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暗纹东方鲀仔幼鱼的形态、摄食与生长的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者于1995、1997年对暗红东方鲀(Takifuguobscurus)仔幼鱼的形态发育、摄食特征以及生长进行了观察和研究。结果表明:1.尾鳍条和体部斑纹的形成可用来区分仔鱼期、稚鱼期和幼鱼期;2当稚鱼出现叨食食物碎片行为时,预示消化器官发育已趋完备.开始进入幼鱼期,要及时采取措施,以防同类相残;3.河鲀度生长方程为L=3.58e~(0.0519t),在8日龄和30日龄生长速度和加速度明显增大,其生长与消化器官的机能有密切关系。  相似文献   

鱼类通过摄食维持自身的生存、生长和繁殖,对鱼类摄食习性的空间异质性及其索饵场分布进行研究有助于了解鱼类在不同海域间的生长差异。本研究根据2011年及2013―2016年春季在海州湾进行的渔业资源底拖网调查数据,通过胃含物分析研究皮氏叫姑鱼(Johniusbelangerii)的摄食习性,依据胃含物分析结果选择主要饵料生物,结合皮氏叫姑鱼和主要饵料生物的空间分布,研究皮氏叫姑鱼摄食习性的空间异质性,并判别其索饵场。结果表明:皮氏叫姑鱼摄食的饵料生物共有20余种,其中虾类(IRI%=55.54%)和端足类(IRI%=35.94%)为优势饵料类群。基于胃含物分析和底拖网调查,选择海蜇虾(Latreutesanoplonyx)、细巧仿对虾(Parapenaeopsistenella)、鲜明鼓虾(Alpheus distinguendus)、疣背宽额虾(Latreutes planirostris)、细螯虾(Leptochela gracilis)、戴氏赤虾(Metapenaeopsis dalei)、日本鼓虾(Alpheus japonicus)和中华安乐虾(Eualus sinensis) 8种饵料生物研究皮氏叫姑鱼摄食习性的空间异质性及其索饵场。摄食选择性的研究表明,海州湾春季的皮氏叫姑鱼喜食海蜇虾。本研究发现,皮氏叫姑鱼及其主要饵料生物资源丰度重心均位于海州湾中部10~20m深海域;海州湾中南部10~20m海域的饵料生物资源丰度显著高于其他海域(P0.05),而且该海域皮氏叫姑鱼的个体较小,生长速度较快,摄食强度较高,是其主要的索饵场。  相似文献   

鱼类食性和食物网研究评述   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
鱼类食性和食物网的研究对于了解鱼类群落的结构与功能具有重要意义。本文主要结合国内外有关鱼类食性和食物网研究的报道,概括性叙述了在进行鱼类的食物组成、食性比较、摄食的时空变化、摄食的选择性、营养级、摄食量、食物网及其营养动力学研究时所使用的方法,并对我国开展此类研究的前景和存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Variations in follicular development and the absence of ovulation in fish confined to fresh water led us to assume that the defect in reproduction can be explained by a shortage in ovulating hormone or a block in the production of the ovarian steroid that stimulates ovulating hormone release. Observations were therefore made of changes in steroidogenesis and in steroid content in the ovary of mullets in both biotopes. The ovaries of fish from Lake Kinneret were found to accumulate and produce large quantities of DHA and 11-ketotestosterone. The reason for the accumulation of DHA was found to be a block in the enzyme activity of delta-5-3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, that converts DHA to androstenedione. Since 11-ketotestosterone was found to be a potent androgen in teleosts, the accumulation of this steroid in the ovary may inhibit the release of ovulating hormone, or may disrupt in some other way the hormonal homeostasis required for normal reproductive activity.  相似文献   

本实验采用实验生态学的方法,分别对池养9、13、17、23日龄黄颡鱼的食物组成,选食行为和昼夜摄食节律进行了研究。结果表明,黄颡鱼早期发育阶段主要摄食浮游动物,其食物组成随仔稚鱼的生长而变化。摄食初期(黄颡鱼9日龄时)主要食物为枝角类和轮虫,其中枝角类数量和重量百分比分别为86.71%和89.65%,占绝对优势。之后,黄颡鱼的摄食范围进一步扩大,从23日龄开始,由主要选食枝角类转为主要选食桡足类,桡足类所占数量百分比也从初期的3.29%上升到23日龄时的26.68%;而且,从13日龄开始,摇蚊幼虫等底栖动物所占比重呈上升趋势,从初期的54.84%到23日龄的69.52%,始终在食物组成中占主要优势。黄颡鱼摄食具有明显的昼夜节律性,9日龄时摄食高峰值出现在20:00(897.7),低峰值出现在19:00(161.8);13、17、23日龄仔稚鱼胃平均饱满指数均于4:00达最高峰(914.1、1113.1和199.7),于19:00、19:00和16:00达最低值,分别为50.9、60.9和76.6,夜间时段摄食水平显著高于白天时段,黄颡鱼仔稚鱼明显表现为晚上摄食类型。  相似文献   

