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Monal M. Lal Kelly T. Brown Prerna Chand Timothy D. Pickering 《Reviews in Aquaculture》2023,15(2):625-644
An important driver behind introductions for aquaculture of alien fish species into Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) is a lack of knowledge about domestication suitability and specific culture requirements of indigenous taxa. Introductions may be appropriate in some circumstances, but in other circumstances, the associated risks may outweigh the benefits, so greater understanding of indigenous species' aquaculture potential is important. This review summarises literature for indigenous freshwater food fish species from Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga, and evaluates their aquaculture potential for food security and/or small-scale livelihoods. A species selection criteria incorporating economic, social, biological and environmental spheres was used to score 62 candidate species. Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus and O. niloticus) now established in PICTs were evaluated for comparison. Results show that 13 species belonging to the families Mugilidae (Mullets), Terapontidae (Grunters), Kuhliidae (Flagtails) and Scatophagidae (Scats) have the highest culture potential according to selection criteria. These feed at a relatively low trophic level (are herbivores/detritivores), have comparatively fast growth rates and overall possess characteristics most amenable for small-scale, inland aquaculture. The four top-ranked candidates are all mountain mullets Cestraeus spp., followed by Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Lower ranked candidates include three other mullets (Planiliza melinoptera, P. subviridis and Mugil cephalus) and rock flagtail Kuhlia rupestris. Importantly, many species remain data deficient in aspects of their reproductive biology or culture performance. Species profiles and ranked priority species by country are provided with logistical, technological and environmental assessments of country capacities to culture each species. 相似文献
The aim of this review is to clarify the relation between Italian aquaculture and the introduction on alien species in Italy. In Italy, the most common aquatic alien species are rainbow trout and Manila clam, and they represent main economic product of Italian aquaculture. Wels catfish and red clawed crayfish have been voluntarily or involuntarily introduced for aquaculture scope, and they are now the most invasive alien aquatic species. Other alien naturalized species, as some salmonid species, are important economic resources in north Italy for inland professional fishery and are considered worthwhile of conservation. Thus, aquaculture is directly or indirectly responsible of the introduction of several alien species in Italy, but its effect on alien species diffusion is peculiar, as few successfully farmed species have become rapidly common. Until now, conventional aquaculture has played main role in the diffusion of alien species in Italy, while ornamental aquaculture will be the main source of alien introductions in the future. 相似文献
Yang Xiong Guijie Yu Jiaqi Wang Jiankai Wu Dezhong Wang Yan He Jie Mei 《Aquaculture Research》2022,53(1):243-254
Nutritional components and feeding strategies are multifarious amongst different producers, whereas they are just designed for fish farming but not suitable for improving the reproductive performance of broodfish. Yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), an omnivorous species, is one of the important aquaculture fish in China. In order to improve the reproductive performance of female yellow catfish (119.86—134.54 g), four feeding strategies (0.5%, 0.75%, 1% and 1.5% BW/d) and three dietary protein levels (34%, 40% and 46%) were examined, respectively, in the two separate trials. The females with moderate feed restriction (1%) showed significant lower mesenteric fat index (MFI) and higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) than the satiation group (1.5%) and excessive feeding restriction groups (0.5% and 0.75%). Females with high MFI were difficult to be artificially propagated and showed a high mortality rate, whilst the fish at 1.0% feeding rate displayed low mortality rate and high ratios of spawned fish, as well as high percentages of fertilization and hatching. Meanwhile, the offspring of 1.0% feeding rate group showed a low malformation rate and high survival rate. Multiple spawning in the same breeding season are applied in yellow catfish to reduce the number of parent fish and increase the fry production, and gonadal recrudescence after spawning might be affected by different nutrient values including dietary protein levels. In the second trail, female yellow catfish were fed with 34%, 40% and 46% crude protein diet at 1% feeding rate for the second spawning, and the best reproductive and breeding performances were observed in the fish group with 46% crude protein diet. These results demonstrate that 1% feeding rate is optimum for the spawning and reproductive performance of female yellow catfish for the first artificial spawning, and 46% dietary protein group had the best reproductive performances in the second spawning. 相似文献
