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This study aimed to investigate the ability of two probiotic strains (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Enterococcus faecium) to colonize Arapaima gigas intestines and their competence in modulating gut microbiota, morphology, and immunological status. A total of 135 A. gigas (58.86 ± 10.25 g) were divided into three treatments: (a) fish fed a diet containing L. lactis subsp. lactis at 1 × 108 CFU?1, (b) fish fed a diet containing E. faecium at 1 × 108 CFU?1, and (c) fish fed a diet nonsupplemented with probiotic. After 21 days, 12 fish per treatment were sampled. Blood and posterior intestine were sampled for further analysis. High‐throughput sequencing results demonstrated that the relative abundance of Cetobacterium genus was high in all treatments. The number of thrombocytes increased in both groups fed the probiotic, and eosinophils were higher in fish fed E. faecium. Serum antimicrobial activity of fish fed L. lactis subsp. lactis was higher when compared with the other two treatments. In conclusion, both strains could populate the intestinal mucosa of A. gigas and could be used as probiotics in pirarucu production as they can influence hematoimmunological parameters and decrease the abundance of pathogenic bacteria in the gut of pirarucu within 21 days of feeding.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival and growth of Arapaima gigas larvae reared in slightly salinized water. Pirarucu larvae (183.1 ± 41.2 mg and 3.4 ± 0.3 cm) were stocked in PVC tanks (20 L; n = 4; 40 larvae per tank) in a static system. A. gigas larvae were reared in increasing levels of salinized water (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4‰) for a period of 15 days. Fish were fed six times a day with Artemia nauplii (2,900 nauplii per larvae per meal in the beginning). The salinized water increased by at least four times the Artemia nauplii lifespan, which prolonged the time of live food supply to Arapaima larvae. Pirarucu larvae kept in freshwater presented the lowest values in weight gain, final weight and survival. Larvae reared in water with 4‰ of salinized water showed the highest final weight. Slightly salinized water enhances the growth and survival of A. gigas larvae and it can be a simple practice with low cost that can be applied in the routine of pirarucu larviculture.  相似文献   

Arapaima gigas (paiche) is the largest scaled fish species living in the Amazon basin. Its biology is both fascinating and misunderstood. In a context of overfishing, hence reduced natural populations, aquaculture of a fish with such interesting characteristics (large size, high growth rate, no intramuscular spines) is an important issue. The development of farming production would also reduce the fishing pressure on natural populations and allow re‐stocking programmes in certain areas. To determine what factors may influence the reproductive success in captivity, data from breeding reports for 2007–2010 were collected among fish farmers in the region of Iquitos. In parallel, we carried out physicochemical measurements in different ponds where these paiches breed, and conducted personal interviews about the general fish management conditions. The results show that reproduction occurs throughout the year but with a higher intensity during the rainy season. It also highlights farms that have performed much better than others, but no single factor except feeding level has been clearly associated with reproductive success. The environmental control of reproduction in paiche, therefore, remains partly mysterious. To deepen this study, we recommend the systematic sexing of breeders, extending reproductive behavioural studies, and examining the limnological factors involved in fry mortality.  相似文献   

In carnivorous fish species, zooplankton is one of the main food items in the early life stages and some fish species continue feeding on such food items further along the life stages even in the farming environment. In this study, the intake of natural food items was assessed in juvenile pirarucu Arapaima gigas reared in earthen ponds. Juvenile pirarucu (12.2 ± 4.32 g and 12.1 ± 1.13 cm) were stocked in fertilized earthen ponds (240 m²). For the analysis of the fish stomach content and plankton in the pond water, the fish and pond water were sampled weekly for 75 days and biweekly until the fish reached a mean weight of 750 g. Although artificial feed was used, pirarucu also ingested the natural food available in the pond water. Among the zooplankton, pirarucu demonstrated feeding preference for cladocerans despite the abundance of rotifers and copepods. Cladocerans were present in more than 80% of the stomach contents of fish up to 300 g and in 65%, 45% and 17% of fish of 301–500 g, 501–700 g and 701–900 g respectively. Copepods were present only in fish up to 500 g at low abundance. High ingestion of insects and plant material was observed in the stomach content of fish of all size classes. The results demonstrate that juvenile pirarucu ingest natural food available in the farming pond and suggests that the adoption of pond fertilization practices may have positive effects on fish growth performance.  相似文献   

