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乙烯利提早"国庆一号"温州蜜柑果实成熟的效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以"国庆一号"温州蜜柑为试材,在5%果实开始转色时,以清水和100、200、400 mg/L的乙烯利进行叶面喷雾试验,以及用清水和500、1 000、2 000、4 000 mg/L的乙烯利进行涂果试验,观测了果实的着色指数、果皮厚度、单果重、可食率以及可溶性固形物、总酸、固酸比.试验结果表明:不同浓度的乙烯利叶面喷雾和涂果处理均能不同程度的促进果实着色、提早果实成熟,降低果实的总酸、提高可溶性固形物含量和固酸比,增进果实的品质.叶面喷雾以200 mg/L最好.涂果以2 000 mg/L效果最好.  相似文献   

Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) production is normally carried out under irrigation as the crop is very susceptible to water shortage. Deficit irrigation strategies in pepper for paprika could increase production and facilitate mechanical harvest and, at the same time, save water. We conducted a field experiment that imposed water deficits, either during ripening (T1) or throughout the season (T2), and compared them to a fully irrigated control (T3). Stem water potential varied from −0.6 MPa in T3, early in the season to −1.5 MPa in T2 prior to harvest. Applied irrigation water for T1, T2, and T3 was 456, 346 and 480 mm, respectively. Water deficits depress leaf area and biomass production but did not affect the proportion of flowers that set fruit. Dry fruit weight in T2 at harvest was 66% of T3, but did not differ significantly between T1 and T3. However, commercial yield (based on colour production) was significantly higher in T3 than in the other two treatments, as the late water deficits imposed in T1 delayed harvest. We concluded that water deficits, either sustained or applied at fruit ripening, required for mechanical harvest do not hasten ripening and are detrimental to commercial yields and that pepper plants should be well supplied with water until harvest for maximum paprika production.  相似文献   

Effect of ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) application on rabbiteye blueberry fruit quality during the growth period was investigated. Ethephon treatment stimulated the decrement of titratable acidity, anthocyanin accumulation and fruit softening 4 days after treatment and the promoting effects continued through the investigation period. The ripening promotion effect of ethephon on total soluble solids content was observed only 8 days after treatment. Ethephon treatment did not affect the fruit enlargement during the investigation period. From these results, it is concluded that ethephon application for rabbiteye blueberry promote the fruit ripening, but the stimulatory effects of ethephon on fruit ripening were different in degree on each ripening characters.  相似文献   

The production of sweet paprika in Spain uses exclusively fruit of Bola-type Capsicum annuum L. This work describes the evaluation of the agronomic behaviour of five new cultivars of the Bola-type paprika red pepper, selected in the Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDA), and grown in Extremadura for 3 years. The colour and the pigment content of the paprika elaborated following the traditional procedure of La Vera were also studied.  相似文献   

光照强度对辣椒果实中辣椒素含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究以田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法,采用两个不同辣度的辣椒品种:湘研4号(中等辣度)和景尖椒3号(高辣度),以三种不同的光照强度处理,就生长期中光照强度对辣椒果实中辣椒素含量的影响进行研究.发现一定条件下,光照强度减弱,会导致辣椒果实中辣椒素含量增多.果实中过氧化物酶活力与辣椒素含量呈一定负相关.  相似文献   

为研究采后外源褪黑素处理对杏果实低温贮藏期间品质及生理的影响,以确定最佳的褪黑素处理浓度,并明确其对杏果实成熟的调控机理,试验以‘兰州大接杏’为材料,采用50~1 000μmol/L褪黑素溶液浸泡杏果实15 min,分析低温[(2±2)℃,相对湿度73%±2%]贮藏期间杏果实乙烯释放量、呼吸强度、硬度、色泽等品质及生理指标的变化。结果表明:不同浓度的外源褪黑素溶液处理均显著提高了杏果实的呼吸强度以及乙烯释放量,贮藏第12 d时,50μmol/L外源褪黑素处理杏果的呼吸强度较对照提高32.8%,同时,贮藏第8 d时,该处理的乙烯释放量为对照的2.2倍;其次,50μmol/L褪黑素溶液处理有效促进了杏果实的软化。此外,褪黑素处理杏果实后有利于提高果实可溶性固形物、可滴定酸含量,有效保持果实抗坏血酸含量。综合来看,50μmol/L外源褪黑素处理可通过提高采后杏果实乙烯释放量和呼吸强度,促进果实成熟,进而加速杏果实最佳食用品质的形成。  相似文献   