To investigate the effect of scheduled meal timings on growth performance in Cirrhinus mrigala fingerlings, two experiments were conducted. The first experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions and the fish were submitted to schedule meal timings (at 08:00, 12:00,16:00, 20:00, 00:00 and 04:00). A control on continuous feeding was also maintained. ANOVA had revealed a significant (p < .05) increase in live weight gain (g), growth per cent gain in body weight, specific growth rate, PER, GPR, GER and APD (%) values in fingerlings fed between 12:00 and 16:00 hours. A decline in growth parameters, nutrient retention and an increase in FCR values were observed in the group fed at 20:00, 00:00 hours and also in the control group. Studies have further revealed that meal timings had also significantly (p < .005) affected protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and excretion of metabolites . Fish carcass composition had significantly (p < .05) higher accumulation of protein (14.82 ± 0.032), fat (5.51 ± 0.006) and energy (5.95 ± 0.004) in the group fed at 16:00 hours. The second experiment was conducted under field conditions and the fish were submitted to schedule meal timings (at 08:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00). A control on continuous feeding was also maintained. Significantly (p < .05) higher values in growth parameters were observed in the group fed at 16:00 hours and lower values in the group fed at 20:00 hours and also in controls. Water quality, nutrients and productivity status of ponds revealed favourable levels and appears to have been affected by meal timings. Thus, in C. mrigala, timings of food intake can serve to optimize the utilization of ingested calories. 相似文献
To target development efforts, the technological options for investments in Clarias gariepinus hatchery systems were compared for cost, average weight, number of fingerlings harvested, survival and profitability in periurban Yaoundé, Cameroon. Costs were proportional to the level of intensity of production, with labour accounting for about 70% of the total. Profitability was similar among systems, with highly variable survival being a key constraint. Overall, system profitability was most strongly influenced by the number of fingerlings harvested per m2, regardless of individual average weight. Focusing extension effort on farmers with the capacity to intensify is thus more likely to produce sectoral growth in the short term. 相似文献
玻璃钢水槽内大黄鱼养殖环境噪声测量与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用水下声音测量系统,分别记录了开放式圆形玻璃钢水槽内养殖环境噪声和大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)摄食过程声音,并进行声压级(sound pressure levels,SPL)计算和频谱特征分析。结果表明:(1)养殖环境噪声SPL约为110.27 d B(d B re:1μPa),包括主频率峰值为100 Hz的养殖工作设备与水槽内壁的低频共振噪声、1 250 Hz的表层水体气泡噪声、1 600~2 500 Hz的曝气石、增氧机、空气压缩机工作噪声;(2)增氧机和曝气关闭时,大黄鱼摄食过程声音SPL约为92.65 d B,高于背景噪声SPL,主要为游泳声音70~500Hz、吞食产生的水体表面搅动与气泡破裂的声音1 000~2 000 Hz、咀嚼颗粒饵料声音2 000~4 500 Hz;(3)增氧机和曝气开启时,背景噪声SPL略高于摄食声音约17.62 d B,且摄食声音无法区别于背景噪声,但并未影响鱼类摄食行为。 相似文献
Ingeborg N. Kluts Jos Potting Roel H. Bosma Le T. Phong Henk M. J. Udo 《Reviews in Aquaculture》2012,4(4):195-208
Vietnam is the largest producer for the export of striped catfish. Traditionally striped catfish production in the Mekong Delta took place in integrated agriculture–aquaculture systems, but has shifted recently to intensive systems to meet increasing export demands. A recent study quantified the environmental impact of intensive striped catfish production in Vietnam. Another did the same for integrated systems. Both studies used life cycle assessment, covered similar environmental impact categories, and were roughly matched in the production stages included. However, an environmental comparison of both systems has not been made so far. The objective of this paper is to make a comparative life cycle assessment of striped catfish production in intensive and integrated systems. The comparison was based on existing life cycle assessments on these systems, but their methodological choices and data had to be aligned. The results show that striped catfish production in intensive