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IntroductionKoreanpine(PinuskoraiensiSSieb.etZucc.)forestmixedwithbroad-leavedtreesisacIimaxvegetationtypeinNoFtheastChina(Wang1994;Nie1995iZhOu1994).BecausetheforestdominatedbyPinuskoraiensiSthathasveryhighecologicaIandeconomicvalue(Wang1994,Nie1995lZhou1994),itisoneofthemostcompIicatedplantcommunitytypesinNoFtheastAsia.ThisforestisveryimpoFtantforthemaintenanceofbiodiversityandtheconserva-tionofwaterandsoiIintheregionalarea(Liu1957,Zhang1957,Zhang1986,JiLin199O,Wang1994,Nie1995)…  相似文献   

不同间伐强度对人工阔叶红松林生长的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章针对不同间伐强度对人工阔叶红松林生长的影响进行了调查研究。结果表明:阔叶树胸径生长和蓄积增长率随间伐强度加大而增加,但对树高的影响较小;间伐强度的增大会明显促进红松胸径和树高的生长,但是首次抚育间伐会使当年的树高生长量显著降低,以后随林龄的增加树高生长量会逐渐恢复正常生长;中度间伐措施对阔叶树和红松的生长均比较有利,10a生的阔叶红松林实施上层抚育的适宜间伐强度为45%左右;中度间伐的林分由于资源水平适中(主要是光资源),因而有利于林下植被均匀度和多样性的提高。  相似文献   

东北地区阔叶红松林恢复的相关问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东北林区现有林经营面临的首要任务是恢复阔叶红松林。栽针保阔是恢复阔叶红松林的科学理论,但还需时间的检验并不断完善。天保工程的实施为提高现有林生产力、恢复阔叶红松林提供了历史机遇,但在实施过程中还存在诸多问题,需要转变观念,正确认识。以近自然森林经营理论为指导,适当发展红松人工林具有重要意义,落叶松人工林可以通过人为诱导向阔叶红松林发展。传统意义上的封山育林不利于阔叶红松林的恢复,应由“封山”向“育林”转变。  相似文献   

不同强度间伐对长白山天然林林下植物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对吉林森工集团松江河林业局辖区内的阔叶红松林、杂木林和杨桦林采取30%~40%(T1)、20%(T2)株数强度的均匀间伐处理,以不间伐处理为对照(CK),对间伐2 a后林下植物木本、草本植物进行调查,采用Simpson、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数进行植物多样性分析,探讨不同强度间伐对3个林型林下植物多样性的影响。研究结果表明:T1间伐后3个林型的物种丰富度均有增加(杂木林木本植物例外),T2间伐后杨桦林木本植物丰富度降低,草本植物丰富度增加。两种间伐处理均增加阔叶红松林木本植物多样性,T1处理尤为明显。T1处理增加杂木林和杨桦林木本植物多样性,而T2间伐处理有较弱的降低作用。两种间伐处理均降低阔叶红松林和杂木林草本植物多样性,与强度无明显关系。随着间伐强度的增加杨桦林草本植物多样性增大。在长白山天然林中,较大间伐强度T1(30%~40%)能够有效提高植物多样性。  相似文献   

According to a great deal of field investigation and detailed indoor analysis, the natural regeneration pattern and process of Korean pine population under natural Poplar-birch forest has been uncovered. The results show that the regeneration quantity and quality of Korean pine population under mountainous Poplar-birch forest and mountainous white birch forest are better than those under valley moss-grass White Birch forest and virgin broad-leaved Korean pine forest. Korean pine population shows aggregated distribution, the mass-occurrence period of Korean pine population is behind the mass-occurrence period of Poplar-birch population. Various aged Korean pines growth is affected by different stand structure factors. Man-made lighting tending can accelerate the regeneration process and increase the regeneration quality of Korean pine population. It is feasible to set up regeneration recombination of upper layer White Birch and lower layer Korean pines.  相似文献   

TheforestresourcesandecologicalenvironmentsweredestroyedseriouslyaftertheconflagrationinDaxing'anlingre-gionsonMay6,l987.Expertsandspecial-istshavemadewideresearchesonrecov-eringtheforestoftheburnedareaafterthefire.Theecologicalenvironmentsofthefireareachangedlargely-Alotofpoplar,birchandsorneotherbroad-leavedtreesaregrowingupontheburnedarea.Inordertorecovertheforestquicklyweshouldmakegooduseofthenaturalregenerativere-sources,andapplytheprincipleofborderlineeffect,tomakeartificialregen-eratio…  相似文献   