The effect of Ultraviolet radiation type C (UV-C) radiation (0.100 ± 0.010 J/cm2) on shelf life of Arapaima gigas fillets stored at 4 ± 1°C for 18 days was investigated. The samples were analyzed for total aerobic mesophilic bacteria (TAMB) counts; total aerobic psychrotrophic bacteria (TAPB) counts; Enterobacteriaceae; purge loss; pH; lipid oxidation; total volatile bases (TVB-N); ammonia; biogenic amines (BAs); and L*, a*, and b* values. UV-C radiation increased (< 0.05) the generation time of all bacterial groups evaluated, increasing the shelf life by 2 days. UV-C-treated fillets showed lower (< 0.05) L* values, purge loss, pH, TVB-N, ammonia, and BAs levels than their control counterparts throughout the storage period. Moreover, UV-C treatment did not result (P > 0.05) in detrimental effects on lipid oxidation or a* and b* values. UV-C at 0.100 J/cm2 demonstrated a good potential for use in A. gigas fillets and, therefore, it could be applied at industrial scale.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the effects of a commercially available probiotic product (compound probiotic) containing Bacillus subtilis 7.0 × 109 CFU g?1, Bacillus licheniformis 3.0 × 109 CFU g?1, Lactobacillus spp. 5.0 × 108 CFU g?1 and Arthrobacter spp. 1.0 × 108 CFU g?1 on the growth performance, non‐specific immunity and protection against Vibrio harveyi infection in cobia (Rachycentron canadum). Fish were fed diets containing six graded levels of compound probiotic (0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 g kg?1) for 8 weeks. The results showed that the survival rate ranged from 81.1% to 84.4% with no significant difference among dietary treatments (P > 0.05) after feeding experiment. Dietary compound probiotic significantly increased the specific growth rate (SGR), serum lysozyme, alternative complement pathway (ACP) activity, phagocytosis percentage (PP) and respiratory burst activity of head‐kidney macrophages of cobia. Moreover, feeding of supplemented diets containing compound probiotic resulted in significantly lower mortality against the pathogens Vibrio harveyi compared with the control group. To elevate the growth and immune resistance ability of cobia, an optimal dose of dietary compound probiotic administration determined by second‐order polynomial regression analysis was 3.3 g kg?1, on the basis of the SGR and mortality after challenge with V. harveyi.  相似文献   

Abstract The pirarucu (giant red fish), Arapaima gigas (Cuvier), (Arapaimidae) is among the diverse fish resources of Amazonia which are threatened by over-exploitation. Little is known about the biology of this species despite its commercial importance. The present paper provides indirect information about the length-frequency structure of the stock which was estimated by sampling its tongue bone in craft shops and weighing fresh mantas (processed fish product) in fish markets since these were the only remaining recognizable features of the fish. The length-frequency reconstruction was carried out using a regression analysis calculated by utilizing individuals caught in experimental fishing.  相似文献   

Early‐life survival of Arapaima gigas is one of the main challenges of its farming. In this study, we described the morphological and histochemical development of the gastrointestinal tract of arapaima larvae. Larvae were collected from a pond when they started to swim to the water surface (initial day) and were housed in indoor tanks. Daily samplings (n = 10) were performed from 0 to the 11th day after the collection (DAC) and then on the 14th, 17th, and 20th DAC. On the initial day, arapaima larvae (0.05 ± 0.01 g; 2.21 ± 0.06 cm) had opened mouth and anus and no yolk sac. In addition, larvae presented well‐developed digestive organs. Gastric glands were fully formed, with positive reactions to alcian blue (AB) pH 1.0 as well as to periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS) in the simple columnar epithelium. There were folds throughout the intestine and brush border, with an AB pH of 2.5 + PAS positive mucins. From 1 to 11 DAC, larvae presented increasing concentrations of gastric glands and thickness of the stomach muscular layer. From 14 to 20 DAC, the intestine presented high‐fold complexity. We suggest that arapaima larvae may be fed exogenous inert diets at a size of around 2 cm.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of various dietary blood meal levels on the growth performance and body composition of pirarucu (Araipama gigas) juveniles. Fish (8.5 ± 0.4 g) were stocked into 24 tanks and fed for 60 days with eight isoproteic diets, having 0% to 21% incorporation of blood meal. Fish increased weight by six to 15 times from their initial weight. The highest body weights (117–135 g), growth rates (4%–5% BW/day), and protein retentions (19%–20%) were observed in fish fed 0% to 6% blood meal. Feed intake increased from 2.9% to 4.4% BW/day with increasing blood meal level. Feed conversion ratio (FCR: 1.0–1.1) did not vary among groups fed 0% to 6% blood meal (P < 0.001). However, when fish were fed more than 6% blood meal, FCR (1.3–1.7) and protein retention (11.1–13.7) deteriorated sharply. Lipid (7.7–11.7%) and energy (18.7–21.2 kJ/g) content increased with increasing blood meal levels up to 9%.  相似文献   