乙烯利催熟过程中温州蜜柑果皮色泽及色素的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以“国庆一号”温州蜜柑为材料,比较催熟与自然成熟下果皮色泽与色素变化的异同点。结果表明:乙烯利浸泡的果实变黄较快,变黄果色淡且缺乏光泽。无论是乙烯利浸果还是挂树自然成熟的果实,在成熟过程中叶绿素总含量均逐渐减少,而且下降极显著或显著。类胡萝卜素含量变化趋势则不一致。经过乙烯利处理的果皮类胡萝卜素含量呈现显著的下降趋势;挂树自然成熟的果皮类胡萝卜素含量呈现先降后升的趋势,但前后差异不显著。类胡萝卜素含量与叶绿素含量的比值都是先降后升的趋势。  相似文献   

Potted plants (cultivar ‘Napoli’) were maintained at 3 levels of moisture (continuously moist, moderate moisture stress and severe moisture stress) and sprayed to run-off with 3 levels of ethephon (0, 250 and 500 p.p.m.) in factorial combination, in order to examine the effect of moisture status on the ethephon-accelerated ripening-response in tomatoes. The largest increases in ripening-rate occurred where plants were moderately stressed and sprayed with 250 p.p.m. ethephon, or where plants were kept continuously moist and sprayed with 500 p.p.m. ethephon. No substantial increase in ripening-rate occurred at higher levels of either ethephon or moisture stress. Leaf senescence was rapid in all treatments other than the moderately stressed and continuously moist controls. In some of the water-stressed treatments a partial recovery of plant water potential occurred as a result of reduced transpiration due to rapid and extensive leaf loss.  相似文献   

Non-bagged and bagged apples of cvs Jonathan, Fuji, Jonagold and Tsugaru were harvested at different stages of ripening and irradiated with light at 15, 20 and 25°C. The changes in anthocyanin accumulation during ripening varied with temperature, cultivar and bagging or otherwise. In ‘Jonathan’, the optimum temperature for anthocyanin accumulation increased clearly from 15°C to 25°C in non-bagged and from 20°C to 25°C in bagged fruit as it ripened. In ‘Fuji’ and ‘Jonagold’, 20 and 15°C, respectively, were always the optimum for anthocyanin synthesis in non-bagged and bagged apples. In non-bagged and bagged ‘Tsugaru’, the optimum temperaturfe increased from 15°C to 20°C with ripening.  相似文献   

鲁北冬枣是我国鲜食枣中品质极佳的品种,有很高的经济价值.近10余年来,鲁北冬枣在山东省沾化、无棣、东营县和河北省黄骅、沧县等主产区栽植面积约6.7万hm2,年产量约10万t,然而,鲁北冬枣的贮藏性差,品质最佳的全红期果,在常温下仅能贮藏2~4天,在气调库中,贮期不过30天左右,这在一定程度上制约了该品种的发展.为了延长供应期,鲁北冬枣提早采收的现象较为普遍,枣果品质大为下降,使名果的声誉受到很大影响.为延长优质鲁北冬枣商品果的供应时间,我们从2001年11月到2004年10月,采用保护地栽培方法,进行了鲁北冬枣成熟期调节试验,获得明显效果,提前成熟试验较常规生产园提早成熟30天左右,延迟成熟试验较常规生产园延迟成熟24天.2004年,提前成熟大棚栽培面积已发展到6.6 hm2.  相似文献   

