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L. A. Sitch  J. W. Snape 《Euphytica》1987,36(3):763-773
Summary An investigation was made of factors affecting the frequency of development of fertilized ovules following wheat x Hordeum bulbosum hybridizations. Seed survival, a term used here to represent the relationship between seed set and fertilization, was shown to vary between the wheat genotypes tested, but was unrelated to the crossability genes present within the wheat genotype. A high seed survival was obtained in crosses involving the variety TH3929 and the single chromosome substitution line, Chinese Spring (Hope 5B). Chinese Spring showed a poor seed survival. Some influence of the H. bulbosum genotype on seed survival was detected. The two environmental factors studied, namely the post-pollination application of gibberellic acid and the ambient temperature, were both shown to affect seed survival. The application of gibberellic acid immediately after pollination or 1 and 2 days after pollination improved seed survival, although the extent of the response was dependent upon the number and timing of the application(s). A genotype-dependent response to the ambient temperature was observed, TH3929 showing a slight but insignificant reduction and Chinese Spring a significant improvement in seed survival with an increase in temperature from 20°C to 26°C. The physiological processes which may be influenced by GA and the ambient temperature and may thereby affect seed survival are discussed.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌和植物寄生线虫的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丛枝菌根是土壤里的一类真菌和植物根系形成的共生体。本文综述了丛枝菌根真菌和植物寄生线虫之间的相互作用,一般说来,丛枝菌根真菌可以抑制植物寄生线虫的发生,而植物寄生线虫也会反过来影响丛枝菌根的侵染和产孢;并指出了丛枝菌根真菌在不同接种时间、不同接种势、是否土著、以及土壤环境中的磷水平均会对植物寄生线虫产生不同影响。深入研究这些相互关系,有助于正确理解菌根抗线虫病的作用,从而为其用于生物防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

植物与微生物互作的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
植物与其生长环境中的微生物关系密切,两者形成了植物-微生物共生体系统。植物影响着其周围及体内的微生物的群落结构,这些微生物又通过其生命活动影响植物的生长发育。了解与认识植物与微生物的相互作用对于农业生产具有重要意义。本文就植物类型及植物根系分泌物对微生物群落结构及多样性的影响,植物根际微生物、叶围微生物和内生菌(包括内生真菌、内生细菌以及内生放线菌)对植物生长发育的影响等进行了综述,并就其将来的研究方向做了展望。  相似文献   

棉花黄萎病菌与品种互作的格局分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 以23个棉花品种(系)接种18个黄萎病菌株的抗感表现(病情指数)为分析对象,在聚类分析的基础上用双标图方法研究了寄主 病原的互作格局。结果表明:23个棉花品种分为6个抗病性不同的品种组,18个菌株聚为5个致病力不同的菌株群。5031和50312组成的品种组G1对所有菌株群具有最高抗性,可作为抗黄育种的高抗质源。来自河北成安的VD25与来自江苏常熟的XS4、XS6和XS7组成的菌株群S4与G5品种组存在互作,其致病力最强,是棉花黄萎病的优势菌株群,在抗黄育种和抗黄鉴定中应予以高度重视。S2和S3菌株群与56%的参试品种构成的3个品种组间存在互作,是潜在的优势菌株群。具平均抗病性的G2品种组是黄萎病菌的优良寄主。  相似文献   

钙信号系统与植物激素信号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ca2+是高等植物细胞内普遍存在的一种信使分子,能介导植物对外界信号的刺激反应,调节多种生理过程, 并参与植物体内多种刺激-反应的藕联过程。目前证实在植物里钙依赖性蛋白激酶(CDPKs)、钙调素(CaM)、钙调磷酸酶B类似蛋白(CBLs)三类钙结合蛋白,这些蛋白质可识别特定的钙签名,并依赖这些钙信号向下游转达以适应外界刺激。Ca2+信使系统与激素在植物的花发育(成花诱导、花芽分化及开花调控),有性生殖方面(在花粉萌发和花粉管生长),逆境生理等都起着非常重要的作用。近些年有关学者在植物激素受体蛋白、信号转导、基因表达等方面的研究,以及与Ca2+相关的信号传递机理的研究中发现:Ca2+/CaM、Ca2+/CDPK和Ca2+/CBL三类钙信号系统与植物激素信号密切相关。  相似文献   

The atom cluster model of coal surface is proposed.Quantum chemical ab initio calculation with base set STO 4 31G indicates that the interaction between CH 4 and coal surface is anisotropy and the maximum interaction potential (or adsorption potential) is 2.65 kJ/mol,rotation potential barrier is 1.34 kJ/mol.These results have shown that the adsorption of methane on coal surface should be a physical process (that is,freezing on surface).  相似文献   