MASATO  MOTEKI 《Fisheries Science》2002,68(5):996-1003
The present study examined the appearance, ossification and growth of the bones that form the oral cavity in early larval stages of laboratory reared red sea bream ( Pagrus major ) for 380 h after hatching. The fundamental elements of the oral cavity appeared 11 h after initial mouth opening (HAMO). Development in the red sea bream, based on the osteological development of the feeding apparatus, was divided into three phases following the first feeding (24 HAMO; mean total body length 3.3 mm). The first phase was the early sucking phase (24 to 80–100 HAMO; approximately 3.9 mm), during which the head and bones increased in size. The intensified sucking phase (to 200–220 HAMO; approximately 4.9 mm) was defined by the appearance of new structural elements and a continued enlargement of the head and bones. Finally, during the transition phase (beyond 300 HAMO; approximately 5.6 mm), larvae used grasping as well as sucking to feed, new elements appeared, ossification began, size increased and teeth were acquired. As the larvae advanced through these three phases, the ability to feed by sucking was enhanced by the appearance and growth of new bones. The developmental phases appear to be linked to the transition from endogenous to exogenous nutrition resources under laboratory rearing conditions and to diversification in the size and components of wild food organisms.  相似文献   

Delaware River and Bay Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), striped bass, have recently undergone a dramatic recovery. Here, we examine spatio‐temporal patterns in the distribution and food habits of striped bass in marsh creeks in the estuary (salinity range 1–20 psu), 1996–2000. Sampling occurred monthly, April through November, with otter trawls (4.9 m, 6 mm mesh, n = 6760) and weirs (intertidal block nets, 6 mm mesh, n = 647) at eight sites. Young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) fish were generally more than 10 times more abundant at oligohaline sites, although they were abundant at mesohaline sites in 1996, the lowest salinity year. Small striped bass (<100 mm) in creeks relied on mysids and other crustaceans and became more piscivorous with size. Overall, they consumed 46% by weight fish, of which 52% were mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus (L.), and 18% were YOY Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (L.), prey types which are not typical in most food habits studies and are indicative of feeding in marsh creeks. These data suggest that young striped bass are an abundant component of Delaware Bay marsh creek fauna and may play an important role in trophic relays within this system.  相似文献   

Mullets have so far been recorded in the brackish water areas only and of the 8 species identified, Liza falcipinnis is the most abundant. Mullet fry (mixed species) are available throughout the year but in greater quantities between March and July. It is estimated that enough fry to stock more than 10 000 ha for polyculture can be collected from the coastal areas. With a view to culturing them in fresh water, it has been possible to acclimatize them to fresh water. This offers good prospects of culturing mullets together with common carp, catfish (Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus) and cichlias (Tilapia sp.)Polyculture trials in brackishwater ponds in Lagos indicate that the natural entry of mullet fry with the tide could result in productions of up to 239 kg ha?1 year?1 in addition to that of other species, without supplementary feed or fertilizer. Stocking of mullet fry increased the mullet yield. Experiments indicate that supplementary feed also increases both yield and average size. Predators such as Sphyraena sp. reduce mullet population in fish ponds and also their yield.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions and feeding habits of Pacific cod ( Gadus macrocephalus ) larvae, and the spatial distributions of copepod nauplii and copepodites, their main prey, were examined in Mutsu Bay from February to March during 1989–92. Yolk-sac larvae were caught at 30–45 m depth at the bay mouth. Larvae without yolk were collected at 8–45 m depth at the bay mouth and the inner part of the bay, and large larvae were chiefly found in the bay. This geographical pattern in larval size may have been because of transport to the inner part of Mutsu Bay by the Tsugaru Warm Current. The dominant taxa of copepod nauplii and copepodites in the diet and the environment changed each year. Larvae fed mainly on abundant taxa in the environment, suggesting that larvae are opportunistic feeders. Nauplii and copepodites were abundant in the bay, especially in 1992. Copepodites were slightly more abundant in the diet of cod larvae in 1992 than in 1991, but this difference was smaller than in the environment. In addition, larvae with empty digestive tracts were scarce in 1991 and 1992. Prey concentrations in the bay in 1991 and 1992 seem to have been high enough to sustain most Pacific cod larvae.  相似文献   

