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将自然感染猪蛔虫的15头猪,随机分为5组,即多拉菌素高、中、低剂量组,伊维菌素对照组和空白对照组。多拉菌素驱杀猪蛔虫效果明显,且具有吸收分布快、消除缓慢和生物利用度高的特点。多拉菌素驱杀猪蛔虫效果确实可靠,其中高剂量和中剂量组更为显著,临床推荐剂量以300μg/kg体重为宜。  相似文献   

猪疥癣病是猪最常见的一种外寄生虫病 ,在我县猪群中仍有流行。笔者在工作中遇到一群感染疥癣病较严重病猪 ,并试用伊维菌素浇泼剂对其进行了治疗 ,收到了满意的效果。1 材料与方法1 .1 治疗药物  0 .5 %的伊维菌素浇泼剂由青海省畜牧兽医科学院提供 ,为兰色液体状。1 .2 实验动物 实验猪来自湟中县鲁沙尔镇塔湾村钟某某家饲养的 3月龄猪 1 3头。治疗前诊断 ,均不同程度地患有疥癣病。通过在病变部位刮去的病料镜检确诊有疥螨存在。1 .3 治疗方法 先将患病猪逐个称重 ,然后用伊维菌素浇泼剂按 0 .4mg kg的剂量直接浇于猪背部皮肤…  相似文献   

为了解决注射伊维菌素防控猪疥螨病有应激反应、容易复发、劳动强度大等问题,将某猪场107头临床感染猪疥螨的繁殖母猪随机分为3组,分别口服0.2 mg/kg、0.3 mg/kg、0.4 mg/kg伊维菌素;在第5 d,给第2、3组,用500 mg/kg双甲脒对猪舍彻底带猪喷淋;第9 d,第1组及其他存栏的可疑感染猪,均重复口服0.3 mg/kg伊维菌素;第12 d,第3组,重复双甲脒带猪喷淋。试验表明:107头临床感染猪均在首次投伊维菌素后,第2 d瘙痒症状明显减轻;第3 d病灶无新鲜的蹭痒痕迹;第7 d,部分痂皮开始脱落;第14 d,病灶区的痂皮基本脱落,治愈率100%;第21 d、第63 d、第126 d、第182 d,全群存栏猪中均无临床感染者;3个试验组之间,康复速度差异不显著(P>0.05)。因此,限位栏内的能繁母猪,口服0.3 mg/kg伊维菌素,第9 d重复一次,或第5 d用500 mg/kg双甲脒溶液带猪喷淋,均可根治猪场的疥螨病;伊维菌素口服替代传统的皮下注射,提高了效率,减少了应激;限位栏中的母猪,口服剂量的准确性与注射法一致;口服的方法也便于推广到群养的仔猪和育...  相似文献   

犊牛新蛔虫病是由犊弓首蛔虫寄生于犊牛消化道而引起的消化道疾病。是由于放牧或舍饲时,母牛采食了水草上沾有感染性的蛔虫卵后,经胎盘垂直感染了胎儿,所以新生犊一生下来就染有蛔虫病,称为犊牛新蛔虫病,该病主要危害0.5—3月龄的犊牛,产后两周的被感染犊牛症状最为严重。犊牛精神沉郁、嗜睡、吮乳无力或停止吮奶。腹胀、排出稀糊样,灰白色腥臭粪便。有时腹痛、血便,口腔发出刺鼻的酸味。患新蛔虫病的犊牛死亡率很高,对畜牧业生产造成极大影响。目前国内治疗犊牛蛔虫的药物主要有左咪唑、丙硫苯咪唑和非外用的伊维菌素等。伊维菌素是广谱抗线虫、节肢动物药物。许多研究者的实验结果证实,其对多种寄生虫病有高效,是目前兽医临床使用的首选抗寄生虫药物之一,为了进一步验证伊维菌素片剂对犊牛新蛔虫病的疗效,我们进行了本项实验。现报告如下:  相似文献   

伊维菌素透皮溶液驱猪线虫效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,驱除体内寄生虫的药物很多,给药途径多为注射或口服.伊维菌素是一种高效广谱驱虫药,为扩大给药途径,简化使用方法,浙江海正化工股份有限公司研制了0.5%伊维菌素透皮溶液.为探讨该制剂对猪消化道线虫的疗效,设计了本试验. 1 材料与方法 1.1 供试药物 0.5%伊维菌素透皮溶液,浙江海正化工股份有限公司生产,对照药物为15%盐酸左旋咪唑擦剂.  相似文献   

为优化羊疥螨病的防控方法,从疥螨病患病率超过50%的132只山羊中,随机选取患病羊33只,依次平均分为3组,分别颈部皮下注射0.1、0.2和0.3 mg/kg的伊维菌素;未编入试验的99只病羊及健康羊,均同时颈部皮下注射0.2 mg/kg的伊维菌素;在注射伊维菌素的第5天,用0.2 mg/L伊维菌素·0.8 mg/L螺...  相似文献   