多酚具有多种生物活性,但由于其稳定性差,限制了应用。综述了多酚与膳食成分通过非共价和/或共价相互作用形成的二元和三元体系, 包括膳食成分对酚类物质稳定性和生物利用度的影响,以及膳食成分的理化性质和功能性质等方面的变化, 并总结了近年来多酚-膳食成分复合物在递送系统、乳液、包装材料和食品保鲜加工方面的应用,以期为多酚膳食化合物的设计与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Panicle enclosure is a typical phenotype of almost all male-sterile rice lines. An elongated uppermost internode (eui) mutant exhibited notably rapid elongation of the uppermost internode at the heading stage; this is considered as a potential mechanism to eliminate panicle enclosure. We developed thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile (TGMS) eui mutants that were characterized by notably elongated uppermost internodes. The elongation of the uppermost internode in the TGMS eui mutant Changxuan 3S (CX) is mainly attributed to an increase in cell number and cell elongation, the latter being the more significant process. Temperature treatments revealed that the effects of temperature on panicle exsertion were similar to those on fertility and that the most temperature-sensitive stage coincides with the period from the formation of the pollen mother cell to meiosis during panicle initiation. These results indicate that elongation increases as temperature decreases and that the expression of the eui gene is more efficient at low temperatures than at high temperatures. In hybrid rice seed production using the TGMS eui mutant, the temperature range should be optimized at 24–28°C in order to preserve the development of completely male-sterile pollen and to eliminate panicle enclosure. Consequently, by using TGMS eui rice lines, gibberellin application can be avoided, thereby reducing the cost of hybrid seed production. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

小麦与叶锈菌互作前后基因组甲基化模式分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次使用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)技术分析两种小麦材料近等基凶系TcLrl9及其感病亲本Thatcher 的甲基化水平,同时比较了苗期接种叶锈菌生理品种THlTr前后基因组DNA胞嘧啶甲基化模式.60对选扩引物对接种前后的小麦DNA进行全基因组筛选,共得到3 554个片段.其中998个片段是两种甲基化模式中的一种,小麦近等基因系TcLr19及其感病亲本Thatcher的甲基化水平约为28.1%.在所有的引物中,并没有直接分离得到接菌前后的甲基化模式的差异.结果初步表明,叶锈菌可能并没有诱导植物基因组DNA胞嘧啶位点的甲基化模式变化.  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim of this study is to investigate the cotton differential metabolites in the interaction between Verticillium dahliae and cotton plant, and to explore new clues for the further study on the defense mechanism of cotton against V. dahliae. [Method] To obtain the cotton root, stem and leaf samples of the pathogen treated and healthy controls, the upland cotton cultivar CCRI 24 was selected as tested cotton material in this paper, and inoculated with V. dahliae conidia or sterile water by injuring root at the 2-true-leaf stage. The 70% (volume fraction) methanol extracts of these samples were separated and detected by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-MS), and the metabolite data were obtained by the online XCMS software. Through multivariate statistics and student’s t-test, the differential metabolites were investigated. The types of metabolites were putatively identified based on the comparison of the experimental molecular mass and the monoisotopic accurate molecular mass of cotton metabolites. [Result] The efficiency of negative ion mode was higher than that of positive ion detection mode in the cotton metabolites in UPLC-ESI-MS analysis. 576 ions mainly distributed in cotton root were found in the cotton seedling tissues including root, stem and leaf, which were the distinguished differential metabolites between V. dahliae treatment and healthy control. Among them, 77 ions were identified as sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, aliphatics and phenols. In addition to sesquiterpenes, 17 compounds, including caffeic acid, astragalin, isoastragalin, dillenetin, ent-catechin, gossypetin 8-rhamnoside, gossypicyanin, herbacetin 7-glucoside, leucocyanidin, quercetin 3'-glucoside, quercetin 3-glucoside, quercetin 7-glycosides, α,2',3,3',4,4',6-heptahydroxychalcone 2'-glucoside, melibiose, sucrose, sucrose 6-phosphate and 1-tetratriacontanol, had not been reported in the literatures on the interaction between V. dahliae and cotton, which may be the novel pathogenesis-related metabolites on cotton Verticillium wilt. [Conclusion] The putative pathogenesis-related metabolites of cotton Verticillium wilt may play an important role in the interaction of cotton defense against V. dahliae, which provides an important clue for exploring the new resistant mechanism of cotton to Verticillium wilt.  相似文献   

通过两因素随机区组田间试验设计,探讨不同种植密度(550、650、750和850万株/hm~2)与不同肥料配施(单施无机复合肥和施用有机无机复合肥)互作对胡麻植株性状和经济产量的影响,筛选出适宜山西当地胡麻的种植密度和施肥方式。结果表明:不同种植密度和肥料配施对胡麻植株性状和经济产量都有一定的影响。在本研究条件下,施用有机无机复合肥、播种密度750万株/hm~2时较为经济,胡麻子粒最高产量为1 593.0kg/hm~2。  相似文献   