systems contributes considerably more to seven of the nine assessed impact categories (global warming, ozone depletion, acidification, eutrophication, photochemical oxidation, human toxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity, fossil depletion). Only contributions to eutrophication and freshwater ecotoxicity were higher for the integrated systems than for the intensive systems. In both systems, grow‐out fish farming contributes most to eutrophication and freshwater ecotoxicity, whereas feed production contributes most to all other impact categories. The environmental performance of integrated striped catfish production is convincingly better in most impact categories. This raises questions about whether (elements of) these systems can be used to mitigate the environmental impact of intensive striped catfish production. 相似文献
Temperature is one of the most important physical factors influencing fish growth. Under optimal temperatures, food energy partitioned into fish growth can be maximized. However, when a marine carnivorous species is cultured in an environment where temperature falls outside the optimal range of a fish, growth will be affected. The nutrient–environment interaction is important for optimizing a fish’s nutritional requirements throughout the grow‐out period. The most current global issue for the aquaculture industry is the inclusion of alternative ingredients into formulated diets to produce a sustainable seafood product. This requires the substitution of fish meal and fish oil with alternative ingredients from plant and terrestrial animal sources. This review discusses the changes in nutritional requirements (protein, lipid and energy) and physiology of some commonly cultured marine fishes as a consequence of seasonal changes in temperature during the grow‐out period. This review also discusses the effects of replacing fish meal and fish oil with alternative protein and lipid sources on the nutritional–environmental interactions of fish performance at different temperatures. 相似文献
《Reviews in Aquaculture》2018,10(1):57-74
There is significant commercial and research interest in the application of sea cucumbers as nutrient recyclers and processors of particulate waste in polyculture or integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA ) systems. The following article reviews examples of existing IMTA systems operating with sea cucumbers, and details the role and effect of several sea cucumber species in experimental and pilot IMTA systems worldwide. Historical observations and quantification of impacts of sea cucumber deposit‐feeding and locomotion are examined, as is the development and testing of concepts for the application of sea cucumbers in sediment remediation and site recovery. The extension of applied IMTA systems is reported, from basic piloting through to economically viable farming systems operating at commercial scales. The near‐global recognition of the ecological and economic value of deposit‐feeding sea cucumbers in IMTA applications within existing and developing aquaculture industries is discussed. Predictions and recommendations are offered for optimal development of sea cucumber IMTA globally. Future directions within the industry are indicated, and key areas of ecological, biological and commercial concern are highlighted to be kept in mind and addressed in a precautionary manner as the industry develops. 相似文献
为探究不同营养类型养殖方式对半封闭海湾浮游生态系统的影响,于2015年在象山港的鱼类网箱养殖、牡蛎筏式养殖和海带筏式养殖3种养殖区内外分别进行大、中型和中、小型浮游动物群落及相关环境因子的四季研究。结果显示,牡蛎养殖区内大、中型浮游动物群落结构变化明显,夏、秋季优势种太平洋纺锤水蚤的优势度下降,冬季优势种腹针胸刺水蚤的优势度上升;网箱养殖区内浮游动物群落变化不明显,变化主要为大、中型浮游动物优势种,春、冬季腹针胸刺水蚤的优势度下降,秋季优势种种类组成变化明显;海带养殖区内浮游动物群落和优势种变化均不明显。此外,3种养殖方式对浮游动物的生物量、丰度和α多样性均未产生明显影响。结合象山港的水文特征和养殖区内外的环境因子,研究表明,牡蛎养殖区浮游动物群落变化是牡蛎滤食行为和铁港水交换能力差的综合结果,而浮游动物优势种变化可能与水体总磷含量较高有关;因目前网箱养殖规模小且西沪港水动力条件较好,网箱区内局部环境和浮游动物的变化较小;海带养殖因面积小且仅春、冬季养殖,不足以对水质和浮游动物产生影响。此外,本研究显示不同环境中,大、中型浮游动物群落结构的变异较中、小型浮游动物明显,这可能与中、小型浮游动物群落的稳定性较高有关。 相似文献
《Journal Of Applied Aquaculture》2013,25(3-4):179-204
