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The study evaluated the plasticity of Chloris gayana Kunth cv. Fine Cut to defoliation in terms of tiller size/density compensation (SDC). Twelve mini‐swards were grown in a greenhouse under non‐limiting water and nutrient availabilities for 188 d. Four defoliation treatments were applied as a factorial arrangement of two defoliation frequencies and intensities: 80L, 80H, 100L and 100H (80 and 100 denote percentage of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted at defoliation; L and H denote stubble LAIs of 0·6 and 1·75, respectively). Tiller density, demography, dry weight, leaf area and volume were determined over the final 77 d of the experiment. SDC was observed across 80H and both 100 treatments. The estimated slope of the relationship between tiller size and density was close to ?5/2, the deviation from the ?3/2 line proposed for undefoliated swards being related to changes in LAI and tiller leaf area/volume ratio. The most severe defoliation regime, 80L, resulted in a lower tiller population density relative to the compensation line, suggesting that this defoliation management shifted the species beyond its range of phenotypic plasticity. Cumulative herbage production was significantly reduced in 80L. Despite the similar herbage production of 80H and both 100 treatments, the former was the most favourable defoliation regime for optimizing leafiness and productivity.  相似文献   

In continuously stocked swards or pastures the frequency at which individual tillers and individual leaves are defoliated by ruminant livestock, relative to leaf lifespan of the grass species within the sward, determines the proportion of each leaf defoliated before senescence, and hence the efficiency of harvesting of herbage. In this paper, sets of data obtained in a range of climatic conditions and with a range of grass species are used in order to document this relationship. It is shown that the frequency of defoliation of individual tillers or individual leaves is closely linked to the average stocking density used within a period of time for maintaining a steady state sward or pasture height, herbage mass or leaf area index. Consequently, any decrease in herbage growth rate should lead to a decrease in the efficiency of harvesting of herbage and then to a more than proportional decrease in total herbage consumption by ruminant livestock. These effects will be more important for grass species having short leaf lifespan than for species with long lifespan. In rotational stocking, the link between herbage growth rate and frequency of defoliation of leaves can be broken by controlling the grazing interval, so any decrease in herbage growth would not be systematically associated with a decrease in efficiency of harvesting of herbage. Rotational stocking should be more efficient than continuous stocking in low herbage production conditions, while in high herbage production systems rotational and continuous stocking would have similar efficiency. The implications of these conclusions for the management of swards and pastures to meet different objectives are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine how the frequency and intensity of defoliation of tall oat grass [Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Presl.], affected (i) annual dry‐matter (DM) accumulation, (ii) seasonal distribution of the accumulated forage, and (iii) morphological traits related to persistence and vigour. Data were collected twice a year throughout three growing years, beginning the second year after establishment. Two frequencies (A: each time modal height of plants reached 20 cm; B: each time modal height of plants reached 40 cm) and two defoliation intensities (I: 5 cm; II: 10 cm stubble) were arranged in a completely randomized block design with a fully factorial combination and four replicates. Measurements were made of annual DM accumulation, seasonal distribution of accumulated DM and morphological traits related to persistence and vigour, i.e. number of tillers m?2, number of tussocks m?2, crown diameter, and crown area of tussocks. The infrequent defoliation (B) increased annual DM accumulation besides maintaining levels of persistence and vigour. The most productive treatment (BI) had a significantly higher annual DM accumulation than treatments AI and AII. Frequent and severe defoliations (treatment AI) led to plant depletion, which reduced crown diameter, number of tillers m?2 and crown area at the end of the third year compared with infrequent but severe defoliation (treatment BI). Annual DM accumulation was intermediate for less intense defoliations (AII), which produced forage during winter, but resulted in less vigorous plants by the end of the experiment. Crown area was a good indicator of tiller number, particularly under frequent defoliation.  相似文献   