Broad-lcafKorcanpi11cforcstbccol11csPoplar-bircl1forcstaftcrburntandfcllcdinbigarcas.Ca11tl1iskindofPopIar-bircl1forcstrccot'crtoclin1axco1nl11unity-trirginbroadlcafKorcanpincforcst9Whatistl1erclationsl1ipbctt`.ccnPoplar-birchforcstandKorcanpil1cforcst?Ho`"docsKorcanpincPOpu1ationrc-gencratcundcrnaturaIPoplar-birchforcst?AllthescprobICInsl1a\'caIrcad}'attractcdforcstcrsattcntionforaIOI1gtil11c.Tllccarh'studicsshox'cd:itt'asinct-ita-blcthatbirchforcstcouldfonnonbun1ingsitesx"ithil1t'irg…  相似文献   

IntroductionItissurethatpresentelevatiollsofCO2a11dotllergrcc11-housegasesinducedbyhumanactivitiesaren1akli1gglobalclimategothroughinexperielICedcl1anges(Scl1le-subgerl987).Thecurrentquasi-equilibriulllstatesofbio-sphereecosystCm,esPeciallyterrestrialecosystems,wouldbebrokenbecausetl1estructure,fu11ction,distributio11andtlledynamicsofanyexistedecosystemsareIberesultsoflongtermadaptationofbio-systemtocurrentclin1ate.Theec()systemsdistributedinhighlatitlldeareawouldhavemuchbiggerchai1ge(Bona…  相似文献   

The disastrous fire occurred in northern area of Daxing’anling forest region on May 6, 1987, destroyed a large area of forests. The broad-leaved tree species, such as poplar, birch had regenerated in a great quantity after the fire, but the coniferous species such as larch and scotch pine had difficult to regenerate naturally, This paper put forward that the coniferous forest could be recovered by the planting method of effect strip and effect islet based on the principle of borderline effects and by making full use of the condition of broad-leaved trees.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTlONThemixcdbroad-leaved/Pinuskor`IiensiSforestwhichisoneofthemainforestsofNortheastChina,isintlleCllangbaiMountail1s(JilinProvince)a11dtheXiaoxing'anMotu1-tains(inHeilonroIangProvince).Thisistl1empicalmixcddeciduous/co11iferforestvegcta-tionofthcarca.But,duetocuttingandanunbalancebctWeenharvesti11gandanntlalin-crement,themixedbroad-leaved/PinuSko-raiensIjforestsha1,ebeenreplacedwithsec-ondaryforests(includingthelargearPaofsecondaryforestleftfrol11thepast)sinceltsclearcutti…  相似文献   

IntroductionGaPSinforestSwereoftenfomledduetobigtreesfalldown.Regenerationandgrowtl1inthegapsincreasebe-causeofIheAnprovementoflightcondition-Thegapwillbefilledwithnewregeneratedtrees.Wattnamedtl1isforesIdynamicsastheforestgrowtllcycle.SinceD.Bot-kindevelopedthefirstGapmo`Iel(JANOWAnlodel)basedontheforestgrowthcycletheory,dleresearchongapmodelbecameoneofthemostactivedirectio11slilecologybecauseofJANoWAnlodeI'ssuccess.H.Sl1ug-artandhisstUdentSmadegreatc()ntributio11stogapmodeI'sdeve…  相似文献   

油松—白桦混交林种间关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
聂道平  沈国舫 《林业科学》1997,33(5):394-402
在调查河北隆化县油松-白烨混交林的林木生物量(地上部生物量及根系生物量)、林下草灌木、林地枯落物的总量以及不同混交距离油松地上地下部分生长发育状态的基础上,研究了混交林的种间关系。结果表明,该混交林作为华北地区广泛分布的一种林型,林下草灌木繁茂,林地枯落物分解迅速,有利于土壤理化性质和林分营养状况的改善,种间关系处于基本协调状态。由于林龄及密度原因,混交林生物量略低于油松纯林,在混交林中白桦对油松的生长有一定的抑制作用,抑制作用因混交距离而变化。本文提出了合适的混交距离和混交方式。  相似文献   