ABSTRACT Definition of breeding goals for sustainable fish production is considered, with emphasis on non-market (e.g., ethical) as well as market values. The need for long-term biologically, ecologically, and sociologically sound breeding goals is emphasized, because animal breeding determined only by short-term market forces has lead to unwanted side effects. Farmed fish is at an early stage of domestication and breeding, but rapid selection responses for growth have already been documented for several species. Reports of selection responses for fish and shellfish in both temperate and tropical environments are reviewed. Growth-rate responses of 4-20% have been obtained per generation. Broad breeding goals, including health and functional traits, in addition to production traits, are required. More basic knowledge of, e.g., animal welfare and behavioral disorders of fish is also needed. Less than 1% of the aquaculture fish material in 1993 originated from selection programs. For most species under improvement, only one or very few programs are running, and the effective population sizes are often limited. Such populations may however easily gain sufficient advantage above non-improved populations to capture much of the market. This will also discourage further genetic introductions into the breeding nucleus. Long-term inbreeding and loss of genetic variability because of genetic drift may then affect performance and further genetic progress. A sufficiently large and genetically diverse breeding population with appropriate family structure is therefore fundamental when establishing and running a selection program. Important prerequisites for breeding programs for sustainable production are appropriate governmental policies and awareness of our way of thinking about aquaculture, nature and society. A more communal worldview informed by a subjective epistemology (how we learn about/ analyze nature) and a holistic ontology (belief about what/how nature is) is also required. 相似文献
Larissa Strictar Pereira Jos Antnio Demtrio Almir Manoel Cunico Joo Diro Latini Luiz Carlos Gomes Angelo Antonio Agostinho 《Aquaculture Research》2019,50(10):2896-2906
The influence of cage aquaculture on the attraction and aggregation of wild fish was evaluated with an experimental tilapia farming structure. The structure was installed in the Corvo River, Rosana Reservoir, Paranapanema River basin, for 140 days. Samples were taken before and after farming began. Gillnets on the surface and near the bottom at different distances from the cages (0, 100 and 400 m) were used for fish sampling. The effects of the food supply at two protein levels were also analysed: Phase 1 = 32% PB and Phase 2 = 28% PB. Changes in species richness and abundance were observed, with the number of individuals and the fish biomass increasing significantly just after the farming began. Some species, such as Iheringichthys labrosus, presented increased abundance near the cages, while others, such as Plagioscion squamosissimus, were more abundant far from the cages. Auchenipterus osteomystax was the most abundant species during the experiment, especially when the protein content of the pellets was higher. It was demonstrated that farming tilapia in cages profoundly altered the abundance and composition of the wild ichthyofauna, suggesting the need to propose effective regulations for such activities, including fisheries restrictions in farmed areas or even the prohibition of cage farming. 相似文献
Zebrasoma flavescens (Bennett) aquaculture is limited by high mortality during first feeding. Photoperiod, light intensity, turbidity and prey density are culture parameters that have been shown to affect feed incidence and survival in some food fish species, offering a logical starting point to improve first feeding in Z. flavescens. This study aimed to determine the effect of photoperiod, light intensity, turbidity and prey density on feed incidence and survival in larval yellow tang age 3 DPH to 5 DPH (days post hatch). Larvae were reared in four photoperiods (24L:0D, 16L:8D, 12L:12D, 0L:24D), four light intensities (1,500, 3,000, 4,500 and 6,500 lx), three turbidity ranges (0 cells/ml, 100,000–200,000 cells/ml and 400,000–600,000 cells/ml) and four prey densities (1, 3, 6 and 9 per mL). Photoperiod at 16L:8D and 12L:12D significantly increased feed incidence; 16L:8D significantly increased survival. Light intensities at 3,000 and 4,500 lx significantly increased feed incidence. Larvae reared in 400,000–600,000 cells/ml fed and survived significantly better than those in clear water. Larvae in 1 per mL fed and survived significantly less than those fed at 6 per mL. 相似文献
水产养殖自动投饵装备研究进展与应用 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
自动投饵系统可应用于大型网箱养殖和高密度工厂化养殖等,是提高饲料利用率,控制养殖成本和强化产品质量控制的重要手段。文章概述了国内外自动投饵装备的发展进程,着重介绍了国外深水网箱自动投饵装备的研究进展与应用情况,分析了国内自动投饵装备研究使用现状,对国内自动投饵装备的发展提出了建议。 相似文献
Imorou Toko Emile D. Fiogbe Patrick Kestemont 《Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2007,262(1):65-72