A field study was undertaken between April 2003 and May 2004 in southern Tasmania, Australia to quantify and compare changes in herbage productivity and water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) under a defoliation regime based on leaf regrowth stage. Defoliation interval was based on the time taken for two, three or four leaves per tiller to fully expand. Dry‐matter (DM) production and botanical composition were measured at every defoliation event; plant density, DM production per tiller, tiller numbers per plant and WSC concentration were measured bimonthly; and tiller initiation and death rates were monitored every 3 weeks. Species and defoliation interval had a significant effect (P < 0·05) on seasonal DM production. Prairie grass produced significantly more (P < 0·001) DM than cocksfoot and ryegrass (5·7 vs. 4·1 and 4·3 t DM ha?1 respectively). Plants defoliated at the two‐leaf stage of regrowth produced significantly less DM than plants defoliated at the three‐ and four‐leaf stages, irrespective of species. Defoliation interval had no effect on plant persistence of any species during the first year of establishment, as measured by plant density and tiller number. However, more frequent defoliation was detrimental to the productivity of all species, most likely because of decreased WSC reserves. Results from this study confirmed that to maximize rates of regrowth, the recommended defoliation interval for prairie grass and cocksfoot is the four‐leaf stage, and for perennial ryegrass between the two and three‐leaf stages.  相似文献   

A field experiment was undertaken between April 2003 and May 2004 in southern Tasmania, Australia, to quantify and compare changes in the nutritive value of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) under a defoliation regime based on stage of leaf regrowth. Defoliation interval was based on the time taken for two, three or four leaves per tiller to fully expand. At every defoliation event, samples were collected and analysed for acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) and total nitrogen (N) concentrations and to estimate metabolizable energy (ME) and digestible dry matter (DDM) concentrations. Amounts of crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (MJ) per hectare values were subsequently calculated. There was a significantly lower (P < 0·001) NDF concentration for perennial ryegrass compared with prairie grass and cocksfoot, and a significantly lower (P < 0·001) ADF concentration for cocksfoot compared with prairie grass and perennial ryegrass, regardless of defoliation interval. The CP concentration of cocksfoot was significantly greater (P < 0·001) compared with the CP concentrations of prairie grass and perennial ryegrass. The estimated ME concentrations in cocksfoot were high enough to satisfy the requirements of a lactating dairy cow, with defoliation at or before the four‐leaf stage maintaining ME concentrations between 10·7 and 10·9 MJ kg?1 DM, and minimizing reproductive plant development. The ME concentrations of prairie grass (10·2–10·4 MJ kg?1 DM) were significantly lower (P < 0·001) than for cocksfoot (as above) and perennial ryegrass (11·4–11·6 MJ kg?1 DM) but a higher DM production per hectare resulted in prairie grass providing the greatest amounts of ME ha?1.  相似文献   

This study utilized leaf stage‐based defoliation intervals to describe the concentrations and contents of water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and nitrogen (N) in stubble and root reserves and their effect on the regrowth of prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth.) plants. The priority sequence for allocation of WSC reserves during the regrowth period was also investigated. There were substantially higher concentrations of WSC and N in the stubble compared with the roots following defoliation, confirming the stubble as the primary site for energy storage, with roots playing a lesser role. However, high R2 values for the relationships between WSC concentration in roots and regrowth variables suggested that plants of prairie grass were reliant on WSC reserves from the roots in addition to the stubble to meet the energy requirements of plants until adequate photosynthetic tissue had been produced. The sequence of priority for allocation of WSC reserves followed the order of leaf growth, root growth and tillering during the regrowth period. Although WSC reserves were identified as the primary contributor to plant regrowth following defoliation, there was also a strong relationship between stubble N concentration and regrowth variables.  相似文献   

The effects of five rates [0 (control), 1, 2, 4 and 6 Mg ha?1] of calcium silicate on the growth and water consumption by rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) and sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense Piper) under wet and dry soil water regimes (60 g and 30 g H2O kg?1 soil respectively) were evaluated in a pot experiment. The effect of the application of silicate on plant biomass was similar to that of the control. However, the shoot and root dry mass varied significantly (P < 0.001) according to the soil water regime and plant species. During the first cut, the shoot dry mass was 5.7 g per pot under the wet soil moisture regime, significantly exceeding that under the dry soil water regime proportionately by 0.68. For sudan grass, the shoot dry mass varied from 3.6 g per pot in the control to 4.3 g per pot in the treatment that received 6 Mg ha?1 of calcium silicate. Plant water demand decreased as the rate of calcium silicate application increased, suggesting that an application of calcium silicate could reduce drought stress and enhance water economy. For the soil under study, the reduction in plant water demand represents a water saving ranging from 0.076 to nearly 0.20.  相似文献   