刘丽娟  葛建平 《林业研究》2003,14(4):269-274
Investigations on charcoal in the soil, fire-scarred trees, stand composition, forest structure as well as regeneration status were carried out in the natural broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forest after fire disturbance at Liangshui Nature Reserve on the mid-north of Xiaoxing‘an Mountains from 1990 to 1992, and the ecological effects of fire disturbance on the formation and succession of this kind of forest were analyzed according to the survey results. The average depth of charcoal in the soil was related to the timing of the fire. According to the characteristic of fire-scarred trees, the dynamic map of the fire behavior was drawn onto the topographic map. It showed that the dimension and extent of the fire disturbance was closely related with site conditions. Fire disturbance only led to a significant difference in stand composition and diameter class structurefor the stands at different locations, rather than completely destroying the forest. After fire disturbance, the horizontal community structure was a mosaic of different patches, which were made up of different deciduous species or different sizes of Korean pines, and the succession trend of each patch was also different. In the sites with the heavy fire disturbance, the intolerant hardwood species were dominant, and there were a large number of regenerative Korean pine saplings under the canopy. In the moderate -disturbed sites, the tolerant hardwood species were dominant, and a small number of large size Korean pines still survived. In the light-disturbed sites, large size Korean pines were dominant.  相似文献   

分析了中国东北小兴安岭林区红松种群的生活史过程及其影响因素,对红松生活史的4个阶段进行了分析,并讨论了其进化和保护对策.红松的传粉和受精主要受天气条件的影响.林冠下的光照是控制红松幼苗生长和存活的主要因素.红松种子生产的周期性波动会引起有关动物种群的相应变化.动物是阔叶红松林生态系统中不可缺少的组成成分,松鼠在红松种群的天然更新中起着非常重要的作用.了解森林生态系统中物种的协同进化关系对于我们保护森林生物多样性和生态系统的完整性有着重要的意义.在红松的保护中,我们不仅要保护树木本身,而且还应当保护与红松相关的动物、生境乃至整个生态系统.  相似文献   

Large scale harvest of Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) seeds as a food product in the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest of northeastern China poses a serious threat to the sustainability and restoration of this endangered regional ecosystem.Seed collection over past decades greatly reduced the seed bank and subsequent seedling and sapling recruitment,and impacting a wide array of granivorous animals that rely on the pine seeds.We surveyed Korean pine seeds,including solid seeds(SS),insect consumed seeds(ICS) and other(animal) consumed(OCS) kernels,of the seed bank(forest floor and the top 10 cm of mineral soil),the seedlings and saplings from 1 m 2 sample plots in five forest types in Liangshui Nature Reserve(LNR) of the southern Xiao Xing’an Mountains in northeastern China to provide accurate information for assessing the Korean pine regeneration potential.The average number of pine seeds in the seed bank were 11.2 seeds/m 2,9.1 seeds/m 2,4.6 seeds/m 2,1.1 seeds/m 2,and 0.2 seeds/m 2 in Korean pine-basswood forest,mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest,mixed conifer-hardwood forest,white birch forests,and oak forests,respectively.In the first three forest types,percentages of SS(potentially viable seeds) were 11.2%,3.5% and 27.8%,respectively.The percentages of ICS(not viable seeds) were consistent at around 35%.The higher but variable percentages of OCS(not viable seeds) indicated high seed predation in these forests.Compared with other studies,we recorded higher percentages of seed damage,probably due to our survey approach and the increased depth of seed bank sampled in our study.Depletion of pine seeds in the seed bank greatly reduced seedling and sapling recruitment.Densities of pine seedlings varied from about 180 trees/ha in the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest to about 5,400 trees/ha in the mixed conifer-hardwood forests and showed a high degree of spatial variation.Saplings were rare in the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest,but ranged in the thousands in other forests.Large scale pine seed harvest has seriously threatened the sustainability of the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest ecosystem.Scaling down the seed harvest or supplemental planting of pine saplings are urgently needed to maintain the health of the existing Korean pine forests and to restore this endangered ecosystem.  相似文献   

lllehardt`ood-Korcanpincforcstsintl1cXiaoxinganMts.havebecncxtCnsivclycx-ploitcdsinccl948forn1orethan4oycars.Uptono`t.thcrcarcIiuIcKorcanpincresourccstobecxploitedinmostbureaus(rCgions),andthercare2/3ofbureaus(regions)havingPoOrKoreanpincrcsourccs.Inl95Os,Korcanpincforestsoccupicd53.8%ofthcforestcdarcaand74.3%ofthevolumcinthewholercgion.NaturaIKoreanpineforesthasgrcatlydc-creasedto5.4%and9.8%initsareaandvol-umeresPectively,andthcarcaandvoIuncofhardx`oodforcstincrcascdcorrcsPOndingIy.ln…  相似文献   

