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Abstract: This paper deals with some major economic issues concerning the Pacific plant kava, known in Fiji as yaqona. The plant is the source of the cerebral depressant beverage found throughout many of the Pacific Islands, which besides its daily use plays an important ceremonial and social role in the indigenous culture. This paper deals with yaqona cultivation and commercialisation in the Fijian peripheral island of Kadavu, from a perspective of more than 20 years. The findings suggest that the role of the plant as a major cash crop is even more important than it was in the first half of the 1980s. Moreover, the village semi‐subsistence economy has become increasingly dependent on this crop as part of its survival strategy. The explanations offered are related to physical and ecological conditions and the associated agrotechnical advantages in Kadavu; marketing advantages and worsening terms of trade experienced by the Fijian periphery; and the lack of other economic opportunities in peripheral areas of Fiji, such as Kadavu – in turn, a function of core–periphery relationships. This is a response of the periphery to the increasing marginalisation within the Fiji state and may imply villagers' and communities' acceptance of their marginal position in the economy.  相似文献   

中国加入 WTO,迫切要求组建大型种业集团和地区性的种业航母.科技型种业的组建不同于计划经济条件下的种子公司,它往往具有品种、技术优势,有丰富的遗传资源和丰富育种经验的育种人才,在技术品种创新过程中居同行业领先优势,为种业发展奠定了良好的基础.在新的经济形式下,种业之间竞争愈加激烈,同时还要面对跨国公司对我国发展脆弱的民族种业造成的体制、技术、资金、管理和人才等方面的冲击.在竞争过程中,逐渐暴露出科技型种业的弱点,没有市场经营理念,商业化程度低,体制和机制落后等,迫使种业加快内部调整和管理体制的改革.科技型种业要想发展生存,就必须探寻新的发展策略,提高种业知名度和竞争力.种业发展策略创新应该从观念创新、制度创新、机制创新、管理创新、技术创新、经营策略创新、品牌创新等 7个方面入手,实施创新策略,促使种业稳定迅猛的发展.  相似文献   

Abstract: Chile and New Zealand both depend on their natural resource bases for their exports. This situation characterises the historical condition of the resource periphery. Despite similar processes of globalisation in their fisheries sectors since the 1970s, the ways in which public and private policies and management strategies have been brought to bear on sustaining the resource base differ considerably. In light of the strategic economic agreement between the two countries (and Singapore and Brunei) signed in 2005, these contrasts reveal that multiple options exist for countries in the resource periphery to enhance their national development by working with comparative advantages alongside competitive advantages introduced into the sector. Chile’s explosive growth in aquaculture and its low levels of public and private concern for more sustainable fisheries is contrasted with New Zealand’s more sustainable approach to natural resource management through a range of instruments and commitments. The principal conclusion is that resource periphery producers should capitalise on their natural assets, but only within the context of a sustainable strategy that promotes and enforces responsibility. The current crisis in global capture fisheries is both an opportunity and a warning in this regard.  相似文献   

The recent change in the regional development strategy of the European Union (EU) results in an important need to study the terms of change and their respective implications. This study seeks, through a bibliometric analysis, to ascertain the developments taking place in studies on research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) to identify shortcomings and opportunities for future research. This bibliometric review drew upon the Scopus database with the sample selected containing all the articles containing the keywords “Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation” or “RIS3.” This correspondingly reports how some authors maintain that the path the EU should take involves imitative innovation. Meanwhile, others propose that each region should specialise in those industries that are already established there and thus avoid targeting any areas they do not already know/specialise in. Our findings detail six clusters in RIS3 research, which help in contextualising the literature review: (a) business discovery; (b) smart specialisation; (c) innovation; (d) specialisation; (e) regional policies; and (f) regional development. This study furthermore sets out perspectives for future lines of research and correspondingly seeks to convey a vast theoretical basis that may serve as the point of departure for future studies.  相似文献   

This article examines a heretofore underexplored category of automotive-producing nation known as the semi-periphery. These nations are neither “core” automotive nations whose power derives from hosting headquarters of major automakers, nor are they low-cost members of the automotive “integrated periphery” like Mexico or countries in Central and Eastern Europe or North Africa. Through a case study of one semi-periphery country, Canada, the paper assesses automotive semi-periphery countries' capacity to transition to knowledge-based activities more typically associated with “core” automotive nations. In so doing, it raises implications for other “semi-periphery” automotive-producing nations as well as those currently categorized as “core” or “integrated periphery.”  相似文献   