Abstract This field study investigated the effect of timing of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application in spring on the survival of grazed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv. Dobson and Yatsyn) over summer in a subtropical environment. There were five N fertilizer treatments: no applied N, 46 kg N ha?1 on 22 October or 22 November or 22 December, or on 22 October and again on 22 December. Water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of perennial ryegrass plants entering the summer was altered by varying defoliation frequency, with defoliation interval based on the number of leaves per tiller. Frequent defoliation was set at a regrowth level of one leaf per tiller and less frequent defoliation at a regrowth level of three leaves per tiller, over a total of two by three‐leaf per tiller regrowth periods. Application of N fertilizer was found to have no significant effect (P > 0·05) on survival of perennial ryegrass plants over summer. On the other hand, defoliation had a marked effect on perennial ryegrass persistence, with frequent defoliation decreasing ryegrass plant density (51 vs. 88 plants m?2; P < 0·001) and increasing the density of tropical weed grasses (99 vs. 73 plants m?2; P < 0·001) by autumn. Frequently defoliated plants had a lower stubble WSC content on a per plant basis than less frequently defoliated plants in spring (103 vs. 201 mg per plant; P < 0·001) and summer (59 vs. 101 mg per plant; P < 0·001). The lower WSC content was associated with a smaller root system in spring (1·50 vs. 2·14 g per plant; P < 0·001) and autumn (1·79 vs. 2·66 g per plant; P < 0·01), and this was reflected in 0·29 more plants being pulled from the soil by livestock between November 1996 and April 1997. Rhizoctonia fungus was associated with roots of pulled plants, but not with roots of seemingly healthy plants, indicating that this fungus may have a role in a weakened root system, which was more prone to sod pulling. Nitrogen applied in October and November resulted in a reduced WSC concentration, although the effect was restricted to 1 month after N application. The present study indicates that survival of perennial ryegrass plants over the summer in a subtropical region is prejudiced by frequent defoliation, which is associated with a lower WSC concentration and a shallower root system. Under grazing, sod pulling is a reflection of this weaker root system and contributes to plant mortality.  相似文献   

Mixtures of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) sown in alternate rows or in a thoroughly mixed matrix were grazed by sheep, either continuously or during short grazing tests, and were used to investigate the influence of the vertical and horizontal components of the sward structure on defoliation by sheep.
In an experiment under continuous grazing, the defoliation intensity was greater for white clover compared with perennial ryegrass leaves (0·80 and 0·58 respectively). In spring, perennial ryegrass leaves were more defoliated than white clover leaves, whereas the reverse was observed in summer. The ratio of the proportion of white clover to perennial ryegrass leaves grazed was negatively correlated with the difference between the surface height of the perennial ryegrass and white clover rows in spring. In both spring and summer, white clover leaves of the same extended leaf length had a higher proportion of them grazed than perennial ryegrass leaves.
In another experiment, during short grazing tests with perennial ryegrass–white clover swards that were grazed at the same sward surface height and at the same white clover content as in the previous experiment, there were no significant differences in the proportion of white clover and perennial ryegrass leaves grazed between strips of the two species and thoroughly mixed structures. The proportion of white clover leaves grazed was higher than that of perennial ryegrass leaves.
These results show that the differential defoliation by sheep of perennial ryegrass and white clover leaves varies according to their vertical distribution in the mixed canopy, but is little affected by their horizontal distribution. Even small differences in sward surface height between mixed perennial ryegrass and white clover can affect diet selection by sheep to a rather large extent.  相似文献   

