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人力资源是企业的第一资源,培训作为开发人力资源的基本手段,已成为现代企业管理的重要方式。如何对企业员工培训效果进行评估,已成为人力资源管理的一个重要课题。文中从受训者和企业两个角度对企业培训效果的评估方法进行了探索,力求对企业员工培训效果的检验达到科学、有效和可靠。  相似文献   

刘会  邓波  张英俊  杨富裕  陈晨 《草业科学》2009,26(9):231-236
草业为我国的新兴产业之一,已经形成了生产、加工、经营一体化,并在畜牧业生产中占据重要位置。针对目前草业生产管理技术体系、技术推广与服务体系建设和完善过程中,存在的对草业发展认识不足、体系不够完善、资金短缺、技术人员少、培训方式落后和培训内容单一、枯燥等问题进行了详细阐述和分析,同时针对这些问题提出了科学完整的培训方式,以及增加资金投入、提高推广和管理人员的素质、确定培训形式、改进推广方式、增加培训对象和拓展培训内容等建议和解决对策。  相似文献   

动物行为训练是动物福利的一种表现方式,在动物园和水族馆中已经普遍认知,但国内尚无详细的理论介绍。本文主要从动物训练的含义、动物训练的设施和工具以及动物训练的流程几个方面阐述这一新的工作方法。  相似文献   

在分析工业工程专业特点的基础上,针对工业工程专业工程硕士的特点,提出了新时期对工业工程领域工程硕士研究生培养质量的要求和挑战。结合重庆大学在该方面的人才培养经验。探索在新时期适合工业工程领域工程硕士的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the responses of horses of different breeds to a sympathetic training method used during an initial training period, before the horses started their first racing season. Subject animals were 72 horses: 24 Thoroughbreds, 24 Purebred Arabians, and 24 Angloarabs. Each breed group consisted of 12 colts and 12 fillies. The sympathetic method used to train the horses lasted for 3 days in a row, one session per day. Training was divided into five stages, each stage made up of particular tasks to be achieved. The horse’s reaction to the training was measured with the length of time (seconds) necessary to complete a stage and the horse’s heart rate (bpm) during the stages. Data were analyzed by using multifactorial analysis of variance, taking into account the effect of horse breed, sex, and training session. Results showed that horses of various breeds had different responses to the training. The Angloarabs took the longest to complete the training stages. The 3-day training period caused the highest reaction in the Angloarabs, and the 3-day period was too short to allow for more than half of them to be mounted. Heart rate was more increased in Purebred Arabian and Angloarab fillies than in colts, which shows that fillies require particularly gentle treatment.  相似文献   

红肉猕猴桃果肉颜色独特、品质佳、效益显著,但因其树势较弱,抗性较差,种植技术要求较高。本文分析了当前红肉猕猴桃整形修剪中存在的主要问题,总结了不同树形结构的特点,阐述了常用树形的整形修剪技术,以期为红肉猕猴桃的整形修剪提供参考。  相似文献   

Treadmill training of pigs was shown to retard the pH-drop of longissimus dorsi biopsy samples. Training similarly had an inhibiting effect on the post-mortem pH, ATP and glycogen, and on fluid loss (expressible juice) of the gracilis muscle.  相似文献   

南京红山森林动物园圈养的3只猩猩在接受了行为训练后,相继完成了串笼、称重、肌肉注射、前臂静脉穿刺,及眼、耳、口、鼻、腹部和四肢检查等训练项目。所有训练项目均使用食物、响片正强化,动物在完全放松的状态下主动完成,去除了化学保定或强制保定对动物造成的伤害。动物行为训练极大地方便了日常管理,丰富了动物行为,减少了刻板行为,提高了动物福利。训练发现,训练效果主要受不同的强化物、强化时间和训练环境的影响。刺激强烈或动作复杂的训练项目可以通过动作拆分来解决。  相似文献   

 着重从德国西门塔尔牛的品种特性、育种体系、主要发展模式及其未来的发展趋势几个方面进行了介绍,并根据在德国的考察情况,有针对性的提出了该品系牛在山东地区发展的建议及思路。  相似文献   

举办黄牛改良技术培训班,是推广技术的重要环节。本文从改变完成任务法、集体把好报名申核关、改变教学方法、把好教学质量关;发挥多媒体教学优势,提高学员的学习兴趣;严格培训考核,提高学员的紧迫感;聘请高素质教师,培养高质量人才等方面进行了探讨,为今后开展技术培训工作提供经验和参考。  相似文献   

实训教学是高职教学中最为重要的环节,是人才培养的重要途径。高职畜牧兽医专业实训教学应重点把握实训课程的设置和实训教学方法的改革。总结了高职畜牧兽医专业实训课程设计的理念与思路,以及所采用的行之有效的实训教学方法。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中后期以来,高等教育由精英化逐渐向大众化转变,高校招生规模逐步扩大,多校区办学成为高校新的发展形式。本文分析了研究型大学多校区办学的现状、存在的问题,结合我国社会经济发展和学生素质的新特点,提出了研究型大学多校区办学在管理上的改进措施。  相似文献   