Although it is commonly accepted that investing in technology and research and development (R&D) is a basic catalyst for the genesis of economic activity, there is less consensus on the spatial significance and returns of the R&D effort for regional and local economies. It is often argued that innovation resulting from allocating local resources to R&D is likely to spill over to other areas, especially in the framework of open national economies. Hence, the incentive to free-ride increases at the subnational level. This paper shows, however, that in the Western European regional context, regions with higher resources devoted to R&D tend to grow at a greater pace than the remaining spaces. Nevertheless, the passage from R&D to innovation and growth is not achieved in a similar way across Europe. Local social conditions play an important role in the formation of what can be defined as ‘innovation prone’ and ‘innovation averse’ societies. Innovation prone regions are those featured by a weak social filter, which facilitates the transformation of innovation into growth. Conversely, regions burdened by rigid labor markets, shortage of skills, outward migration of able individuals, and an aging of the workforce are less prone to assimilate innovation and to transform it into economic activity. They make up the innovation averse societies in Europe.  相似文献   

The long borderland in Kalimantan between Indonesia and East Malaysia is partly mountainous and environmentally unique, its three national parks forming the core of a tri‐nation ‘Heart of Borneo’ initiative proposed by environmental NGOs and ratified in 2006. More accessible lowlands in West Kalimantan and the north of East Kalimantan constitute a typical ‘resource periphery’ in which strategic considerations, persisting through the Suharto years, now intersect with a range of new political, economic and cultural demands. A perception by the central government of increasing lawlessness in the borderlands arose in the turbulent years following Suharto's fall, during ‘reformasi’ and the beginnings of decentralisation. In addition to smuggling and illegal logging, contests over land use erupted at various scales. Proposals to construct an oil palm corridor along the border, begun by the Megawati government and extended by some sectors of the Yudhoyono regime, were part of a quest for greater legibility and control on the part of the central authorities. The paper specifically examines the power struggles that arose over that project and its inevitable outcome, a central government back down. However, the current palm oil boom is bringing new corporate planting, which may eventually succeed in ‘taming’ the borderlands.  相似文献   

失地农民补偿中情感资本补偿的缺失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类的发展阶段由低级向高级阶段进行着,人们不再仅仅追求物质享受,开始了精神境界的追求。而在当前的征地过程中,对农民的失地补偿则还仅仅局限于物质层面,对农民的心理和情感损失没有作出相对应的措施,这与社会的发展趋势不相一致,显然落后于整个社会的需求。本文简要分析了情感因素的内涵,同时结合我国当前征地补偿现状,对失地农民补偿中情感资本补偿的缺失做了深度分析,提出了情感资本补偿对失地农民的重要性和必要性,认为在以后的补偿体系中,将对情感资本的补偿纳入补偿体制仍将具有很大的可能性和可行性。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines the evolution of the dairy complexes of New Zealand and Chile in the context of increasing bilateral interaction between the two countries, and their recent signing of a ‘Trans‐Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership’ (TPSEP) free‐trade agreement. The two economies can be said to occupy semi‐peripheral positions in global markets and have, through the twentieth and into the twenty‐first century, increasingly competed for market share in a range of primary product (particularly agricultural)‐based export markets. Similar sets of historical processes, although variably timed, have shaped the roles of New Zealand and Chile respectively as resource peripheries, and the extent to which the two countries can collaborate for mutual benefit and transcend these roles is uncertain. In taking a sectoral approach this paper questions the compatibility of the two dairy complexes in the context of the TPSEP, and recommends further sectoral and localised studies in order to better appraise the model of ‘co‐opetition’ promoted through the agreement.  相似文献   

旨在对比国内外耕地生态补偿研究,借鉴国外发展模式与经验,建立健全中国耕地生态修复补偿机制和耕地生态建设补偿机制,最终达到保护中国耕地环境质量的目的。采用文献回顾法、归纳法对国内外相关的耕地生态补偿研究进行归纳分析。本研究总结出了耕地生态补偿的解释,发现在研究内容上国外主要涉及的是耕地生态价值定量估算、标准核算、制度实施效率评价外部性理论等方面,国内主要涉及到法律法规、综合外部收益、耕地保护和粮食安全等方面;而在实践方面,美国和欧盟许多国家都已有许多实施范例,国内则涉及较少,还处于探索阶段。  相似文献   