应用0.5%伊维菌素浇泼剂,按0.1~0.12mL/kg剂量治疗112头疥螨病患猪。结果表明,给药后14d治愈率达100%。  相似文献   

将30头感染疥螨的猪分成3组,用来测定阿维菌素类药物对疥螨的治疗效果,第1组注射1%阿维菌素注射液,第2组注射1%伊维菌素注射液,另设一不用药组作为对照。用药后第7天,重复用药1次,用药后第14、21、28天疥螨全部死亡,并且该类药对妊娠母猪、哺乳母猪、哺乳仔猪均无不良影响。  相似文献   

应用伊维菌素在贵州首次对20头猪、12只羊的寄生虫,10只兔的疥螨、痒螨进行了驱虫试验。结果表明对羊类园线虫、血矛线虫、仰口线虫和食道口线虫,猪螨虫、食道口线虫和后园线虫成虫,经一次皮下注射8日后虫卵转阴率均为100%,对猪毛首线虫效果稍差。对兔疥螨和痒螨经两次注射后均痊愈。  相似文献   

养猪业在乐都县广大农村地区畜牧业中占主导地位,养猪产业的好坏,直接关系到农村畜牧业的发展和农民经济收入。近年来,乐都县农村个体养猪采取引进优良品种和人工授精技术来改良本地生猪,经十余年的实验推广,取得了可喜得成果。一但在改良过程中忽视了对猪疥螨的防治,一定程度上影响了  相似文献   

为了解伊维菌素浇泼剂对牛皮蝇蛆病的治疗效果,探讨及筛选对牛皮蝇蛆病高效、低毒、使用方便的有效剂型,本临床试验共选用合格试验牛80头,随机分成5组:高剂量组(10头)、中剂量组(40头)、低剂量组(10头)、伊维菌素注射组(药物对照组10头)和不给药组(空白对照组10头),各组牛按如下方法给药:高、中、低剂量组分别按每100 kg体重15、10和5 mL背部浇泼给药,药物对照组按每100 kg体重2 mL颈部皮下注射伊维菌素。结果:伊维菌素浇泼剂高、中、低剂量组对牛皮蝇幼虫的杀虫效果三者之间差异不显著(P0.05),3个剂量组与药物对照组比较差异也不显著(P0.05),表明高、中、低剂量的伊维菌素浇泼剂和伊维菌素注射剂均对牛皮蝇均具有明显的驱虫效果。伊维菌素浇泼剂是一种新开发治疗牛皮蝇蛆病较为安全的局部外用药,使用简便、快捷,适合在临床上广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

Ivermectin in solution was given subcutaneously (in the neck) at the rate of 0.5 mg/kg of body weight to 5 sows naturally infected with kidney worm (Stephanurus dentatus). Six similar sows were used as nontreated controls. A total of 114 kidney worms were recovered from daily urine samples of 4 of the 5 treated sows (the 5th sow's samples were negative) during the first 4 days after treatment. Ten kidney worms were recovered from daily urine samples of 1 control sow on the 2nd and 3rd days of the post-treatment period. Examination of urine samples from treated sows for kidney worm eggs showed a precipitous numerical decrease. Treated animals became negative between the 5th and 12th days after treatment, and remained negative until necropsy on the 61st day. Compared with control sows, hatchability of eggs and survival of larvae from treated sows was reduced by 9% and 7%, respectively. Kidney worms were not recovered at necropsy from the treated sows, and a total of 392 kidney worms were recovered from the control sows (av 65).  相似文献   

Ivermectin (300 micrograms/kg of body weight) was given to swine subcutaneously in the neck to test its efficacy against the kidney worm, Stephanurus dentatus. Two separate field trials were conducted using 146 swine (40 males and 106 females). Urine was obtained before and after treatment and was examined for presence of S dentatus eggs. Stephanurus dentatus eggs were quantitated in positive samples. All treated swine positive for S dentatus eggs in the pretreatment urine samples (n = 54) were negative by 14 to 21 days after treatment with ivermectin. Adverse reactions caused by ivermectin injection were not noticed.  相似文献   

Orally administered ivermectinawas 100% effective against experimentally induced 11-day-old infections of Parascaris equorum (L3) in 2 trials. In 4 additional trials there was 98% efficacy of ivermectin treatment against induced 28-day-old infections of P. equorum (L4). In 2 trials with natural infections of ascarids, invermectin paste had 93% efficacy against immature P. equorum and 100% efficacy against the adult. One of the latter 2 trials also emphasized the potential problem of reinfection.  相似文献   

