避免各种经营风险获得收益;农合组织可获得农业技术和标准化生产带来的收益;农合组织可分享农产品专业化生产带来的收益;成员可分享农合组织社会化服务体系带来的利益;农合组织可以分享农业经营一体化所产生的收益;农合组织能够节约交易成本增加收益;农合组织能够获得规模收益;农合组织可分享农产品品牌优势而增加收益。对农村合作经济组织发展的成本进行分析,主要有组建成本、运营成本、约束成本和合作成本。认为农村合作经济组织发展缓慢的原因是自身运营成本过高和外部环境障碍,对政府提出了做好对农村合作经济的理论研究与宣传教育培训工作、加强对农村合作经济组织的政策扶持力度的对策建议。  相似文献   

余芸 《安徽农业科学》2014,(1):289-290,293
指出会计集中核算已经在县级以上财政基本普遍推行,但会计集中核算运转中也出现了一些矛盾和问题,特别是会计责任主体模糊、单位财务管理弱化等问题比较突出。在此基础上对单位如何在会计集中核算下加强财务管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

党员干部年龄结构老化、文化水平低、对民主管理认识不够、宗族势力严重、基层党组织工作难度加大等因素严重地制约了农村基层党组织的民主管理过程。加强民主管理,必须提高认识,加强农村基层干部队伍建设,提高基层党员和干部的参政议政能力,严肃党风党纪,加强制度建设,走群众路线。  相似文献   

伴随高等教育的跨越式发展和学生党员数量的增加,高校党员管理和教育方面出现了一些新的问题.加强和改进高校党员的发展与教育工作成为高校面临的重要课题.为达到改善高校党员管理的目的,应该从把好党员入口关、注重党员发展质量、保持党员纯洁性、提高党员管理水平、创新党员管理途径等几方面来做好工作.  相似文献   

宁夏拟步甲的区系组成和分布特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
宁夏回族自治区已知18族、33属83种拟步甲,以此作为研究材料论证了该类昆虫在宁夏的区系分布和组成、区域分布和生态地理分布特点。在区系分布方面,荒漠成分有73种(占89%),黄土高原成分有22种(占27%),两种成分共有的13种。在区系特殊上,国内蒙新区成分有71种(占86.6%),华北成分有35种(占42.7%),青藏成分有7种(占8.5%),东北成分和华南成分分别有9种(占11%)和3种(占3  相似文献   

Coffee producers in many parts of the world have the option of either becoming a member of and selling their coffee to a Fairtrade and organic co-operative, or selling it to a “coyote”, the Central American nickname for intermediary purchaser. This study investigates why different producers make different choices, looking at both material and immaterial costs and benefits of the two choices. A qualitative study from Chiapas (Mexico) finds that a main reason for not choosing the co-operatives is the production requirements that follow organic certification. A survey on production costs confirms that members of an organic co-operative have more work hours than non-members in the same area. A probit analysis indicates that both coffee plot size and number of working household members influence the producers’ decision on sales channel. However, the study also finds that aspects not related to the organic production requirements can affect the choice, such as the level of trust in co-operative leadership, and the co-operatives’ payment systems.  相似文献   

马凌云 《安徽农业科学》2018,46(14):215-218
为研究农村集体经济组织在确立法人地位后的治理结构问题,提出农村集体经济组织治理结构将会朝着公司化的趋势发展。构造出我国农村集体经济组织依公司制探索治理结构的主要内容:其一是致力于以营利为目的;其二是把政府和农村集体经济组织走成两条路;其三是各地区应从决策、执行和监管3个方面创立出适合自己的治理模式。并提出与一般公司相比农村集体经济组织在治理上的特殊性。最后提出我国农村集体经济组织在探索治理结构时,应在一定期限内从物质上保障内部成员的社会利益,达到社会状态下的某种均衡。  相似文献   

Over the course of the 1990s, donor enthusiasm for participation came to be institutionalized in a variety of ways. One particular methodology—Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)—came to enjoy phenomenal popularity. New aid modalities may have shifted donor and lender concern away from the grassroots towards “policy dialogue.” But “civil society participation,” “social accountability,” and “empowerment”—some of the issues PRA grapples with—retain a place in the new aid discourse. PRA and its variants also continue to be used by government agencies, non-governmental, and community-based organizations in local-level assessment, planning, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as in national-level poverty assessments. It has sometimes been conflated, by donors and critics alike, with doing participatory development, and has elicited critiques that often go far beyond the bounds of the methodological. Yet these critics have tended to be academics with little experience as practitioners or facilitators. In this article, we draw on an action research project with PRA practitioners. We explore, through their critical reflections, some of the conundrums and contradictions faced by those who were active as PRA practitioners in the early 1990s. We suggest that the story of PRA’s success and of subsequent concerns about abuse and misuse by mainstream development institutions offers broader lessons with continued salience for development.  相似文献   

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