为了解黑棘鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)在大亚湾生态系统食物网结构中的地位和作用, 2018 年 3 月至 2019 年 1 月逐月在大亚湾采集黑棘鲷样本, 分析黑棘鲷的食性组成、摄食强度、生态位宽度以及食性随季节和体长变化的趋势。结果表明, 大亚湾黑棘鲷饵料生物组成主要包括藤壶、鱼类、贝类、蟹类、虾类、星虫类、头足类、 水生植物等 8 个类群, 相对重要性指数百分比(IRI%)表明藤壶是最重要的饵料类群(IRI%为 42.41%), 其次依次是鱼类、贝类、蟹类、虾类、星虫类、头足类和水生植物。大亚湾黑棘鲷全年均有摄食, 摄食强度随季节变化显著, 其中胃饱满指数以春、冬季较高, 夏、秋季较低; 而空胃率则以夏季显著高于其他季节。不同季节食性差异明显, 春季主要以藤壶为食, 夏季主要以鱼类为食, 秋季主要以贝类为食, 冬季则主要以藤壶和鱼类为食, 影响食性组成随着季节变化的主要因子为水温、食物资源的可获得性等; 黑棘鲷体长越长, 越倾向于摄食大个体饵料, 摄食强度也越大, 营养生态位宽度先宽后窄。本研究结果将为今后黑棘鲷的保护和人工养殖提供理论依据。  相似文献   

渤海湾历史上为黄渤海多种主要经济鱼类的重要产卵和育幼场。基于历史调查资料和补充调查,构建渤海湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼调查数据集,通过数理统计分析阐述1982年以来渤海湾鱼类早期资源(浮性鱼卵和仔稚鱼)群聚特性和演替过程。结果显示,渤海湾鱼类早期资源结构、产卵和育幼场重心位置处于持续更替过程中,不同时期早期资源的种类组成、资源丰度、优势种类和物种多样性水平等呈明显季节更替,118º30ʹE以西湾中底部海域一直为产卵和育幼场集中分布区。相较1980s,渤海湾鱼类早期资源已发生结构性改变,且渤海湾作为传统经济鱼类的产卵和育幼场所的功能下降明显。渤海湾鱼类早期资源种数和资源丰度均在2010s前期跌至历史低值,近年来又显著回升。鱼类早期资源种数由1980s的39种,1990s前期的31种、后期的34种,2000s—2010s初期的22 种,逐次下降至2010s前期的21种,2010s中后期开始逐步回升,至2020s初期已达40种。2020—2021 年鱼卵种数约为1980s的80%左右,资源丰度约为彼时的88%;仔稚鱼种数与1980s大致相当,资源丰度则为彼时的1.33倍。鱼卵、仔稚鱼物种多样性水平呈年际和年代际剧烈波动,鱼类早期资源种类年际更替现象明显,且近年来呈明显加快趋势。产卵类型、栖息类型和适温类型亲体种数均呈先下降后上升的变动趋势,全年综合浮性卵种数比例下降,黏性卵和具卵膜丝卵种数比例升高;陆架浅水中上层鱼类种数所占比例升高,中底层和底层鱼类所占比例降低。斑 (Konosirus punctatus)、青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)、带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)、花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)和半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)等渤海湾传统经济鱼类早期资源密度显著降低;鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、赤鼻棱鳀(Thryssa kammalensis)和少鳞 (Sillago japonica)等鱼类早期资源密度显著增高。渤海湾鱼类早期资源发生量主要取决于产卵场的环境条件、捕捞强度和对鱼类早期资源的损害程度,渤海湾鱼类早期资源结构及其动态变化是环境和捕捞双重扰动下鱼类群落内生态位错位交替和结构性渔业资源衰退的具体体现。  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to assess the use of the bottom‐feeding grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) within benthic enclosures as a means to reduce the benthic impacts of a net cage fish farm in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Five experimental 1‐m3 net‐cage enclosures were stocked with 12 grey mullets each (fish weights 50, 70 or 144 g). The enclosures had no bottom and the mullets had access to the enclosed organically enriched sediments and to particulate matter (PM) falling from the overlying cages. Sediment traps were used to quantify and qualify the PM falling from the fish farm to the sea floor. Simultaneously, a feeding trial was performed with mullets (50 and 70 g) in experimental tanks. In order to estimate the potential growth rate and to quantify energy and protein requirements, the fish were fed a formulated diet with known composition. After approximately 70 days at sea, mullets in the enclosures had used up all the available food in the sediment and gained up to 0.78 g day?1 fish?1. Applying the values for energy and protein requirements for maintenance and growth derived from the experimental trial, estimates indicated that the grey mullets effectively removed 4.2 g organic carbon, 0.70 g nitrogen and 7.5 mg phosphorus kg?1 mullet m?2 day?1 from the organically enriched sediment. Thus deployment of grey mullets may be an efficient means to improve the quality of sediments below intensive net‐cage fish farms.  相似文献   