The incubation of swine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with African swine fever (ASF) virus preparations strongly inhibited the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA and other lectins. The inhibition, which persisted after inactivation of the virus by UV radiation, was dependent upon the dose and the time that virus preparations were present in cultures. When virus preparations were fractionated by ultracentrifugation, the inhibitory activity resulted to be soluble, whereas no activity was found in the sedimented viral fraction. However, the preincubation during 4 days of this sedimented fraction with swine PBMC, before the addition of the mitogen, restored the inhibitory activity. The results obtained suggest that the inhibition is mediated by one or more soluble factors released by swine PBMC after coincubation with ASF virus in a time dependent process. These factors show a molecular weight between 40 and 80 kDa by gel filtration chromatography. The inhibitory activity described in the present paper is an indication of inhibition of lymphocyte function produced by ASF virus which can help to understand how this virus escapes from the host immune system.  相似文献   

In 2 trials, the efficacy of an in-feed preparation of ivermectin was evaluated in 40 pigs naturally infected with endoparasites and Sarcoptes scabiei var suis. Treated pigs (n = 10 in each trial) were fed a ration containing 2 ppm ivermectin for 7 days, followed by consumption of a nonmedicated ration for the remainder of the trial. Control pigs (n = 10 in each trial) were fed a complete, nonmedicated ration for the duration of the trial. Pigs in trial A were monitored for 14 days after treatment; those in trial B were monitored for 35 days after treatment. In trial A, treatment efficacy of ivermectin was 100% against Ascaris suum, Physocephalus sexalatus, Oesophagostomum dentatum, O brevicaudum, Metastrongylus spp; 99.8% against Ascarops strongylina; 90.9% against Trichuris suis; and 13.1% against Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. At the terminus of the trial, statistically significant (P less than 0.05) differences were observed between numbers of treated and control pigs infected with A suum, Ascarops strongylina, and Oesophagostomum spp. On posttreatment day 14, S scabiei were not found in any scrapings taken from treated pigs, but were found in scrapings from 3 of 10 control pigs. The number of infested pigs in the treatment group was not statistically different from the number of infested pigs in the control group. In trial B, treatment efficacy was 100% for A suum and Metastrongylus spp; 96.9% for Ascarops strongylina; and 76.9% for M hirudinaceus. At the terminus of the trial, statistically significant (P less than 0.05) differences were evident between numbers of treated and control pigs infected with A suum, Ascarops strongylina, and Metastrongylus spp.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Anthelmintic efficacies of dichlorvos, fenbendazole, and ivermectin were compared in specific-pathogen-free crossbred weanling pigs inoculated with Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, and Oesophagostomum dentatum. On postinoculation day (PID) 50, 24 pigs in each treatment group were treated orally with 43 mg of dichlorvos/kg of body weight, 3 X 3 mg of fenbendazole/kg, or 300 micrograms of ivermectin/kg, SC. Twenty-four pigs were not treated. On posttreatment day 7 (PID 57), 12 pigs from each treatment group (phase I) were slaughtered, and the anthelmintic efficacy of each treatment was determined. Efficacies against A suum, T suis, and O dentatum, respectively, were: dichlorvos, 100%, 99.9%, and 100%; fenbendazole, 100%, 99.8%, and 100%; and ivermectin, 98.7%, 53.9%, and 87.6%. Weight gains and feed conversions of the remaining pigs were monitored until they reached market weight (phase II). The average weight gains (kg) and feed conversions (kg of feed/kg of gain) at posttreatment day 81 (PID 131), respectively, were: 73.6 and 3.44 for nontreated controls, 78.9 and 3.31 for dichlorvos-treated pigs, 72.1 and 3.36 for fenbendazole-treated pigs, and 74 and 3.48 for ivermectin-treated pigs. Differences in average weight gains and feed conversions were not significant (P greater than 0.05).  相似文献   

Paranatal transmission of Toxocara canis infection could be prevented in pups if an effective drug were administered to pregnant bitches. This drug also could eliminate the larvae in dogs that have been experimentally infected repeatedly to produce protective immunity. For these reasons, we assayed the effect of 2 doses of levamisole hydrochloride or ivermectin on T canis larvae. Mice (5 groups) were infected with 1,000 infective T canis larvae and then treated with 2 different dosages of levamisole hydrochloride (6 mg/kg or 12 mg/kg, given subcutaneously), 2 different dosages of ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg or 0.4 mg/kg, given IM) or 0.15M NaCl (given subcutaneously) once a day from days 15 to 28 of infection. On day 33 of infection, the parasites in liver, lungs, brain, and carcass were obtained and compared between groups. The smaller dosage of levamisole hydrochloride (6 mg/kg) significantly decreased only carcass parasitism to 17% of that in the controls, but did not affect significantly the total parasite load. The larger dosage of levamisole hydrochloride (12 mg/kg) decreased the infection in all organs, but particularly in carcass and brain; total parasitism was only 36% of that in the controls. The smaller dosage of ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg) significantly increased the number of larvae in the lungs to 550% of that in the controls, but it did not significantly affect the total parasite load. The larger dosage of ivermectin (0.4 mg/kg) significantly decreased only brain parasitism, but liver and total parasitism were decreased to 40% and 57%, respectively, compared with that in the controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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