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鉴于产业集群在产业竞争能力方面的优异表现,集群战略已经成为国内外许多政府实施区域开发的重要战略举措。本研究以云南省产业集群推动区域特色农产品发展的成功案例-文山三七产业为样本来剖析产业集群推动区域特色农产品发展的成因、作用,并总结其经验为推动我省丰富的区域特色农产品跨越式发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper uses the lens of institutional theory to explain the launch and evolution of Austin, Texas's technology‐based economy. The case underscores the importance of context, contingency, and the evolution of key local development organizations in explaining how regional economic development trajectories can change and evolve. The case history provides insights into how economic development networks form and operate to “set off” processes of industrial specialization and agglomeration and how they can promote successful adaptation to change in technology and industrial structure. The Austin story further suggests a “stage” process of regional technology‐based evolution where the development of industrial agglomerations linked to a substantial local research base is seen as a necessary precursor to increasing endogenous innovation and start‐up activity. Successfully navigating these stages is bolstered by the formation of institutions and networks that are durable, strategic, and adaptive, and which, at the right time, recognize and support entrepreneurial firm development to help sustain technology‐based growth.  相似文献   

我国农产品加工业的集群化发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农产品加工业对于提高农民收入、发展农业经济和调整农业结构有着重要的影响,然而我国农产品加工业一直难以有较大的发展。鉴于农业产业的关联性和地理临近性,我国农产品加工业应走集群化的发展道路。分析了目前我国农产品加工业集群化发展中存在的一些问题并提出相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

为了明确成渝经济区内现代农业发展水平及差异,采用主成分分析方法对各县现代农业发展水平进行综合评价,并采用Moran指数全局和局部指标分析了邻接区域农业发展水平的空间关联性和集聚特性。结果发现县域现代农业发展水平差异较大,呈现成都市和重庆市区两核心区域发展水平高、中间地带和外围区域发展水平低的凹型发展模式。地理上邻接区域具有的正的空间关联性,并主要定位了高高集聚类型和低低集聚类型区域,有利于更精确地找准弱弱集聚的关键突破点,培育农业产业集群,发挥辐射作用带动区域发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT By reducing the cost of performing isolated economic activities in remote areas, information technology might serve as a substitute for urban agglomeration. The paper assesses this hypothesis using data on Italian households' usage of the Internet, e‐commerce, and e‐banking. The results do not support the argument that the Internet reduces the role of distance. Internet usage is much more frequent among urban consumers than among their non‐urban counterparts. The use of e‐commerce is basically unaffected by the size of the city where the household lives. Geographically remote consumers are discouraged from purchasing goods by the fact that they cannot inspect them beforehand. Leisure activities and cultural items (i.e., books, CDs, and tickets for museums and theaters) are the only goods and services for which e‐commerce is used more in isolated areas. Finally, e‐banking bears no relationship to city size. In choosing a bank, non‐urban customers give more importance to personal acquaintance than do urban clients, partly because bank account holders in remote areas are more likely to have taken out a loan from their bank.  相似文献   

乔朋华  王维 《中国农学通报》2010,26(16):450-453
农产品加工产业集群是农业和农村经济发展的重要组织形式,对经济发展起着重要作用,而技术创新是产业集群可持续发展的源泉。因此,研究技术创新对促进农产品加工产业集群的发展有着重要意义。本文通过对黑龙江省农产品加工产业集群在技术创新方面存在的问题分析,提出了解决问题的相应对策。  相似文献   

Building on the early works of Alfred Marshall, analyses of local economies have emphasized the spatial function of clusters and industrial districts in terms of external economies of localization and agglomeration. Recent literature has emphasized the importance of culture and the complementarities between culture and local tangible and intangible assets. This paper aims to provide an analytical foundation for these processes with a view to developing tools for policy design, analysis and evaluation. By “system‐wide cultural districts,” we refer to a new approach to local development where cultural production and participation present significant strategic complementarities with other production chains. In this view, culture drives the accumulation of intangible assets such as human, social, and cultural/symbolic capital, thereby fostering economic and social growth and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

This paper investigates intra‐urban population and employment shifts over 1980–2000, using the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area as a case study. Population and employment are disaggregated by ethnicity (White, Black, Others) and industry (10 sectors) to better capture different location behaviors. Inter‐industry relationships are considered when constructing accessibility variables. Additional diversity, locational and socio‐economic variables are included. A location‐specific index of air quality is also considered, as a proxy for environmental quality. A structural equation model is specified to account for the dynamic interactions between populations, activities, and air quality. The results reveal strong interactions between ethnic groups, confirm the existence of agglomeration effects, and suggest that diversity has positive effects on both firms and households in both periods (1980–1990 and 1990–2000). For firms, better access to their potential customers and employees is more important than better access to their input–output sectors. Better air quality attracts population, which in turn worsens it. The results reveal changing dynamics, from 1980–1990 to 1990–2000, for different population and activity groups, and suggest that overall, firm location behaviors are more stable than household behaviors.  相似文献   