The ability of a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plant to intercept solar radiation is closely related to tuber yield. Leaf Area Index and ground cover measurements are frequently used to estimate light interception. Within this experiment LAI and ground cover were highly correlated even under different management practices with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.52 to 0.92. When correlating LAI and ground cover the slope of the linear correlation varied with management, suggesting that LAI increased more rapidly than ground cover under some conditions. The differences between slopes may provide an estimate of canopy light interception efficiency. Leaf area duration (LAD) explained 74 and 79% of the difference in total tuber yield while ground cover duration (GCD) explained 74 to 87% of the variation in 1997 and 1998, respectively.  相似文献   

The change in structure of continuously grazed versus infrequently cut swards of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L), cv. S23, was investigated during their first full harvest year. Measurements were made from early May until late September. The intensity of stocking by sheep in the grazed sward was adjusted in an attempt to maintain a high level of radiation interception and the cut sward was harvested at approximately monthly intervals.
The herbage mass, lamina area index and radiation interception of the cut sward varied in a cyclic pattern between harvests but in the grazed sward these parameters showed considerably less variation, although they all increased early in the season and then declined later. The proportion of dead material above ground increased throughout the season in both sward types but was more marked in the grazed sward.
There were major differences between the grazed and cut swards in the number of tillers per unit ground area; the difference became more marked throughout the season and by September the tiller densities in the grazed and cut swards were 3·204 m-2 and 6·203 m-2 respectively. Divergence in tiller density was associated with differences in specific stem weight and leaf area per tiller.
Rates of appearance and death of leaves on tillers in the grazed sward were determined. During May, leaf appearance exceeded leaf death but this was reversed in June. During the rest of the season as a new leaf appeared on a tiller so the oldest leaf died.  相似文献   

The provision of grass for early spring grazing in Ireland is critical for spring calving grass‐based milk production systems. This experiment investigated the effect of a range of autumn closing dates (CD), on herbage mass (kg DM ha?1), leaf area index (LAI) and tiller density (m?2) during winter and early spring. Thirty‐six grazing paddocks, closed from 23 September to 1 December 2007, were grouped to create five mean CD treatments – 29 September, 13 October, 27 October, 10 November, 24 November. Herbage mass, tiller density and LAI were measured every 3 weeks from 28 November 2007 to 20 February 2008; additionally, herbage mass was measured prior to initial spring grazing and tiller density was measured intermittently until September 2008. Delaying CD until November significantly (P < 0·05) reduced herbage mass (by approximately 500 kg DM ha?1) and LAI (by approximately 0·86 units) in mid‐February. On average, 35% of herbage mass present on swards on 20 February was grown between 28 November and 30 January. LAI was positively correlated with herbage mass (R2 = 0·78). Herbage mass increased by approximately 1000 kg DM ha?1 as spring grazing was delayed from February to April. Tiller density increased from November to February, although it did fluctuate, and it was greatest in April (9930 m?2). This experiment concludes that in the south of Ireland adequate herbage mass for grazing in early spring can be achieved by delaying closing to early mid‐October; swards required for grazing after mid‐March can be closed during November.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in inland northern New South Wales (NSW) to assess the response of tropical perennial grasses Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass) cv. Katambora and Digitaria eriantha (digit grass) cv. Premier and annual forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ssp. bicolor × S. bicolor ssp. drummondii hybrid) cv. Sweet Jumbo fertilized with five rates of nitrogen (N; 0, 50, 100, 150 and 300 kg N ha?1) and defoliated every 2 or 6 weeks over two growing seasons. Tropical perennial grasses were highly responsive to N fertilizer, while there was no significant response by forage sorghum. Herbage production of Rhodes grass increased linearly whereas digit grass had a high response at 50–100 kg N ha?1. Nitrogen‐use efficiency was highest during the growing season when rainfall was higher. During this season, digit grass had the highest N efficiency (148 kg DM kg?1 N applied) at 50 kg N ha?1, and Rhodes grass (66 kg DM kg?1 N applied) at 100 kg N ha?1. Plant frequency of both perennial species increased and then stabilized at high levels (>84%, cell size 0·1 by 0·1 m) during the two growing seasons. Plant frequency of Rhodes grass declined over the winter period, but recovered within 6 weeks of commencement of the growing season. Soil nitrate levels indicated that unused nitrate moved down the soil profile during wet winters. Implications of leaching below the rooting zone are discussed.  相似文献   