周剑  陈先均  李孟均 《水利渔业》2007,27(5):83-83,107
对自然水域获取的白甲鱼进行消化器官的解剖和食性分析。白甲鱼以刮食固着藻类为主,在其食物组成中,硅藻的出现率最高,其次为绿藻、植物碎片。白甲鱼是以低等藻类为主要食物的植食性鱼类,食谱较广。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Daily age and food habits of Lateolabrax latus larvae and juveniles were investigated at two different habitats in Uwajima Bay, western Shikoku, Japan. In the shallow zone at Miura, which contained eelgrass beds, larvae occurred from January and were collected abundantly in March. The size, age, and hatch-date distributions suggested that late-hatched specimens stay longer than early-hatched specimens at this station. On the contrary, in the intertidal flats of the Kunomura River mouth larvae were rarely collected, but juveniles were collected in relative abundance from April. The distributions in the intertidal flats station suggested that specimens had migrated from another location and then resided in the intertidal flats. Spatial and temporal trophic variations increased remarkably with metamorphosis, and thus, the spatial differences in growth rate were considered in relation to the trophic diversity of prey items. Our results suggest that the nursery environment, nursery utilization pattern, and food habits of early life stages of L. latus show remarkable flexibility. From the similarity of these ecological aspects with L. japonicus , which is a closely related species, we suggest the important role of the interspecific competition to the realized niche difference between Lateolabrax congeners.  相似文献   

Six groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry were startfed with frozen Daphnia longispina, standard Ewos startfood or unfiltered live zooplankton drained from the littoral zone of a coastal lake. Through the last 5 days of the experiment, those fed live zooplankton were given additional food in the form of frozen Daphnia. Dry-fed groups were the only ones to have an overall weight gain but they had the lowest activity. Fry fed live zooplankton had the highest activity but the natural species composition of this food was not optimal for startfeeding. Survival was highest in the group fed frozen Daphnia and kept in a tank with bottom drainage. High yolk absorption rates, implying early termination of the yolk-sac phase, as found in groups fed live zooplankton, may be favourable if a net energy gain can be achieved by early feeding on a live prey.  相似文献   


在实验室条件下, 对马氏刺蛇尾(Ophiothrix marenzelleri Koehler)的饵料选择性、摄食率和摄食行为等进行了初步研究。结果表明, 马氏刺蛇尾仅能摄食悬浮的有机颗粒, 对食物种类没有选择性, 但对悬浮颗粒的粒径具有选择性。观测结果显示, 其摄食的食物粒径范围为10~1 000 µm, 食物种类包括动植物碎屑、细胞较大的海洋微藻扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)和小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima)等。因此, 马氏刺蛇尾的食性属杂食性, 是蛇尾中食微类群的成员。马氏刺蛇尾不摄食时, 常处于静止状态或腕末端翘起; 摄食时数条腕翘起在水中摇动, 通过腕部的管足摆动将水体中的适宜食物颗粒聚集成球状颗粒运送到口中。小规格马氏刺蛇尾的摄食率显著高于较大规格蛇尾(P<<0.05), 马氏刺蛇尾在一昼夜中的摄食高峰出现在8 :00~14 :00, 但是全天均有蛇尾摄食, 其昼夜摄食节律属于无明显节律型。


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