通过分析青海省地理标志发展现状、问题及对农业经济发展的作用,提出青海省地理标志产业高质量发展的路径与对策,以促进青海省乡村产业振兴和农业经济发展。对青海省地理标志数量、地区分布、产品分类、地理标志使用及品牌推广情况等进行统计分析,分析存在的问题,并对2010—2019年青海省地理标志数量和农业经济发展的相关性进行分析。结果表明:(1)青海省地理标志主要集中在海东市、海北州、西宁市,地理标志产品以果蔬类、养殖类为主,地理标志的使用已成为青海省农牧业发展和农牧民增收新的增长点,地理标志品牌推广已取得一定成效;(2)还存在政府对地理标志重视程度不够、生产者及消费者地理标志品牌意识薄弱、地理标志申请注册数量少、“重注册、轻使用”、专业人才匮乏等问题;(3)青海省地理标志数量尚未对当地农业产值产生正向影响。提出“一统筹,一支撑,两抓手,全链条”的青海省地理标志产业发展路径:(1)加强统筹规划,系统推进全省地理标志产业发展;(2)重点扶持龙头企业,打造地理标志特色产业集群;(3)聚焦4个关键环节,构建产业全链条闭环发展新格局;(4)做优公共服务,营造地理标志产业发展良好环境;(5)强化队伍建设,为地理标志产业发展提供人才支撑;并提出了14条具体对策建议。  相似文献   

中国芸豆品牌发展战略研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
芸豆是中国主要的出口农产品,也是中国优势农产品。笔者通过分析中国芸豆分布、生产、出口现状,针对芸豆生产存在的主要问题和优势,提出以市场为导向,以科技为依托,加工出口为龙头,农工贸一体化,产加销一条龙的发展思路,通过树立“品牌农业”思想,适度规模,优区优栽,不断提高芸豆产品质量,加快推进芸豆产业市场化、标准化、国际化。研究结果对发展中西部特色农业和促进主产区农民致富具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Xiang Zhang 《Growth and change》2019,50(3):1062-1084
In recent years, e‐commerce has become a phenomenal symbol for the ongoing socio‐economic transformation in China. Driven by the growth of the Internet and cyberspace, e‐commerce changes both the traditional patterns of economic transactions and the social relations embedded in social activities. E‐commerce is a new catalyst for economic growth in China as it reduces restrictions to market access and the costs of transaction. This research examines the geography of e‐commerce in China within a theoretical framework grounded by social theory and neoclassical economics. After presenting a background of the development of e‐commerce in China, the spatiality of e‐commerce and its correlation to socio‐economic variables are examined with both quantitative and geovisualization techniques. Results of this research address that the growth of e‐commerce in China presents a nationwide inequality constrained by local economic, politic, and infrastructure conditions. The growth of e‐commerce in China presents a hybrid feature in terms of spatiality, which relies on structures in both cyberspace and physical space. Policy implications and suggestions for future research were suggested based on these empirical results. A discussion of limitations associated with this research and a concluding note close the research.  相似文献   

The importance of new firms in regional growth led many scholars to probe the determinants of new firm formation. A close examination of cluster theory predicts that industry clusters can enhance new firm births as well as the productivity of existing firms. Linkages among firms and related institutions, which are the key characteritics of the cluster phenomenon, can serve as an important determinant of new firm formation. The network aspect of clusters helps nascent entrepreneurs find resources and information easier and faster than in an isolated environment. In addition, nascent entrepreneurs in industry clusters often have rich experience in existing local firms, which becomes important prior knowledge to explore new market opportunities. This study examines the effects of clusters on new firm formation. We found that the cluster based on knowledge sharing (i.e., knowledge–labor cluster) significantly affects the new firm formation process, whereas the cluster based on market transactions (i.e., value‐chain cluster) does not seem to play a role in new firm formation.  相似文献   

Using annual surveys of industrial firms in China from 1998 to 2007, this paper applies the non‐linear least squares (NLS) method based on a grid search to analyse the effect of city size on firm total factor productivity (TFP). The results show that overall, the agglomeration effects in large cities, but not selection effects, significantly promote improvement in firm TFP. The optimal agglomeration scales of different industries differ as follows: those of capital‐ and technology‐intensive industries are larger than those of labour‐intensive industries. The agglomeration effects are also robust to different spatial areas without considering administrative boundaries. An inverted U‐shaped relationship exists between firm size and agglomeration effects, while the relationship between firm age and agglomeration effects is U‐shaped. State‐owned firms experience weaker agglomeration effects than non‐state‐owned firms. Cities higher in the administrative hierarchy and those with special economic zones have stronger agglomeration effects. However, cities higher in the administrative hierarchy and those with a larger economic development zone index can provide more resources to increase the survival rate of low‐productivity firms; thus, selection effects are not significant in Chinese cities.  相似文献   