This study investigated the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of trichlorfon against Dawestrema cycloancistrium, as well as its physiological effects on arapaima. Naturally parasitized arapaima gill arches were exposed in vitro to 100, 250, 500 and 750 mg/L of trichlorfon and a control group (only distilled water), in triplicate. Parasites were monitored, and mortality was used to determine the median effective concentration (EC50). The 750 mg/L concentration demonstrated 100% in vitro efficacy against Dcycloancistrium after 60 min, while the intermediate (500 mg/L) and the lowest (100 and 250 mg/L) tested concentrations were completely efficient after 90 and 130 min, respectively. The EC50-1h of trichlorfon for Dcycloancistrium was determined at 171.73 mg/L. Parasitized arapaima juveniles were exposed to a control group and 150 mg/L of trichlorfon in triplicate. Fish were exposed to two therapeutic baths for 60 min with 24-h intervals between treatments. Therapeutic baths with 150 mg/L of trichlorfon were 92.99% effective against Dcycloancistrium and did not bring about haematological alterations (erythrogram, white blood cell count, thrombogram, plasma glucose and total proteins). Therefore, 150 mg/L of trichlorfon can be used in therapeutic baths to control and treat Dcycloancistrium infestations with no physiological impairments for arapaima.  相似文献   

Yeast probiotics have great promise, yet they received little attention in fish. This study investigated the influence of Aqualase®, a yeast‐based commercial probiotic composed of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces elipsoedas, on health and performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Probiotics were incorporated in the diets at three different inclusion levels (1%, 1.5% and 2%) and administered to the fish for a period of 8 weeks. After the feeding trial, intestinal total viable aerobic bacterial count was significantly higher in fish group that received 2% in‐feed probiotics. In addition, a significant increase in at least 11% in intestinal lactic acid bacteria population was observed in all probiotic‐fed groups. Total protein level and lysozyme activity in skin mucus were significantly elevated following probiotic feeding. Inhibitory potential of skin mucus against fish pathogens was significantly enhanced by at least 50% in probiotic‐fed groups. Humoral and cellular immune parameters were influenced by probiotic feeding and the effects were dependent on inclusion level. Digestive physiology was affected by in‐feed probiotics through improvement of intestinal enzyme activities. All growth performance parameters were significantly improved following probiotic administration specifically at inclusion rate 1.5% and above. Taken together, the results revealed that Aqualase® is a promising yeast‐based probiotic for rainbow trout with the capability of modulating the intestinal microbiota, immunity and growth.  相似文献   