不同森林植被下土壤微生物量碳和易氧化态碳的比较   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
土壤碳库平衡是土壤肥力保持的重要内容[1].不同森林类型,由于其凋落物数量、类组及分解行为不同,因而形成的土壤碳库大小与特征将存在较大差别.常绿阔叶林、马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamp.)林、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.)Hook.)林和毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis(Carr.)H.de Lehaie)林是我国亚热带最主要的4种森林类型.  相似文献   

Li Yuwen  Wang Yeju 《林业研究》1995,6(3):100-104
Chemical and biochemical analysis methods were used to monitor the variations of nitrogen nutrient among the dominance trees species in secondary succession process of the mixed broad -leaved/Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Amounts of total nitrogen, ammonium and NRA in soils of virgin broad-leaved/Korean pine forest which is in climax were higher than those ofsecondary birch forests those are in succession stage. The amount of nitrate was in the other hand. In climax, dominance trees species are tolerant mesophytic trees such asPinus Koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Acer mono and alsoFraxinus mandshurica, they are all ammonium + nitrate adapted species, but they show a preference for the ammonium rather than those of the pioneer trees species in secondary birch forest, such asPopulus davidiava andBetula platyphylla. Because they have more ammonium in their leaves and roots, especiallyPinus koraiensis. Populus davidvana andBetula platyphlla are intolerant trees, amounts of nitrate and total nitrogen is higher in their leaves and roots and also NRA in their leaves, so they preference for the nitrate rather than the others. In secondary birch forest, the regeneration trees species adapt their nitrogen nutrient to the variation of nitrogen nutrient situation in soil, finally they could survival well and the secondary birch forest would succession to climax. In climax, dominance trees species adapt their Nitrogen nutrient to the situation in soil and there are not strong competition in nitrogen nutrient among them, so they can coexist well and keep the climax as stable vegetation.  相似文献   

We focused our attention on quantifying the factor complex of forest regeneration in 423 mature and old stands with contrasting environmental conditions. We recorded the microhabitat selection of tree recruits, the frequency of tree seedlings, and evaluated the drivers of sapling abundance and diversity. The majority of forest regeneration was established on undisturbed forest floor. Dead wood was a frequent substrate in spruce-(co)dominated forests. Seedling frequency within a stand was related to the site-type specific productivity gradient of stands—pine seedlings were common in low-productivity and spruce in high-productivity boreal forests. Seedlings of temperate broad-leaved trees dominated in productive boreonemoral forests, except for oak, which showed a uniform distribution of abundance in all forest site-types. Sapling abundance was dictated by forest site-type, and facilitated by stand diversity, variability in stand closure, lying dead wood, abundant moss, and a thick organic layer. Only in boreal forests was sapling abundance suppressed by the abundant spruce and younger trees. Upon considering the relationship between sapling abundance and species richness, sapling diversity was dependent on forest site-type, suppressed by stand density and dead wood (old gap) abundance, and facilitated by stand diversity. In addition, boreonemoral stands, competition from herbs, and facilitation by mosses occurred. The observed pattern of tree recruitment points to the importance of top-down effects of the overstory, competing or facilitating interactions with forest floor vegetation, and availability of regeneration microhabitats, which in complex make their ecology comparable with forest herbs. Natural forest regeneration can be enhanced if silvicultural methods support mixed stands and enhance field layer diversity. Oak can provide the universal tree species to improve stand structure over a wide range of habitats.  相似文献   

通过套种造林、封山育林、抚育改造等措施,将马尾松纯林改造成针阔混交林,以改变树种结构单一、地力日益衰退、病虫害逐年严重、林地灌木杂草丛生、火灾频繁发生、林分产量低下等状况。结果表明:在松林下套种阔叶树,可不同程度增加单位面积阔叶树数量,形成明显的层次结构,能充分利用林地中的营养空间,马尾松和阀叶树在各自不同层次生长范围...  相似文献   

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