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) (initial body weight: 34.8 ± 4.8 g) and vundu catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis) (initial body weight: 39.1 ± 8.2 g) fingerlings were stocked at densities of 4, 6 or 8 fish m− 3 in traditional fish ponds (whedos) constructed in the floodplain of the Oueme River (South Benin, West Africa), for 70 days from March to June 2005. Fish were fed twice a day with 34% crude protein feed formulated with locally available ingredients. The effects of stocking density were evaluated in growth responses, gross production and body composition. Water quality variables were similar (p > 0.05) in all compartments. Temperature and pH were at the optimum level for fish. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 0.9 to 1.2 mg l− 1 during the experiment and secchi disc transparency was low (< 14 cm). In both species, growth responses increased with the increasing density, significantly in African catfish stocked at density of 8 fish m− 3 compared to the other densities (4 and 6 fish m− 3) but not significantly in vundu catfish. Production data ranged from 3.1 ± 0.5 to 22.8 ± 4.5 t ha− 1 year− 1 in African catfish and from 6.1 ± 1.2 to 15.1 ± 3.1 t ha− 1 year− 1 in vundu catfish. Production increased with increasing stocking densities but only significantly (p < 0.05) between the density of 8 fish m− 3 and the other densities. In both species, carcass fat increased with increasing density (p < 0.05) while carcass protein and moisture decreased (p > 0.05). These results are important because they indicate that, as far as growth rate and production are concerned, African catfish is more profitable than vundu catfish for culture at high density in whedo. 相似文献
中国鱼类远缘杂交研究及其在水产养殖上的应用 总被引:45,自引:8,他引:45
在分析和归纳大量相关文献的基础上,对中国鱼类远缘杂交研究的概况及其有关问题进行全面的介绍和评述:(1)鱼类远缘杂交的等级,包括目间、科间、亚科间、属间和种间杂交;(2)鱼类远缘杂交的相容性,涉及鱼类远缘杂交的可交配性、鱼类远缘杂种的可育性以及鱼类远缘杂交不相容的原因分析等;(3)鱼类远缘杂交在水产养殖上的各方面应用,如杂种优势利用,鱼类性别控制以及诱导多倍体、雌核发育和雄核发育等。本文旨在为对今后进一步开展鱼类远缘杂交研究提供理论参考。 相似文献
Shraddha Hegde Ganesh Kumar Carole Engle Jonathan van Senten 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2023,54(1):32-53
Understanding the economic effects of regulations on US aquaculture farms provides insights into which compliance costs create the greatest compliance burden on farms. This can further guide strategies to improve the efficiency of regulatory frameworks and potentially reduce on-farm compliance costs while maintaining adequate oversight. This study estimated the regulatory compliance burden on US catfish farms as part of a national effort to quantify the cost of regulations on US aquaculture farms. Completed survey interviews of catfish farms in the major catfish-producing states covered 63% of the total US catfish production area. Total regulatory costs of the US catfish industry were estimated at $45 million annually. Lost farm revenues (measured as the value of lost production, the value of markets lost from regulations, and the value of business opportunities lost because of regulations) were estimated to be $35 million per annum. Catfish-producing states outside the Alabama/Arkansas/Mississippi region had the highest ($2856/ha) and Alabama the lowest ($1127/ha) regulatory costs per hectare among the surveyed states. The greatest regulatory cost burden on catfish farms ($18 million) was caused by environmental regulations related mostly to the management of federally protected piscivorous migratory birds, followed by labor regulations ($12 million), and taxes/insurance ($7 million). Regulatory costs ($/kg) were 2.6 times higher on smaller (<80 ha) farms relative to larger (>300 ha) farms. Attention is needed to identify alternative regulatory frameworks that provide the same degree of regulatory oversight but are more cost-efficient. 相似文献
Sheila Mae S Santander‐de Leon Sharon N Nuñal Hongyi Wei Takeshi Yoshikawa Hiroto Maeda 《Aquaculture Research》2017,48(8):4380-4389
This study investigated the influence of fish feed deposition on the microbial community of sediments in a coastal lake. Microcosms were designed to simulate the addition of fish feeds to the sediment, and physicochemical factors as well as composition of microbial assemblages were analysed. Although total organic carbon and total organic nitrogen did not significantly increase, redox potential and total sulphides showed a transition of sediment environments into anaerobic condition due to the addition of fish feeds. The bacterial community composition shifted with fish feed deposition as revealed by the band profiles of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, Sørensen's similarity indices and cell numbers of sulphate‐reducing bacteria. Occurrence of anaerobic bacteria (sulphate and nitrate reducers) and disappearance of strictly aerobic bacteria were observed with fish feed inputs. The results clarify the succession of the microbial flora and suggest negative impact of uneaten fish feeds on the microbial community in sediment and resultant environmental deterioration of fish‐farming areas. 相似文献