The major objective of this study conducted for 7 weeks was to investigate the influence of supplementation with multienzyme complex and probiotic and their interaction effects on the growth performance, body composition, serum biochemical parameters and gut microorganism composition of snakehead (Channa argus). There were four treatments in this experiment coded as control, probiotic (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens), multienzyme (amylase, acid protease and papain) and pro‐multi (B. amyloliquefaciens and amylase, acid protease and papain), respectively. The results demonstrated that snakeheads on the multienzyme resulted in better growth performance in terms of final body weight (FBW), weight gain ratio (WGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) significantly (< 0.05) than those on the control diet, while they did not (p > 0.05) on probiotic and pro‐multi. Snakeheads receiving multienzyme increased significantly (< 0.05) the serum parameters, including albumin, total protein and AKP and probiotic increased AKP and lysozyme meanwhile decreased the LDL‐C significantly (< 0.05) compared with control. Analysis of the composition of gut microorganisms showed that four dominant microorganisms were Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. Probiotic could enhance the richness and diversity of gut microorganisms in snakeheads, furthermore revealing a means of evaluating the relationship between feed supplementation and microorganisms.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis, a probiont isolated from the intestine of Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton), was incorporated in fish feed at four different concentrations (5 × 108, 5 × 107, 5 × 106 and 5 × 105 cells g?1) and fed to Poecilia reticulata (Peters), Poecilia sphenops (Valenciennes), Xiphophorus helleri (Heckel) and Xiphophorus maculatus (Gunther) for a period of 90 days. The growth parameters, proximate composition of whole body, digestive enzymes and gut microbiology were monitored at regular monthly intervals. The increments in length and weight and the survival were significantly higher (P < 0.05) and the values of food conversions were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in fishes fed the probiotic feeds. The administration of B. subtilis in diet resulted in an increase (P > 0.05) in body ash and protein content and in the specific activity of protease and amylase in the digestive tract of all the fishes. The counts of total heterotrophs, motile aeromonads, presumptive pseudomonads and total coliforms were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the gut of the probiotic fed fishes. Bacillus subtilis persisted in the fish intestine and in the feed in high numbers during the feeding period. The high survival and low infectivity recorded in the probiotic feed fed fishes when challenged by immersion assay with the pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila demonstrate that the probiotic strain confers disease resistance in live‐bearing ornamental fishes. A probiotic concentration of 106 to 108 cells g?1 is adequate for improved growth performance and survival and for healthy gut microenvironment and use of higher concentration of the probiont did not always lead to significantly better results.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing the carbohydrate to lipid ratio in diets supplemented with Bacillus subtilis in white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) juveniles on digestibility, growth performance, feed utilization efficiency and tissue composition. Four experimental isoenergetic and isoproteic diets supplemented with B. subtilis were formulated with increasing starch to lipid ratios (g/g) of 10:19; 14:17; 18:15 and 22:13 (diets PD10, PD14, PD18 and PD22 respectively). A negative control diet for B. subtilis supplementation was also formulated to be similar to diet PD10 (diet CD10). Each experimental diet was fed to triplicate groups of 20 fish per tank (IBW: 9.5 g), three times a day, to apparent satiation, for 60 days. Supplementation with B. subtilis, of the low starch‐high lipid diet (10:19), significantly enhanced the overall growth performance, digestibility and feed efficiency. Moreover, the increase in starch to lipid ratio, in supplemented probiotic diets, significantly increased growth performance, feed intake, feed utilization efficiency and protein and energy digestibility, being maximum for the highest dietary starch to lipid level. Lipid content of whole body, muscle and liver and hepatosomatic index significantly increased with the increase in starch to lipid ratio. The results of this study indicate that B. subtilis supplementation significantly enhanced growth performance, digestibility and feed utilization of low starch‐high lipid diet. However, further improvement of growth performance and feed utilization efficiency may be achieved combining B. subtilis supplementation with increased dietary starch to lipid ratio to 22:13.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding with diets containing kefir on growth performance and fatty acid profile of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Four isonitrogenous (450 g protein kg?1) and isocaloric (4325 kcal kg?1) diets were prepared in trout feed to contain 0 (control), 20, 50 and 100 g kg?1 kefir. Fish, initial weight of 46 g, were randomly distributed into triplicate 520‐L fibreglass tanks in freshwater flow‐through system. Fish were fed at 4% of the body weight thrice a day for 12 weeks. The results indicated that survival rate ranged from 97.14 to 100% without significant difference among treatments (p > .05). Whole‐body moisture and lipid composition were significantly affected by diets containing different levels of kefir (p < .05), but no differences were determined in protein and ash. Furthermore, the fatty acid profile of flesh showed differences among the groups. The percentages of saturated fatty acid in the flesh lipid decreased, while 18:3n‐3 and polyunsaturated fatty acids were increased at higher substitution levels of kefir grain. The present study showed that up to 100 g kg?1 supplementation of kefir in diets could be improve the fatty acid profile, especially PUFA, in fish flesh without adverse effect on the growth, feed utilization and survival rate of rainbow trout.