以5个鲜食辣椒品种为试材,研究了不同温度处理对其生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明,低温处理对各辣椒品种的株高、茎粗、产量等都有抑制作用,但对单果质量有增加作用。低温处理后,其生长发育的各项指标有明显变化,说明其变化与辣椒的耐寒性有关。  相似文献   

猕猴桃果实成熟前补钙对果实含钙量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
猕猴桃果实成熟前用喷叶法和喷果法补钙,可显著提高果实中的钙含量。喷叶较喷果效果好。用Ca(NO3)2喷叶,比用CaCl2处理效果好,差异显著。而果实对CaCl2和Ca(NO3)2的吸收选择性差异不显著。经补钙处理的果实采后进行贮藏效果观察发现:用Ca(NO3)2喷叶处理的果实贮藏性较好,用其喷果处理次之;用CaCl2喷果和喷叶处理的果实贮至28天软果率均达到90%。  相似文献   

【目的】探索枇杷在果实成熟过程中其果肉细胞质体的发育与果肉颜色变化的关系。【方法】以不同颜色的枇杷品种‘黄金块’(橙红)、‘解放钟’(黄色)、‘白玉’(白色)不同发育阶段的果肉为试材,应用光学和电子显微镜观察果肉细胞质体的大小,颜色和超微结构。【结果】通过光学显微镜观察,在果实成熟过程中发现‘黄金块’、‘解放钟’果肉细胞中的质体由叶绿体转变为有色体,而‘白玉’的果肉中没有形成相应的有色体。此外,在对质体的超微结构进行观察时,发现在果实成熟过程中‘黄金块’、‘解放钟’果肉细胞质体中的质体小球逐渐发育,到成熟期有大量的质体小球出现;而‘白玉’果肉细胞质体在成熟过程中没有大量的质体小球出现。【结论】‘黄金块’、‘解放钟’、‘白玉’果肉的不同颜色可能与有色体的形成有关,而质体小球的发育影响有色体的的形成,最终表现为果肉颜色上的差异。  相似文献   

为探明硫酸钾钙镁肥在辣椒上的施用效果,以辣椒品种‘海椒309’为试材,研究了4种施肥水平对辣椒的生长、品质、产量及土壤养分的影响。结果表明,667 m~2施100 kg硫酸钾钙镁肥处理的平均单果质量达59.9 g,显著高于667 m~2施25 kg硫酸钾钙镁肥处理和对照;果径和果肉方面,667 m~2施肥50 kg硫酸钾钙镁肥处理的效果达到最佳,果实纵横径分别为39.90、0.44 mm,分别比对照提高了5.0%和12.8%;在品质方面,667 m~2施75 kg硫酸钾钙镁肥处理的辣椒维生素C和可溶性糖含量达到最大,分别比对照高出7.6%和20.5%;耐贮性方面,采摘后20 d,施用了硫酸钾钙镁肥的所有处理商品果率均显著高于对照,其中商品果率最高的处理是667 m~2施25 kg硫酸钾钙镁肥,为44.73%,比对照高10.12%;提升土壤养分方面,667 m~2施100 kg硫酸钾钙镁肥处理的土壤交互性钙含量(ω,后同)提高最多,达1 851.3 mg·kg~(-1),高出试验前土壤2.4倍,其他处理土壤养分均有不同程度提高;产量方面,667 m~2施100 kg硫酸钾钙镁肥处理的产量最高,达2 382.00 kg,与对照相比增产23.95%。硫酸钾钙镁肥不仅有助于提高辣椒果实单果质量、果长、果肉厚、维生素C含量和可溶性糖含量,而且对于提高辣椒耐贮性和提升土壤养分含量也有一定作用。  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to reduce the effective concentration of ethephon for flower induction in pineapple by adding urea to the ethephon solution and adjusting the pH to 9.0 with sodium carbonate. It was found that a 2 % urea solution adjusted to a pH of 9.0 and containing 10 p.p.m. ethephon induced over 90 % of plants to flower within 50–60 days of treatment. This treatment was as good as, or better than, that obtained with several α-naphthalene acetic acid-based products. At a pH of 9.0 and with the addition of urea, the effectiveness of ethephon at a concentration of 10 p.p.m. will lead to economic use of this chemical.  相似文献   