立足生态资源优势,浙南山区大力发展绿色稻米生产。二源绿色稻米基地为浙江省首个获得绿色食品认证的绿色大米基地,绿色稻米产业已成为山区农民增收的新亮点,并提高了粮食综合生产能力。然而,目前生产面临着一些问题,主要是种植规模偏小,绿色意识不强,质量检测体系有待完善,龙头企业带动力弱。因此,绿色稻米产业发展必须科学定位目标,发展规模经营,推广新品种,实施标准化生产,强化技术服务,加强质量监测控制,创建绿色品牌。  相似文献   

新产品是指在一定区域内第1次生产与销售的,在原理、用途、性能、结构、材料与技术指标的某一方面或几方面比老产品(同类产品)有显著改进提高或独创的产品.种业企业对于刚审定的品种,要在如今激烈甚至残酷的竞争环境下,在"独家经营"、"自主知识产权品种"漫天飞,品种与企业多、乱、散的格局下,新品种开发要想取得成功,开发的前期策划准备工作尤为重要.  相似文献   

1特色作物产业化开发的重要性 特色作物品种是指具有各自独特的基因,表现出不同的特征造型、营养成分、加工品质和食用风味的农作物品种.特色作物品种的筛选与开发在世界上发展很快,如美国将特用玉米作为玉米生产的支柱产业.每年纯盈利5亿多美元.目前,特色作物产业化在国内虽是刚刚起步,但各地对此都非常重视,把特色作物产业化作为农村经济新的增长点.  相似文献   

This research reports on empirical findings of remote Pitcairn Island, the last remaining British Overseas Territory in the Pacific. It uses a qualitative methodology to discuss the island's potential for tourism development while recognising the issues and challenges faced by many small island developing states. However, as a sub‐national island jurisdiction Pitcairn presents a number of issues unique to its temporal socio‐political development and its centre periphery relationship with the metropole. The concept ‘decolonising without disengaging’ is posited to argue sub‐national island jurisdictions are places/spaces of innovative, creative and differentiated development processes that offer interesting departures from the conventional realms of sustainable discourse and island development. This concept is posited as a strategy of empowerment whereby autonomy without sovereignty does not necessarily hinder the development of tourism industries.  相似文献   

This paper explores the intersection of state policies and local interests in allocating and managing resources in mountainous border areas of China and Thailand. These two states differ markedly in policies and approaches both to forests and to ethnic minorities on the periphery. The first section of the paper traces the history of policies in both countries for forested border areas and for forest-dependent ethnic minorities. The next section explores the evolution of property rights, land use, and the meaning of resources for one Akha village in China, and one in Thailand, in response to these dramatically different political economies. The final section considers some current outcomes for both the Akha and the local landscape as a result of these differing policy histories, and Akha strategies for claiming and using resources under these two regimes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A public policy response to global competition is the creation of a geographic concentration of innovative activity (regional innovation systems [RIS]) that will enhance metropolitan economic development through knowledge spillovers, product development, and new firm spin‐offs. This article identifies three types of RIS in the thirteen southern states based on a cluster analysis of twenty indicators of innovative and entrepreneurial activity. Next, regression analysis is used to determine if the 1990–2000 growth rates of nonmetro county population, employment, and earnings were related to proximity to an RIS after controlling for other county characteristics associated with local economic development. The research findings indicate that nonmetro counties near an RIS experienced more rapid population and employment growth; however, changes in nonmetro growth rates varied by type of regional innovation system. In addition, proximity to an RIS had a stronger impact on nonmetro population change than on nonmetro job growth.  相似文献   

楸树的园林特性及其开发应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
楸树原产中国,利用历史悠久,是珍贵的优质用材树种和著名园林观赏树种,素有“木王”之称。但长期以来,由于过度采伐利用,加之繁育困难,导致林木资源萎缩,也制约了在城乡园林绿化中的推广应用。为了推动楸树的开发和应用,本文依据相关文献,系统概述了楸树的生物学特性、生态习性、观赏特征和经济价值等;归纳总结了楸树具有“见证历史、材貌绝伦、象征吉祥和药用悠久”等文史内涵;阐述了楸树在园林绿化中的多种应用途径,如可作为城市绿化、道路绿化、林农间作、四旁绿化和营造生态经济林的优选树种;最后,针对当前楸树开发利用中存在的问题,提出了培育新品种、扩大苗木繁育面积、加强在城市园林绿化中的配置研究和推广应用等对策。  相似文献   

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