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of the probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus , on the growth performance, haematology parameters and immunoglobulin concentration in African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerling. Two experimental diets were formulated to contain 35 g kg−1 crude protein and 10 g kg−1 lipids accordingly and fed three times daily for 12 weeks to 25 C. gariepinus fingerlings per fibreglass tank in 12 replicates each. The control diet was prepared with no probiotic supplementation whereas the second diet was prepared supplemented with a probiotic, L. acidophilus , containing about 3.01 × 107 colonies/g of diet. The results show that growth performance [specific growth rate (SGR) and relative growth rate (RGR)], nutrient utilization [protein efficiency ratio (PER) and feed conversion ratio (FCR)] and survival were significantly ( P <0.05) higher in fish maintained on the probiotic-supplemented diet compared with those on the control diet. Haematology parameters (packed cell volume, haemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, red blood cell and white blood cell, total serum protein, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, glucose and cholesterol) and total immunoglobulin concentrations were also significantly better in fish fed the probiotic-supplemented diet than in the control. Although the water quality parameters monitored were better in the fish fed the probiotic-supplemented diet than in the control, the parameters were not significantly different ( P >0.05). From the results of this experiment, we conclude that L. acidophilus can be used as a probiotic agent in African catfish culture, to enhance fish health, survival and better feed efficiency and growth performance.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary administration of Lactococcus lactis MM1 and Enterococcus faecium MM4, two strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from the gut of juvenile grouper Epinephelus coioides, on the growth, feed utilization, digestive enzymes and immune response of juvenile E. coioides was evaluated. The fish were fed for 60 days with three different diets: control diet (without probiotic), diet P1 supplemented with 1.0 × 108 CFU g?1L. lactis or diet P2 with 1.0 × 108 CFU g?1E. faecium. Although growth and feed intake decreased slightly, significant improvement of feed utilization was observed in fish fed diet P1 and diet P2 for 60 days. The hepatopancreatic protease activities in the two probiotic treatments were significantly higher than that in the control. The phagocytic activity, serum superoxide dismutase activity and complement component 4 (C4) and IgM levels were not significantly affected by diet P1 and diet P2. Serum complement component 3 (C3) levels in the two treatments were significantly higher than that in the control. Significant increased serum lysozyme activity was observed in fish fed the diet P1, while significant decreased lysozyme activity was observed in fish fed the diet P2 compared with the fish fed the control diet. There was a significant interaction effect between diet and administration date for the complement C4. The study demonstrates potential for L. lactis MM1 and E. faecium MM4 to improve the feed utilization and modulate the immune function in E. coioides.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dietary mono‐ and multiprobiotic strains of Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus fermentum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides on growth performance, intestinal bacteria and body composition of Javanese carp (Puntius gonionotus). Moreover, the effect of storage temperature on lactic acid bacteria (LAB) viability in the feed was studied. Compared to the control group, significant (< 0.05) effect on weight gain, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio of probiotic fed Javanese carp was observed. Inclusion of individual LAB strains in the diet resulted in significantly improved growth performances of Javanese carps compared to fish fed a diet supplemented LAB mixture. The inclusion level of E. faecalis at 107 colony‐forming unit (cfu) g−1 in the diet revealed higher growth performance compared to other treatments. The population levels of LAB in the fish intestine were significantly increased while the levels of Gram‐negative bacteria were significantly decreased compared to the control. No significant variations were observed in the chemical composition of the carcass by probiotics. The viability of LAB in feed was higher when stored at 4 °C compared to 25 °C. It is suggested that E. faecalis has a greater potential for use in improving Javanese carp culture outcomes.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary probiotics (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis and Enterococcus faecium) used singularly and synergistically on the growth performance, intestinal microbiota and health status of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) were assessed after 10 weeks feeding on supplemented diets. No significant improvements of weight gain or specific growth rate were observed in the probiotic fed groups. However, a significant improvement of feed conversion ratio was observed in the group fed E. faecium. High levels of probiotic species were observed in the posterior gastrointestinal tract as transient digesta‐associated populations and potentially resident mucosal populations. Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis levels accounted for 36% of the total culturable microbial population adhered to the mucosa and 62% in the digesta. E. faecium levels accounted for 45% of the mucosal population and 89% of the population in the digesta. An increase of serum lysozyme activity was observed in the fish fed diets containing the Bacillus probionts and elevated leukocyte levels were observed in fish fed diets containing Bacillus + E. faecium synergistically. The results of the current study demonstrate potential for B. subtilis, B. licheniformis and E. faecium to improve feed utilization, modulate intestinal microbiota and the health status of rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the potentials of Clostridium butyricum in the diet of tilapia. Fish (~14 g) were fed with basal diet supplemented with 0 (Control), 0.5 (C‐1), 1 (C‐2), 2 (C‐3), 4 (C‐4) and 8 (C‐5) g/kg commercial probiotic‐containing C. butyricum (1.5 × 108 CFU/g) for 8 weeks. The results showed that weight gain significantly increased, and feed conversion ratio decreased in the C‐2, C‐3 and C‐4 groups (p < .05). The protein retention (except C‐1 group), lipid retention and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of dry matter in probiotic supplementation groups were significantly enhanced, and ADC of protein in the C‐4 group was also improved (p < .05). The supplementation of probiotic significantly increased villus height in anterior intestines and reduced the numbers of intestinal Escherichia coli (p < .05). High‐throughput sequencing showed that top three phyla namely Planctomycetes in all probiotic‐containing groups, Proteobacteria in the C‐1 and C‐2 groups and Chloroflexi in the C‐3 group had higher level than the NC group. The cumulative mortality was reduced by dietary probiotic after challenging with Aeromonas hydrophila (p < .05). In conclusion, C. butyricum can be supplemented at 1–2 g/kg feed for promoting the growth, feed utilization, gut health and microbiota of tilapia.  相似文献   

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