【目的】为探索脉冲强光技术在杨梅汁加工中的应用,【方法】采用分光光度法和色差法研究了不同脉冲强光处理和热处理对杨梅汁中酚类物质含量,色泽以及其抗氧化活性的影响。【结果】结果表明,脉冲强光可显著降解杨梅汁中的花色苷(P<0.05),且杨梅汁中的花色苷的含量随着脉冲能量的增加而降低。而杨梅汁中总酚的含量却是随着脉冲能量的增加显著上升(P<0.05)。脉冲强光处理对杨梅汁抗氧化活性的影响随反应体系不同而异。杨梅汁清除.DPPH活性随着脉冲强光处理能量的增加而增大,并与花色苷的含量呈一定的负相关(R2=0.848 6),而脉冲强光处理却使杨梅汁清除超氧阴离子和羟基自由基的活性有所下降。【结论】与传统的热杀菌相比,脉冲强光处理可更好的保持其活性成分和品质,脉冲强光技术在果汁中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

不同光照强度对辣椒果实品质及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
辣椒是人们喜爱的一种蔬菜,其维生素C含量是辣椒品质的重要指标.光照对于蔬菜品质形成具有重要作用,目前,光照对辣椒品质、产量等方面的影响研究较少,本试验针对光照在辣椒果实品质及产量形成过程中的作用做进一步研究.  相似文献   

根据洛阳气候条件,利用日光温室进行春节观赏彩椒的引种栽培试验,获得了较理想的效果。初步筛选出果正色美、棵型适中的洛引1号彩椒为较好的春节观赏品种,确定其适宜的播种期在8月上中旬。  相似文献   

The commercial expansion of roasted pepper as a high market value product have made that the period of time in which canning industries process the fresh pepper fruits needs to be extended. Fresh sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) destined for industry grown in different sites was cold stored in order to analyse the effect of different sites and storage conditions on the quality of the product at harvest and during storage. Storage during 10 days at 8 °C was the best storage condition to improve quality of pepper destined for industry, because colour was improved, weight loss (1–1.6%) was lower than maximum permissible and decay incidence was only between 0% and 2.3%. Harvest should be delayed until pepper reaches the red state in order to increase the quality of the fruit. However, these results suggest that pepper growers should assure a high content of Ca (>0.6 g kg−1) in the soil to avoid a high incidence of decay during storage when a late harvest is needed to guarantee the enhancement of colour in pepper fruit destined for industry. These storage conditions are in accordance with those found to improve the sensory quality of roasted pepper.  相似文献   

通过长期定位监测,对土壤进行检测,进行甜椒优化施肥试验,研究不同优化施肥处理对土壤性质及菜椒品质和产量的影响。试验以‘京甜’为供试菜椒品种,设5个不同施肥区:空白区、常规施肥区、测配施肥区、单施有机肥区、单施化肥区。试验结果表明,土壤中养分含量较2008年水平各不同施肥处理均有不同程度提升,其中施用有机肥的3个施肥区处理,土壤有机质和有效磷含量提高幅度相对较大,施用化肥的处理区速效钾含量相对较高,单施有机肥区钾含量提升相对幅度略小;优化施肥对菜椒果实品质有提升作用,其中测土配方施肥区果实维生素C含量相对最高,硝酸盐和总酸含量相对最低;菜椒产量最高的是习惯性施肥区,平均667 m~2产量2 498.93 kg,测土配方施肥区次之为2 436.46 kg,根据产投比计算得出,测土配方施肥处理区为经济效益最佳,667 m~2纯收益为6 323.9元;长期施用有机肥并根据作物需肥量及土壤情况合理施用化肥对土壤肥力的提高有积极促进作用,同时提高果实养分含量优化果实品质。  相似文献   

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