为了探索低氮条件下红壤旱地秋芝麻高产栽培的适宜种植密度,2016年-2017年在进贤县和南昌县开展试验,研究6个密度(D1-15.0、D2-22.5、D3-30.0、D4-37.5、D5-45.0和D6-52.5 株/m2)对秋芝麻产量构成因素、产量和叶面积指数的影响。结果表明:2017年南昌县试验点D1和D2的单株蒴果数较D4显著增加18.32%和20.27%,其它处理的每蒴粒数较D3显著增加15.92%~25.04%;随着密度的增加秋芝麻产量呈现先增后减再增的趋势,2016年进贤点密度为D6时产量较D1显著增加40.78%,2017年进贤点为D2和D6时产量较D3显著增加18.00%和16.74%,2017年南昌点为D2、D5 和D6 的产量较D3 显著增加32.86%~44.15%。D2、D5、D6 的产量平均值较D1 显著增加20.66%~26.82%。叶面积指数随着种植密度的增加而增加,同时随着芝麻生长发育都表现为先增后减的趋势。因此,秋芝麻适宜密度应控制在22.5株/m2或45.0~52.5株/m2,才能够构建合理冠层,达到高产效果。  相似文献   

Panicum maximum is important for cattle production in tropical regions, and it responds well to nitrogen (N) fertilization. Many cultivars have exhibited potential for use in silvopastoral systems, although there is limited information on how different levels of N can influence plant growth and nutritive value under shading. Morphogenetic and structural traits, biomass production and nutritive value of two P. maximum cultivars (Tanzânia and Massai) were investigated under three shading levels (0, 37 and 58%) and four N rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg N dm?3). Plants were grown in pots under shade. Leaf and stem elongation rate and leaf blade length increased with shading and in response to N. Tiller density was reduced with shading, but showed a linear increase fashion with N under full sun and moderate shading. Under intense shading, the tillering showed a quadratic response to N. Plant biomass production increased linearly with N under full sun and moderate shade, but it increased quadratically under intense shade. Crude protein (CP) content increased with shade and N and was greater for Tanzânia than Massai under shade. Contents of NDF and ADF were greater for Massai than Tanzânia. Acid detergent insoluble protein was reduced in Tanzânia under shade, but it increased for Massai. It is suggested that the positive shading effect on CP content may not result in increased nutritional value. Although N fertilization was important for increasing biomass production under full sun and moderate shade, it should be avoided under intense shading.  相似文献   

Summary In field trials with potato several methods determining the proportion of intercepted solar radiation by the crop were compared. Non-destructive measurement of the proportion of ground cover with the aid of a grid correlated well with the proportion of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation as measured with a tube solarimeter and with the leaf area index. Measurement of the infrared reflectance of the crop proved to be an efficient and objective method to show differences between treatments. Moreover, it showed a good correlation with ground cover and radiation interception until full closure of the canopy. Percentage ground cover is useful for assessing intercepted solar radiation and leads to fewer errors in calculation of efficiency of conversion into dry matter than the other methods.  相似文献   

A simple multiplicative model using temperature, foliage nitrogen (N) concentration and water status was developed to predict the maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) of field‐grown cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) leaves when none, one, two or all the factors were limiting. The highest Pmax was 27·4 μmol CO2 m–2 s?1 in non‐limited conditions, which was defined as the standardized Pmax value dimensionless (Pmaxs=1). Pmaxs increased 0·058 units per °C from 10°C to the optimum range (19–23°C) (Pmaxs=1) and then declined 0·077 units of Pmaxs per °C from 23 to 31°C. Pmaxs=1 was also measured from 59 to 52 g N kg?1 dry matter (DM) foliage N. Pmaxs then decreased at the rate of 0·115 units per 10 g N kg?1 DM from 52 to 26 g N kg?1 DM, and 0·409 units of Pmaxs per 10 g N kg?1 DM from 26 to 15 g N kg?1 DM. For predawn leaf water potential (ψlp), Pmaxs=1 was measured from ?0·1 to ?1·2 bar but declined linearly at a rate of 0·078 units per bar of ψlp from ?1·2 to ?14·0 bar because of a linear decrease in stomatal conductance. An interaction between low N content (≤20 g N kg?1 DM) and high temperature (>23°C) was also detected. Together, this multiplicative model accounted for 0·82 of the variation in Pmaxs.  相似文献   