大熊猫行为训练是针对圈养大熊猫医学检查和繁殖需要进行的,有利于饲养管理和减少应激反应。本文详细记录了大熊猫行为训练的方法、过程及训练目标,把医学检查和繁殖需要分解到具体的目标动作,并规范动作要求(站,坐,趴,躺),从食物和训练技术上严格把关,分析解决训练过程中存在的问题,建立安全有效的训练方法,形成科学规范的大熊猫行为训练程序,为提高繁殖力和医疗检查提供方便条件,达到提高圈养大熊猫生存福利的目的。  相似文献   

Echocardiographic parameters were compared between training and non-training greyhound dogs. When indexed to body weight there was a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in the interventricular septal thickness (systole) and when indexed to body surface area there were increased interventricular septal (systole) and left ventricular free wall measurements (systole) in training compared with non-training greyhounds. When each gender was analyzed separately and echocardiographic parameters were indexed to body size, both genders had an increase in the interventricular septal thickness (diastolic in the female, systolic in the male) in the training compared with non-training greyhounds. In male training greyhounds there was additionally an increase in the left ventricular internal dimension (systole) and free wall thickness (systole) when echocardiographic parameters were indexed to body surface area compared with non-training greyhounds (p<0.05). The results indicate that certain training greyhound echocardiographic parameters are larger than non-training greyhound echocardiographic parameters. The potential effects of training, body size and gender should be considered when interpreting echocardiographic parameters in populations of greyhounds.  相似文献   

指挥口令在基本体操练习中有极其重要的地位,它的艺术性关系到学生练习的积极性和教学质量。文中主要探讨在基本体操练习中语言艺术的运用,力求提出指挥口令艺术性表现的方法,为高校体育工作者和体育院系的学生在队列队形练习指挥中提供有积极意义的参考。  相似文献   

甘肃农业大学草业科学人才培养体系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃农业大学草业科学专业经过60多年的不断探索和创新,在基本理论创新,教学指导思想确定、教学计划与培养方案制定,课程设置、教学模式建立及推广、教材建设、人才培养体系建立和学研产结合等方面取得了显著成绩,形成了独具中国特色的草业高等教育教学体系,培养了一大批优秀草业科学人才。针对教学存在的问题,提出了今后相应的整改措施。  相似文献   

黄恋 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):77-80
饲料产业是支撑我国畜牧水产业发展的重要基础,随着饲料产业的不断发展,饲料企业管理、研发、生产人才呈现大幅上升趋势,加大所属人员的培训已成为饲料企业高质量发展的共识,饲料企业如何围绕创新发展,完善培训机制,实施高质量的员工培训成为企业高质量发展的必由之路,本文主要运用胜任力模型,结合胜任力模型在员工培训方面的应用,深入分析饲料企业在员工培训机制建设和体系完善上存在的突出问题,并运用该模型对这些问题提出有参考价值的建议,希望通过本文的研究为饲料企业的员工培训机制优化提供更多参考。 [关键词]饲料企业|员工培训|胜任力  相似文献   

An analysis was conducted to characterize the leads and temporal patterns of ground contact variables of elite horses negotiating a drop jump obstacle during competition in the Cross-Country portion of the 1990 Stockholm World Equestrian Games Three-Day Event, and to associate those measurements with performance outcome variables. On Phase D of the second day of competition, a 16-mm motion picture camera filmed at 197 frames/second perpendicular to Obstacle 15, the “Dog Kennel” or “Hundgrden.” The movement filmed required a jump 0.96 m downward from a 3.12-m-wide face across a 1.98-m-wide open space. Of 84 horses that started in the competition in Dressage, 66 horses successfully completed the Cross-Country Phase D and 60 completed the entire Three-Day Event. Sixty-eight horses were filmed at Obstacle 15; with approach, jump, and departure strides of 65 of those horses analyzed for leads; and temporal measurements made on approach, jump, and departure strides of 58 of those horses. Strides in the sequence differed according to being disunited (rotary gallop) or united (transverse gallop). Of strides with discernible leads, 15% of approach strides, 31% of jump strides, and 43% of departure strides were disunited. Forty-four percent (44%) of horses changed forelimb leads over the jump, and 40% changed hind limb leads over the jump. Thirty-four of 60 horses negotiated the obstacle with a bipedal takeoff not dissimilar from the action of jumping an upright obstacle, even though it was not required to clear the jump spread. Kinematic variables tended to be related to horizontal velocity through the drop jump. Horses with superior performance tended to utilize the left lead in approach and departure strides and had less airborne time during the jump.  相似文献   

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