农业在中国经济发展中起着重要作用,是中国社会经济发展的基础。近年来,随着农业机械化以及科技现代化不断推进,多种现代科学技术逐渐在农业产业中得到应用,其中光伏发电技术在农业上的应用对于农业产业转型有着重要意义,是中国农业产业发展的强有力推手。光伏农业是将光伏发电与农业生产相结合的一种绿色、环保的全新产业模式,是集太阳能光伏发电、智能温控系统、现代高科技种植、养殖为一体的农业产业,有着非常广阔的应用前景。本研究综述了光伏农业中主要的几种结合形式:“光伏+种植业”、“光伏+畜禽业”以及“光伏+渔业”的业态,分析了各结合形式的研究现状和面临的问题,并对光伏农业发展趋势进行了合理展望,以期为未来光伏农业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the empirical literature on systematic methodologies for the identification of industrial clusters. It combines a measure of spatial concentration, qualitative input–output analysis, and a knowledge interaction matrix to identify the production and knowledge generation activities of industrial clusters in the Federal State of Saxony in Germany. It describes the spatial allocation of the industrial clusters, identifies potentials for value chain industry clusters, and relates the production activities to the activities of knowledge generation in Saxony. It finds only a small overlap in the production activities of industrial clusters and general knowledge generation activities in the region, mainly driven by the high‐tech industrial cluster in the semiconductor industry. Furthermore, the approach makes clear that a sole focus on production activities for industrial cluster analysis limits the identification of innovative actors.  相似文献   

区域农业结构的灰色关联分析与优势产业的发展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
吴凯  卢布  袁璋 《中国农学通报》2006,22(10):397-397
此文应用灰色关联分析、相关分析对中国中部地区三大区域的农村经济结构、农林牧渔业总产值结构、粮食产量结构、肉类产量结构进行了初步分析,确定了贡献较大的因子,并用时序模型对所研究的系列进行了模拟和预测。中部地区农业结构的现状是:非农产业的贡献越来越大,农、牧业为主的产值结构,中国玉米、小麦、稻谷、大豆优势产业带,中国肉牛、肉羊生产优势区。该区三大区域应根据各自的资源优势,因地制宜、大力发展其优势粮食作物、优势牛羊业和优势非农产业,进一步促进其农业和农村经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为探索农业科技园区如何推进三产融合发展,以鹤壁国家农业科技园区为例,着重分析园区在推进农村三产融合的实践及成效。其通过转变农业生产方式,拓展农业多种功能,发展现代商业模式,培育多元化经营主体等主要做法,不断完善农村三产融合投融资体制,让农民真正分享到产业融合发展的成果,从而达到提升农村三产融合的整体水平和发展质量的目的。因此,农业科技园区在推进三产融合发展的过程中转变农业发展方式是基础,构建紧密的利益联结机制是核心,打造技术孵化基地是保障,提升产业价值链是关键。这为新形势下其他农业科技园区的三产融合发展提供了重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

天津农产品加工业进入新的发展时期,在原料供给、发展规模、产业结构调整和科技创新等方面表现出新的特点和趋势,也面临着发展理念落后、原料有限、成本价格高、质量安全、地区竞争、政策扶持等问题和劣势。为进一步做强做大天津农产品加工业,在广泛调查研究的基础上,提出了发展天津农产品加工业的思路、重点发展领域和对策建议,为政府决策和产业规划提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

国家产业体系与地方创新团队对接机制的探索与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
国家现代农业产业技术体系与地方创新团队的有效对接是提升科技支撑产业发展的有效方式。笔者介绍了国家产业体系的三大突破和四川创新团队的主要特点,着重阐述了二者在优势特色产业选择、全产业链设计、人员聘用、职能分工、综合试验站和产业示范基地县功能定位、效益延伸等方面的有效对接,最后从建立交流合作、双向考核、相互流动、有效利益连接机制等方面提出了对策建议,以期为推动国家产业体系和地方创新团队建设特别是二者的有效对接提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究大宗淡水鱼养殖和产业空间优化问题,基于标准椭圆模型,以大宗淡水鱼产量最多的草鱼为研究对象,2006—2016年国内31个省级行政区草鱼产业养殖规模为基准,分析草鱼产业发展的空间分布格局(集聚度、重心、范围、方向)、演变特征及影响因素。研究表明,国内草鱼产业空间演变呈离散化集聚发展态势。长江流域中上游地区产量的稳步增加,西北干旱、半干旱地区的草鱼养殖扩大,推动了草鱼产业标准椭圆向西、向北偏移。草鱼产业发展的空间布局呈现分散化集聚,草鱼养殖逐渐由粗放型养殖向精细化养殖方式转变,产业发展在空间上存在由中东部向西、向北传递机制。这主要是草鱼具有良好的环境适应性、中西部成本较为低廉和市场扩大效应导致的。  相似文献   

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