为明确土壤微生态环境对白僵菌宿存的影响。测定白僵菌孢子在不同土壤温度、不同土壤含水量、不同土壤质地及土壤微生物存在情况下的宿存量变化。结果表明:土壤温度:120天的宿存期中白僵菌孢子宿存量,-18℃为5.94×106 cfu/g,25℃为1.54×106 cfu/g,30℃为8×102 cfu/g;土壤含水量:15%时为3.24×106 cfu/g,白僵菌的宿存量最高,低于或高于15%都会加速白僵菌宿存量的减少;土壤质地:壤土中白僵菌的宿存量明显高于沙土中的宿存量;土壤微生物的存在能够对白僵菌宿存量产生影响,对白僵菌的生长在不同阶段表现出一定的抑制或促进作用。低温、壤土及土壤含水量为15%的条件下有利于白僵菌的宿存。微生物存在前期对白僵菌宿存有抑制作用,后期表现为促进作用。  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - Herbicides belonging to the chemical group imidazolinones and the quinclorac herbicide are important to control weeds in flooded rice. The objective of...  相似文献   

采用田间试验研究了潮土区氮、铜及其交互效应对冬小麦产量的影响。结果表明:氮、铜及其交互作用对小麦的增产效应都达到了极显著水平;供试条件下,小麦高产氮、铜的最佳配施组合为纯氮120kg/hm2和硫酸铜(CuSO4·5H2O)45 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

为了阐明拟南芥ROP蛋白家族成员ROP2与蛋白异戊二烯化中I型香叶酰基的β亚基GGB的互作关系,本研究先后采用酵母双杂交和三杂交技术分析了两者之间的相互作用。结果表明,ROP2与GGB之间在酵母细胞中并没有发生相互作用。我们又采用双分子荧光互补(BiFC)技术在植物体内再次验证两者之间的相互作用。重新构建了一套带多克隆位点的常规BiFC重组表达载体,基于这套BiFC载体,进行了验证分析。结果表明,实验组在本氏烟草的表皮细胞中发现了黄色荧光信号,并且信号定位在细胞膜上,而阴性对照组未发现荧光信号,说明GGB蛋白与ROP2蛋白在植物体内存在相互作用,并且这种相互作用发生在细胞膜上。本研究结果为进一步揭示ROP2的生化调控机制奠定了前期基础。  相似文献   

菲利普孢囊线虫(Heterodera filipjevi)是最近在我国新发现的小麦病原线虫,在黄淮冬麦区对小麦生产构成威胁。2009-2011年2个生长季在河南省许昌市进行的田间病圃抗性鉴定中,小麦-黑麦6R(6D)染色体代换系(带有抗病基因CreR)对H. filipjevi Hfc-1致病型表现高抗反应型(HR),小麦品种太空6号表现中抗反应型(MR),其亲本品种豫麦49表现高感反应型(HS)。利用Pluronic F-127胶体为介质,研究了不同抗性小麦品种根尖对线虫的吸引性。结果显示,无论品种的抗性水平如何,其根尖单独存在时均能够吸引线虫的二龄幼虫;当3个品种(系)的根尖同时存在时,6R(6D)根尖吸引的二龄幼虫数量显著少于太空6号和豫麦49。采用酸性品红-次氯酸钠染色法观察线虫对根系的侵染,发现不论抗性水平高低,二龄幼虫都能侵入寄主根的组织,但至侵染后期,6R(6D)和太空6号根中的线虫数量显著少于豫麦49。这些结果表明,虽然线虫能够侵入抗病品种的根组织,但是大部分二龄幼虫却不能继续发育而形成孢囊。这为了解小麦对H. filipjevi的抗性机制提供了实验证据。  相似文献   

王茂强 《中国农学通报》2012,28(23):154-159
本文以贵州为例,从协同论、系统论观点出发,对旅游业与农村产业的内部协调和外部关联的动力机制进行探讨,分析该系统存在的良性协调互动圈层结构的动力机制,提出稳固其良性协调互动应具备的必要条件,构建乡村旅游业与农村各产业部分协调互动的动力机制“七叶水轮机”模型,揭示了外环起到稳定内环良性协调互动的功能。随着外环境变化作用于内环的动力机制表现出显著时空差异,因而该动力模型亦是一动态模型。  相似文献   

柑橘砧穗生理互作研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对国内外在柑橘砧穗生理互作研究的进展进行了总结,对中国与柑橘业发达国家、柑橘与其它果树的砧木研究进行了比较,明确了中国在柑橘砧穗生理互作研究上的不足,指出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

棉花与黄萎病菌互作机制研究现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文概括了近年来国内外对棉花黄萎病菌致病因子及寄主抗性机理方面的研究进展,分析了当前研究中存在的问题,并提出了今后的发展方向  相似文献   

牛蒡苷与人血清白蛋白的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用荧光光谱法和紫外吸收光谱法研究了牛蒡苷与人血清白蛋白(HSA)的相互作用。结果显示,随着牛蒡苷浓度的增大,HSA的荧光强度明显增强并且发生蓝移;逐渐增大的各向异性值表明,牛蒡苷能够嵌插到HSA的疏水空腔中;求得25,32,39℃时牛蒡苷与HSA反应的结合常数分别为1.04×105,9.78×104和9.58×104L/mol;热力学参数(ΔH=-4.63kJ/mol,ΔS=80.48J/mol·K),表明维持药物与蛋白质的相互作用力主要是静电作用力。  相似文献   

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