N-fixing legume crops may be a good component of a general plan to improve cropping system efficiency. For this purpose, crop suitability to specific environments must be established. To estimate the yield potential we examined the growth and yield response of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) crops to different thermal and photoperiod regimes. Irrigated field experiments were conducted in northwest Spain for 3 years (2004–2007) with cv. ‘Alameda’ sown on five different dates in each year from mid-autumn to mid-spring. Environmental conditions experienced by plants across sowing dates were largely different. Sowing date had a great influence on biomass, grain yield and its components. This effect was associated with changes in PAR captured, PAR use efficiency (PUE) and biomass allocation to the different organs. Critical leaf area index (LAIcr) tended to increase and the extinction coefficient, k, to decrease as the sowing date was delayed. Earlier sowing dates intercepted more radiation over the whole season than the spring sowing dates. Greatest crop growth treatments (2nd and 3rd sowing dates) had the highest values of PAR use efficiency probably due to more adequate temperatures for photosynthesis and a large number of reproductive sinks. The highest grain yield (7733 kg ha−1) was obtained with the mid-February sowing date, which produced the most pods and seeds per m2, the largest harvest index (62.0%), and large maximum leaf area index (5.41). Low yields of mid-autumn (1st) and mid-spring (5th) sowing dates were associated with reduced pods and seeds per m2. Temperature and photoperiod had a large impact on faba bean growth, development, and yield. Best yields were obtained when abundant assimilate supply and moderate temperatures were available during pod set.  相似文献   

The use of legumes is an important strategy for animal feeding, especially during the dry season. The aim was to evaluate the effect of planting densities (40,000; 15,625 and 10,000 plants ha−1) and harvest heights (20 and 40 cm) on the morphology, accumulation and survival of Desmanthus (Desmanthus pernambucanus [L.] Thellung), cultivated in subhumid tropical region, as well as to estimate the repeatability of the evaluated characteristics and the optimal number of measurements. The treatments were randomized in blocks, with subdivided plots and four replicates. Planting densities were evaluated in the plots and the harvest heights in the subplots. Eight harvests were carried out with an interval of 84 days. Morphological and productive characteristics and survival were evaluated. Cultivation under density of 40,000 plants ha−1 produced taller plants, with higher leaf area index (LAI = 0.98), light interception (LI = 49%), individual accumulations (18.8 g DM plant−1) and by area (576.5 kg DM ha−1 harvest−1), although resulting in reduced plant stand (66%). Harvest heights do not affect accumulation and survival. It is possible to reduce the number of measurements for stem diameter, number of leaflets per leaf (R2 = 95%), plant height, canopy diameter, LAI, LI, leaf length and width, number of leaves per branch, branch diameter and LBR (R2 = 90%), optimizing resources for future research. Desmanthus has potential for use in protein banks, being harvested in the rainy season, conserved and supplied in addition to animals, but plant growth is minimal during the dry season under rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

A field experiment with maize for silage was conducted to assess the effects of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates (0, 50, 100, 150 kg ha?1), slurry application rates (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and the use of an understorey with perennial ryegrass on nitrate (NO3)‐leaching losses. Leachate was collected using ceramic suction cups. Soil mineral N (SMN) was determined to a depth of 90 cm at the end of the growing season. Higher levels of N supply with mineral fertilizer or slurry resulted in higher leaching losses. The grass understorey significantly reduced the losses. The amount of N lost to the groundwater was positively related to SMN at the end of the growing season, with leaching losses representing less than 0·45 of SMN on average. Leaching losses were positively related to the N surplus, which was calculated from the difference between N input (N from fertilizer, slurry and atmospheric deposition) and N output (N removed with maize herbage mass and bound in the understorey biomass in spring). In view of the large variation in weather conditions between the experimental years, it is suggested that for the sandy soils in this experiment N‐leaching losses under maize can be estimated satisfactorily from SMN and the calculated N surplus.  相似文献   

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